17 resultados para Shelley, Frances, Lady, 1787-1873.
em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP
Chelicerae de Amblyomma cajennense foram examinados em microscopia de varredura. Esta técnica mostrou detalhes não evidenciáveis ao poder de resolução do microscópio ótico.
En la presente investigación se estima la edad y creecimiento de la pacora (Plagiosclon surinamensis), por medio de la comparación de los métodoe de distribución de frecuencias, marcas en las escamas y marcae en los otolitos; de esta comparación se concluye que la pacora forma tres anillos en las escamas por año y con base en este método, estableciendo los grupos de edad anuales, se calcula la ecuación de crecimiento de Von Bertalanffy, la cual se expressa de la siguiente manera:Lt (ram) = 775.1 * {1 - e -0.362 * (t - 0.0978)}. La relación talla-peso se calculó ordenando las tallas en intervalos de 10 ram y corresponde a la ecuación:Peso (gr) = 1.1 * 10-5 * L. E.(3.08), no encontrándose diferencias significativas entre el crecimiento de hembras y el de machos. Se complementa la investigación con información sobre tallas mínimas y medias de madurez sexual y espectro trófico de la especie en la parte baja de la cuenca del Río Magdalena y su plano inundable.
Mansonella ozzardi is transmitted by two dipterian families, Ceratopogonidae (midges) and Simuliidae (black flies). In Brazil, black flies are vectors for this filariasis until now. In this paper, we determined the seasonality, parity capacity and parasitic infection rate of Cerqueirellum argentiscutum. The work was carried out in the Porto Japão community, Lower Solimões River, Amazonas, Brazil. Results show that the black flies were more abundant during the rainy season (from December to May). The number of parous flies was higher in every sampling during the course of year. Monthly Biting Rate (MBR1 123742.00, MBR2 86701.50) was high, although Parasitic Infection Rate (PIR1 0.06, PIR2 0.08) and Annual Transmission Potential (ATP 7.25) were low in numbers.
We studied the influence of climatic parameters in the daily haematophagic activity of Cerqueirellum argentiscutum from September/1999 to August/2000. The bite activity observed was different according to the annual rain precipitation (dry and rainy seasons). Humidity and temperature were the factors that most influenced it in both periods. During the dry season, it was greater in the beginning of the morning, showing a positive association with the humidity. However, during the rainy season, it was negatively related to that same factor. When wind speed was higher than 10 Km.h-1, it was reduced abruptly. Light intensity, atmospheric pressure and cloudiness seemed to act as secondary factors in the daily abundance of C. argentiscutum.
Neste estudo, foi avaliada a invasão da comunidade de Scarabaeinae detritívoros de uma savana amazônica pela espécie africana Digitonthophagus gazella (Fabricius 1787). O estudo foi realizado nas proximidades da vila de Alter do Chão (2º 31' S e 55º 00' W), localizada a aproximadamente 36 km a sudoeste de Santarém, Pará, Brasil. Vinte e duas áreas de savanas de 3,75 ha (250 x 150 m) distribuídas em 30.000 ha foram amostradas, no período de 21 de julho a 13 de agosto de 2003, utilizando 66 armadilhas de queda com três tipos de iscas (fezes bovinas, fezes humanas e carcaças). Foram encontrados indivíduos de D. gazella em quatro das vinte e duas áreas amostradas. Procurou-se explicar a presença da espécie nas áreas de savana através de análises de regressão logística, onde as variáveis explicativas foram: ocorrência de queimada nos últimos seis anos, diversidade e abundância total de Scarabaeidae nativos presentes na área, abundância de Canthon sp.1, (espécie de Scarabaeidae mais abundante na região). Exceto pela abundância total de indivíduos de Scarabaeidae nativos, nenhuma das variáveis bióticas e abióticas tiveram efeito estatisticamente significativo na presença do D. gazella. Estes resultados podem ser explicados por: (a) algum fator ainda não analisado, relacionado à invasão da área pelo D. gazella; (b) Não houve tempo para a dispersão e estabelecimento da espécie em todas as áreas; (c) A comunidade nativa de Scarabaeinae apresenta resistência à invasão pelo D. gazella.
