223 resultados para State Park of Rio Doce (MG)
em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP
O objetivo desse estudo foi selecionar caracteres que possam auxiliar na taxonomia das espécies de Pteridaceae ocorrentes no PERD. Durante levantamento preliminar realizado no PERD, foram coletadas 15 famílias, 27 gêneros e 57 espécies de Pteridophyta. A família que apresentou maior número de representantes foi Pteridaceae com 17 espécies, distribuídas em quatro gêneros (Adiantum, Hemionitis, Pityrogramma e Pteris). As folhas destas espécies apresentam pecíolo glabro, piloso ou escamoso cuja epiderme é uniestratificada, córtex constituído por esclerênquima e parênquima e o sistema vascular representado por um meristelo, em Pteris e Hemionitis, e dois ou três meristelos em Adiantum e Pityrogramma. Na região distal do pecíolo, esses meristelos são classificados como do tipo "Onoclea" e "Asterochlaena" em Adiantum, "Grammitis" em Hemionitis, "Onoclea" em Pityrogramma e "Loxsoma" e "Pteris podophylla" em Pteris. A lâmina foliar apresenta epiderme uniestratificada com idioblastos esclerenquimáticos paralelos, oblíquos ou restritos às nervuras, em Adiantum e Pityrogramma e reforçando as margens, em Pteris; os idioblastos estão ausentes em Hemionitis. Algumas espécies apresentam a lâmina foliar pilosa ou escamosa. Os estômatos ocorrem na face abaxial das pínulas sendo anomocíticos, às vezes associados a diacíticos, em Adiantum, Hemionitis e Pityrogramma e polocíticos, associados a copolocíticos, em Pteris. O mesofilo homogêneo é constituído por células braciformes, na maioria das espécies de Adiantum, ou por células lobadas, tendendo a isodiamétricas, nos demais gêneros. Os caracteres anatômicos mais relevantes para a identificação das Pteridaceae do PERD foram: presença de pêlos ou escamas; tipos de estômatos; presença e distribuição de idioblastos na epiderme e tipo e disposição do(s) feixe(s) vascular(es) no pecíolo.
The objective of this study was to test the hypothesis that the distribution of tree species in a fragment of submontane seasonal semideciduous forest, a buffer zone in the Parque Estadual do Rio Doce, Minas Gerais, is influenced by geomorphological and weather and soil variables, therefore it can represent a source of information for the restoration of degraded areas where environmental conditions are similar to those of the study area. A detailed soil survey was conducted in the area by sampling three soil profiles per slope segment, totaling 12 profiles. To sample the topsoil, four composite samples were collected from the 10-20 cm layers in each topographic range totaling 16 composite samples. In the low ramp and the lower and upper concave slopes, the texture ranged from clay to sandy-clay. The soil and topographic gradient was characterized by changes in the soil physical-chemical properties. The soil in the 10-20 cm sampled layer was sandier, slightly more fertile and less acid in the low ramp than the clayer soil, nutrient-poor and highly acid soil at the top. The soil conditions in the lower and upper slope of the sampled layers, in turn, were intermediate. The P levels were limiting in all soils. The species distribution along the topographic gradient was associated with variations in chemical fertility, acidity and soil texture. The distribution of Pera leandri, Astronium fraxinifolium, Pouteria torta, Machaerium brasiliense and Myrcia rufipes was correlated with high aluminum levels and to low soil fertility and these species may be indicated for restoration of degraded areas on hillsides and hilltops in regions where environmental conditions are similar. The distribution of Pouteria venosa, Apuleia leiocarpa and Acacia polyphylla was correlated with the less acid and more fertile soil in the environment of the low ramps, indicating the potential for the restoration of similar areas.
