43 resultados para Shunt embolization

em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP


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Este artigo descreve um paciente que se apresentou com quadro de hipoxemia e platipnéia e cujo único achado na investigação foi a presença de um forame oval patente com shunt direita-esquerda sem hipertensão pulmonar, caracterizando uma síndrome rara conhecida como platipnéia-ortodeoxia, de interessantes características fisiopatológicas e com opções terapêuticas ainda não totalmente definidas.


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In heavily infected young patients, there is a "non-congestive" phase of the disease with splenomegaly which can improve after chemoterapy. A strong correlation between hepatosplenic form and worm burden in young patients has been repeatedly shown. The pattern of vascular intrhepatic lesions seems to depend on two mechanisms: (a) egg embolization, with a partial blocking of the portal vasculature; (b) the appearance of small portal collaterals along the intrahepatic portal sistem. The role played by hepatitis B virus (HBV) and C virus infections in the pathogenesis of liver lesions is variably considered. Selective arteriography shows a reduced diameter of hepatic artery with thin and arched branches outlining vascular gaps. A rich arterial network , as described in autopsy cases, is usually not seen in vivo, except after splenectomy or shunt surgery. An augmented hepatic arterial flow was demonstrated in infected animals. These facts suggest that the poor intrahepatic arterial vascularization demonstrated by selective arteriography in humans is due to a "functional deviation"of arterial blood to the splenic territory. The best results obtained in treatment of portal hypertension were: esophagogastric desvascularization and splenectomy (EGDS), although risk of rebleeding persists; classical (proximal) splenorenal shunt (SRS) should be abandoned; distal splenorenal shunt may complicate with hepatic encephalopaty, although later and in a lower percentage than in SRS. Propranolol is currently under investigation. In our Department, schistosomotic patients with esophageal varices bleeding are treated by EGDS and, if rebleeding occurs, by sclerosis of the varices.


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AbstractObjective:The present article is aimed at reporting the author’s experience with transcatheter arterial embolization using a lipiodol-ethanol mixture in three cases of unresectable symptomatic giant hepatic hemangiomas.Materials and Methods:The cases of three patients with giant unresectable symptomatic hepatic hemangiomas embolized in the period 2009–2010 were retrospectively reviewed. In all the cases, transarterial embolization was performed with an ethanol-lipiodol mixture.Results:Symptoms regression and quality of life improvement were observed in all the cases. No complications were observed and all the patients were discharged within 12 hours after the procedure.Conclusion:Transcatheter arterial embolization using ethanol mixed with lipiodol was a safe and effective treatment for symptomatic giant hepatic hemangiomas in this small series of patients.


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Foram realizados o estudo morfométrico e o estudo hemodinâmico da veia porta em vinte cães clinicamente normais, de idade igual e inferior a 120 dias e em quatorze cães portadores de shunt portossistêmico, de idades entre 90 e 360 dias. Nos cães do grupo controle, as margens hepáticas apresentaram-se entre 1,50cm e 3,00cm caudalmente à margem costal. Os diâmetros médios da veia porta (VP), veia cava caudal (VCC) e aorta abdominal (AO) obtidas foram respectivamente, 0,38cm, 0,37cm e 0,41cm. As proporções entre os diâmetros médios VP/VCC e VP/AO apresentaram médias de 1,10 e 0,94, respectivamente. As médias das áreas da VP, VCC e AO resultaram respectivamente em 0,12cm² , 0,11cm² e 0,14cm². No estudo hemodinâmico da VP destes animais, utilizando-se o ultrassom Doppler, a velocidade média de fluxo sangüíneo portal (VMFSP) mediu 17,76cm/s. A média de fluxo sangüíneo portal (FSP) resultou em 83,11ml/min/kg. O índice de congestão (IC) apresentou média de 0,006. Para o grupo de cães portadores de shunt portossistêmico, o fígado apresentou redução de seu volume, sendo as margens hepáticas visibilizadas entre 1,00cm e 2,00cm cranialmente à margem costal. No estudo morfométrico, as médias dos diâmetros médios obtidos de VP, VCC e AO resultaram respectivamente em 0,40cm, 0,74cm e 0,56cm. As proporções entre os diâmetros médios VP/VCC e VP/AO resultaram respectivamente em 0,54 e 0,69. As médias das áreas de VP, VCC e AO resultaram respectivamente em 0,14cm², 0,31cm² e 0,25cm². Ao ultrassom Doppler a VMFSP mediu 22,29cm/s e a média do IC da VP obtido foi de 0,006.


