66 resultados para Statistic Multivariate
em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP
Genetic distances among cacao cultivars were calculated through multivariate analysis, using the D2 statistic, to examine racial group classification and to assess heterotic hybrids. A 5 x 5 complete diallel was evaluated. Over a five-year period (1986-1990), five cultivars of the S1 generation, pertaining to the Lower Amazon Forastero and Trinitario racial groups and 20 crosses between the corresponding S0 parents were analyzed, based upon five yield components - number of healthy and collected fruits per plant (NHFP and NCFP), wet seed weight per plant and per fruit (WSWP and WSWF), and percentage of diseased fruits per plant (PDFP). The diversity analysis suggested a close relationship between the Trinitario and Lower Amazon Forastero groups. A correlation coefficient (r) was calculated to determine the association between genetic diversity and heterosis. Genetic distance of parents by D2 was found to be linearly related to average performance of hybrids for WSWP and WSWF (r = 0.68, P < 0.05 and r = 0.76, P < 0.05, respectively). The heterotic performance for the same components was also correlated with D2, both with r = 0.66 (P < 0.05). A relationship between genetic divergence and combining ability effects was suggested because the most divergent cultivar exhibited a high general combining ability, generating the best performing hybrids. Results indicated that genetic diversity estimates can be useful in selecting parents for crosses and in assessing relationships among cacao racial groups.
Associations between socio-demographic factors, water contact patterns and Schistosoma mansoni infection were investigated in 506 individuals (87% of inhabitants over 1 year of age) in an endemic area in Brazil (Divino), aiming at determining priorities for public health measures to prevent the infection. Those who eliminated S. mansoni eggs (n = 198) were compared to those without eggs in the stools (n = 308). The following explanatory variables were considered: age, sex, color, previous treatment with schistosomicide, place of birth, quality of the houses, water supply for the household, distance from houses to stream, and frequency and reasons for water contact. Factors found to be independently associated with the infection were age (10-19 and > 20 yrs old), and water contact for agricultural activities, fishing, and swimming or bathing (Adjusted relative odds = 5.0, 2.4, 3.2, 2.1 and 2.0, respectively). This suggests the need for public health measures to prevent the infection, emphasizing water contact for leisure and agricultural activities in this endemic area.
A cross-sectional case-control study on the association between the reduced work ability and S. japonicum infection was carried out in a moderate endemic area for schistosomiasis japonica in the southern part of Dongting lake in China. A total of 120 cases with reduced work ability and 240 controls paired to the case by age, sex, occupation and without reduced work ability, participated in the study. The mean age for individuals was 37.6 years old (21-60), the ratio of male: female was 60:40, the prevalence of S. japonicum in the individuals was 28.3%. The results obtained in this study showed that the infection of S. japonicum in case and control groups was 49.2% (59/120) and 17.9% (43/240), respectively. Odds ratio for reduced work ability among those who had schistosomiasis was 4.34 (95%), confidence interval was 2.58-7.34, and among those who had S. japonicum infection (egg per gram > 100) was up to 12.67 (95%), confidence interval was 3.64-46.39. After odds ratio was adjusted by multiple logistic regression, it was confirmed that heavier intensity of S. japonicum infection and splenomegaly due to S. japonicum infection were the main risk factors for reduced work ability in the population studied.
Background: Several researchers seek methods for the selection of homogeneous groups of animals in experimental studies, a fact justified because homogeneity is an indispensable prerequisite for casualization of treatments. The lack of robust methods that comply with statistical and biological principles is the reason why researchers use empirical or subjective methods, influencing their results. Objective: To develop a multivariate statistical model for the selection of a homogeneous group of animals for experimental research and to elaborate a computational package to use it. Methods: The set of echocardiographic data of 115 male Wistar rats with supravalvular aortic stenosis (AoS) was used as an example of model development. Initially, the data were standardized, and became dimensionless. Then, the variance matrix of the set was submitted to principal components analysis (PCA), aiming at reducing the parametric space and at retaining the relevant variability. That technique established a new Cartesian system into which the animals were allocated, and finally the confidence region (ellipsoid) was built for the profile of the animals’ homogeneous responses. The animals located inside the ellipsoid were considered as belonging to the homogeneous batch; those outside the ellipsoid were considered spurious. Results: The PCA established eight descriptive axes that represented the accumulated variance of the data set in 88.71%. The allocation of the animals in the new system and the construction of the confidence region revealed six spurious animals as compared to the homogeneous batch of 109 animals. Conclusion: The biometric criterion presented proved to be effective, because it considers the animal as a whole, analyzing jointly all parameters measured, in addition to having a small discard rate.
