18 resultados para VOLTAGE SAGS
em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP
OBJECTIVE - Evaluation of the performance of the QRS voltage-duration product (VDP) for detection of left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). METHODS - Orthogonal electrocardiograms (ECG) were recorded in male SHR at the age of 12 and 20 weeks, when systolic blood pressure (sBP) reached the average values of 165±3 mmHg and 195±12 mmHg, respectively. Age- and sex- matched normotensive Wistar Kyoto (WKY) rats were used as controls. VDP was calculated as a product of maximum QRS spatial vector magnitude and QRS duration. Left ventricular mass (LVM) was weighed after rats were sacrificed. RESULTS - LVM in SHR at 12 and 20 weeks of age (0.86±0.05 g and 1.05±0.07 g, respectively) was significantly higher as compared with that in WKY (0.65±0.07 g and 0.70±0.02 g). The increase in LVM closely correlated with the sBP increase. VDP did not reflect the increase in LVM in SHR. VDP was lower in SHR as compared with that in WKY, and the difference was significant at the age of 20 weeks (18.2mVms compared with 10.7mVms, p<0.01). On the contrary, a significant increase in the VDP was observed in the control WKY at the age of 20 weeks without changes in LVM. The changes in VDP were influenced mainly by the changes in QRSmax. CONCLUSION - LVM was not the major determinant of QRS voltage changes and consequently of the VDP. These data point to the importance of the nonspatial determinants of the recorded QRS voltage in terms of the solid angle theory.
OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a grandeza practical peak voltage (PPV), determinada a partir da forma de onda de tensão aplicada a tubos radiológicos, e compará-la com algumas definições de kVp para diferentes tipos de geradores: monofásico (onda completa, clínico), trifásico (seis pulsos, clínico) e potencial constante (industrial). MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: O trabalho envolveu a comparação do PPV medido invasivamente (utilizando um divisor de tensão) com a resposta de dois medidores comerciais não invasivos, além dos valores de outras grandezas usadas para medição da tensão de pico aplicada ao tubo de raios X, e a análise da variação do PPV com a ondulação percentual da tensão (ripple). RESULTADOS: Verificou-se que a diferença entre o PPV e as definições mais comuns de tensão de pico aumenta com o ripple. Os valores de PPV variaram em até 3% e 5%, respectivamente, na comparação entre medições invasivas e não invasivas feitas com os equipamentos trifásico e monofásico. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados demonstraram que a principal grandeza de influência que afeta o PPV é o ripple da tensão. Adicionalmente, valores de PPV obtidos com medidores não invasivos devem ser avaliados considerando que eles dependem da taxa de aquisição e da forma de onda adquirida pelo instrumento.
A VDAC é a proteína mais abundante na membrana mitocondrial externa. Exerce o controle da atividade desta organela através da regulação da troca de metabólitos e tem função crucial no mecanismo de apoptose. Em nosso caso, os estudos dos complexos protéicos, das interações entre a VDAC e outras proteínas presentes no interior do neurônio que auxiliam na manutenção das funções das organelas e da célula, fazem parte da chamada interactômica. O presente estudo determinou o interactoma do complexo protéico Hexoquinase-VDAC-ANT presente em cérebros murino, bovino e aviar. Nosso objetivo foi identificar se as expressões diferenciadas da VDAC1 e VDAC2 verificadas nos cérebros murino, aviar e bovino, estão associadas a diferenças nos interactomas dessas proteínas. Este estudo revelou que as espécies aviar e bovina apresentaram o maior número de complexos protéicos contendo VDACs (5) quando comparadas com os neurônios de rato (1), o que é indicativo de uma cinética diferencial de montagem ou desmontagem do complexo. Além disso, a VDAC mitocondrial neuronal aviar também interage com mais proteínas em relação à VDAC mitocondrial neuronal bovina, o que é resultado de uma composição de subunidades diferenciada. Tais resultados indicam diferenças significativas quanto ao metabolismo energético e apoptótico no cérebro aviar, bovino e murino, existindo interações diferenciais da VDAC no cérebro aviar.