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Thirty one infective endocarditis (IE) fatal cases whose diagnosis was first obtained at autopsy were studied. The clinical data of these patients (Group 1) showed significant differences compared to other 141 IE cases (Group 2). The average age of 53 years in Group 1 patients was 18 years higher than that of Group 2. The Group 1 patients had a low frequency of IE predisposing heart disease. Both patient groups presented fever (about 87%), but a significant low frequency of cardiac murmur (25.8%) was observed in Group 1 patients and echocardiography tests were performed in only 16.1%, suggesting that IE diagnosis was not suspected. Likewise, although most Group 1 patients appeared with severe acute illness, they did not present the classic IE clinical presentation. Blood cultures were performed in only 64.5% of the Group 1 patients. However, bacteria were isolated in 70% of these blood cultures and Staphylococcus aureus was isolated in 71.4%. The bacteria attacked mitral and aortic valves. Complications such as embolizations and cardiac failure occurred in almost half of the cases and they also presented with infections of the lungs, urinary tract, and central nervous system. Medical procedures were performed in practically all fatal cases whose diagnosis was first obtained at autopsy. Sepsis occurred in about half of the patients and it was followed by shock in more than 25%. This form of IE must be suspected in mature and in old febrile hospitalized patients having infection predisposing diseases, embolization, and suffering medical procedures.


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Define-se a hipertensão porta pela presença de um gradiente de pressão venosa hepática superior a 5mmHg. Ela é causada geralmente pelo aumento da resistência do leito vascular porta-hepático em decorrência de obstrução ao fluxo sanguíneo. Nas formas graves da esquistossomose há aumento progressivo da pressão porta e o desenvolvimento de varizes nos órgãos intra-abdominais, no retroperitônio e na parede do abdômen. A principal complicação desse processo é o sangramento digestivo, proveniente, na maioria dos casos, das varizes esofágicas e gástricas. Para o tratamento, diversos procedimentos clínicos (propranolol, somatostatina e octeotrida), endoscópicos (escleroterapia, clipes e ligaduras de varizes), vasculares (TIPS - shunt intra-hepático transjugular portasistêmico) e cirúrgicos (derivações portassistêmicas e desconexões portavarizes) têm sido propostos. Neste artigo, o autor apresenta revisão crítica sobre os vários tratamentos propostos, enfatizando os procedimentos cirúrgicos.


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The size of gastroesophageal varices is one of the most important factors leading to hemorrhage related to portal hypertension. An endoscopic evaluation of the size of gastroesophageal varices before and after different operations for portal hypertension was performed in 73 patients with schistosomiasis, as part of a randomized trial: proximal splenorenal shunt (PSS n=24), distal splenorenal shunt (DSS n=24), and esophagogastric devascularization with splenectomy (EGDS n=25). The endoscopic evaluation was performed before and up to 10 years after the operations. Variceal size was graded according to Palmer's classification: grade 1 -- up to 3 mm, grade 2 -- from 3 to 6 mm, grade 3 -- greater than 6 mm, and were analyzed in four anatomical locations: inferior, middle or superior third of the esophagus, and proximal stomach. The total number of points in the pre-operative grading minus the number of points in the post-operative grading gave a differential grading, allowing statistical comparison among the surgical groups. Good results, in terms of disappearance or decrease of variceal size, were observed more frequently after PSS than after DSS or EGDS - 95.8%, 83.3%, and 72%, respectively. When differential grading was analyzed, a statistically significant difference was observed between PSS and EGDS, but not between proximal and distal splenorenal shunts. In conclusion, shunt surgeries were more efficient than devascularization in diminishing variceal size.