Foram estudados alguns solos da região do Vale do Rio Doce (MG) em 1991, nos municípios de Ipatinga, Nova Era e Guanhães, provenientes de áreas de reflorestamento de Eucalyptus grandis. Selecionaram-se oito sítios florestais com solos de diferentes classes taxonômicas, e uma detalhada caracterização mineralógica e avaliação do potencial de reserva de nutrientes foram desenvolvidas. Os solos estudados foram mineralogicamente classificados como: caulinítico não-sesquioxídicos (2 e 5); caulinítico-sesquioxídico (1); gibbsítico-sesquioxídicos (4, 6 e 7); hematítico (3) e gibbsítico (8). Os principais argilominerais e óxidos de ferro e alumínio presentes nesses solos são caulinita, gibbsita, hematita, goethita e maghemita. A reserva mineral de médio a longo prazo para potássio é praticamente inexistente, estando presente, embora com baixa magnitude, nos solos 2 e 5, na forma de micas e feldspatos. As relações Ca-trocável/Ca-total e Mg-trocável/Mg-total exprimem baixa capacidade de reposição desses nutrientes nos solos estudados. Sugere-se a adição de nutrientes de acordo com os níveis críticos exigidos na implantação e manutenção do ciclo do eucalipto, em virtude da ausência de sustentabilidade desses sítios florestais em termos de reserva de nutrientes a curto, médio e longo prazos.
Frações da matéria orgânica do solo após três décadas de cultivo de eucalipto no Vale do Rio Doce-MG
As mudanças nas distintas frações da matéria orgânica do solo (MOS) sob cultivo do eucalipto são pouco conhecidas. Assim, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o impacto do cultivo do eucalipto nos estoques de C das diversas frações da MOS, em solos ocupados anteriormente por pastagens degradadas, bem como verificar qual fração da MOS constitui-se um indicador mais sensível à mudança de uso do solo. O estudo foi realizado em plantações comerciais de eucalipto em dois locais na região do Vale do Rio Doce-MG (Belo Oriente e Virginópolis), onde foram determinados em amostras dos solos: C orgânico total (COT), C da fração leve (leve livre - FLL e leve oclusa - FLO), da fração pesada (areia - AR, silte + argila - S + A e argila - ARG), da biomassa microbiana (BM) e das frações húmicas (ácidos fúlvicos - FAF, ácidos húmicos - FAH e huminas - FH). Os resultados indicaram que, de maneira geral, os solos sob os diferentes tipos de uso em Virginópolis, em virtude da menor temperatura média anual e maior teor de argila, apresentaram maiores estoques de C em todas as frações da MOS em relação a Belo Oriente. Assim, o seqüestro de C no solo pelo cultivo do eucalipto foi maior em Virginópolis (14,2 t ha-1) que em Belo Oriente (10,0 t ha-1), resultando numa taxa de seqüestro de C de aproximadamente 0,42 e 0,29 t ha-1 ano-1 , respectivamente. Em Belo Oriente, o cultivo do eucalipto favoreceu o aumento no estoque de C das frações ARG, S + A e FH no solo. Comportamento semelhante foi observado para o C das FLL, FAF e FAH, em Virginópolis. Dentre todas as frações da MOS analisadas, a BM e a FLO foram indicadores menos sensíveis às alterações na MOS após três décadas da mudança de uso do solo. Com isso, o COT e a fração leve livre, ácidos fúlvicos, ácidos húmicos e humina foram mais eficientes nesse sentido.
Organismos epifílicos em C. macrophyllus foram encontrados em duas parcelas amostradas em julho de 1996, em duas áreas com diferentes graus de perturbação pelo fogo, no Parque Estadual do Rio Doce, MG. Quatorze espécies epifílicas foram encontradas incluindo: 11 líquens, uma alga, uma hepática e um fungo. Os líquens totalizaram 81,8% das espécies na área menos perturbada e 72,7% na mais perturbada. A espécie mais abundante foi Porina epiphylla, que ocorreu em 80,8% dos forófitos da primeira área e em 97% dos forófitos da segunda. O número de folhas cobertas em cada forófito, o grau de cobertura em cada folha e a altura dos forófitos foram significativamente diferentes entre as duas áreas, enquanto que a área foliar e o número de folhas por forófito não o foram. Embora diferenças significativas não tenham sido encontradas na composição específica do epifilo entre as duas áreas, a maior ocorrência de folhas cobertas pelo epifilo pode estar associada à perturbação. A penetração de luz, intensificada pelas clareiras, pode ter aumentado o crescimento em altura do forófito e a colonização das folhas pelos organismos epifílicos.
