8 resultados para Y1.5Gd1.5Fe5O12

em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP


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The crystallization process of co-precipitated Y1.5Gd1.5Fe5O12 powder heated up to 1000 ºC at rate of 5 °C min-1 was investigated. Above 810 ºC crystalline Y1.47Gd1.53Fe5O12 was obtained with a lattice parameter of 12.41 Å and a theoretical density of 5.84 g cm-3. Dry pressed rings were sintered at 1270 and 1320 ºC, increasing the grain-size from 3.1 to 6.5 µm, the theoretical density by 87.6 to 95.3% and decreasing Hc from 2.9725 to 1.4005 Oe. Additionally, Hc increased when the frequency of the hysteresis graph varied from 60 Hz to 10 kHz, the curie temperature was 282.4 ºC and Ms equalled 9.25 emu g-1 (0.17 kG) agreeing well with the Bs-value of the hysteresis graph and literature values.


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This paper deals with the genetic interaction of Yl Y3 Y7 in producing yellow endosperm in maize. The new data presented are in accordance with preliminary notes on the same subject. The recessive yl, y3 and y7produce respectively green plants, albescent plants and white seedlings.


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We investigated the participation of neuropeptide Y-Y1 receptors within the medial preoptic area in luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone and prolactin release. Four bilateral microinjections of sense (control) or antisense 18-base oligonucleotides of messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) (250 ng) corresponding to the NH2-terminus of the neuropeptide Y1 receptor were performed at 12-h intervals for two days into the medial preoptic area of ovariectomized Wistar rats (N = 16), weighing 180 to 200 g, treated with estrogen (50 µg) and progesterone (25 mg) two days before the experiments between 8.00 and 10:00 a.m. Blockade of Y1 receptor synthesis in the medial preoptic area by the antisense mRNA did not change plasma luteinizing hormone or follicle-stimulating hormone but did increase prolactin from 19.6 ± 5.9 ng/ml in the sense group to 52.9 ± 9.6 ng/ml in the antisense group. The plasma hormones were measured by radioimmunoassay and the values are reported as mean ± SEM. These data suggest that endogenous neuropeptide Y in the medial preoptic area has an inhibitory action on prolactin secretion through Y1 receptors.


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The osmotic threshold for vasopressin release was studied in normal patients (n = 7) and in patients with the chronic form of Chagas'disease (n = 11). Positive correlation between osmotic threshold and plasma cortisol concentration was obtained for the Controls (y1 = 273,30 + 0,75x i; r = 0,78;P < 0,05), suggesting a modulating effect of cortisol on vasopressin release. The lack of correlation between the two parameters for the chronic chagasic patients was interpreted, on the basis of the general denervation associated with Chagas ' disease, to be the result of neuronal destruction in hypothalamic and/or extrahypothalamic centers related to the secretory control of vasopressin.