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Relatamos um caso raro de um paciente de 21 meses, portador de comunicação interatrial do tipo seio coronário, associada a comunicação interventricular perimembranosa, e ausência de veia cava superior esquerda. O diagnóstico foi realizado através da ecocardiografia e confirmado pela angiografia. O paciente foi operado sem intercorrências, ambos os defeitos foram fechados com patch de pericárdio bovino e o fluxo das veias coronárias ficou direcionado para o átrio esquerdo. Um ecocardiograma mostrou ausência de shunt residual através dos defeitos.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a experiência global da nossa instituição com o fechamento percutâneo do canal arterial. MÉTODOS: Desde dezembro/92, 150 pacientes foram submetidos a 178 procedimentos (85 - técnica de Rashkind; 87 - coils de Gianturco; 6 - coils Duct Occlud). A mediana de idade foi de 6,5 anos (1 a 57). A média do diâmetro mínimo do canal foi de 3,05±1,24mm (1 a 8). Avaliações clínicas e ecocardiográficas foram realizadas seriadamente. RESULTADOS: Implantes adequados ocorreram em 143 (95,3%) pacientes. A prevalência de shunt residual imediato foi de 52,1%, decrescendo para 15,9% no seguimento. Esta taxa caiu para 5,2% após a realização de procedimentos adicionais. Embolização de coils ocorreu em 12 procedimentos e de umbrella em 1. Um paciente apresentou hemólise e outro estenose discreta da artéria pulmonar esquerda. Não houve mortalidade. CONCLUSÃO: Esta modalidade terapêutica é segura e eficaz, proporcionando bons resultados a longo prazo.


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PURPOSE: Evaluation of the role of transesophageal echocardiography in percutaneous closure of atrial septal defects (ASD) with the Amplatzer septal occluder. METHODS: Patients were selected for percutaneous closure of ASD by transesophageal echocardiography (TEE), which was also used to monitor the procedure, helping to select the appropriate size of the Amplatzer device, to verify its position, and to access the immediate results of the procedure. During the follow-up, TEE was used to evaluate the presence and magnitude of residual shunt (RS), device position, and right cardiac chamber diameters. RESULTS: Twenty-two (40%) of a total of 55 studied patients were selected. Thirteen underwent Amplatzer device implantation, eight are still waiting for it, and one preferred the conventional surgical treatment. All procedures were successful, which was mainly due to proper patient selection. Six (23%) patients acutely developed RS, which spontaneously disapeared at the three-month follow-up examination in three patients. There was a significant reduction in the right ventricle diastolic diameter, from 27mm (average) to 24mm and 20mm, one and three months after the procedure, respectively (p<0.0076). CONCLUSION: With the aid of TEE, percutaneous closure of ASD can be successfully, safely, and effectively performed.


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OBJETIVE: To assess the hemodynamic profile of cardiac surgery patients with circulatory instability in the early postoperative period (POP). METHODS: Over a two-year period, 306 patients underwent cardiac surgery. Thirty had hemodynamic instability in the early POP and were monitored with the Swan-Ganz catheter. The following parameters were evaluated: cardiac index (CI), systemic and pulmonary vascular resistance, pulmonary shunt, central venous pressure (CVP), pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP), oxygen delivery and consumption, use of vasoactive drugs and of circulatory support. RESULTS: Twenty patients had low cardiac index (CI), and 10 had normal or high CI. Systemic vascular resistance was decreased in 11 patients. There was no correlation between oxygen delivery (DO2) and consumption (VO2), p=0.42, and no correlation between CVP and PCWP, p=0.065. Pulmonary vascular resistance was decreased in 15 patients and the pulmonary shunt was increased in 19. Two patients with CI < 2L/min/m² received circulatory support. CONCLUSION: Patients in the POP of cardiac surgery frequently have a mixed shock due to the systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS). Therefore, invasive hemodynamic monitoring is useful in handling blood volume, choice of vasoactive drugs, and indication for circulatory support.