77 resultados para Transgenic Drosophila-melanogaster
em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP
The behavioral biology has a central role in evolutionary biology mainly because the antagonistic relations that occur in the sexual reproduction. One involves the effect of reproduction on the future life expectation. In this scenario, changes in male operational sex ratio could lead to an increase in mortality due to costs associated with excessive courtship and mating displays. Thus, this work experimentally altered the male sex ratio of Drosophila melanogaster Meigen, 1830, to determine its impact on mortality. The results indicated that mortality increases as the sex ratio changes, including modifications in the survivorship curve type and in the curve concavity, measured by entropy.
Are larger and/or more symmetrical Drosophila melanogaster (Diptera, Drosophilidae) males more successful in matings in nature? Sexual selection in Drosophila melanogaster, related to body size and fluctuating asymmetry in wing length and number of sex comb teeth in males, was tested in natural conditions. Males collected in copula were significantly larger than those collected as a single, while no difference in mean number of sex comb teeth between copulating and single males was observed. On the other hand, single males had greater asymmetry both for wing length and number of sex comb teeth than their mating counterparts. It looks like that symmetry of these bilateral traits also may play a role in sexual selection in this dipteran species in nature.
The susceptibility of Drosophila melanogaster to carbofuran and the use of this organism in biomonitoring residues of the insecticide in cabbage was evaluated. Under the conditions of the bioassay, residues-film bioassay in Petri dish, carbofuran degraded depending on the temperature and time of exposure. Bioassays conducted with D. melanogaster showed that its toxicity increases with temperature (20 to 35 °C). LC50 values, calculated as a function of temperature, ranged from 3.6 to 10.5 mg/g body weight (bw) for males and from 2.9 to 8.7 mg/g bw for females. The formulated product Furadan® G was applied on cabbage (Brassica oleracea, var. capitata) and the residues of carbofuran were determined by bioassay. The determination limit of the bioassay was 0.1 mg/kg and the method presented reproducibility with coefficient variation of 17 %. The validation of the bioassay by high performance liquid chromatography confirms the viability of the bioassay with D. melanogaster in monitoring the residues of carbofuran in cabbage.
We extended the characterization of the DNA puff BhB10-1 gene of Bradysia hygida by showing that, although its mRNA is detected only at the end of the fourth larval instar, BhB10-1 expression is not restricted to the salivary gland, the tissue in which this gene is amplified. Different amounts of BhB10-1 mRNA were detected in other larval tissues such as gut, Malpighian tubules, fat body, brain and cuticle, suggesting that this gene is expressed differentially in the various tissues analyzed. Analysis of transgenic Drosophila carrying the BhB10-1 transcription unit and flanking sequences revealed that the tested fragment promotes transcription in a constitutive manner. We suggest that either cis-regulatory elements are missing in the transgene or factors that temporally regulate the BhB10-1 gene in B. hygida are not conserved in Drosophila.
Insertional mutagenesis is an important tool for functional genomics in Drosophila melanogaster. The insertion site in the KG00562 mutant fly line has been mapped to the CG8709 (herein named DmLpin) locus and to the 3’ of kermit (also called dGIPC). This mutant line presents a high lethality rate resulting from a gain of function. To obtain some insight into the biological role of the mutated locus, we have characterized the mutation and its relation to the high mortality of the KG00562 fly line. In this mutant, we did not detect one of the DmLpin transcripts, namely DmLpinK, but we did detect an unusual 2.3-kb mRNA (LpinK-w). Further investigation revealed that the LpinK-w transcript results from an aberrant splicing between the untranslated first exon of DmLpinK and the mini-white marker gene. Lack of DmLpinK or LpinK-w expression does not contribute to lethality, since heterozygous KG00562/Def7860 animals presented lethality rates comparable to those of the wild type. In contrast, the overexpression of kermit was associated with lethality of the KG00562 fly line. Significantly higher levels of kermit were detected in the Malpighian tubules of KG00562/+ flies that presented higher lethality rates than wild-type or KG00562/Def7860 animals, in which the lethality was rescued. In agreement with a recently reported study, our data support the hypothesis that misexpression of kermit/dGIPC could interfere with Drosophila development, with further investigations being needed in this direction.