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1) The first part deals with the different processes which may complicate Mendelian segregation and which may be classified into three groups, according to BRIEGER (1937b) : a) Instability of genes, b) Abnormal segregation due to distur- bances during the meiotic divisions, c) obscured segregation, after a perfectly normal meiosis, caused by elimination or during the gonophase (gametophyte in higher plants), or during zygophase (sporophyte). Without entering into detail, it is emphasized that all the above mentioned complications in the segregation of some genes may be caused by the action of other genes. Thus in maize, the instability of the Al factor is observed only when the gene dt is presente in the homozygous conditions (RHOADES 1938). In another case, still under observation in Piracicaba, an instability is observed in Mirabilis with regard to two pairs of alleles both controlling flower color. Several cases are known, especially in corn, where recessive genes, when homozigous, affect the course of meiosis, causing asynapsis (asyndesis) (BEADLE AND MC CLINTOCK 1928, BEADLE 1930), sticky chromosomes (BEADLE 1932), supermunmerary divisions (BEADLE 1931). The most extreme case of an obscured segregatiou is represented by the action of the S factors in self stetrile plants. An additional proof of EAST AND MANGELSDORF (1925) genetic formula of self sterility has been contributed by the studies on Jinked factors in Nicotina (BRIEGER AND MANGELSDORF (1926) and Antirrhinum (BRIEGER 1930, 1935), In cases of a incomplete competition and selection between pollen tubes, studies of linked indicator-genes are indispensable in the genetic analysis, since it is impossible to analyse the factors for gametophyte competition by direct aproach. 2) The flower structure of corn is explained, and stated that the particularites of floral biology make maize an excellent object for the study of gametophyte factors. Since only one pollen tube per ovule may accomplish fertilization, the competition is always extremely strong, as compared with other species possessing multi-ovulate ovaries. The lenght of the silk permitts the study of pollen tube competitions over a varying distance. Finally the genetic analysis of grains characters (endosperm and aleoron) simpliflen the experimental work considerably, by allowing the accumulation of large numbers for statistical treatment. 3) The four methods for analyzing the naturing of pollen tube competition are discussed, following BRIEGER (1930). Of these the first three are: a) polinization with a small number of pollen grains, b) polinization at different times and c) cut- ting the style after the faster tubes have passe dand before the slower tubes have reached the point where the stigma will be cut. d) The fourth method, alteration of the distatice over which competition takes place, has been applied largely in corn. The basic conceptions underlying this process, are illustrated in Fig. 3. While BRINK (1925) and MANGELSDORF (1929) applied pollen at different levels on the silks, the remaining authors (JONES, 1922, MANGELSDORF 1929, BRIEGER, at al. 1938) have used a different process. The pollen was applied as usual, after removing the main part of the silks, but the ears were divided transversally into halves or quarters before counting. The experiments showed generally an increase in the intensity of competition when there was increase of the distance over which they had to travel. Only MANGELSDORF found an interesting exception. When the distance became extreme, the initially slower tubes seemed to become finally the faster ones. 4) Methods of genetic and statistical analysis are discussed, following chiefly BRIEGER (1937a and 1937b). A formula is given to determine the intensity of ellimination in three point experiments. 5) The few facts are cited which give some indication about the physiological mechanism of gametophyte competition. They are four in number a) the growth rate depends-only on the action of gametophyte factors; b) there is an interaction between the conductive tissue of the stigma or style and the pollen tubes, mainly in self-sterile plants; c) after self-pollination necrosis starts in the tissue of the stigma, in some orchids after F. MÜLLER (1867); d) in pollon mixtures there is an inhibitory interaction between two types of pollen and the female tissue; Gossypium according to BALLS (1911), KEARNEY 1923, 1928, KEARNEY AND HARRISON (1924). A more complete discussion is found in BRIEGER 1930). 6) A list of the gametophyte factors so far localized in corn is given. CHROMOSOME IV Ga 1 : MANGELSDORF AND JONES (1925), EMERSON 1934). Ga 4 : BRIEGER (1945b). Sp 1 : MANGELSDORF (1931), SINGLETON AND MANGELSDORF (1940), BRIEGER (1945a). CHROMOSOME V Ga 2 : BRIEGER (1937a). CHROMOSOME VI BRIEGER, TIDBURY AND TSENG (1938) found indications of a gametophyte factor altering the segregation of yellow endosperm y1. CHROMOSOME IX Ga 3 : BRIEGER, TIDBURY AND TSENG (1938). While the competition in these six cases is essentially determined by one pair of factors, the degree of elimination may be variable, as shown for Ga2 (BRIEGER, 1937), for Ga4 (BRIEGER 1945a) and for Spl (SINGLETON AND MANGELSDORF 1940, BRIEGER 1945b). The action of a gametophyte factor altering the segregation of waxy (perhaps Ga3) is increased by the presence of the sul factor which thus acts as a modifier (BRINCK AND BURNHAM 1927). A polyfactorial case of gametophyte competition has been found by JONES (1922) and analysed by DEMEREC (1929) in rice pop corn which rejects the pollen tubes of other types of corn. Preference for selfing or for brothers-sister mating and partial elimination of other pollen tubes has been described by BRIEGER (1936). 7) HARLAND'S (1943) very ingenious idea is discussed to use pollen tube factors in applied genetics in order to build up an obstacle to natural crossing as a consequence of the rapid pollen tube growth after selfing. Unfortunately, HARLAND could not obtain the experimental proof of the praticability of his idea, during his experiments on selection for minor modifiers for pollen tube grouth in cotton. In maize it should be possible to employ gametophyte factors to build up lines with preference for crossing, though the method should hardly be of any practical advantage.