O Vale do Rio Doce, MG, apresenta um histórico de ocupação e uso do solo que favorece a degradação ambiental, em que predominam pastagens sob o uso constante de queimadas. Os sistemas agroflorestais têm-se mostrado eficientes na recuperação de áreas degradadas. Neste estudo foram avaliados os efeitos de um sistema agroflorestal na recuperação do solo em área degradada por pastagem na comunidade de Ilha Funda, Município de Periquito, Minas Gerais. A implantação do sistema se deu em 1994 e está sendo conduzido segundo os princípios agroecológicos, potencializando a regeneração natural e a sucessão de espécies. Em 1998, foram coletadas amostras de solo na área em recuperação e em duas áreas adjacentes: uma área degradada, que se encontrava em condições semelhantes às da área em recuperação no início do processo, e outra ocupada por pastagem. Foram determinados atributos químicos do solo e realizada a caracterização da matéria orgânica. O solo da área em recuperação com sistema agroflorestal mostrou-se em melhores condições do que o solo sob pastagem e o da área degradada, apresentando maior dinâmica do carbono orgânico e maior disponibilidade de nutrientes. Embora o teor de carbono orgânico total apresentado pelo solo sob pastagem tenha sido maior que nas demais condições avaliadas, o solo do sistema agroflorestal já está se igualando ao da pastagem no acúmulo das formas mais estáveis de carbono e apresentando maior dinâmica das frações orgânicas menos estáveis. Este estudo comprovou a eficiência dos sistemas agroflorestais, conduzidos segundo os princípios agroecológicos, na recuperação de áreas degradadas.
Introduction Açucena Municipality, Rio Doce Valley, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil temporarily (2001-2005) interrupted epidemiological surveillance for Chagas disease. The objective of this work was to evaluate the Chagas Disease Control Program (CDCP) in Açucena and to offer suggestions for improving local epidemiological surveillance. Methods This study was conducted in three phases: I) a serological investigation of schoolchildren aged 5 to 15 years using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) test performed on blood collected on filter paper followed by ELISA, indirect immunofluorescence (IIF) and indirect hemaglutination (IHA) on venous blood for borderline cases and those in the gray zone of reactivity; II) vector evaluation using the data obtained by local health agents during 2006-2010; and III) examination by ELISA, IIF and IHA of serum samples from the inhabitants of houses where infected Triatoma vitticeps was found and evaluation of their knowledge about Chagas disease. Results Five individuals had inconclusive results in the ELISA screening but were seronegative for Chagas disease. The triatomine evaluation revealed the presence of three species: Triatoma vitticeps, Panstrongylus megistus and Panstrongylus diasi. Triatoma vitticeps was the most prevalent and widespread, with a higher (67%) index of Trypanosoma cruzi flagellates and evidence of colonization. Most of the inhabitants of the infested houses recognized triatomines and had basic knowledge about Chagas disease. Conclusions Although T. vitticeps is not clearly associated with Chagas disease transmission, these results highlight the importance of maintaining CDCP in endemic areas and the need for greater emphasis on epidemiological surveillance, especially in areas with important vectorial changes or that have been modified by human intervention.
Little is currently known about modifications in edaphic characteristics caused by short-rotation eucalyptus and the impacts of these alterations on the sustainability of eucalyptus wood production. This study was carried out to identify theses changes at five sites of eucalyptus plantation in the region of the Rio Doce Valley, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Areas with more than three previous eucalyptus cycles, adjacent to pasture land or native forest, were chosen. Soil samples were collected and soil fertility analyzed by routine methods and other fractionation methods in order to measure alterations in the K, Ca and Mg contents as a consequence of eucalyptus cultivation. In the eucalyptus areas, reductions in the exchangeable Ca2+, Mg2+ and K+ contents and pH were observed and increased Al3+ and H + Al contents. Of all nutrients, only P contents (Mehlich-1 P) increased in the eucalyptus areas. The reduction in exchangeable forms and in medium-term soil nutrient pools indicates the need for higher nutrient rates than the currently applied in order to prevent nutritional limitations and soil nutrient exhaustion. After several eucalyptus rotations there was a recovery in the SOM content in comparison to degraded pasture soils, although not to the level of the native forest soil. The positive correlation between effective CEC and medium-term non-exchangeable Ca, Mg and K with SOM emphasizes the need for adequate fertilizer and plant residue management to sustain or even increase forest productivity in future cycles.