Irrigation with treated domestic sewage wastewater (TSE) is an agricultural practice to reduce water requirements of agroecossystems and the nutrient load impact on freshwaters, but adverse effects on soil chemical (salinization, sodification, etc.) and soil physical properties (alteration in soil porosity and hydraulic conductivity, etc.) have been reported. This study aimed to define some relationships among these changes in an Oxisol using multivariate analysis. Corn (Zea mays L.) and sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) were grown for two years, irrigated with TSE. The following soil properties were determined: Ca2+; Mg2+; Na+; K+ and H + Al contents, cationic exchangeable capacity (CEC), sum of bases (SB), base saturation (V), texture (sand, silt and clay), macro-, micro-, and cryptoporosity (V MA, V MI and V CRI), water content at soil saturation (θS) and at field capacity (θFC), residual water content (θR), soil bulk density (d s), water dispersed clay (WDC) and saturated hydraulic conductivity (K SAT). Factor analysis revealed the following six principal factors: Fine Porosity (composed of Na+; K+; WDC, θR, θRFC, and V CRI); Large Porosity (θS, d s, V MA, Vs); Soil CEC (Ca2+; Mg2+; CEC, SB, V); Soil Acidity (H + Al); and Soil Texture (factors 5 and 6). A dual pore structure appears clearly to the factors 1 and 2, with an apparent relationship between fine porosity and the monovalent cations Na+ and K+. The irrigation (with potable sodic tap water or sewage wastewater) only had a significant effect on Fine Porosity and Large Porosity factors, while factors 3 and 4 (Soil CEC and Soil Acidity) were correlated with soil depth. The main conclusion was a shift in pore distribution (large to fine pores) during irrigation with TSE, which induces an increase of water storage and reduces the capacity of drainage of salts.
The spatial variability of soil and plant properties exerts great influence on the yeld of agricultural crops. This study analyzed the spatial variability of the fertility of a Humic Rhodic Hapludox with Arabic coffee, using principal component analysis, cluster analysis and geostatistics in combination. The experiment was carried out in an area under Coffea arabica L., variety Catucai 20/15 - 479. The soil was sampled at a depth 0.20 m, at 50 points of a sampling grid. The following chemical properties were determined: P, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, S, Al3+, pH, H + Al, SB, t, T, V, m, OM, Na saturation index (SSI), remaining phosphorus (P-rem), and micronutrients (Zn, Fe, Mn, Cu and B). The data were analyzed with descriptive statistics, followed by principal component and cluster analyses. Geostatistics were used to check and quantify the degree of spatial dependence of properties, represented by principal components. The principal component analysis allowed a dimensional reduction of the problem, providing interpretable components, with little information loss. Despite the characteristic information loss of principal component analysis, the combination of this technique with geostatistical analysis was efficient for the quantification and determination of the structure of spatial dependence of soil fertility. In general, the availability of soil mineral nutrients was low and the levels of acidity and exchangeable Al were high.
In the State of Rio Grande do Sul, the municipality of Pelotas is responsible for 90 % of peach production due to its suitable climate and soil conditions. However, there is the need for new studies that aim at improved fruit quality and increased yield. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship that exists between soil physical properties and properties in the peach plant in the years 2010 and 2011 by the technique of multivariate canonical correlation. The experiment was conducted in a peach orchard located in the municipality of Morro Redondo, RS, Brazil, where an experimental grid of 101 plants was established. In a trench dug beside each one of the 101 plants, soil samples were collected to determine silt, clay, and sand contents, soil density, total porosity, macroporosity, microporosity, and volumetric water content in the 0.00-0.10 and 0.10-0.20 m layers, as well as the depth of the A horizon. In each plant and in each year, the following properties were assessed: trunk diameter, fruit size and number of fruits per plant, average weight of the fruit per plant, fruit pulp firmness, Brix content, and yield from the orchard. Exploratory analysis of the data was undertaken by descriptive statistics, and the relationships between the physical properties of the soil and of the plant were assessed by canonical correlation analysis. The results showed that the clay and microporosity variables were those that exhibited the highest coefficients of canonical cross-loading with the plant properties in the soil layers assessed, and that the variable of mean weight of the fruit per plant was that which had the highest coefficients of canonical loading within the plant group for the two years assessed.
The objectives of this work were to evaluate the genotype x environment (GxE) interaction for popcorn and to compare two multivariate analyses methods. Nine popcorn cultivars were sown on four dates one month apart during each of the agricultural years 1998/1999 and 1999/2000. The experiments were carried out using randomized block designs, with four replicates. The cv. Zélia contributed the least to the GxE interaction. The cv. Viçosa performed similarly to cv. Rosa-claro. Optimization of GxE was obtained for cv. CMS 42 for a favorable mega-environment, and for cv. CMS 43 for an unfavorable environment. Multivariate analysis supported the results from the method of Eberhart & Russell. The graphic analysis of the Additive Main effects and Multiplicative Interaction (AMMI) model was simple, allowing conclusions to be made about stability, genotypic performance, genetic divergence between cultivars, and the environments that optimize cultivar performance. The graphic analysis of the Genotype main effects and Genotype x Environment interaction (GGE) method added to AMMI information on environmental stratification, defining mega-environments and the cultivars that optimized performance in those mega-environments. Both methods are adequate to explain the genotype x environment interactions.