The influence of voltage on the conductance of toad skin was studied to identify the time course of the activation/deactivation dynamics of voltage-dependent Cl- channels located in the apical membrane of mitochondrion-rich cells in this tissue. Positive apical voltage induced an important conductance inhibition which took a few seconds to fully develop and was instantaneously released by pulse inversion to negative voltage, indicating a short-duration memory of the inhibiting factors. Sinusoidal stimulation at 23.4 mM [Cl-] showed hysteresis in the current versus voltage curves, even at very low frequency, suggesting that the rate of voltage application was also relevant for the inhibition/releasing effect to develop. We conclude that the voltage modulation of apical Cl- permeability is essentially a fast process and the apparent slow components of activation/deactivation obtained in the whole skin are a consequence of a gradual voltage build-up across the apical membrane due to voltage sharing between apical and basolateral membranes
Recent technological developments have created new devices that could improve and simplify the construction of stimulus isolators. HEXFET transistors can switch large currents and hundreds of volts in nanoseconds. The newer opto-isolators can give a pulse rise time of a few nanoseconds, with output compatible with MOSFET devices, in which delays are reduced to nanoseconds. Integrated DC/DC converters are now available. Using these new resources we developed a new electrical stimulus isolator circuit with selectable constant-current and constant-voltage modes, which are precise and easy to construct. The circuit works like a regulated power supply in both modes with output switched to zero or to free mode through an opto-isolator device. The isolator analyses showed good practical performance. The output to ground resistance was 1011 ohms and capacitance 35 picofarads. The rise time and fall time were identical (5 µs) and constant. The selectable voltage or current output mode made it very convenient to use. The current mode, with higher output resistance values in low current ranges, permits intracellular stimulation even with tip resistances close to 100 megaohms. The high compliance of 200 V guarantees the value of the current stimulus. The very low output resistance in the voltage mode made the device highly suitable for extracellular stimulation with low impedance electrodes. Most importantly, these characteristics were achieved with a circuit that was easy to build and modify and assembled with components available in Brazil.
The effect of the skin secretion of the amphibian Siphonops paulensis was investigated by monitoring the changes in conductance of an artificial planar lipid bilayer. Skin secretion was obtained by exposure of the animals to ether-saturated air, and then rinsing the animals with distilled water. Artificial lipid bilayers were obtained by spreading a solution of azolectin over an aperture of a Delrin cup inserted into a cut-away polyvinyl chloride block. In 9 of 12 experiments, the addition of the skin secretion to lipid bilayers displayed voltage-dependent channels with average unitary conductance of 258 ± 41.67 pS, rather than nonspecific changes in bilayer conductance. These channels were not sensitive to 4-acetamido-4'-isothiocyanatostilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid or tetraethylammonium ion, but the experimental protocol used does not permit us to specify their characteristics.
E. coli was submitted to a 5G electromagnetic field generated by a alternate 60 Hz voltage source. The differences on growth and glucose consume in control and exposed groups were evaluated using the non-parametric Mann-Whitney U-test. There was a significant difference in glucose consume and growth in E. coli after 8 hours of exposition to electromagnetic field. It can be concluded that electromagnetic field had a positive effect in consume of glucose and growth of E. coli. The cause of these results can be explained by an increasing of glucose entrance through membrane due to the stimulated transport system via Facility Diffusion or cyclotron resonance. The growth can be caused by shortening of lag phase and excitement of log phase.
Introduction Chagas disease is considered as emerging in the Brazilian Amazon, usually occurring in acute outbreaks. Methods We describe 17 cases of acute Chagas disease in Rio Negro, Amazonas. Results There were 15 males (average age, 31.3 years), all positive for Trypanosoma cruzi in fresh blood smear examination, and 14 positive by xenodiagnosis and PCR. The top clinical manifestations were fever, asthenia, abdominal pain, and palpitations. Electrocardiograms featured low-voltage QRS, anterosuperior divisional block, and right bundle branch block associated with anterosuperior divisional block. Conclusions All patients had consumed açaí products from Monte Alegre in the rural area around Santa Izabel do Rio Negro, Brazil.
ABSTRACTINTRODUCTION:The mosquito Aedes aegypti has evolved resistance to pyrethroid insecticides. The present study evaluated Ae. aegypti from Goiânia for the resistant phenotype and for mutations associated with resistance.METHODS:Insecticide dose-response bioassays were conducted on mosquitoes descended from field-collected eggs, and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to genotype 90 individuals at sites implicated in pyrethroid resistance.RESULTS:All mosquito populations displayed high levels of resistance to deltamethrin, as well as high frequencies of the 1016Ile kdr and 1534Cys kdrmutations.CONCLUSIONS:Aedes aegypti populations in the Goiânia area are highly resistant to deltamethrin, presumably due to high frequencies of kdr(knockdown-resistance) mutations.
