13 resultados para Speeches, addresses, etc., Spanish
em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP
ABSTRACTThis paper analyzes the changes in the total factor productivity index of a Spanish hotel chain in the period from 2007 to 2010 with the purpose of identifying efficiency patterns for the chain in a period of financial crisis. The data envelopment analysis (DEA) Malmquist productivity index was used to estimate productivity change in 38 hotels of the AC chain. Results reveal AC hotels' efficiency trends and, therefore, their competitiveness in the recession period; they also show the changes experienced in these hotels' total productivity and its components: technological and efficiency changes. Positive efficiency changes were due to positive technical efficiency rather than technological efficiency. The recession period certainly influenced the performance of AC Hotels, which focused on organizational changes rather than investing in technology.
ABSTRACT The enormous interest aroused by corporate social responsibility both in the academic and the business worlds forms the background for this study. Its objective is to analyze the relationship between corporate social responsibility and financial performance in view of the debate in the literature on the subject. The study focuses on a sample of Spanish companies taken from the IBEX 35 stock market index, using panel data methodology, which offers advantages in comparison to methodologies used in other studies. We analyzed the period from 2003 to 2010. Our findings suggest that there is no obvious relationship between corporate social responsibility and financial results, at least in the case of Spain.
ABSTRACT Earlier studies of cross-national differences in consumer behavior in different consumption sectors have verified that cultural differences have a strong influence on consumers. Despite the importance of cross-national analysis, no studies in the literature examine the moderating effects of nationality on the construction of behavioral intentions and their antecedents among cruise line passengers. This study investigates the moderating effects of nationality on the relationships between perceived value, satisfaction, trust and behavioral intentions among Spanish and (U.S.) American passengers of cruise lines that use Barcelona as home port and port-of-call. A theoretical model was tested with a total of 968 surveys. Structural equation models (SEMs) were used, by means of a multigroup analysis. Results of this study indicated that Spaniards showed stronger relationships between trust and behavioral intentions, and between emotional value and satisfaction. Americans presented stronger relationships between service quality and satisfaction, and between service quality and behavioral intentions.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the factorial validity and internal consistency of the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI-HSS). METHODS: In a sample consisting of 705 Spanish professionals from diverse occupational sectors (health, education, police and so one), seven plausible factorial models hypothesized were compared using LISREL 8. RESULTS: The four-factor oblique solution and the three-factor oblique solution showed the best and similar fit. Deletion of Item 12 and Item 16, taking into consideration the suggestions in the manual, improved the goodness of fit for both models. The four-factor oblique model suggests that, in addition to Emotional Exhaustion (EE) and Depersonalization (DP), Personal Accomplishment (PA) consists of two components labeled here Self-Competence (Items 4, 7, 17, and 21) and the Existential Component (Items 9, 12, 18, and 19). However, the alpha coefficient was relatively low for the Self-Competence component, suggesting that it is more suitable to estimate the syndrome as a threedimensional construct. The Cronbach's alpha was satisfactory for PA (alpha =.71) and EE (alpha =.85), and moderate for DP (alpha =.58). CONCLUSIONS: The results show that the MBI-HSS offers factorial validity and its scales present internal consistency to evaluate the quality of working life for Spanish professionals.
The economic crisis that has been affecting Europe in the 21st century has modified social protection systems in the countries that adopted, in the 20th century, universal health care system models, such as Spain. This communication presents some recent transformations, which were caused by changes in Spanish law. Those changes relate to the access to health care services, mainly in regards to the provision of care to foreigners, to financial contribution from users for health care services, and to pharmaceutical assistance. In crisis situations, reforms are observed to follow a trend which restricts rights and deepens social inequalities.
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To analyze the relations between the meanings of working and the levels of doctors work well-being in the context of their working conditions. METHOD The research combined the qualitative methodology of textual analysis and the quantitative one of correspondence factor analysis. A convenience, intentional, and stratified sample composed of 305 Spanish and Latin American doctors completed an extensive questionnaire on the topics of the research. RESULTS The general meaning of working for the group located in the quartile of malaise included perceptions of discomfort, frustration, and exhaustion. However, those showing higher levels of well-being, located on the opposite quartile, associated their working experience with good conditions and the development of their professional and personal competences. CONCLUSIONS The study provides empirical evidence of the relationship between contextual factors and the meanings of working for participants with higher levels of malaise, and of the importance granted both to intrinsic and extrinsic factors by those who scored highest on well-being.
