83 resultados para Somatic Embryos
em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP
Somatic embryogenesis represents a valuable tool for the studies on the basic aspects of plant embryo development. Today this process is used as a potencial technique for large-scale plant micropropagation although, so far, it has been applied to only a small number of species. However, when somatic embryos are malformed they are considered economically useless. In Acca sellowiana (O. Berg) Burret, an important fruit-producing crop, large amounts of anomalous somatic embryos (76.3%) were found just after 40 days of culture of explants in a 2,4-D containing medium. Among the anomalous forms found in the cotiledonary stage, 12.2% consisted of fused embryos, 40.4% displayed fused cotyledons, 13.0% presented supernumerary cotyledons, and 10.7% showed absence or poorly developed cotyledons, including those without the shoot apical meristem. Histological analyses indicated that the altered embryos were formed either directly from cotyledons, hypocotyl and radicle of the zygotic embryos used as explants, or indirectly from calli formed from these tissue parts. It is suggested that the formation of anomalous somatic embryos, as well as a low frequency of conversion into emblings reflect physiological and/or genetic disturbances triggered by the presence of 2,4-D in the medium. In vitro experimental alternative approaches are discussed in order to lessen the occurrence of malformed somatic embryos.
The aim of this work was to study the morphogenetic responses of zygotic embryos of açai palm (Euterpe oleracea Mart.) submitted to several conditions of in vitro culture. Several research experiments were conducted, in laboratory, using vegetable material collected from açai palm plants at Embrapa Amazon Oriental, Belém-PA, Brazil. It was possible to verify the expression of a direct, repetitive and no-synchronized model of somatic embryogenesis in mature zygotic embryos cultivated in primary MS medium supplemented with 2,4-D (339.36 muM) and transferred to a secondary MS medium in the presence of NAA (0.537 muM) and 2iP (12.30 muM). The conversion of somatic embryos into seedlings was reached after 210 days with the transfer of the cultures to a third medium with sucrose and mineral salts concentrations reduced to a half, without growth regulators.
A plant regeneration method with cell suspension cultures of banana, and the effect of biobalistic on regeneration potential are described in this report. Somatic embryos of banana were obtained from indirect embryogenesis of male inflorescence of banana cultivar Maçã (AAB group). Part of the calluses formed (40%) showed embryogenic characteristics (nonfriable, compact and yellow color). The cell suspension, originated from embryogenic calluses, contained clusters of small tightly packed cells with dense cytoplasms, relatively large nuclei and very dense nucleoli. After four months of culture, somatic embryos started to regenerate. The maximum number of regenerated plants was observed between 45 and 60 days after embryo formation.In the first experiment, 401 plants were regenerated from approximately 10 mL of packed cells. In the second experiment, 399 plants were regenerated from a cell suspension six months older than that of the first experiment. Cell transformation using particle bombardment with three different plasmid constructions, containing the uid-A gene, resulted in a strong GUS expression five days after bombardment; however, plant regeneration from bombarded cells was much lower than nonbombarded ones.
The aim of this work was to evaluate a protocol for plant regeneration by means of somatic embryos obtained from isolated adult pejibaye leaf primordia, and to describe histological origin of embryos and morphogenetic response. Explants were cultivated in modified MS medium. Mesophyll parenchymatous cells originated meristemoids (preembryonic complex formation) induced with 7.1 µM BAP in the first two subculture periods. After polarized structures with 12.9 µM NAA and 3.55 µM BAP were formed in the third subculture, somatic embryos developed and regenerated normal plants. The mesophyll parenchymatous cells display high capacity of direct response to the auxin and cytokinin.
The objective of this work was to evaluated a procedure for somatic embryogenesis and regeneration of cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) elite clones. Petal explants from cacao clones TSH 565 and TSH 1188 were cultured on PCG and SCG-2 media, for calli growth. Somatic embryos were formed on the surface of embryogenic calli after transfer to embryo development (ED) medium. Clone TSH 565 showed a higher embryogenic potential than TSH 1188. The best combination of carbon source for embryo induction in ED medium was genotype-specific. Embryogenic callus formations increased in micropore tape-sealed Petri dishes, irrespective of cacao genotype. Mature somatic embryos were successfully converted into plantlets.