OBJECTIVE: To determine the most sensitive criterion for the detection of left ventricular hypertrophy according to echocardiographically defined left ventricular mass. METHODS: The Sokolow-Lyon voltage, Sokolow-Lyon-Rappaport, Cornell voltage duration product, White-Bock, and Romhilt-Estes point scoring criteria were compared with left ventricular mass index, corrected for body surface, obtained from the echocardiograms of 306 outpatients (176 females, 130 males), of all age groups. RESULTS: The Cornell voltage duration product criteria index had the greatest sensitivity in women (54.90%), and the Sokolow-Lyon-Rappaport index was most sensitive in men (73.53%). When applied to men at the same voltage amplitude (20mm) as that in women, the Cornell index showed increased sensitivity relative to the conventional index (28mm) of 67.65% (P<=0.01) and a sensitivity similar to that of the Sokolow-Lyon-Rappaport index, with higher specificity (P<=0.01). The White-Bock and Romhilt-Estes criteria were the least sensitive in men and women, despite their high specificity. The electrocardiographic criteria were more efficient when dilatation predominated over left ventricular hypertrophy. CONCLUSION: The Cornell index had greater sensitivity in women, and the Sokolow-Lyon-Rappaport index was more sensitive in men. When applied to men at the same voltage amplitude as that of women, the Cornell index had an increase in sensitivity similar to that of the Sokolow-Lyon-Rappaport index.
OBJECTIVE: To assess signal-averaged electrocardiogram (SAECG) for diagnosing incipient left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH). METHODS: A study with 115 individuals was carried out. The individuals were divided as follows: GI - 38 healthy individuals; GII - 47 individuals with mild to moderate hypertension and normal findings on echocardiogram and ECG; and GIII - 30 individuals with hypertension and documented LVH. The magnitude vector of the SAECG was analyzed with the high-pass cutoff frequency of 40 Hz through the bidirectional four-pole Butterworth high-pass digital filter. The mean quadratic root of the total QRS voltage (RMST) and the two-dimensional integral of the QRS area of the spectro-temporal map were analyzed between 0 and 30 Hz for the frequency domain (Int FD), and between 40 and 250 Hz for the time domain (Int TD). The electrocardiographic criterion for LVH was based on the Cornell Product. Left ventricular mass was calculated with the Devereux formula. RESULTS: All parameters analyzed increased from GI to GIII, except for Int FD (GII vs GIII) and RMST log (GII vs GIII). Int TD showed greater accuracy for detecting LVH with an appropriate cutoff > 8 (sensitivity of 55%, specificity of 81%). Positive values (> 8) were found in 56.5% of the G II patients and in 18.4% of the GI patients (p< 0.0005). CONCLUSION: SAECG can be used in the early diagnosis of LVH in hypertensive patients with normal ECG and echocardiogram.
Background: Ruthenium (Ru) tetraamines are being increasingly used as nitric oxide (NO) carriers. In this context, pharmacological studies have become highly relevant to better understand the mechanism of action involved. Objective: To evaluate the vascular response of the tetraamines trans-[RuII(NH3)4(Py)(NO)]3+, trans-[RuII(Cl)(NO) (cyclan)](PF6)2, and trans-[RuII(NH3)4(4-acPy)(NO)]3+. Methods: Aortic rings were contracted with noradrenaline (10−6 M). After voltage stabilization, a single concentration (10−6 M) of the compounds was added to the assay medium. The responses were recorded during 120 min. Vascular integrity was assessed functionally using acetylcholine at 10−6 M and sodium nitroprusside at 10−6 M as well as by histological examination. Results: Histological analysis confirmed the presence or absence of endothelial cells in those tissues. All tetraamine complexes altered the contractile response induced by norepinephrine, resulting in increased tone followed by relaxation. In rings with endothelium, the inhibition of endothelial NO caused a reduction of the contractile effect caused by pyridine NO. No significant responses were observed in rings with endothelium after treatment with cyclan NO. In contrast, in rings without endothelium, the inhibition of guanylate cyclase significantly reduced the contractile response caused by the pyridine NO and cyclan NO complexes, and both complexes caused a relaxing effect. Conclusion: The results indicate that the vascular effect of the evaluated complexes involved a decrease in the vascular tone induced by norepinephrine (10−6 M) at the end of the incubation period in aortic rings with and without endothelium, indicating the slow release of NO from these complexes and suggesting that the ligands promoted chemical stability to the molecule. Moreover, we demonstrated that the association of Ru with NO is more stable when the ligands pyridine and cyclan are used in the formulation of the compound.
