22 resultados para Sternocleidomastoid Flap

em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP


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The contribution of the sternocleidomastoid branch of the occipital artery (superior arterial pedicle - SAP) to the irrigation of the sternocleidomastoid muscle (SCM) was evaluated in fresh human cadavers by injecting radiological dye and a resin for microvasculature corrosion casts. From its insertion in the mastoid process of the temporal bone, the SCM was divided into superior, medium, and inferior thirds. In most of the SCM, The SAP are formed by two longitudinal parallel branches. In all specimens, the radiological dye injected into the SAP reached or trespassed the middle part of the studied SCM. The SAP was poorly distributed in the lowermost region of the inferior third of the SCM, suggesting the contribution of other arteries or pedicles. The corrosion casts of the microvasculature showed a profuse network of microscopic vessels in those levels where the SAP was detected.


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The autors present a case of bilateral vulvar defects after abrasion of malignant skin neoplasm, reconstructed with a gluteal-fold perforator flap, resulting in a successful outcome.


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The authors detail the experimental development of a technique for the reconstruction of the ureter using a tubular shape, muscle flap of the abdominal wall. the preliminary results indicate the feasibility of this surgical technique.


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Referimo-nos ao caso de um paciente masculino de setenta e cinco anos de idade, com um carcinoma espinocelular (SCC), que se originou na parte exterior da orelha direita há quatro anos. Sofreu uma remoção cirúrgica da parte lesionada combinada com dissecção modificada do pescoço e reconstrução com o uso de retalho peitoral maior. Além disso, teve radioterapia com 6000 rads na região temporal direita. Há dois meses o paciente mostrou urna recorrência expansiva no que diz respeito ao músculo temporal e ao osso, o osso litóide, os músculos masseter e os músculos pterigóideos, a parte direita da mandíbula, a glândula da parótida com o nervo facial, e o bulbo superior da veia jugular interna. Sofreu uma remoção cirúrgica da lesão afetada até as extremidades saudáveis e reconstrução estética e funcional com a utilização combinada de uma prótese de metal fixa do côndilo e da mandíbula direita e o uso de músculo-cutâneo trapezious flap. Apresentamos o relato de um caso sobre as opções de reconstrução que nós temos em nossos dias para proporcionar qualidade de vida a doentes que sofrem de cancro.


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The authors analysed a series of 22 patients undergoing surgical correction of congenital hand syndactyly by the rectangular flap technique. Using our evaluation method, we found that good functional and aesthetic results were obtained in 77.3% of the patients, with a complication rate of 13.6%. We concluded that the rectangular flap technique has a simple design, is easily reproducible by in-training staff, has good results, and can be applied on the majority of the syndactyly cases.


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The rejection of allotransplantation of epigastric microsurgical flaps and the effect of immunosuppression have been studied in 58 rats. Three sets of experiments were planned: (1) Wistar Furth isogenic donors and receptors (control set); (2) Brown Norway donors and Wistar Furth receptors (rejection set); and (3) Brown Norway donors and Wistar Furth immunosuppressed receptors (cyclosporin A set). Cyclosporin A (10 mg/kg/d) treated rats had a transplantation survival rate of up to 30 days: 83.3% among isogenic animals and 60% among allogeneic. There was 100% rejection by the 9th day after the transplantation in allogeneic non-immunosuppressed rats. Biopsies embedded with historesin were taken from the flap and normal contralateral skin (used as control) on the 3rd, 7th, 15th, and 30th days after the surgery. A quantitative study of infiltrating lymphocytes in the flaps, with and without cyclosporin A, was done by evaluating the local inflammatory infiltrate. A significant increase in the number of lymphocytes among the rejection and immunosuppressed groups was seen, as compared to the isogenic set. Local lymphocytosis in allogeneic non-immunosuppressed transplantations reached its highest level on the 3rd day after surgery, before gross findings of rejection, which could only be seen by naked eye on the 5th or 6th day. Therefore, we conclude that cyclosporin A is effective in preserving allogenic transplantation in rats. Biopsies of transplanted areas may contribute to earlier diagnosis of the need for immunosuppressive therapy.


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Treatment of arterial traumatic intimal lesions is controversial due to its unknown natural history. Current therapeutical options include arterial reconstruction and clinical observation. The idea of using stents to correct intimal flaps is based on their use to correct dissections, flaps, and arterial irregularities after angioplasty. We report the successful treatment of a traumatic intimal flap of the superficial femoral artery, caused by gunshot trauma, with a Palmaz stent in the acute period. One year after the operation, a duplex scan revealed normal flow in the artery and complete exclusion of the intimal flap; distal pulses were palpable, and the patient was completely asymptomatic.


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INTRODUCTION: Tissue expanders have been of great value in plastic surgery. Tissue expansion was developed for a specific indication; however, within a very short time, the concept of tissue expansion found wide applicability. From 1990 to 1999, 315 expanders in 164 patients were utilized. A retrospective analysis of complications and prognostic factors for complications were done. METHODS: The indications for tissue expansion were burns (50%), trauma (32%), and sequelae of previous surgery (8.8%). The expanders were inserted most frequently in the scalp, trunk and neck. RESULTS: There were 22.2% of complications and the most common were expander exposure (50%), infection (24%) and bad function of the expander (12.8%). The present study revealed an increased rate of minor complications in the group of 0 to 10 years of age and an increased rate of major complications for face and neck expansions compared to trunk expansion. There were no increased complication rates for the other age and anatomic site groups, previous expansion, concomitant expansion and type of expander used. CONCLUSIONS: The outcomes from tissue expansion procedures done in our hospital are similar to those reported in the literature. Tissue expansion is a good and safe technique.


