14 resultados para Trading Motives

em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP


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Este artigo utiliza-se do jazz como um veículo metafórico para redescrever o conceito de estrutura organizacional de forma adequada ao vocabulário emergente dos estudos organizacionais. É apresentada uma descrição de alguns elementos básicos da performance do jazz - solo, acompanhamento, trading fours, pergunta e resposta, groove e sensibilidade -, sustentando a redescrição da estrutura organizacional como sendo ambígua, emocional e temporal. De maneira reflexiva, o artigo não somente demonstra os conceitos aos quais se refere, mas apresenta uma performance, a exemplo do jazz, do método de Rorty da redescrição por meio da metáfora.


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No Brasil, conforme a Lei nº 10.303/2001, o uso indevido de informação privilegiada no mercado acionário é crime. Contudo, na literatura, é possível encontrar estudos que apontam a existência de negociações com informação privilegiada nesse mercado (BOPP, 2003; BARBEDO, SILVA, LEAL, 2009). Por isso, este estudo tem o objetivo de investigar a probabilidade de negociação com informação privilegiada (PIN) na negociação de ações na BM&FBOVESPA, buscando identificar sua relação com o retorno dessas ações. Com base nas Teorias dos Mercados Eficientes e da Agência, foram analisadas 198 ações durante o ano de 2011. Por meio do modelo de mensuração de assimetria de informação de Easley, Hvidkjaer e O'Hara (2002), a PIN foi estimada e relacionada ao retorno das ações por meio do modelo de Fama e MacBeth (1973) ajustado. Os resultados indicam que há 22,9% de probabilidade de terem ocorrido negociações com informação privilegiada, que os segmentos com maiores exigências de governança reúnem as ações com menor assimetria e que um aumento de 10,0% na PIN leva a um aumento de 8,0% no retorno das ações.


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ABSTRACT State-owned enterprises (SOEs) are created to focus on domestic needs, and yet recent evidence points to increasing outward foreign direct investment by SOEs. Existing International Business (IB) theories focus on efficiency-based motives for internationalization; therefore, they do not fully capture SOEs' internalization dynamics, which are driven largely by political factors and social welfare considerations. We integrate public management and IB theories to develop propositions that combine these questions: why SOEs internationalize; what are their motivations; and what are the main managerial outcomes of SOEs' internationalization. Our findings suggest that SOEs display little hesitancy in entering international markets, and that SOE international expansion is not contradictory with the goals of state-ownership if the purpose is to adjust the company to changing institutional environments both in the domestic and international markets. Our propositions about SOE internationalization are based on an in-depth case study of the outward foreign direct investment conducted by Brazil's Petrobras over the past three decades.


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Objective The article describes the steps in producing and validating an educational booklet for childbirth companions. Method Methodological study conducted in 2011 consisting of the following steps: situational assessment; establishing brochure content; content selection and referencing; drafting the text; design of illustrations; layout; consultation of specialists; consultation of target audience; amendments; proofreading; evaluation using the Flesch Reading Ease Formula. The topics portrayed the sequence of events involving support from gestation to the postpartum period. Results The concordance rate among companions was greater than or equal to 81.8% for the topics organisation, writing style, presentation and motives. The overall Content Validity Index of the booklet was 0.94. The booklet was classified as easy reading or very easy reading according to the results of the Flesch Reading Ease Formula. Conclusion The presentation and content of the manual were validated for use with the target audience by the specialists and representatives of the target audience.


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Biomass was the dominating source of energy for human activities until the middle 19th century, when coal, oil, gas and other energy sources became increasingly important but it still represents ca. 10% of the worldwide energy supply. The major part of biomass for energy is still "traditional biomass" used as wood and coal extracted from native forests and thus non-sustainable, used with low efficiency for cooking and home heating, causing pollution problems. This use is largely done in rural areas and it is usually not supported by trading activities. There is now a strong trend to the modernization of biomass use, especially making alcohol from sugar cane thus replacing gasoline, or biodiesel to replace Diesel oil, beyond the production of electricity and vegetable coal using wood from planted forests. As recently as in 2004, sustainable "modern biomass" represented 2% of worldwide energy consumption. This article discusses the perspectives of the "first" and "second" technology generations for liquid fuel production, as well as biomass gaseification to make electricity or syngas that is in turn used in the Fischer-Tropsch process.


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The pharmaceutical use of galactomannans from different sources, commercial and noncommercial, has been extensively studied over the past decade. Galactomannans show potential in the global trend towards the use of more plant-based products for ecological motives, and their production and application do not cause pollution or disturb the ecosystem. There is a variety of galactomannan sources and various pharmaceutical forms of application, such as tablets or capsules, hydrogels and films. Besides the simple use as inert excipient this polysaccharides play role in the modification of drug release, especially in colonic environmental, as a matrix or coating material.