1) "Purú-purú" é uma palavra indígena que quer dizer "pintado" ou "manchado", peculiar à Amazonia Brasileira. Com êsse nome é designada uma dermatose referida entre os selvicolas desde 1774, por Ribeiro Sampaio. Certas tribus, com alta incidência da moléstia passaram a ser cahamadas também "Purú-purús", o mesmo acontecendo com o rio onde habitavam - Rio Purús. 2) A doença existe na bacia do Rio Solimões e seus principais afluentes: Javari, Juruá, Purús, Içá, Japurá, e Negro. Por esses rios, o fóco da dermatose se continua nos países limitrofes com o Brasil: Guianas, Venezuela, Colombia, Perú (Equador) e Bolivia. 3) Desde 1890 essa dermatose foi relacionada à pinta (carate ou mal del pinto) por P. S. de Magalhães, idéa essa depois defendida por Juliano Moreira, Carlos Chagas, Roquete Pinto, Wappeus, O. da Fonseca Filho, Da Matta, Brumpt e outros, baseados na semelhança clínica e na terapêutica. Recentemente (1945), essa provavel identidade das duas dermatoses, recebeu fundamento sorológico de Biocca (que verificou a positividade das reações de Kline e Kahn em doentes de purú-purú), e, pelo presente trabalho, recebe base clínico-epidemio-anatomo-patológica. 4) Sob o ponto de vista clínico, as lesões cutaneas discromicas da moléstia, são de 3 órdens: a) lesões papulo-eritemato-escamosas, isoladas ou não, arredondadas, pruriginosas e de bordos nitidos; b) lesões maculo-escamosas, maiores mais pálidas, ás vezes já mostrando alterações pigmentares na parte central; c) máculas discromod´rmicas, lisas ou ligeiramente escamosas, com maior ou menor alteração pigmentar, as quais assumem diferentes aspéctos, consequentes à hipo - ou hiperpigmentação, variaveis também com a côr do paciente. As colorações predominantes nas manchas, são o branco, o preto e o vermelho, com tonalidades eminentemente variaveis. Embora raramente, nessas extensas dermodiscromias, observa-se superposição de lesões papulo-eritemato-escamosas. O aparecimento dos 3 tipos de leões acima citados, obedece seguramente a um processo evolutivo da dermatose, dando-se na órdem exposta e de acordo com o tempo de doença. Além das lesões discromicas, características da enfermidade, foi observado purido, e infartamento ganglionar. O estado geral dos doentes era bom. A avaliação de anemia e eosinofilia, foi prejudicada pela ocurrência de outros processos mórbidos (malaria e helmintiases). Em 2 pacientes pretos e adultos, havia avançada hiperqueratose palmo-plantar. 5) Sob o ponto de vista epidemiológico, foram feitas as seguintes observações: a) Idade. A dermtose ocorre em tôdas as idades, mais incide principalmente dos 15 aos 29 anos. Tomando um grupo relativamente homogêneo de doéntes de um mesmo local, 53% têm 15 e mais anos de idade. De 36 doentes que deram informações seguras ou aproximadas quanto à idade em que lhes apareceu a doença, verifica-se que 77% já estavam infectados antes dos 15 anos. Em 5 casos, a infecção se deu antes dos 2 anos de idade. b) Sexo. Nos doentes em conjunto, existiam 34 homens e 35 mulheres. Mas, no grupo homogeneo acima citado, havia ligeira predominância do sexo feminino (60.7%). c) Côr ou raça. Foram encontradas as seguintes percentagens: Pretos - 34.8%, brancos - 27.5% índios - 23.2% e mulatos - 14.5%. Essas diferenças não indicam predileção racial. d) Família. A A dermatose é eminentemente familial. Em grupo de 41 doentes, 34 pertenciam a 8 familias. e) Lesão inicial. Contágio. Em 6 casos ainda existia a lesão inicial, chamada "empigem", isolada ou acompanhada de outras lesões semelhantes. De 33 doentes, 26 (78.8%) referiam a lesão inicial nas partes descobertas do corpo (rosto, braços e mãos, pernas e pés), isto é regiões mais sujeitas a pequenos traumas, que servem como "porta de entrada" do treponema. Os AA não acreditam na existência de um vetor. Pensam que o contágio é direto, as condições eficientes e predisponentes do mesmo, coexistindo no domícilio, onde vivem em promiscuidade e falta de higiene, doentes e sadios. Os autores não encontraram treponemas em córtes impregnados de purú-purú, tanto de lesão recente como de lesão tardia. Atribuem o fracasso ao provável uso de antitreponemicos pelos doentes, uma vez que a terapeutica empírica pelo arsênico e mercúrio é muito espalhada na Amazônia. Histopatológicamente, encontraram na lesão recente: hiperqueratose, hiperacantose, exocitose, exoserose e espongiose na epiderme; e infiltração de células redondas, edema e diltação dos capilares no derma papilar e subpapilar; pela impregnação, acharam irregularidade na distribuição do pigmento melanico, assim como melanóforos entre as células inflamatórias do derma. Na lesão tardia observaram: notável atrofia do epiderme, reduzida às vezes , a 3 a 5 camadas celulares, havendo desaparecimento das papilas dérmicas; no derma, havia discreta infiltração de células redondas, relacionadas aos vasos sanguineos, ao lado de macrófagos melaniferos mais ou menos abundantes; pela impregnação, quanto às alterações pigmentares, foram observadas todas as graduações, desde a completa ausência de pigmento na basal, até um acúmulo notável de melanina, atingindo as próprias células de Malpighi. 