58 resultados para THERMO-LUMINESCENCE
em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP
In the Earth's carbon cycle, C stocks in the soil are higher than in vegetation and atmosphere. Maintaining and conserving organic C concentrations in the soil by specific management practices can improve soil fertility and productivity. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of agricultural management techniques and influence of water regime (flooded or drained) on the structure of humic substances by excitation/emission matrix fluorescence. Six samples of a Planosol (Planossolo by the Brazilian System of Soil Classification) were collected from a rice field. Humic substances (HS) were extracted from flooded and drained soil under different agricultural management techniques: conventional tillage, reduced tillage and grassland. Two peaks at a long emission wavelength were observed in the EEM spectra of HA whereas those of the corresponding FA contained a unique fluorophore at an intermediate excitation/emission wavelength pair (EEWP) value. The fluorescence intensity measured by total luminescence (FI TL) of HA was lower than that of the corresponding FA. A comparison of all samples (i.e., the HA values compared to each other) revealed only slight differences in the EEWP position, but the FI TL values were significantly different. In this soil, anoxic conditions and reduced tillage (little plowing) seem to favor a higher degree of humification of the soil organic matter compared with aerated conditions and conventional tillage.
A new procedure to find the limiting range of the photomultiplier linear response of a low-cost, digital oscilloscope-based time-resolved laser-induced luminescence spectrometer (TRLS), is presented. A systematic investigation on the instrument response function with different signal input terminations, and the relationship between the luminescence intensity reaching the photomultiplier and the measured decay time are described. These investigations establish that setting the maximum intensity of the luminescence signal below 0.3V guarantees, for signal input terminations equal or higher than 99.7 ohm, a linear photomultiplier response.
Effect of particle morphology on the mechanical and thermo-mechanical behavior of polymer composites
Fiber reinforced polymer composites have been used in many applications, such as in automobile, aerospace and naval industries, due basically to their high strength-to-weight and modulus-to-weight, among other properties. Even though particles are usually not able to lead to the level of reinforcement of fibers, particle reinforced polymer composites have been proposed for many new applications due to their low cost, easy fabrication and isotropic properties. In this work, polymer composites were prepared by incorporating glass particles of different morphologies on poly(aryl sulfones) matrices. Particles with aspect ratios equal to 1, 2.5 and 10 were used. The prepared composites were characterized using electron microscopy and thermal analysis. Mechanical properties of the composites were evaluated using a four-point bending test. The thermo-mechanical behavior of the obtained composites was also investigated. The results showed that the morphology of the particles alter significantly the mechanical properties of composites. Particles with larger values of aspect ratio led to large elastic modulus but low levels of strain at failure. This result was explained by modeling the thermo-mechanical behavior of the composites using a viscoelastic model. Parameters of the model, obtained from a Cole-Cole type of plot, demonstrated that interactions at the polymer-reinforcing agent interface were higher for composites with large aspect ratio particles. Higher levels of interactions at interfaces can lead to higher degrees of stress transfer and, consequently, to composites with large elastic modulus, as experimentally observed.
Os autores observam que após a inactivação de sôro de cobaya a 54° durante 30 minutos permanecem no sôro as fracções thermolabeis em quantidade apreciavel; um tal sôro conservado na temperatura de 6°, por espaço de 18 horas, regenera parte da sua actividade alexica perdida. 2° Confirma-se a existencia de 4 componentes do complemento. 3° O chamado terceiro componente de Ritz e Coca é na verdade constituidos por dois elementos, pelos menos, differentes: um destructivel pelo formol e outro destructivel pelo hydrosulphito de sodio. 4° A ammonia, o formol e o hydrosulpito de sodio são capazes de destruir os constituintes thermoresistentes da alexina do sôro inactivado a 56° 30 minutos, ao passo que as emulsões de levedos, de orgãos ou de gelose não o são. 5° As emulsões de levedo addicionadas a uma mistura em partes eguaes de sôro fresco de cobaya e de sôro aquecido a 56°, 30 m., são capazes de retirar não só o terceiro componente contido no sôro fresco da mistura, mas tambem o terceiro componente contido no sôro inactivado pelo calor. 6° Sem excluir a hypothese de uma floculação em que o sôro aquecido exerça o papel de um colloide protector, os autores admittem que a inactivação do complemento pelas emulsões de levedo ou pela gelose seja devida a substancias thermolabeis, do sôro, depois de adsorpção por essas emulsões, de substancias anti-tripticas. 7° Os diversos elementos que constituem a alexina são adsorvidos pelos globulos sensibilizados na seguinte ordem: Globulos-sensibilizadora-Fracção thermo-resistente sensivel á ammonia-Fracção thermolabil Globulina-Fracção thermolabil albumina-Fracção thermoresistente sensivel ao formol-Fracção thermoresistente sensivel ao hydrosulphito de sodio. 8° Na reacção de Bordet-Wassermann fortemente positiva é fixada sobretudo a fracção globulina thermolabil do complemento e não sómente o terceiro componente como seria licito esperar; a fracção thermolabil albumina permanece de regra livre e activa no liquido. 9° Os autores acham que se deve considerar como demonstrada a origem hepatica da alexina. Segundo experiencias procedidas em cães intoxicados pelo chloroformio não só baixa consideravelmente o titulo alexico global do sôro mas tambem os titulos, de todos os constituintes da alexina separadamente, soffrem, com a excepção da fracção thermolabil globulina, uma reducção muito accentuada.