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Goethe's novel 'Elective Affinities', published in 1809, uses Bergmann's concept of 'Elective Attractions', from 1775, as a metaphor for social relations. Its analysis demonstrates the possibility of describing chemical theories, characterised by an anthropomorphic language, using poetic means. Due to the inherently poetic nature of chemical language, Nobel Laureate Roald Hoffmann (2002) suggests relaxing strictures against expressing emotions and personal motives in scientific publications, thus enabling the use ofing poetry to understand and communicate science. Based on the analysis of Goethe's novel and Hoffmann's essay, this article discusses the possibility of using poetic means to help understand chemistry and communicate its research results.


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Abstract Why would we argue about taste, norms or morality when we know that these topics are relative to taste preferences, systems of norms or values to which we are committed? Yet, disagreements over these topics are common in our evaluative discourses. I will claim that the motives to discuss rely on our attitudes towards the standard held by the speakers in each domain of discourse, relating different attitudes to different motives -mainly, conviction and correction. These notions of attitudes and motives will allow me to claim that different domains of evaluative discourse have a different distribution of disagreements driven by them.


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Abstract: The present paper reports blood gas analysis, hematologic and micro bacteriologic information on four female Red-billed curassows, rescued from illegal wild animal trading, that were undergoing habilitation for reintroduction into the wild through Projeto Centrofauna/Botucatu-SP. There is a lack of physiological data on this species, endemic to the region of Atlantic Forest (Mata Atlântica), now under threat of extinction. This lack of information makes the clinical evaluation of these birds very difficult and has a direct and adverse effect on any of these birds received for medical treatment in hospitals, veterinary clinics and centers for research and conservation, as well as in reintroduction centers.


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Brachiaria species normally show a double seed dormancy mechanism, mainly on fresh-harvested seeds, leading to germination percentages lower than those of viability detected by tetrazolium test (TZ) and causing problems as to storage, trading and seed inspection activities. The adoption of the methodology to detect the constants of the viability equation (high storage temperatures and fixed moisture contents) made feasible in this research to isolate the effects of 40, 50 and 65°C on B. brizantha cultivars Marandu, Mulato 1 and Mulato 2 seed dormancy releasing, after storage with moisture contents ranging from 1.9 and 17.8%. Seed samples presented high dormancy levels, detected by TZ and it was complete and partially released by chemical scarification and accelerated ageing test, respectively. No statistical differences were observed as to the speed of germination (T50); however, differences among cultivars were detected as to number of seed per gram. Sorption and desorption isotherm curves were similar for the cultivars. Seed dormancy releasing was better achieved at 40 and 50°C with mc ranging from 7.6 to 10.8%. The temperature of 50°C appears to be adequate for seed dormancy releasing in all mc analyzed. No significant seed dormancy releasing result was observed at 65°C. The cultivar Marandu presented the highest storability throughout the experiment.


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This paper criticizes the conventional theory of choice for being grounded on a minimal set of rationality axioms. We claim that this theory does not take due account of the fact that agents are driven by motives other than the pursuit of material self-interest. Our departure point is logic of commitments and planned action, which helps us to identify some puzzles in the conventional theory of choice. As a way out, we discuss the Kantian perspective and the notions of metapreference and metaranking. We then build a model of choice which points to the possibility of a systematic treatment of higher order preferences and incommensurable objectives.


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Foreign direct investment flow, competitiveness and technological structure of foreign trade in China in the beginning of the 21st century. China's government introduced open market reforms in 1979, mediated by industrial policies improving the ability of attracting higher quality FDI (Foreign Direct Investment), which helped China's economy developing its technological capabilities. As a result, China's share in international trade rose impressively becoming third-largest trading nation in the world, by 2004, also its export structure is significantly more sophisticated. Facing the importance of understanding the determinants of developing word specialization patterns, this paper focuses on the competitiveness and technological structure of exports and imports by China for 1994-1998 and 2001-2005.


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Sudene is the Brazilian Federal Agency for Northeast development. The Agency was recreated last year and this article discusses the possibility of its success. The main point argued here is that financial incentives per se are not the best way for a sustained economical and social progress. It is necessary a change in the institutions which maintain the status quo of the underdevelopment. The article shows the Sudene history and the motives of its failure.


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The debate on the link between trade rules and rules on exchange rates is raising the attention of experts on international trade law and economics. The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the impacts of exchange rate misalignments on tariffs as applied by the WTO - World Trade Organization. It is divided into five sections: the first one explains the methodology used to determine exchange rate misalignments and also presents its results for Brazil, U.S. and China; the second summarizes the methodology applied to calculate the impacts of exchange rate misalignments on the level of tariff protection through an exercise of "misalignment tariffication"; the third examines the effects of exchange rate variations on tariffs and their consequences for the multilateral trading system; the fourth one creates a methodology to estimate exchange rates against a currency of the World and a proposal to deal with persistent and significant misalignments related to trade rules. The conclusions are present in the last section.