The aim of this work was to quantify the protein, starch and total sugars levels during histodifferentiation and development of somatic embryos of Acca sellowiana Berg. For histological observations, the samples were dehydrated in a battery of ethanol, embedded in historesin and stained with toluidine blue (morphology), coomassie blue (protein bodies) and periodic acid-Schiff (starch). Proteins were extracted using a buffer solution, precipitated using ethanol and quantified using the Bradford reagent. Total sugars were extracted using a methanol-chloroform-water (12:5:3) solution and quantified by a reaction with anthrone at 0.2%. Starch was extracted using a 30% perchloric acid solution and quantified by a reaction with anthrone at 0.2%. During the somatic embryogenesis' in vitro morphogenesis and differentiation processes, the total protein levels decreased and the soluble sugars levels increased during the first 30 days in culture and remained stable until the 120th day. On the other hand, total protein levels increased according to the progression in the developmental stages of the somatic embryos. The levels of total sugars and starch increased in the heart and cotyledonary stages, and decreased in the torpedo and pre-cotyledonary stages. These compounds play a central role in the development of somatic embryos of Acca sellowiana.
The present work analyzes the behavior of banana explants, cv. Nanicão (Musa spp. Group AAA) regarding somatic embryogenesis induction treatments with several auxins. Longitudinal segments of shoot meristematic apices of micropropagated banana plantlets cultivated and rooted in vitro were introduced in culture medium containing dicamba, picloram, 2,4-D or NAA in different concentrations. Explant samples were collected at 0, 7 and 10 days and prepared for light microscopy. Histological sections were used for comparison of the histological changes occurring after induction treatment with different auxins. Embryogenic response was observed only in treatments with picloram or dicamba, with distinct embryogenic regions observed at 14 and 21 days in culture, respectively. Histological sections of embryogenic regions of the explant at 26 days in culture revealed the formation of meristematic regions, structures with multiple root meristems, and somatic embryos at early globular stages. Embryo-like structures morphologically similar to Musa balbisiana zygotic embryos were sectioned and showed a lack of apical meristems and absence of procambial differentiation. These results indicate the induction of non-functional somatic embryos and the need for more studies on developmental aspects and maturation treatments for optimization of the process.
The objective of this study was to establish cell suspension culture and plant regeneration via somatic embryogenesis of a Brazilian plantain, cultivar Terra Maranhão, AAB. Immature male flowers were used as explant source for generating highly embryogenic cultures 45 days after inoculation, which were used for establishment of cell suspension culture and multiplication of secondary somatic embryos. Five semisolid culture media were tested for differentiation, maturation, somatic embryos germination and for plant regeneration. An average of 558 plants per one milliliter of 5% SCV (settled cell volume) were regenerated in the MS medium, with 11.4 µM indolacetic acid and 2.2 µM 6-benzylaminopurine. Regenerated plants showed a normal development, and no visible somaclonal variation was observed in vitro. It is possible to regenerate plants from cell suspensions of plantain banana cultivar Terra using MS medium supplemented with 11.4 µM of IAA and 2.2 µM of BAP.
Somatic embryogenesis is an efficient method for the production of target cells for soybean genetic transformation. However, this method still offers low percentages of plant regeneration, and perhaps is related to the maturation process and high morphological abnormalities of the matured embryos. This study aimed to identify a maturation medium that could contribute to the outcome of more efficient plant regeneration results. Embryogenic clusters, derived from cotyledons of immature seeds of the soybean cultivars Bragg and IAS5, were used as starting material for embryos development. Different maturation media were tested by using 6% maltose, 3% sucrose or 6% sucrose, combined with or without 25 g L-1 of the osmotic regulator polyethylene glycol (PEG-8000). The histodifferentiated embryos were quantified and classified in morphological types. Percentages of converted embryos were analyzed. Cultivar Bragg resulted in higher matured embryo quantities, but lower percentages were obtained for the conversion in comparison to cultivar IAS5. While the addition of PEG did not affect the number of embryos converted into plants, 6% sucrose enhanced the conversion percent significantly.
The objective of this study was to produce citrus somatic asymmetric hybrids by fusing gamma-irradiated protoplasts with iodoacetamide-treated protoplasts. Protoplasts were isolated from embryogenic suspension cells of grapefruit (Citrus paradisi Macfad.) cultivars Ruby Red and Flame, sweet oranges (C. sinensis Osbeck) 'Itaboraí', 'Natal', Valencia', and 'Succari', from 'Satsuma' (C. unshiu Marcow.) and 'Changsha' mandarin (C. reticulata Blanco) and 'Murcott' tangor (C. reticulata x C. sinensis). Donor protoplasts were exposed to gamma rays and receptor protoplasts were treated with 3 mmol L-1 iodoacetamide (IOA), and then they were fused for asymmetric hybridization. Asymmetric embryos were germinated, and the resulting shoots were either grafted onto sour orange, rough lemon or 'Swingle' (C. paradisi x Poncirus trifoliata) x 'Sunki' mandarin rootstock seedlings, or rooted after dipping their bases in indol-butyric acid (IBA) solution. The products were later acclimatized to greenhouse conditions. Ploidy was analyzed by flow cytometry, and hybridity was confirmed by amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis of plantlet DNAsamples. The best treatment was the donor-recipient fusion combination of 80 Gy-irradiated 'Ruby Red' protoplasts with 20 min IOA-treated 'Succari' protoplasts. Tetraploid and aneuploid plants were produced. Rooting recalcitrance was solved by dipping shoots' stems in 3,000 mg L-1 IBA solution for 10 min.