Foram examinadas 38 amostras de germens do grupo pullorumgallinarum, de origem européa, americana ou isoladas no Brasil, acompanhadas bacteriologicamente durante 3 annos, na fixidez de suas propriedades ou na possibilidade de sua transformação dum typo em outro. a) Distinguiram-se no estudo das propriedades cinco typos de germens no grupo pullorumgallinarum - 1) pullorum gazogeno, 2) pullorum não gazogeno, 3) intermedius, 4) gallinarum ou intermedius? gazogeno, 5) gallinarum não gazogeno. Os 2 primeiros e o 5º já bem cinhecidos e acceitos; o 4º admittido por Beck & Eber, em 1929, o 3º evidenciado por nós em 1935. b) O typo gallinarum gazogeno deve ser mais propriamente talvez considerado como typo intermedius gazogeno a vista de sua acção sobre sorbita e a xylose e sobre o meio de Jordan. c) O quadro final resume as caracteristicas mais importantes destes cinco typos, baseando-se a differenciação principalmente na alteração do vermelho neutro, na produção de H²S, na fermentação de glycerina, rhamnose, xylose, dulcita, sorbita e maltose, na acção sobre o tartaro, na producção de gaz e no aspecto das colonias na superficie de certos meios de cultura. d) Outras propriedades biologicas examinadas - acção sobre o leite, sôro de leite, dextrina, etc, admitidos por varios pesquizadores na differenciação, parecem distituidas de valor. e) As amostras mantiveram fixas as suas propriedades durante todo o tempo em que foram acompanhadas. A hypothese de uma possivel transformação de um typo em outro não foi confirmada em nenhuma das amostras estudadas, justificando a entidade dos varios typos admittidos. f) Discrepancias observadas na fermentação da maltose, referidas por varios pesquizadores com germens desse grupo, não foram confirmadas no presente trabalho. g) Encontrou-se no sôro sanguineo um factor capaz de transformar a maltose em glycose, tornando aquelle assucar fermentescivel. Essa substancia é thermo-estavel e resiste á acção de substancias antidiastasicas. h) A analyse sôrologica das amostras estudadas não permittiu differenciar os typos entre si.
In an attempt to isolate Paracoccidioides brasiliensis from nature 887 samples of soil from Botucatu, SP, Brazil, were collected cultured in brain heart infusion agar supplemented with dextrose, in potato dextrose agar and in yeast extract starch dextrose agar, all with antibiotics, at 25º and 37ºC. Five thermo-dependent dimorphic fungi morphologically resembling P. brasiliensis were isolated; two from armadillo holes; further studies of the biology, antigenicity and genetic features of the five dimorphic fungi are necessary to clarify their taxonomy and their possible relation to P. brasiliensis. In addition, 98 dematiaceous fungi and 581 different species of Aspergillus spp. were also isolated. Our findings emphasize that armadillos and their environment are associated with thermo-dimorphic fungi and confirm the ubiquity of pathogenic dematiaceous fungi and Aspergillus spp.
Second record of bioluminescence in larvae of Xantholinus Dejean, (Staphylinidae, Xantholinini) from Brazil. Bioluminescent Xantholinus larvae (Xantholinini, Staphylinidae) were collected in the Cerrado biome of Mato Grosso state, Brazil. These larvae are morphologically similar to the first bioluminescent larvae of this genus collected in the Atlantic Forest in São Paulo state; however they differ by their bioluminescent emission.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the distribution pattern and composition of soil organic matter (SOM) and its physical pools of Leptosols periodically affected by fire over the last 100 years in South Brazil. Soil samples at 0-5, 5-10, and 10-15 cm depths were collected from the following environments: native pasture without burning in the last year and grazed with 0.5 livestock per hectare per year (1NB); native pasture without burning in the last 23 years and grazed with 2.0 livestock per hectare per year (23NB); and an Araucaria forest (AF). Physical fractionation was performed with the 0-5 and 5-10 cm soil layers. Soil C and N stocks were determined in the three depths and in the physical pools, and organic matter was characterized by infrared spectroscopy and thermogravimetry. The largest C stocks in all depths and physical pools were found under the AF. The 23NB environment showed the lowest soil C and N stocks at the 5-15 cm depth, which was related to the end of burning and to the higher grazing intensity. The SOM of the occluded light fraction showed a greater chemical recalcitrance in 1NB than in 23NB. Annual pasture burning does not affect soil C stocks up to 15 cm of depth.