Molecular studies of insect disease vectors are of paramount importance for understanding parasite-vector relationship. Advances in this area have led to important findings regarding changes in vectors' physiology upon blood feeding and parasite infection. Mechanisms for interfering with the vectorial capacity of insects responsible for the transmission of diseases such as malaria, Chagas disease and dengue fever are being devised with the ultimate goal of developing transgenic insects. A primary necessity for this goal is information on gene expression and control in the target insect. Our group is investigating molecular aspects of the interaction between Leishmania parasites and Lutzomyia sand flies. As an initial step in our studies we have used random sequencing of cDNA clones from two expression libraries made from head/thorax and abdomen of sugar fed L. longipalpis for the identification of expressed sequence tags (EST). We applied differential display reverse transcriptase-PCR and randomly amplified polymorphic DNA-PCR to characterize differentially expressed mRNA from sugar and blood fed insects, and, in one case, from a L. (V.) braziliensis-infected L. longipalpis. We identified 37 cDNAs that have shown homology to known sequences from GeneBank. Of these, 32 cDNAs code for constitutive proteins such as zinc finger protein, glutamine synthetase, G binding protein, ubiquitin conjugating enzyme. Three are putative differentially expressed cDNAs from blood fed and Leishmania-infected midgut, a chitinase, a V-ATPase and a MAP kinase. Finally, two sequences are homologous to Drosophila melanogaster gene products recently discovered through the Drosophila genome initiative.
Pentamidine (PEN) is an alternative compound to treat antimony-resistant leishmaniasis patients, which cellular target remains unclear. One approach to the identification of prospective targets is to identify genes able to mediate PEN resistance following overexpression. Starting from a genomic library of transfected parasites bearing a multicopy episomal cosmid vector containing wild-type Leishmania major DNA, we isolated one locus capable to render PEN resistance to wild type cells after DNA transfection. In order to map this Leishmania locus, cosmid insert was deleted by two successive sets of partial digestion with restriction enzymes, followed by transfection into wild type cells, overexpression, induction and functional tests in the presence of PEN. To determine the Leishmania gene related to PEN resistance, nucleotide sequencing experiments were done through insertion of the transposon Mariner element of Drosophila melanogaster (mosK) into the deleted insert to work as primer island. Using general molecular techniques, we described here this method that permits a quickly identification of a functional gene facilitating nucleotide sequence experiments from large DNA fragments. Followed experiments revealed the presence of a P-Glycoprotein gene in this locus which role in Leishmania metabolism has now been analyzed.
In order to investigate the population fluctuation of Diptera in a poultry house in Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, six collection methods were utilized: 1 (0 to 7 day-old feces from chickens), 2 (7 to 14 day-old feces), 3 (14 to 21 day-old feces), 4 (0 to 21 day-old feces), 5 (accumulated feces) and 6 (tube trap). Analyses of polynomial regression were accomplished independent of the collection method. The survey was conducted from August 1998 to July 1999 in chicken houses at the Conjunto Agrotécnico Visconde da Graça. A total of 28,720 Diptera were collected, including the following species: Coproica sp. and Telomerina flavipes (Meigen, 1830) (15,640); Drosophila repleta Wollaston, 1858 (9,229); Dohrniphora cornuta (Bigot, 1857) (2,539); Ischiolepta scabricula (Haliday, 1833) (544); Lestodiplosis sp. (320); Muscina stabulans (Fallen, 1817) (159); Musca domestica L., 1758 (143); Drosophila melanogaster Meigen, 1830 (95); Telmatoscopus albipunctatus Williston, 1893 (21); Rhegmoclema sp. (14); Fannia canicularis (L., 1761) (7); Stomoxys calcitrans (L., 1758) (2); and unidentified species of Psychodidae (6) and Muscidae (1). The greatest number of species occurred in October, November and December and the fewest in August, September and April. The greatest abundance of Diptera was recorded in October (9,092), while the lowest index of capture was noted in April (658). The population fluctuation was estimated for Coproica sp. and T. flavipes, D. repleta, D. cornuta, I. scabricula and Lestodiplosis sp.