The objective of this work was to assess and characterize two clones, 169 and 685, of Cabernet Sauvignon grapes and to evaluate the wine produced from these grapes. The experiment was carried out in São Joaquim, SC, Brazil, during the 2009 harvest season. During grape ripening, the evolution of physical-chemical properties, phenolic compounds, organic acids, and anthocyanins was evaluated. During grape harvest, yield components were determined for each clone. Individual and total phenolics, individual and total anthocyanins, and antioxidant activity were evaluated for wine. The clones were also assessed regarding the duration of their phenological cycle. During ripening, the evolution of phenolic compounds and of physical-chemical parameters was similar for both clones; however, during harvest, significant differences were observed regarding yield, number of bunches per plant and berries per bunch, leaf area, and organic acid, polyphenol, and anthocyanin content. The wines produced from these clones showed significant differences regarding chemical composition. The clones showed similar phenological cycle and responses to bioclimatic parameters. Principal component analysis shows that clone 685 is strongly correlated with color characteristics, mainly monomeric anthocyanins, while clone 169 is correlated with individual phenolic compounds.
The simultaneous determination of two or more active components in pharmaceutical preparations, without previous chemical separation, is a common analytical problem. Published works describe the determination of AZT and 3TC separately, as raw material or in different pharmaceutical preparations. In this work, a method using UV spectroscopy and multivariate calibration is described for the simultaneous measurement of 3TC and AZT in fixed dose combinations. The methodology was validated and applied to determine the AZT+3TC contents in tablets from five different manufacturers, as well as their dissolution profile. The results obtained employing the proposed methodology was similar to methods using first derivative technique and HPLC.
The optimization of the anaerobic degradation of the azo dye Remazol golden yellow RNL was performed according to multivariate experimental designs: a 2² full-factorial design and a central composite design (CCD). The CCD revealed that the best incubation conditions (90% color removal) for the degradation of the azo dye (50 mg L- 1) were achieved with 350 mg L- 1 of yeast extract and 45 mL of anaerobic supernatant (free cell extract) produced from the incubation of 650 mg L- 1 of anaerobic microorganisms and 250 mg L- 1 of glucose. A first-order kinetics model best fit the experimental data (k = 0.0837 h- 1, R² = 0.9263).
In this work, a spectrophotometric methodology was applied in order to determine epinephrine (EP), uric acid (UA), and acetaminophen (AC) in pharmaceutical formulations and spiked human serum, plasma, and urine by using a multivariate approach. Multivariate calibration methods such as partial least squares (PLS) methods and its derivates were used to obtain a model for simultaneous determination of EP, UA and AC with good figures of merit and mixture design was in the range of 1.8 - 35.3, 1.7 - 16.8, and 1.5 - 12.1 µg mL-1. The 2nd derivate PLS showed recoveries of 95.3 - 103.3, 93.3 - 104.0, and 94.0 - 105.5 µg mL-1 for EP, UA, and AC, respectively.
The aim of this present work was to provide a more fast, simple and less expensive to analyze sulfur content in diesel samples than by the standard methods currently used. Thus, samples of diesel fuel with sulfur concentrations varying from 400 and 2500 mgkg-1 were analyzed by two methodologies: X-ray fluorescence, according to ASTM D4294 and by Fourier transform infrared spectrometry (FTIR). The spectral data obtained from FTIR were used to build multivariate calibration models by partial least squares (PLS). Four models were built in three different ways: 1) a model using the full spectra (665 to 4000 cm-1), 2) two models using some specific spectrum regions and 3) a model with variable selected by classic method of variable selection stepwise. The model obtained by variable selection stepwise and the model built with region spectra between 665 and 856 cm-1 and 1145 and 2717 cm-1 showed better results in the determination of sulfur content.
The penetration resistance (PR) is a soil attribute that allows identifies areas with restrictions due to compaction, which results in mechanical impedance for root growth and reduced crop yield. The aim of this study was to characterize the PR of an agricultural soil by geostatistical and multivariate analysis. Sampling was done randomly in 90 points up to 0.60 m depth. It was determined spatial distribution models of PR, and defined areas with mechanical impedance for roots growth. The PR showed a random distribution to 0.55 and 0.60 m depth. PR in other depths analyzed showed spatial dependence, with adjustments to exponential and spherical models. The cluster analysis that considered sampling points allowed establishing areas with compaction problem identified in the maps by kriging interpolation. The analysis with main components identified three soil layers, where the middle layer showed the highest values of PR.
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of pre-slaughter handling on the occurrence of PSE (Pale, Soft, and Exudative) meat in swine slaughtered at a commercial slaughterhouse located in the metropolitan region of Dourados, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Based on the database (n=1,832 carcasses), it was possible to apply the integrated multivariate analysis for the purpose of identifying, among the selected variables, those of greatest relevance to this study. Results of the Principal Component Analysis showed that the first five components explained 89.28% of total variance. In the Factor Analysis, the first factor represented the thermal stress and fatiguing conditions for swine during pre-slaughter handling. In general, this study indicated the importance of the pre-slaughter handling stages, evidencing those of greatest stress and threat to animal welfare and pork quality, which are transport time, resting period, lairage time before unloading, unloading time, and ambience.