12 resultados para Sulkala, Helena: Tutkielmia oppijankielestä. 2

em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP


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Com a descoberta das Emissões Otoacústicas (EOA), tornou-se possível analisar e investigar as funções auditivas das células ciliadas externas do órgão da audição. Podem ser espontâneas, evocadas transientes ou por produto de distorção. O teste das EOAEs-DP caracteriza-se por ser um exame objetivo, rápido, indolor, não-invasivo e de fácil aplicação tanto para clínica como para programas de triagem auditiva. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Coorte transversal. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Foram avaliadas 105 crianças entre 2 e 7 anos de idade da creche "Lar da Criança", de Marília, SP. A avaliação constou de exame otorrinolaringológico completo e EOAEs-DP. Todas estas crianças, após prévia autorização dos responsáveis, foram submetidas a exame otorrinolaringológico completo e EOAEs-DP. RESULTADOS: Os resultados demonstraram que das 105 crianças avaliadas, 44,76% apresentavam cerume. 12 crianças permaneceram com cerume mesmo após uso de ceruminolítico e lavagem auricular ou não apresentaram consentimento informado de seus responsáveis. Portanto, estas foram excluídas do trabalho sendo o restante, 93 crianças, submetidas a avaliação das EOAEs-DP Após a realização das EOAEs-DP, verificou-se que 5,37% das crianças apresentaram exames alterados, sendo que 60% destas eram do sexo masculino e 60% com acometimento bilateral. DISCUSSÃO: Os resultados encontrados foram inferiores aos citados na literatura, assim como o predomínio do sexo masculino. Além disso, notou-se alta prevalência de cerume nos pacientes testados. CONCLUSÃO: É essencial uma avaliação otorrinolaringológica completa prévia. O exame de EOAEs-DP pode ser realizado em crianças para detecção precoce e prevenção de falhas no desenvolvimento cognitivo e psicoemocional.


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Between 1992 and 1997, 790 blood donors with anti-HCV EIA-2 strongly reagent (relationship between the sample optical density/cut-off > 3) detected at the blood bank serological screening, were evaluated in ambulatory environment. They were all negative for Chagas disease, syphilis, hepatitis B (HBsAg) and AIDS. Blood samples were collected at the first ambulatorial evaluation, for hemogram, biochemical tests and new serological tests for HCV (anti-HCV EIA-2). In blood samples of 226 repeatedly reagent anti-HCV EIA-2 blood donors, supplementary "immunoblot" test for HCV (RIBA-2) was used. In 209 donors, the presence of HCV-RNA was investigated by the PCR test. The abdominal ultrasonography was realized in 366 donors. In 269 patients liver biopsy was performed for the histopathological study. The follow-up of blood donors showed that 95.6% were repeatedly EIA-2 reagent, 94% were symptomless and denied any hepatitis history, with only 2% mentioning previous jaundice. In 47% of this population at least one risk factor has been detected for the HCV transmission, the use of intravenous drugs being the main one (27.8%). Blood transfusion was the second factor for HCV transmission (27.2%). Hepatomegaly was detected in 54% of the cases. Splenomegaly and signs of portal hypertension have seldom been found in the physical examination, indicating a low degree of hepatic compromising in HCV. Abdominal ultrasound showed alterations in 65% of the subjects, being the steatosis the most frequent (50%). In 83.5% of the donors submitted to the liver biopsy, the histopathological exam showed the presence of chronic hepatitis, usually classified as active (89%) with mild or moderate grade in most of the cases (99.5%). The histopathological exam of the liver was normal in 1.5% of blood donors. The RIBA-2 test and the HCV-RNA investigation by PCR were positive in respectively 91.6 and 75% of the anti-HCV EIA-2 reagent donors. The HCV-RNA research was positive in 82% of the RIBA-2 positive subjects, in 37.5% of the indeterminate RIBA-2 donors and in 9% of the negative RIBA-2 donors. Chronic hepatitis has also been observed in 50% of the histopathological exams of the anti-HCV EIA-2 reagent donors which were indeterminate RIBA-2. Among 18 blood donors with minimal changes histopathological exam 11 (61%) were HCV-RNA positive. Our blood donors anti-HCV reagent generally had clinical, laboratorial and histopathological features observed in patients with chronic HCV hepatitis and a high proportion could be identified in interviews and medical evaluation realized in blood blanks. Generally, these HCV infected donors are identified and discharged only by the serological tests results.


