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em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP
Entre 2014 y 2016, Brasil será sede de numerosos eventos, donde se destaca la celebración de las Olimpiadas en Rio de Janeiro. La industria del turismo será una de las grandes beneficiadas, teniendo como objetivo duplicar el número de turistas, 10 millones en 2016, y generar oportunidades de negocios. Esta investigación plantea el análisis de dicha meta a través de dos elementos vinculados a las Olimpíadas, el legado y la apertura a nuevos segmentos de turistas, concretamente el turismo sénior y el accesible. Se llevará a cabo un análisis de contenido de la bibliografía existente sobre Río 2016 para determinar el estado del arte, y posteriormente se realizará un estudio de caso de las Olimpíadas de Barcelona y Sídney, con el objetivo de obtener las claves del éxito de su legado y la repercusión a nivel turístico. Esto posibilitará identificar los pasos a seguir por Brasil para alcanzar su objetivo turístico.
Os autores apresentam um caso de colesteatoma de conduto auditivo externo (CCAE) com extensa invasão da mastóide, mas estando preservadas a membrana timpânica e a cadeia ossicular. Como único sintoma apresentava otorréia crônica. O diagnóstico da lesão foi clínico, sendo o seu estadiamento e planejamento cirúrgico realizados através da tomografia computadorizada. Como tratamento procedeu-se a mastoidectomia radical modificada associada à meatoplastia. O CCAE, por seu caráter insidioso e correlação topográfica com estruturas nobres, deve ser sempre lembrado no diagnóstico diferencial das lesões do conduto auditivo externo. O relato deste caso tem o objetivo de revisar alguns aspectos clínicos e cirúrgicos no tratamento do CCAE e expor nossa conduta em um caso bastante evoluído da doença.
Para verificar uma possível associação entre o carcinoma epidermóide de terço médio de esôfago e os hábitos de beber e fumar, foi realizado um estudo tipo caso-controle no Hospital das Clínicas de Ribeirão Preto, no período de agosto de 1980 a outubro de 1981. Entre 25.661 pacientes atendidos nesta instituição, 21 tiveram o diagnóstico deste tipo de neoplasia. Eles foram considerados casos e pareados individualmente com 57 controles (razão de pareamento de 1:3) em relação às variáveis: sexo, idade, cor, procedência, residência, profissão, nível sócio-econômico e o hábito de beber ou fumar. Foi encontrada associação estatisticamente significativa entre o carcinoma epidermóide de terço médio do esôfago e o alcoolismo, com risco relativo de 26,7. Este valor é maior que os encontrados em outras partes do mundo, referentes à associação com o câncer de esôfago em geral. Em relação ao tabagismo, não foi encontrada associação significativa: o risco relativo obtido foi de 1,9.
Com base na utilização de questionários para estudos sobre crescimento da população idosa, foram discutidas as várias formas de sua aplicação: entrevista pessoal, correio e telefone, bem como os erros comumente encontrados em alguns instrumentos. Discutiu-se a metodologia utilizada no desenho do questionário (Brazil Old Age Schedule - BOAS), o manual de instrução e o livro de código. Com vistas a melhorar a confiabilidade do instrumento, foi dada ênfase especial ao treinamento dos pesquisadores de campo.
São apresentados a metodologia utilizada no projeto de pesquisa de idosos no Rio de Janeiro, desenvolvido no Instituto de Medicina Social da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro e os estágios relativos à preparação do trabalho de campo em um inquérito domiciliar. São discutidos os indicadores utilizados no processo de identificação de distritos homogêneos, a definição do universo amostral e os procedimentos empregados na atividade de enumeração.
INTRODUÇÃO: Avaliou-se, retrospectivamente, a situação epidemiológica e operacional do controle da hanseníase, em quatro municípios da fronteira matogrossense Brasil-Bolívia. POPULAÇÃO E MÉTODOS: As informações foram coletadas do sistema de registro/prontuário de cada paciente inscrito no Programa de Controle da Hanseníase, no período que decorreu do início da operacionalização dos programas até 1990. Foram estabelecidos os indicadores epidemiológicos e operacionais, definidos pela Organização Mundial de Saúde. RESULTADOS: Foi observado registro inadequado das informações dos pacientes em mais da metade dos prontuários. O coeficiente de prevalência oscilou entre 15 a 48/10.000, no período estudado. O coeficiente de detecção anual de casos novos para o ano de 1990 foi de 112/100.000 habitantes. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados encontrados apontam alta prevalência da hanseníase, ineficiência na detecção de casos, tendência à expansão da endemia e uma baixa qualidade nos programas de controle à doença.