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Treatment of wounds using conventional methods is frequently limited by inadequate local wound conditions, or by a poor systemic clinical situation. Vacuum system may promote faster granulation tissue formation, remove excessive exudate, increase blood flow in the wound, and attract the borders of the wound to the center, reducing its dimension. We present 3 cases of patients with difficult wounds, due to bad local conditions, or poor clinical situation, in whom we used a vacuum system to prepare the wound for the surgical closure. One patient had a pressure ulcer, another had a diabetic foot ulcer, and the third one had an open foot stump. In the 3 cases a significant improvement of the wound conditions was achieved after 7 to 8 days, allowing successful surgical treatment with flap or skin grafts.


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The patient is a 54-year-old asymptomatic male with a tumor in the right atrium that was diagnosed on transesophageal echocardiography and confirmed as a lipoma of the right atrium on computerized tomography. The patient underwent surgical repair with extracorporeal circulation. The tumor was resected, and its base of implantation in the atrium was repaired with a flap of bovine pericardium. The diagnosis of lipoma was confirmed on histopathological examination. Locating of the tumor with the aid of transesophageal echocardiography was very useful in the strategy of cannulation of the venae cava for installation of the circuit of extracorporeal circulation. The patient had a good postoperative evolution.


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É relatado o caso de um paciente do sexo masculino com idade de 71 anos, dando entrada no pronto-atendimento com palidez cutaneomucosa, acompanhada de hipertensão arterial sistêmica e dor torácica. Na investigação diagnóstica não foi evidenciada alteração compatível com isquemia miocárdica aguda. A radiografia de tórax evidenciava alargamento importante do mediastino. Ao ecocardiograma, a aorta ascendente media 47 mm, no nível do tronco pulmonar. Um dia após o eco, o paciente foi submetido a exame de ressonância magnética (RNM), quando se evidenciou aorta ascendente de 62 mm, sem evidenciar fluxo em falsa luz ou "flap" intimal, mas mostrando hematoma intramural da aorta ascendente, estendendo-se da raiz da aorta até um terço proximal do arco aórtico. Procedeu-se a correção cirúrgica, sendo realizada substituição da aorta ascendente e parte do arco aórtico (hemiarco), com preservação da valva aórtica pela suspensão das comissuras. Paciente evolui bem sem intercorrência, recebendo alta no nono dia de pós-operatório. Enfatizamos nesse relato de caso a semelhança do quadro clínico do hematoma intramural da aorta com o quadro de dissecção da aorta, a importância de se estabelecer diagnóstico correto e o melhor tratamento.


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Anacanthorus penilabiatus n. sp. is described from the serrasalmid fish, Piaractus mesopotamicus (Holmberg, 1887), cultivated in the Centro de Aqüicultura, Universidade Estadual Paulista. The new species is characterized by having a relatively straight copulatory organ with a long "lip" on the distal margin and a median longitudinal flap, and a copulatory ligament. The large size of the infrapopulations of this species of parasite indicates that it should be considered a potential agent causing losses in aquaculture of the fish host.


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We report the use of Porcine Intestinal Submucosa (PIS) in association with Johanson technique for urethroplasty, in the treatment of recurring urethral stenosis. The patient had obliterans xerotica balanitis and had previously undergone 15 internal uretotomies as well as various unsuccessful urethral dilations. As a result of stenotic extension, another surgery was planned using Johanson technique. During the first part of the surgery, intense local fibrosis was observed, which required greater care and protection to avoid fistulae formation. PIS was interposed to reduce the chances of the occurrence of this dreaded complication. During the second part of the surgery, a skin flap obtained from tissue parallel to the urethral plateau was used to prepare a neourethra according to the norms of this technique. PIS was fixed at its extremities, and interposed between the neourethral suture and the skin suture to prevent any contact between them. The procedure was completed with the use of meatoplasty and glandulaplasty. After 6-month follow up, clinical and urodynamic improvement could be seen. If these results can be confirmed by more extensive studies, PIS will provide new perspectives for complex urethroplasties.


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Acquired chest wall defects present a challenging problem for thoracic surgeons. Many of such defects can be repaired with the use of local and regional musculocutaneous flaps, but larger defects compromising skeletal structure require increasingly sophisticated reconstructive techniques. The following discussion will review the options for repair acquired chest wall defects based in literature. The authors searched the Pubmed (www.pubmed.com) and found citations from January 1996 to February 2008. By reading the titles and the abstracts most of the citations were discharged because they focused in congenital chest wall defects or were cases report. However, many papers were found describing the outcome of large series of patients with acquired chest wall deformities. A review of recent literature shows that the repair of chest wall defects with soft tissues, if possible, remains the treatment of choice. Large chest wall defects require skeletal reconstruction to prevent paradoxical respiration. The selection of the most appropriate flap is primary dictated by the location and the size of the defect. It is important to transfer tissue with good vitality, so understanding the vascular supply is imperative. Autogenous grafts have been used in the past for skeletal reconstruction but a combination of synthetic materials with musculocutaneous flaps has been used lately. Based in the literature, the use of prosthetic material in chest wall reconstruction does not significantly increases the risk of wound infection.


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The thoracic esophageal perforations frequently complicate with fistula when submitted to primary suture. The use of autogenous tissues, like pleura, to reinforce the primary suture has proved to be useful in reduce the incidence of fistulas or at least the severity of the leaks in case they occur. The mortality has reduced too, consequently. A case of an extensive esophageal perforation is presented, where the use of pleural wrap to reinforce the esophagorrafy was very important to contain the leak and to permit a good evolution of the patient.