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The current diagnosis of human T-lymphotropic virus type-2 (HTLV-2) infection is based on the search of specific antibodies; nevertheless, several studies conducted in Brazil pointed deficiencies of the commercially available kits in detecting HTLV-2, mostly in HIV/AIDS patients. This study searched for the presence of HTLV-1 and -2 in 758 HIV/AIDS patients from Londrina, Paraná, Brazil. Serum samples were screened for HTLV-1/2 antibodies using two EIA kits (Vironostika and Murex), and confirmed by WB (HTLV Blot 2.4, Genelabs). The results obtained by EIA disclosed 49 (6.5%) reactive sera: 43 positive by both EIA kits, and six with discordant results. WB confirmed HTLV-1 infection in seven samples (0.9%) and HTLV-2 in 21 sera (2.8%). Negative and indeterminate results were detected in four (0.5%) and 16 (2.1%) sera, respectively. Blood from 47 out of 49 HTLV seroreactive patients were collected and analyzed for the presence of env, LTR and tax genomic segments of HTLVs by PCR. PCR confirmed six cases of HTLV-1 and 37 cases of HTLV-2 infection (14 out of 16 that were found to be WB indeterminate). Restriction analysis of the env PCR products of HTLV-2 disclosed 36 isolates of HTLV-2a/c subtype, and one of HTLV-2b subtype. These results emphasize the need of improving serologic tests for detecting truly HTLV-2 infected patients from Brazil, and confirm the presence of HTLV-2b subtype in the South of this country.


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A dengue fever case is described in a 58-year-old male patient with febrile illness and thrombocytopenia complicated by neurological involvement characterized by transverse myelitis followed by weakness of both legs and flaccid paralysis. Muscle strength was much diminished and bilateral areflexia was observed. Dengue 2 (DEN-2) virus was isolated and the patient sero-converted by hemagglutination-inhibition and IgM-ELISA tests. The RT-PCR test was positive to DEN-2 in acute phase serum and culture supernatant, but negative in the cerebrospinal fluid. After three weeks of hospitalization the patient was discharged. No other infectious agent was detected in the blood and cerebrospinal fluid samples. The patient had full recovery from paralysis six months after the onset of DEN-2 infection.


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Fundamento: Estresse e etanol são ambos, independentemente, importantes fatores de risco cardiovascular. Objetivo: avaliar o risco cardiovascular do consumo de etanol e exposição ao estresse, isolados e em associação, em ratos machos adultos. Métodos: Os ratos foram separados em quatro grupos: controle, etanol (20% na água de beber durante seis semanas), estresse (imobilização 1h dia/5 dias por semana/ 6 semanas) e estresse/etanol. As curvas de concentração-resposta à noradrenalina - na ausência e na presença de ioimbina, L-NAME ou indometacina - ou fenilefrina foram determinadas em aortas torácicas com e sem endotélio. EC50 e resposta máxima (n = 8-12) foram comparadas através de ANOVA de dois fatores (two-way) / método de Bonferroni. Resultados: Estresse ou estresse em associação com o consumo de etanol aumentaram as respostas máximas de noradrenalina em aortas intactas. Essa hiper-reatividade foi eliminada pela remoção do endotélio, ou pela presença da indometacina ou ioimbina, mas não foi alterada pela presença de L-NAME. Enquanto isso, o consumo de etanol não alterou a reatividade à noradrenalina. As respostas da fenilefrina em aortas com e sem endotélio também permaneceram inalteradas independentemente do protocolo. Conclusão: O estresse crônico aumentou as respostas aórticas dos ratos à noradrenalina. Esse efeito é dependente do endotélio vascular e envolve a liberação de prostanóides vasoconstritores através da estimulação de α-2 adrenoceptores endoteliais. Além disso, o consumo crônico de etanol pareceu não influenciar as respostas de noradrenalina em aorta de rato, nem modificar o aumento de tais respostas observadas em consequência da exposição ao estresse.


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The effect of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection on IgG production against purified protein derivative (PPD) and 2,3-diacil-trehalose (SL-IV) was investigated by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) test. Comparison between the antigens showed that immunocompetent patients produce preferentially antibodies to SL-IV than to PPD (73.3% versus 63.3%). Combination of these results showed an increase of the sensitivity to 80%, which decreased over the spectrum of immunodepression caused by HIV. In the tuberculous HIV seropositive group the sensitivities of SL-IV and PPD were 36.4% versus 40% and 0% versus 22.2% in the tuberculosis/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (TB/AIDS) group. Combination of these results gave respectively 54.5% and 20%, showing that serological tests have limited value for diagnosis of tuberculosis in HIV infected patients. High antibody levels were observed in HIV seropositive asymptomatic group, but only two individuals were positive for both antigens. In the follow up, one of them developed tuberculous lymphadenitis, indicating that further work is needed to access the value of serological tests in predicting tuberculosis in HIV infected individuals.