Biomphalaria prona from Lake Valencia, Venezuela (type locality) has a polymorphic shell wich in the great majority of specimens is wider, with fewer rapidly expanding whorls, the outer one subcarinate on the left side and more or less strongly deflected leftward. Besides those modal forms there are little frequent variants characterized by narrower shell with less rapidly expanding, regularly curved whorls directed forward. Recent studies have shown that such variants constitute the predominant shell phenotype in extralacustrine populations, but are anatomically and biochemically indistinguishable from the modal class of the Lake. In the present paper it is demonstrated that the nominal species Planorbis meridaensis Preston, 1907, from Mérida, Venezuela, is identical with B. prona (Martens, 1873) of wich it must be considered a junior synonym.
An artificial feeding system was used where citrated bovine blood was offerred to male and female Amblyomma cajennense. Vestiges of blood, sweat, hair and exfoliated skin were used as phago-stimulants placed on the surface of the silicone membrane. The ticks were collected, as engorged nymphs, from naturally infested equines, with the ecdysis occurring in the laboratory. Four hundred ticks were used, 50% being female, at three to four weeks post-ecdysis. Vestiges of blood on the silicone membrane were the most efficient phago-stimulant and the association of vestiges of blood and sweat residue smears yielded better results compared to the other phago-stimulants used
The parasitic specificity of larval, nymph and adult Amblyomma cajennense on six different host species: Oryctolagus cuniculus, Rattus norvegicus, Gallus gallus domesticus, Anas platyrhynchus, Coturnix coturnix and Streptopelia decorata is described. In terms of the numbers of larvae and nymphs recovered, O. cuniculus was the best host species. The modal day for drop-off of larvae and nymphs was day three for the mammal hosts, but variable in the birds. We conclude that adult A. cajennense have a strong degree of specificity due to the fact that the tick failed to complete its life cycle on any of the evaluated hosts. The immature stages, on the other hand, showed a low level of specificity, most especially in the larval stage, indicating the existence of secondary hosts which probably serve as dispersers in the wild. The results also indicated a variable drop-off rhythm for larvae and nymphs in two periods, diurnal (6-18 hr) and nocturnal (18-6 hr), which differed depending upon the host.
We evaluated the prevalence, mean intensity and relative density of ticks in 467 wild birds of 67 species (12 families) from forest and cerrado habitats at two protected areas of Minas Gerais, between March and September 1997. Ticks collected (n=177) were identified as larvae and nymphs of Amblyomma cajennense and four other species of Amblyomma. We report for the first time 28 bird species as hosts of the immature stages of A. cajennense, demonstrating the lack of host specificity of the larvae and nymphs. A. cajennense had 15% prevalence on birds, with a mean infestation intensity of 0.37 ticks per host sampled, and 2.5 ticks per infested bird. Prevalence varied in relation to host species, diet and between birds from forests at two successional stages. There were no differences in relation to host forest dependence, participation in mixed flocks of birds, and nest type constructed. A. cajennense is a species of medical and veterinary importance, occurring on domestic animals but is known little of its occurrence on wildlife.
RESUMO A podridão-olho-de-boi (Cryptosporiosis perennans) e a podridão-branca (Botryosphaeria dothidea) estão entre as principais doenças de verão da macieira no Brasil. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de uma película protetora constituída de cera de carnaúba e argilas (Raynox® ), nas doses de 2,5 e 5,0%, na infecção por C. perennans e por B. dothidea em maçãs das cultivares Fuji Standard e Pink Lady. As macieiras foram pulverizadas cinco vezes de dezembro de 2007 a março de 2008, conforme previsão de condições adequadas para ocorrência dos danos e crescimento dos frutos. Na colheita, as maçãs foram inoculadas com os dois patógenos e avaliadas quanto à incidência das podridões. Indiferente à dose, o uso de Raynox® reduziu a incidência da podridão-branca e da podridão-olho-de-boi em 67% e 42% na ‘Fuji Standard’, e 43% e 42% na ‘Pink Lady’, respectivamente. O incremento da dose aumentou a eficiência do produto para o controle da podridão-olho-de-boi. Na dose de 2,5%, o controle da podridão-olho-de-boi foi de 19% e 20%, respectivamente, em maçãs ‘Fuji Standard’ e ‘Pink Lady’, enquanto para as mesmas cultivares, mas com a dose de 5,0%, estes valores foram de 65% e 63%. Mais estudos são necessários para o ajuste de dose e critérios de aplicação para que o protetor solar possa ser recomendado.