Leaves and fruits from 63 Stryphnodendron adstringens trees were sampled in the Rio Preto State Park to analyze allozyme segregation, tissue specific expression of allozyme loci, and their genetic parameters. The enzyme systems ADH, EST, ACP, PGM, PGI, GDH, G6PDH, GOT, IDH, LAP, MDH, PER and SKDH were assessed by means of starch-gel electrophoresis. The polymorphic systems PGI, IDH, MDH and GOT demonstrated a dimeric quaternary structure, while EST and PER were monomeric. The total expected genetic diversity (H E) for leaves and seeds were 0.325 and 0.244 respectively. The effective number of alleles per locus (A E) was 1.58 in leaves and 1.42 in seeds. The values of H E and A E observed in S. adstringens were comparatively higher than the average values seen in allozyme studies of other woody plants. The values of the fixation indices for the population, considering leaves (f = 0.070) and seeds (f = 0.107), were not significant. The high values of genetic diversity and of effective number of alleles per locus, as well as the non-significant fixation index and the adjustments of the Hardy-Weinberg proportions between generations for the pgi-1, mdh-2 and idh-1 loci, indicated random mating in this population. The enzyme systems EST and PER demonstrated their best resolution in leaf tissues, while the MDH, IDH, PGI and GOT systems demonstrated their best resolution in seed tissues.
OBJECTIVE - To determine the risk factors prevalence for coronary artery disease in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil and to identify their relation with the age bracket. METHODS - We carried out an observational, cross-sectional study of 1,066 adults older than 20 years in the Brazilian State of Rio Grande do Sul. We investigated the risk factors: familial antecedents, systemic arterial hypertension, high levels of cholesterol and glycemia, overweight/obesity, smoking and sedentary lifestyle. A standardized questionnaire completed at the patients' dwellings by health agents were used; the data were stored in an EPI-INFO software database. The results were expressed with a 95% confidence interval. RESULTS - The sample composition was of 51.8% females. The risk factors prevalences were: 1) sedentary lifestyle 71.3%; 2) familial antecedents: 57.3%; 3) overweight/obesity (body mass index >25): 54.7%; 4) smokers: 33.9%; 5) hypertension: 31.6% (considering >140/90mmHg) and 14.4% (considering >160/95mmHg); 6) high glycemia (>126 mg/dL): 7%; 7) high cholesterol >240 mg/dL): 5.6%. CONCLUSION - The prevalence of the major risk factors for coronary artery disease in the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul could be determined in a study that integrated public and private institutions.
OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of dyslipidemias in adults in the city of Campos dos Goytacazes, in the Brazilian state of Rio de Janeiro, and to identify its relation to risk factors. METHODS: Cross-sectional, population-based, observational study with sampling through conglomerates and stratified according to socioeconomic levels, sex, and age, with 1,039 individuals. Risk factors, familial history, blood pressure, anthropometric measurements, glucose, triglycerides and cholesterol were determined. RESULTS: The following prevalences were observed: of dyslipidemias 24.2%; of hypercholesterolemia, 4.2%; of elevated LDL-C, 3.5%; of low HDL-C, 18.3%; and of hypertriglyceridemia, 17.1%. The following mean levels were observed: cholesterol, 187.6± 33.7 mg/dL; LDL-C, 108.7±26.8 mg/dL; HDL-C, 48.5±7.7 mg/dL; and triglycerides, 150.1±109.8 mg/dL. The following variables showed a positive correlation with dyslipidemia: increased age (P<0.001), male sex (P<0.001), low familial income (P<0.001), familial history (P<0.01), overweight/obesity (P<0.001), waist measure (P<0.001), high blood pressure (P<0.001), and diabetes mellitus (P<0.001). The following variables had no influence on dyslipidemias: ethnicity, educational level, smoking habits, and sedentary lifestyle. CONCLUSION: The frequency of lipid changes in the population studied was high, suggesting that measures for the early diagnosis should be taken, in association with implementation of programs for primary and secondary prevention of atherosclerosis.