Anopheles albitarsis embryogenesis was analyzed through confocal microscopy of clarified eggs. Using Drosophila melanogaster as reference system, the major morphogenetic events (blastoderm, gastrulation, germ band extension, germ band retraction, dorsal closure) were identified. The kinetics of early events is proportionally similar in both systems, but late movements (from germ band retraction on) progress slower in An. albitarsis. Major differences in An. albitarsis related to D. melanogaster were: (1) pole cells do not protrude from the blastoderm; (2) the mosquito embryo undergoes a 180º rotation movement, along its longitudinal axis; (3) the head remains individualized throughout embryogenesis; (4) extraembryonary membranes surround the whole embryo. A novel kind of malaria control is under development and is based on the use of genetically modified mosquitoes. Phenotypic analysis of the embryonic development of mutants will be imposed as part of the evaluation of effectiveness and risk of employment of this strategy in the field. In order to accomplish this, knowledge of the wild type embryo is a prerequisite. Morphological studies will also serve as basis for subsequent development biology approaches.
The human nuclear protein RbAp48 is a member of the tryptophan/aspartate (WD) repeat family, which binds to the retinoblastoma (Rb) protein. It also corresponds to the smallest subunit of the chromatin assembly factor and is able to bind to the helix 1 of histone H4, taking it to the DNA in replication. A cDNA homologous to the human gene RbAp48 was isolated from a Schistosoma mansoni adult worm library and named SmRbAp48. The full length sequence of SmRbAp48 cDNA is 1036 bp long, encoding a protein of 308 amino acids. The transcript of SmRbAp48 was detected in egg, cercariae and schistosomulum stages. The protein shows 84% similarity with the human RbAp48, possessing four WD repeats on its C-terminus. A hypothetical tridimensional structure for the SmRbAp48 C-terminal domain was constructed by computational molecular modeling using the b-subunit of the G protein as a model. To further verify a possible interaction between SmRbAp48 and S. mansoni histone H4, the histone H4 gene was amplified from adult worm genomic DNA using degenerated primers. The gene fragment of SmH4 is 294 bp long, encoding a protein of 98 amino acids which is 100% identical to histone H4 from Drosophila melanogaster.
In this review, we analyse the impact of a population and evolutionary genetics approach on the study of insect behaviour. Our attention is focused on the model organism Drosophila melanogaster and several other insect species. In particular, we explore the relationship between rhythmic behaviours and the molecular evolution of clock and ion channel genes.
The binding capacity of concanavalin A (Con A) to condensed euchromatin and heterochromatin was investigated in chicken erythrocyte nuclei (CEN), mouse liver cells, Zea mays mays meristematic cells and Drosophila melanogaster polytene chromosomes after 4 N HCl hydrolysis to determine whether binding was preferentially occurring in bands and heterochromatin. Dry mass (DM) variation was investigated in CEN by interference microscopy. Feulgen and Con A reactions were employed for all materials to correlate the loci of the two reactions. Quantifications and topological verifications were carried out by video image analysis (high performance cytometry). It was observed that 4 N HCl hydrolysis caused an important DM loss in CEN leaving a level corresponding to the average DNA DM content. In this material, Con A binding was restricted to the nuclear envelope, which reinforces the idea of the absence of a nuclear matrix in these cells. The other cell types exhibited a correspondence of Feulgen-positive and Con A-reactive areas. The Con A reaction was highly positive in the condensed chromatin areas and heterochromatin. This fact led us to speculate that Con A-positive proteins may play a role in the chromatin condensation mechanism, endowing this structure with physico-chemical stability towards acid hydrolysis and contributing to its rheological properties.