The objective of the present study was to estimate the prevalence of herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV 2) antibodies in child bearing women of 2 Brazilian populations with different socioeconomic status and to determine the risk of neonatal HSV exposure by means of maternal cultures at the onset of labor. The study was conducted at 2 hospitals: A, serving very low income patients and B, serving middle socioeconomic class. 173 participants from group A and 127 from B answered a questionnaire which showed that the patients had similar ages (27.7 and 26.8 years, respectively) but differed with regard to socioeconomic status, age at first intercourse (18.6 vs 20.6 years), number of sex partners (1.5 vs 1.2) and previous sexually transmitted diseases (15% vs. 1.5%). History of genital herpes was given by 11% of group A participants and by a similar number, 7%, of patients from group B. In addition, 200 serum samples from population A and 455 from B were tested by ELISA for and HSV antibodies and 92% and 86%, respectively, were found to be positive. Sixty seropositive samples from group A and 90 from B were further analyzed by Western blot, which showed the presence of type 2 specific antibodies in 46% and 36%, respectively, suggesting an overall HSV 2 prevalence of 42% in group A and 31% in B. Cervical specimens were obtained for culture from 299 asymptomatic patients of population A and 313 of B. HSV was isolated from one specimen in each group, indicating a 0.3% incidence of asymptomatic viral excretion in both populations. In conclusion, the prevalence of type 2 antibodies in childbearing women was very high, but it did not differ with the socioeconomic status. The risk of HSV perinatal transmission was also similar in the 2 study populations and it was comparable with the data from developed countries. Our findings do not indicate the need of special screening programs for asymptomatic HSV excretion in Brazilian pregnant women.
Four pentacyclic triterpenes isolated from Austroplenckia populnea and four compounds of known anti T. cruzi or anti-malarial activity were tested. Of those triterpenes tested 20alpha-hydroxy-tingenone showed high activity, epikatonic acid was less active, while populnilic and populninic acids were inactive against the trypanosome of the subgenus Schizotrypanum tested. Benzonidazole, nifurtimox, ketoconazole and primaquine presented a remarkable dose-dependent inhibitory effect reaching practically to a total growth inhibition of the parasite at the end of incubation time. The trypanosome tested appear to be a suitable model for preliminary screen for anti T. (S.) cruzi compounds.
New methodologies were developed for the identification of Nocardia but the initial diagnosis still requires a fast and accurate method, mainly due to the similarity to Mycobacterium, both clinical and bacteriologically. Growth on Löwenstein-Jensen (LJ) medium, presence of acid-fast bacilli through Ziehl-Neelsen staining, and colony morphology can be confusing aspects between Nocardia and Mycobacterium. This study describes the occurrence of Nocardia spp. in a mycobacterial-reference laboratory, observing the main difficulties in differentiating Nocardia spp. from Mycobacterium spp., and correlating isolates with nocardiosis cases. Laboratory records for the period between 2008 and 2012 were analyzed, and the isolates identified as Nocardia sp. or as non-acid-fast filamentous bacilli were selected. Epidemiological and bacteriological data were analyzed as well. Thirty-three isolates identified as Nocardia sp. and 22 as non-acid-fast bacilli were selected for this study, and represented 0.12% of isolates during the study period. The presumptive identification was based on macroscopic and microscopic morphology, resistance to lysozyme and restriction profiles using the PRA-hsp65 method. Nocardia spp. can grow on media for mycobacteria isolation (LJ and BBL MGIT™) and microscopy and colony morphology are very similar to some mycobacteria species. Seventeen patients (54.8%) were reported and treated for tuberculosis, but presented signs and symptoms of nocardiosis. It was concluded that the occurrence of Nocardia sp. during the study period was 0.12%. Isolates with characteristics of filamentous bacilli, forming aerial hyphae, with colonies that may be pigmented, rough and without the BstEII digestion pattern in PRA-hsp65 method are suggestive of Nocardia spp. For a mycobacterial routine laboratory, a flow for the presumptive identification of Nocardia is essential, allowing the use of more accurate techniques for the correct identification, proper treatment and better quality of life for patients.
Descreve-se caso de um paciente adulto, portador de forma crônica multifocal grave de paracoccidioidomicose, cujo diagnóstico etiológico foi feito pelo achado do fungo em aspirado de medula óssea, a partir da obsemação direta e da mielocultura. Os autores destacam a importância destes exames na propedêutica de pacientes suspeitos de portarem a forma sistêmica da micose.
O infarto renal (IR) é usualmente secundário a obstrução arterial por êmbolos originários do coração. O chagásico crônico pode apresentar alterações cardíacas que originam trombos intracavitários mesmo sem insuficiência cardíaca congestiva (ICC). Neste trabalho avaliou-se comparativamente, a freqüência de IR em chagásicos crônicos, nas diferentes formas anátomo-clínicas e em não chagásicos. Realizou-se a revisão dos laudos de necropsias de indíviduos com idade maior ou igual a 20 anos. Em 259 necropsias, 78 (30,1%) eram de chagásicos crônicos, destes 19 (24,4%) desenvolveram IR, enquanto 27 (15,0%) não chagásicos apresentaram IR. A idade dos chagásicos com IR foi semelhante a dos não chagásicos. Encontrou-se predomínio significante de IR e trombose nos chagásicos. Observou-se uma prevalência significantemente maior de IR nos chagásicos com ICC (52,6%) quando comparados às outras formas anátomo-clínicas da doença e aos não chagásicos. Concluiu-se que o IR foi mais freqüente nos chagásicos, especialmente naqueles que desenvolveram ICC, provavelmente colaborando nas eventuais manifestações renais e alterações hemodinâmicas sistêmicas nestes pacientes.