The authors report the catching of 13 different species at the Aparados da Serra National Park and at the Turvo State Park in the municipalities of Cambará do Sul and Tenente Portela, respectively, both in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, where those species were practically unknown
In this study were analyzed 526 sera; the patients aged from two days to 65 years old presenting exanthema, which was the most frequent symptom observed, besides fever, adenomegaly, and arthralgia. These sera were negative by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (IgM-ELISA) for either rubella (495), toxoplasma (41), cytomegalovirus (12), measles (40), dengue (56), and they were submitted to nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for B19 DNA and commercial IgM-ELISA for B19. In 39 abortion cases, IgM or DNA were not detected, therefore they were not took into account for analysis. Specific DNA and IgM were detected respectively in 71 (14.5%) and IgM in 62 (12.7%) sera from 487 sera analyzed. IgM and DNA were simultaneously detected in 43 (8.8%), while agreement among the results by PCR and IgM-ELISA was observed in 440 (90.4%). The sera were collected from January 1999 to December 2000, most of them in 1999 (325), during winter and spring. The major number of clinical cases was observed in the age group from one to ten years old. IgM or DNA were detected in 23 from 51 municipal districts of the state of Rio de Janeiro, where the samples were collected.
The efficacy of benznidazol on the treatment of chagasic patients from the state of Rio Grande do Sul was evaluated during a three-year follow-up. A cohort of 80 asymptomatic chronic chagasic patients or blood bank donors (49 male and 31 female) was studied. Their ages varied from 17-42 years, with a mean and a median of 30 and 35 years, respectively. The 80 patients presented positive serology, hemoculture and polymerase chain reaction (PCR). They were treated with 5 mg/Kg benznidazol twice a day for 60 days. Serological, parasitological and PCR methods were used to evaluate response. Serology was performed using commercial ELISA and indirect immunofluorescence (IFI) tests, parasitemia was monitored by hemoculture in LIT medium and PCR with primers S35/S36 was used to amplify a Trypanosoma cruzi 330 bp kDNA repetitive sequence. PCR positivity of 240 seropositive individuals was compared using DNA preparations from whole blood/guanidine EDTA (GE), buffy-coat/GE and frozen buffy-coat. Fifty non-chagasic individuals were used as negative controls. PCR positivity was 86.7% for the frozen buffy-coat, 71.7% for the GE/buffy-coat and 69.2% for the GE/whole blood. The hemocultures became negative just after treatment and remained negative during the three years of follow-up. In the third year after treatment, 9/80 (11.3%) patients presented negative PCR and, from those, four also presented negative serological tests. Furthermore, a reduction in three serological titers was observed in 27/80 (33.8%) of the patients treated. Taken together, the results show that four of the 80 (5.0%) chronic chagasic patients from the state of Rio Grande do Sul were cured after treatment with benznidazol.
Cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) in the state of Rio de Janeiro is sporadic and can be characterised as a peridomestic transmission that occurs in modified natural environments. The aim of this work was to study the fauna and ecological characteristics of sandflies in an environmentally protected area (the State Park of Serra da Tiririca) within the remnants of the Atlantic Forest in the municipalities of Niterói and Maricá and their possible relationship with leishmaniasis. Captures were performed using light traps during the night once a month for one year in both sylvatic environments and areas surrounding homes near the park. A total of 1,037 sandflies were captured, belonging to nine genera and 12 species: Evandromyia tupynambai (34.1%), Migonemyia migonei (20.6%), Brumptomyia cunhai (13.8%), Micropygomyia schreiberi (9.7%), Psathyromyia lanei (6.5%), Brumptomyia nitzulescui (5.7%), Evandromyia edwardsi (5.4%), Nyssomyia intermedia (2.8%), Evandromyia cortelezzii (0.6%), Pintomyia bianchigalatiae (0.5%), Lutzomyia longipalpis (0.2%) and Sciopemyia microps (0.1%). Both Mg. migonei and Ny. intermedia may be acting as vectors of CL in this area.