7) Com o tratamento pelo neo-salvarsan os AA observaram grandes melhoras e mesmo cura aparente, com 6 a 8 injeções. Certas manifestações acromicas vitiligoides, antigas, não mostraram modificações apreciáveis com a terapêutica. 8) No Brasil, fora da Amazônia, tem sido descrito casos isolados de purú-purú, porém, na opinião dos autores, todos ou quase todos, são provavelmente, manifestações discromicas tardias de sífilis ou bouba, semelhantes aos publicados por um deles (F. N. G). Pensam do mesmo modo, quanto aos casos de pinta descritos fora da América: África, Egito, Argeria, Sahara, Trípoli, Turquestão, Filipinas, Iraque, Índia, Ceilão, etc. Ainda nesta mesma ordem de idéas, os autores negam validade ao conceito epidemiológico da existência de casos isolados, a não ser procedentes das zonas pintogenas. 9) Um dos autores (F. N. G.) emite a seguinte hipótese, que considera sugestiva, embora dificilmente demonstrável: Os treis treponemas (T. pallidum, T. pertenue e T. carateum), oriundos de um ancestral comum. tornaram-se peculiares respectivamente ao branco, ao preto e ao índio, mantendo-se assim isolados. Secundariamente, com as correntes migratórias, misturaram-se as doenças...
In 2004, Aedes (Stegomyia) albopictus (Skuse, 1894) was observed for the first time in Catalonia, northeastern Spain. A decade later, it has spread throughout the eastern Mediterranean region of the country and the Balearic Islands. Framed within a national surveillance project, we present the results of monitoring in 2013 in the autonomous communities of the mainland Levante. The current study reveals a remarkable increase in the spread of the invasive mosquito in relation to results from 2012; the species was present and well-established in 48 municipalities, most of which were along the Mediterranean coastline from the Valencian Community to the Region of Murcia.
The aim of this study was to analyze the discourse of health managers on aspects related to delay in tuberculosis diagnosis. This was a qualitative research study, conducted with 16 Family Health Unit managers. The empirical data were obtained through semi-structured interviews. The analysis was based on the theoretical framework of the French school of discourse analysis. According to the managers’ statements, the delay in tuberculosis diagnosis is related to patient and health service aspects. As for patient aspects, managers report fear, prejudice and lack of information as factors that may promote a delayed diagnosis. Regarding health service aspects, structural problems and lack of professional skills were reported. The discourse of managers should be considered to qualify tuberculosis control actions and to prevent delays in diagnosis.
The objective of this study was to describe the Supplemental Nursing Staff´s experiences at different hospital units. A qualitative phenomenological approach was conducted; a purposeful and theoretical sampling was implemented with supplemental nursing staff at Santa Barbara Hospital of Soria (Spain), to gain a more in-depth understanding of the Supplemental Nursing Staff ´s experience. Data were collected by in-depth interviews and through a field notebook. Data were analyzed using the Giorgi proposal. Twenty-one nurses with a mean age of 46 years were included. Three main topics emerged from the data analysis: building the first contact, carving out a niche and establishing interprofessional/interpersonal relationships. We conclude that the experience of hosting the supplemental nursing staff in changing clinical environments is conditioned by various factors. It is necessary for nurses and hospital managers to establish clear objectives with regard to the supplemental nursing staff´s role in the units.
AbstractOBJECTIVEThe aim of this study was to develop the Italian version of the Spanish Burnout Inventory (SBI) and to examine its psychometric properties within a sample of nursing staff.METHODThe study was cross-sectional and not randomized. The data were gathered using an anonymous, self-report questionnaire. The sample consisted of 391 staff nurses employed in three hospitals in the Northern Region of Italy To evaluate burnout, the SBI and the Maslach Burnout Inventory were administered.RESULTSAn Exploratory Factor Analysis showed a four-factor structure close to the expected one. All Cronbach's alpha values were satisfactory. Furthermore, correlations support the concurrent validity.CONCLUSIONOverall, the results of this study provided evidence that the SBI is an adequate instrument to study burnout in the Italian nursing sample and indicated the feeling of guilt as an important dimension to gauge the structure of this phenomenon.
This paper seeks to explore a survey of consumers in Spain. The survey explores the attributes of quality that consumers are seeking and promotion of grapes via "quality" marks, which are indicators of possible ways to increase demand. The reason consumers are switching to other foods, such as dairy based snacks, is that grapes are not easy to eat, can be unreliable in terms of their quality attributes, and their price more variable. Consumers are also generally unaware of the marks quality currently used.