The relationship between bladder tumors and Schistosoma haematobium is well known, but only sporadic cases of bladder infection due to Schistosoma mansoni have been reported. In this case, a 48-year-old woman with macroscopic hematuria, dysuria and a palpable abdominal mass was investigated. Ultrasound showed a large exophytic mass in the bladder. Transurethral resection of the bladder revealed viable eggs of Schistosoma mansoni. The patient was treated clinically with oxamniquine and surgery was performed to resect the large mass. This case shows that schistosomiasis Mansoni in the bladder can simulate bladder cancer.
PURPOSE: The objective was to describe the results of the injection of immotile spermatozoa with flexible tails when only immotile spermatozoa are present in the semen sample. METHODS: A retrospective study was conducted to analyze the procedure results for 10 couples who participated in our intracytoplasmic sperm injection program. The sperm tail was considered flexible when it moved up and down independently of the head movement, and it was considered inflexible when the movement occurred together (tail plus head). The fertilization and pregnancy rate were analyzed. RESULTS: The normal fertilization rate (presence of 2 pronuclei) was 30.3% (40/132), and the abnormal fertilization rate (presence of less than or more than 2 pronuclei) was 6.81% (9/132). A total of 52 embryos were obtained with 9 transfer procedures performed (pregnancy rate: 11.12%). CONCLUSIONS: The sperm tail flexibility test (STFT) is an easy and cost-effective way for selecting viable immotile spermatozoa and can be used as an alternative method for determining the viability of spermatozoa. This test seems to be a simple and risk-free method when compared to the swelling test.
Finasteride is a potent and specific inhibitor of the 5alpha-reductase enzyme in men. Clinical studies have shown that finasteride 1mg/day is effective for promoting hair growth in men with male pattern hair loss. However, there is a concern about the use of finasteride, especially in young fertile patients, because of its action on testosterone metabolism. This paper describes 3 cases of young patients who had very poor seminal quality during finasteride treatment (1 mg/day), and their seminal quality greatly improved after cessation of finasteride treatment. Two of them presented with a left varicocele and the other was obese. We hypothesize that finasteride may not dramatically change the spermatogenesis process in healthy men, but in patients with conditions related to infertility, an amplification of the negative influence of finasteride could occur. Future studies should be done to clarify the extent of the effect of finasteride in patients fertility problems.
Short-bowel syndrome is responsible for significant metabolic alterations that compromise nutritional status. Glutamine is considered an essential nutrient for enterocytes, so beneficial effects from supplementation of the diet with glutamine are hypothesized. PURPOSE: In this study, the effect of a diet enriched with glutamine was evaluated in rats undergoing extensive small bowel resection, with analysis of postoperative weight loss and intestinal morphometrics of villi height, crypt depth, and thickness of the duodenal and remnant jejunal mucosa. METHODS: Three groups of male Wistar rats were established receiving the following diets: with glutamine, without glutamine, and the standard diet of laboratory ration. All animals underwent an extensive small bowel resection, including the ileocecal valve, leaving a remnant jejunum of only 25 cm from the pylorus that was anastomosed lateral-laterally to the ascendant colon. The animals were weighed at the beginning and end of the experiment (20th postoperative day). Then they were killed and the remnant intestine was removed. Fragments of duodenal and jejunal mucosa were collected from the remnant intestine and submitted to histopathologic exam. The morphometric study of the intestinal mucosa was accomplished using a digital system (KS 300) connected to an optic microscope. Morphometrics included villi height, crypt depth, and the total thickness of intestinal mucosa. RESULTS: The weight loss comparison among the 3 groups showed no significant loss difference. The morphometric studies showed significantly taller duodenal villi in the glutamine group in comparison to the without glutamine group, but not different from the standard diet group. The measurements obtained comparing the 3 groups for villi height, crypt depth, and thickness of the remnant jejunum mucosa were greater in the glutamine-enriched diet group than for the without-glutamine diet group, though not significantly different from with standard-diet group. CONCLUSIONS: In rats with experimentally produced short-bowel syndrome, glutamine-enrichment of an isonitrogenous test diet was associated with an improved adaptation response by the intestinal mucosa but not reduced weight loss. However, the adaptation response in the group receiving the glutamine-enriched diet was not improved over that for the group fed regular chow.