AbstractBackground:One of the most important thyroid hormone targets is the cardiovascular system. Hemodynamic changes, such as decreased resting heart rate (HR), myocardial contractility, and cardiac output, and increased diastolic pressure and systemic vascular resistance, have been observed in hypothyroid patients. Moreover, in these patients, ECG changes include sinus bradycardia and low voltage complexes (P waves or QRS complexes).Objective:This study aimed at evaluating the prophylactic effect of apelin on HR changes and QRS voltage that occur in propylthiouracil (PTU)-induced hypothyroid rats.Method:In this study, 48 adult male Wistar rats weighing 170-235g were randomly divided into 6 groups: Control group (normal saline ip injection + tap water gavage); P group (PTU 0.05%, in drinking water); A group (apelin 200 µg.kg-1.day-1, ip); PA group [co-administration of PTU and apelin]; PT group [co-administration of PTU + T4 (0.2 mg/g per day, gavage)]; and PAT group (co-administration of PTU, apelin and T4). All experiments were performed for 28 consecutive days, and then the animals were anesthetized with an ip injection of ketamine (80 mg/kg) and xylazine (12 mg/kg). Lead II electrocardiogram was recorded to calculate HR and QRS voltage.Results:Heart rate and QRS voltage increased more significantly in the hypothyroid group that consumed both apelin and T4 (201 ± 4 beat/min, 0.71 ± 0.02 mv vs. hypothyroid 145 ± 9 beat/min, 0.563 ± 0.015 mv; respectively).Conclusion:The co-administration of apelin and T4 showed a protective effect on QRS voltage and HR in PTU‑induced hypothyroid rats.
Working with low voltage microscope (R.C.A., EMC-2, of 30KV.) the authors verified that parlodion and Formvar films are quickly destroyed by intense heating under the electron beam. They have tried to employ oxide films, as Al2O3 and SiO, more resistant to heat. Al2O3 films are prepared by anodic oxidation of thin aluminium sheets, under 8 to 10 volts in a 3% ammonium citrate solution and subsequent aluminium dissolution in a O.25% HgCl2 solution. These films are very suitable when prepared with highly pure aluminium of extremely homogeneous surface. Best results were obtained with SiO films, evaporated in high vacuum over Parlodion films mounted on metallic grids. Employing 1 or 1.5 mg of SiOm highly homogeneous and resistant films are obtained, having little inferior transparence than the Parlodion ones. Pure SiO films (1.5 mg) are obtained by elimination of the Parlodion under slow heating until 250°C; they are greatly transparent but little resistant to water, thus beeing indicated in dry preparations. For particles which deposite in a chain-like form around thin fibers, the authors employ the mounting on Parlodion fibers, obtained by heating Parlodion films on microscope grids about 190°C.
Columnar cell apical membranes (CCAM) in series with goblet cell apical membranes (GCAM) form an electroosmotic barrier separating the midgut lumen from epithelial cell cytoplasm. A unique K+ ATPase in GCAM generates three gradients across this barrier. A greater than 180 mV electrical gradient (lumen positive) drives amino acid uptake through voltage-dependent K+ symports. A greater than 1000-fold [H+] gradient (lumen alkaline) and a greater than 10-fold [K+] gradient (lumen concentrated) are adaptations to the high tannin and high K+ content, respectively, in dietary plant material. Agents which act on the apical membrane and disrupt the PD, H+, or K+ gradients are potential insecticides. Insect sensory epithelia and mammalian stria vascularis maintain similar PD and K+ gradients but would not be exposed to ingested anti-apical membrane insecticides. Following the demonstration by Sacchi et al. that Bacillus thuringiensis delta-endotoxin (Bt) induces specifically a K+ conductance increase in CCAM vesicles, we find that the K+ channel blocking agent, Ba2+, completely reverses Bt inhibition of the K+-carried short circuit current in the isolated midgut of Manduca sexta. Progress in characterizing the apical membrane includes finding that fluorosulfonylbenzoyladenosine binds specifically to certain GCAM polypeptides and that CCAM vesicles can be mass produced by Ca2+ or Mg2+ precipitation from Manduca sexta midgut.