O comportamento reológico da polpa de cupuaçu integral foi determinado na faixa de temperatura de 10 a 60ºC. Os efeitos da temperatura e da taxa de deformação foram avaliados por meio de testes em cisalhamento estacionário. As análises reológicas foram conduzidas num reômetro Thermo Haake RheoStress 1. Os reogramas foram descritos pelos modelos reológicos de Ostwald-de-Waelle e o de Herschel-Bulkley. As curvas de escoamento mais bem ajustadas pelo modelo de Ostwald-de-Waelle. O produto apresentou comportamento pseudoplástico, e o índice de comportamento de fluxo (n) decresceu com o aumento da temperatura. O efeito da temperatura sobre a viscosidade aparente foi descrita por uma equação tipo Arrhenius e discutida em termos de energia de ativação. Essa energia aumentou com o aumento da taxa de deformação, sendo obtidos valores na faixa de 1 a 2 kcal/gmol.
This study aimed to evaluate different proportions of organic compost and soil as a substrate for the guavira emergence and seedling formation under different protected environments, in the high Pantanal region of the state of Mato Grosso do Sul. The seeds were placed in polyethylene bags (15 x 25 centimeters) filled with four percentages of organic compost (0%, 20%, 80%, and 100% of total volume) mixed with soil. These substrates were tested in agro-nurseries covered with black screen and 50% thermo-reflecting shade cloths. The substrate with 20% soil and 80% organic compost and the black screen shade cloth promote the best performance in the seedling production.
We describe in this work a simple experimental set up to perform time dependent luminescence experiments in time scales from mili-seconds to seconds, based on the phase resolution of the emission signal. This system is composed by modulation of a continuous light source with an external chopper controlled by a lock-in amplifier. We exemplified the utility of the system in studies of phosphorecence emission using benzophenone dissolved in polystyrene and since the phosphorescence intensity and lifetime are temperature-dependent processes, we also studied polymer relaxation processes in the temperature range from 20 to 400K. A software that drives the spectrofluorimeter and controls both the cryosystem and the lock-in amplifier was developed.
Fabrication of new optical devices based upon the incorporation of rare earth ions via sol-gel methods depends on elimination of dopant ion clusters and residual hydroxyl groups from the final material. The optical absorption and/or luminescence properties of luminescent rare earth ions are influenced by the local bonding environment and the distribution of the rare-earth dopants in the matrix. Typically, dopants are incorporated into gel via dissolution of soluble species into the initial precursor sol. In this work, Eu3+ is used as optical probe, to assess changes in the local environment. Results of emission, excitation, fluorescence line narrowing and lifetimes studies of Eu3+-doped gels derived from Si(OCH3)4 and fluorinated/chelate Eu3+ precursors are presented. The precursors used in the sol-gel synthesis were: tris (6,6,7,7,8,8,8-heptafluoro-2,2-dimethyl-3,5-octanedionate) Eu(III), Eu (III) trifluoromethanesulfonate, Eu(III) acetylacetonate hydrate, Eu (III) trifluoroacetate trihidrate, tris (2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-3,5- heptanedionate) Eu(III) and Eu(NO3)3.6H2O. The results were interpreted in terms of the evolution of the Eu3+ fluorescence in systems varying from solution to the gels densified to 800ºC. The lifetimes studies indicate that the fluorinated precursors are effective at reducing the water content in densified gels.
The peroxyoxalate system is still one of the most efficient chemiluminescence reactions and the only one supposed to involve the "Chemically Initiated Electron Exchange Luminescence - CIEEL" mechanism, with proved high efficiency. Besides the academic interest in the elucidation of the mechanism of this complex reaction, the peroxyoxalate system has found a variety of applications in analytical chemistry. This review contains (i) a short introduction to basic concepts in chemiluminescence, (ii) a critical summary of mechanistic studies on the peroxyoxalate reaction, (iii) and some examples of analytical applications. Although there are some recent reviews on chemiluminescence, no specific critical revision on mechanistic and analytical features of the peroxyoxalate system has been published.
Propriedades fotofísicas de Eu3+ e Tb3+ imobilizados em sílica gel funcionalizada com beta-Dicetonas
Synthetic procedures, characterization and luminescent properties of Eu3+ and Tb3+ ions supported on silica gel functionalized with beta-diketones are presented. The functionalization with propyl benzoyltrifluoroacetone (BPG), dibenzoylmethane (DBM) and hexafluoroacetone (HPG), leads to new luminescent materials which photophysical properties depend on the group substituent in the beta-diketone. These systems were evaluated in terms of luminescence and lifetime of the Eu3+ and Tb3+ ions. Silica functionalization was confirmed by TGA and Elemental Analysis. The sample contents of ions were from 0,2 to 0,3 % (w/w).
Multicomponent ( Al2O3, CaO, SiO2, MgO) calcium aluminate-based glasses containing Nd3+ were prepared in order to evaluate their possibilities as laser host materials. The refractive index, UV-visible-near IR absorption spectrum, IR and visible luminescence spectra, and fluorescence decay time were measured. Judd-Ofelt model was used to obtain experimental intensity parameters ( omega2, omega4 and omega6), emission cross-section, radiative lifetimes, emission branching ratios and quantum efficiency.