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This article reviews recent results of studies aiming to elucidate modes of integrating signals initiated in ACTH receptors and FGF2 receptors, within the network system of signal transduction found in Y1 adrenocortical cells. These modes of signal integration should be central to the mechanisms underlying the regulation of the G0->G1->S transition in the adrenal cell cycle. FGF2 elicits a strong mitogenic response in G0/G1-arrested Y1 adrenocortical cells, that includes a) rapid and transient activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinases-mitogen-activated protein kinases (ERK-MAPK) (2 to 10 min), b) transcription activation of c-fos, c-jun and c-myc genes (10 to 30 min), c) induction of c-Fos and c-Myc proteins by 1 h and cyclin D1 protein by 5 h, and d) onset of DNA synthesis stimulation within 8 h. ACTH, itself a weak mitogen, interacts with FGF2 in a complex manner, blocking the FGF2 mitogenic response during the early and middle G1 phase, keeping ERK-MAPK activation and c-Fos and cyclin D1 induction at maximal levels, but post-transcriptionally inhibiting c-Myc expression. c-Fos and c-Jun proteins are mediators in both the strong and the weak mitogenic responses respectively triggered by FGF2 and ACTH. Induction of c-Fos and stimulation of DNA synthesis by ACTH are independent of PKA and are inhibited by the PKC inhibitor GF109203X. In addition, ACTH is a poor activator of ERK-MAPK, but c-Fos induction and DNA synthesis stimulation by ACTH are strongly inhibited by the inhibitor of MEK1 PD98059.


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Adrenal glucocorticoid secretion is regulated by adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) acting through a specific cell membrane receptor (ACTH-R). The ACTH-R is a member of the G protein superfamily-coupled receptors and belongs to the subfamily of melanocortin receptors. The ACTH-R is mainly expressed in the adrenocortical cells showing a restricted tissue specificity, although ACTH is recognized by the other four melanocortin receptors. The cloning of the ACTH-R was followed by the study of this gene in human diseases such as familial glucocorticoid deficiency (FGD) and adrenocortical tumors. FGD is a rare autosomal recessive disease characterized by glucocorticoid deficiency, elevated plasma ACTH levels and preserved renin/aldosterone secretion. This disorder has been ascribed to an impaired adrenal responsiveness to ACTH due to a defective ACTH-R, a defect in intracellular signal transduction or an abnormality in adrenal cortical development. Mutations of the ACTH-R have been described in patients with FGD in segregation with the disease. The functional characterization of these mutations has been prevented by difficulties in expressing human ACTH-R in cells that lack endogenous melanocortin receptor activity. To overcome these difficulties we used Y6 cells, a mutant variant of the Y1 cell line, which possesses a non-expressed ACTH-R gene allowing the functional study without any background activity. Our results demonstrated that the several mutations of the ACTH-R found in FGD result in an impaired cAMP response or loss of sensitivity to ACTH stimulation. An ACTH-binding study showed an impairment of ligand binding with loss of the high affinity site in most of the mutations studied.


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Abstract The aim of this work was to evaluate a non-agitated process of bioethanol production from soybean molasses and the kinetic parameters of fermentation using a strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (ATCC® 2345). Kinetic experiment was conducted in medium with 30% (w v-1) of soluble solids without supplementation or pH adjustment. The maximum ethanol concentration was in 44 hours, the ethanol productivity was 0.946 g L-1 h-1, the yield over total initial sugars (Y1) was 47.87%, over consumed sugars (Y2) was 88.08% and specific cells production rate was 0.006 h-1. The mathematical polynomial was adjusted to the experimental data and provided very similar parameters of yield and productivity. Based in this study, for one ton of soybean molasses can be produced 103 kg of anhydrous bioethanol.