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Of the 110 dentists who had presented seroconversion 50 days after the intradermal application of three 2 µg doses of the Belgian recombinant vaccine against hepatitis B (HB), administered eight years before at an interval of one month between the 1st and 2nd doses and of five months between the 2nd and 3rd doses, 51 were included for the assessment of the persistence of immunity. None of the dentists had hepatitis or had received HB vaccine during this period. All subjects were submitted to serological tests for the detection of the following markers of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection: HBsAg, anti-HBc, HBeAg, anti-HBe, and anti-HBs, with no HBsAg, anti-HBc, HBeAg or anti-HBe being detected. A microparticle enzyme immunoassay (MEIA) revealed the presence of anti-HBs at protective titers (> 10 mIU/ml) in 42 dentists (82.4%), with the anti-HBs titer being higher than 100 mIU/ml in 36 of them (70.6%) (good responders), between 10 and 100 mIU/ml in 6 (11.8%) (poor responders), and lower than 10 mIU/ml in 9 (17.6%) (non-responders). According to clinical data and serological tests, none of the dentists had presented disease or latent HBV infection during the eight years following the first vaccination. A 2 µg booster dose was administered intradermally to eight dentists with anti-HBs titers lower than 10 mIU/ml (non-responders) and to six dentists with titers ranging from 10 to 100 mIU/ml (poor responders); the determination of anti-HBs one month later demonstrated the occurrence of seroconversion in the eight non-responders and an increase in anti-HBs titer in the six poor responders. In summary, the present results demonstrated the prolonged persistence of protection against HBV infection and the development of immunologic memory provided by vaccination against HB - with intra-dermal application of three 2 µg doses of the Belgian recombinant vaccine at 0, 1, and 6 months - carried out eight years before in 51 dentists.


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Megazol (7) is a 5-nitroimidazole that is highly active against Trypanosoma cruzi and Trypanosoma brucei, as well as drug-resistant forms of trypanosomiasis. Compound 7 is not used clinically due to its mutagenic and genotoxic properties, but has been largely used as a lead compound. Here, we compared the activity of 7 with its 4H-1,2,4-triazole bioisostere (8) in bloodstream forms of T. brucei and T. cruzi and evaluated their activation by T. brucei type I nitroreductase (TbNTR) enzyme. We also analysed the cytotoxic and genotoxic effects of these compounds in whole human blood using Comet and fluorescein diacetate/ethidium bromide assays. Although the only difference between 7 and 8 is the substitution of sulphur (in the thiadiazole in 7) for nitrogen (in the triazole in 8), the results indicated that 8 had poorer antiparasitic activity than 7 and was not genotoxic, whereas 7 presented this effect. The determination of Vmax indicated that although 8 was metabolised more rapidly than 7, it bounds to the TbNTR with better affinity, resulting in equivalent kcat/KM values. Docking assays of 7 and 8 performed within the active site of a homology model of the TbNTR indicating that 8 had greater affinity than 7.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a eficiência da película de fécula de mandioca 3% e de sacos plásticos de polietileno de baixa densidade na conservação da qualidade pós-colheita de pêssegos 'Aurora 2' armazenados sob refrigeração (9 + 1ºC e 90 + 5% UR) por 10 dias. O experimento foi realizado no DCA/Ufla, em Lavras-MG. A fécula 3% induziu maior perda de massa, comprometendo a qualidade final do fruto e tendo vida útil de apenas 6 dias. O uso do polietileno reduziu a perda de massa e manteve a firmeza, diminuindo a solubilização das pectinas.


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Derivatives of N-tryptophyl-5-benzylidene-2,4-thiazolidinedione (7a-c) and N-tryptophyl-5-benzylidene-rhodanine (7d-f) were prepared by condensation of the intermediates 5 and 6 with different benzaldehydes, respectively. Their structural elucidation was carried through by IR, ¹H NMR and MS. The acute toxicity and antiedematogenic activity of the compounds 7b,c and 7e,f were evaluated. The data did not reveal any sign of toxicity, and no mortality was registered. As indomethacin (10 mg/kg; v.o.), the antiedematogenic activity of the compounds 7b (50 mg/kg; v.o.) and 7e, 7f (50 or 100 mg/kg; v.o.) against carrageenan-induced paw edema was verified at time intervals of 180 min.


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(E)-2-nonenal is considered an important off-flavor of beer, related to the flavor of beer staling. In this study, a new method for determination of (E)-2-nonenal in beer using headspace solid-phase microextraction and gas chromatographic coupled mass spectrometry (HS-SPME-GC-MS) was developed and applied in Brazilian beer samples. The extractions were carried out in CAR-PDMS (carboxen-polydimethylsiloxane) fiber and the best results were found with 15 minutes of equilibrium and 90 minutes of extraction at 50 °C. The method was linear in the range from 0.02 to 4.0 μg.L-1 with correlation coefficient of 0.9994. The limits of detection and quantification were 0.01 and 0.02 μg.L-1, respectively. 96.5% of recovery and 4% precision (RSD) were obtained in the fortification of beer samples with 2.0 μg.L-1 of (E)-2-nonenal. The developed method proved to be simple, efficient and highly sensitive to the determination of this analyte being easily applied in the quality control of the brewery. (E)-2-nonenal was found in all beer samples analyzed with levels between 0.17 and 0.42 μg.L-1.