Centromere function requires the proper coordination of several subfunctions, such as kinetochore assembly, sister chromatid cohesion, binding of kinetochore microtubules, orientation of sister kinetochores to opposite spindle poles, and their movement towards the spindle poles. Centromere structure appears to be organized in different, separable domains in order to accomplish these functions. Despite the conserved nature of centromere functions, the molecular genetic definition of the DNA sequences that form a centromere in the yeasts Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Schizosaccharomyces pombe, in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, and in humans has revealed little conservation at the level of centromere DNA sequences. Also at the protein level few centromere proteins are conserved in all of these four organisms and many are unique to the different organisms. The recent analysis of the centromere structure in the yeast S. pombe by electron microscopy and detailed immunofluorescence microscopy of Drosophila centromeres have brought to light striking similarities at the overall structural level between these centromeres and the human centromere. The structural organization of the centromere is generally multilayered with a heterochromatin domain and a central core/inner plate region, which harbors the outer plate structures of the kinetochore. It is becoming increasingly clear that the key factors for assembly and function of the centromere structure are the specialized histones and modified histones which are present in the centromeric heterochromatin and in the chromatin of the central core. Thus, despite the differences in the DNA sequences and the proteins that define a centromere, there is an overall structural similarity between centromeres in evolutionarily diverse eukaryotes.
The establishment of dorsal-ventral polarity in Drosophila is a complex process which involves the action of maternal and zygotically expressed genes. Interspecific differences in the expression pattern of some of these genes have been described in other species. Here we present the expression of dorsal-ventral genes during early embryogenesis in the lower dipteran Rhynchosciara americana. The expression of four genes, the ventralizing genes snail (sna) and twist (twi) and the dorsalizing genes decapentaplegic (dpp) and zerknüllt (zen), was investigated by whole-mount in situ hybridization. Sense and antisense mRNA were transcribed in vitro using UTP-digoxigenin and hybridized at 55°C with dechorionated fixed embryos. Staining was obtained with anti-digoxigenin alkaline phosphatase-conjugated antibody revealed with NBT-BCIP solution. The results showed that, in general, the spatial-temporal expression of R. americana dorsal-ventral genes is similar to that observed in Drosophila, where twi and sna are restricted to the ventral region, while dpp and zen are expressed in the dorsal side. The differences encountered were subtle and probably represent a particular aspect of dorsal-ventral axis determination in R. americana. In this lower dipteran sna is expressed slightly later than twi and dpp expression is expanded over the lateral ectoderm during cellular blastoderm stage. These data suggest that the establishment of dorsal-ventral polarity in R. americana embryos follows a program similar to that observed in Drosophila melanogaster.
The glycosylation of glycoconjugates and the biosynthesis of polysaccharides depend on nucleotide-sugars which are the substrates for glycosyltransferases. A large proportion of these enzymes are located within the lumen of the Golgi apparatus as well as the endoplasmic reticulum, while many of the nucleotide-sugars are synthesized in the cytosol. Thus, nucleotide-sugars are translocated from the cytosol to the lumen of the Golgi apparatus and endoplasmic reticulum by multiple spanning domain proteins known as nucleotide-sugar transporters (NSTs). These proteins were first identified biochemically and some of them were cloned by complementation of mutants. Genome and expressed sequence tag sequencing allowed the identification of a number of sequences that may encode for NSTs in different organisms. The functional characterization of some of these genes has shown that some of them can be highly specific in their substrate specificity while others can utilize up to three different nucleotide-sugars containing the same nucleotide. Mutations in genes encoding for NSTs can lead to changes in development in Drosophila melanogaster or Caenorhabditis elegans, as well as alterations in the infectivity of Leishmania donovani. In humans, the mutation of a GDP-fucose transporter is responsible for an impaired immune response as well as retarded growth. These results suggest that, even though there appear to be a fair number of genes encoding for NSTs, they are not functionally redundant and seem to play specific roles in glycosylation.