The biotechnological techniques may help solve many problems of guava culture, such as the high perishability of fruits. Somatic embryogenesis can generate highly multiplicative cell cultures and with high regenerative potential, serving as basis for genetic transformation. The aim of this work was to obtain somatic embryogenesis of guava (Psidium guajava L.) cv. Paluma. Immature seeds were used, and they were inoculated in MS environment containing 400 mg L-1 of L-glutamine, 100 mg L-1 myo-inositol, 60 g L-1 sucrose, 100 mg L-1 ascorbic acid and supplemented with different types and concentrations of growth regulators. Embryogenic callus appeared after 37 days of culture in an environment containing 1.0 mg L-1 2.4-D + 2.0 mg L-1 2-ip, in 7% of the explants. After 65 days of culture, the treatment containing 0.5 mg L-1 CPA showed 20% of explants with direct embryos, while the treatment with 1 mg L-1 had 14% of explants with direct embryos and 7% of explants with embryogenic callus. In 66.6% of embryos regenerated with 0.5 mg L¹ CPA there was the formation of secondary embryos. The use of IASP and BAP, aiming embryogenesis proliferation, led to an increase in the cellular proliferation, but calli apparently lost their embryogenic potential.
Somatic embryogenesis was induced from cotyledon explants of eggplant cultured on MS medium supplemented with 54 µM NAA. Anatomical analysis of somatic embryo initiation and development was performed during the first four weeks. Proembryo formation was observed after the second day of culture, directly from perivascular cells or via pro-embryogenic masses derived from indeterminate meristematic masses (IMMs) originated in the vascular tissue. Those IMMs also gave rise to root primordia after 10 days of culture. The origin of embryos is discussed as well as the similarities between somatic embryogenesis and adventitious root formation.
The objective of the present study was the exogenous stimulation of ovarian activity and definition of embryo collection, and transfer protocols, in the domestic cat for potential application in non-domestic endangered species. Sixteen adult queens and two adult male reproducers kept in the experimental cat house at the Morphology sector at the Veterinary Department (DVT), UFV, were used in this study. All the queens received a single application of 150 IU Equine Chorionic Gonadotropin (eCG) in the post estrus to induce ovarian activity and 80 to 84 hours later, received a single application of 100 UI Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) to induce ovulation. After hCG application, only the donor queens were naturally mated. The receptor queens received extra stimulus for induction of ovulation through manipulation of an intravaginal swab. Five to six days after hCG application, the donor queens were subjected to a laparotomy for embryo collection that was performed by trans-horn uterine washing. On average, six embryos were surgically inovulated. They were classified as type I and III compact morula and blastocysts in four receptor queens. Three animals presented pregnancy confirmed by ultrasound at day 36 and two of these animals gave birth to litters of two and four offsprings, respectively, at 66 and 63 days after induction of ovulation. Except for one still birth, all the offspring developed normally.
The distribution of Kudoa sciaenae cysts (Myxozoa), in terms of intensity and prevalence, in the somatic muscles of the sciaenid Stellifer minor, shows an apparent preference for the anterior body region, including the head. The observed preference seems to be a consequence of the differential distribution of muscle mass, in the defined area, because when density (cyst/g dry muscle), is considered, all the somatic areas, but not cephalic area, do no show significant differences in terms of mean intensity and prevalence.
Primary cell cultures were obtained from eggs of Anopheles albimanus and Aedes taeniorhynchus mosquitoes, vectors of human malaria and of Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus, respectively. The cellular growth of the An. albimanus cells began four weeks after explanting the embryonic tissues in MK/VP12 medium, supplemented with 15% fetal bovine serum. The culture showed heterogeneous cellular morphology. With regard to the Ae. taeniorhynchus culture, growth occurred three weeks after initiating the culture in MM/VP12 medium. The majority of cells were small and round. Karyotypes were examined in the latter species.