49 resultados para Segneri, Paolo, 1624-1694
em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP
As mudanças no jogo competitivo induzem as empresas a pôr-se em discussão e amadurecer novas competências. Um elemento relevante no caso da Illycaffè, líder de qualidade em café expresso, consiste na capacidade da empresa de redefinir e renovar os próprios recursos e as relações estratégicas, para perseguir simultaneamente os objetivos de qualidade de produto e de inovação do processo produtivo. As redes de relações e os investimentos em P&D permitem crescimento rápido e maior eficácia nas "manobras estratégicas" da empresa.
O objetivo deste artigo é problematizar as convenções intelectuais que nortearam a escrita do retrato heróico do humanista João de Barros por Manuel Severim de Faria, em sua “Vida de João de Barros, em que se discorre sobre os preceitos da história e perfeição com que escreveu as suas Décadas”, livro que compõe os Discursos vários políticos, publicado pela primeira vez em 1624. Para isso, consideramos que a confecção da memória dos lugares ocupados por João de Barros responde à demanda de uma sociedade estamental, na qual a dignidade do ofício exercido denota a dignidade de quem o exerce.
OBJETIVO: To assess factors associated with a low risk perception of zoonoses and to identify the gaps in knowledge about transmission and prevention of zoonoses in immigrant and Italian workers. MÉTODOS: A cross-sectional study with 175 workers in the agro-livestock and agro-food industry in Piemonte, Italy, was carried out. Data were collected with a semi-structured questionnaire based on knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) survey. We calculated proportions and used chi-square tests and odds ratios to assess associations. Eight individual interviews with key informants on immigration and public health in Piemonte were carried out. RESULTADOS: Participants were 82 (47%) Italians and 93 (53%) immigrants. Immigrants were from Romania, Morocco, Albania, India, China, Argentina, Peru, Macedonia, Ivory Coast, Ukraine and Colombia. The study revealed significant differences in risk perception at work (p = 0.001). We found associations between "not having correct knowledge about zoonoses" and the following variables: i. "being immigrant" OR = 4.1 (95%CI 1.7;9.8 p ≤ 0.01); ii. "working in the livestock industry" OR = 2.9 (95%CI 1.2;15.4 p = 0.01); and iii. "being an unqualified worker" OR = 4.4 (95%CI 2.9;15.4 p ≤ 0.01). Another strong association was found between being immigrant and having a low job qualification OR = 6.7 (IC95% 2.9 - 15.4 p ≤ 0.01). Asian immigrants were the group with the highest frequency of risky behaviours and the lowest level of knowledge about zoonoses. CONCLUSÕES: Our results indicate that there were differences in risk perception of zoonoses between the groups participating in our study. These results suggest that immigrant status can be considered a risk factor for having lower risk perception and lower level of knowledge of zoonoses at work. There is a relationship between this specific knowledge of zoonoses and lack of training and instruction among migrant populations. Our results stress the need for developing education programs on zoonoses prevention among the immigrant population in Piemonte, Italy.
To clarify the mechanism responsible for the transient sinus tachycardia in rats with acute chagasic myocarditis, we have examined the cardiac sympathetic-parasympathetic balance of 29 rats inoculated with 200,000 parasites (Trypanosoma cruzi). Sixteen infected animals and 8 controls were studied between days 18 and 21 after inoculation (acute stage). The remaining 13 infected animals and 9 controls were studied between days 60 and 70 after inoculation (sub-acute stage). Under anesthesia (urethane 1.25 g/kg), all animals received intravenous atenolol (5 mg/kg) and atropine (10 mg/kg). Acute stage: The baseline heart rate of the infected animals was significantly higher than that of the controls (P < 0.0001). The magnitude of the negative chronotropic response to atenolol was 4 times that of the controls (P < 0.00001). This response correlated with the baseline heart rate (r= - 0.72, P < 0.001). The heart rate responses to the beta-blocker and to atropine, of the infected animals studied during the sub-acute stage, were not different from controls. These findings suggest that cardiac sympathetic activity is transiently enhanced and cardiac parasympathetic activity is not impaired, in rats with acute chagasic myocarditis. The transient predominance of cardiac sympathetic activity could explain, in part, the sinus tachycardia observed in the acute stage of experimentally-induced chagasic myocarditis.
We administered arecoline to rats, with experimentally induced chagasic myocarditis, in order to study the sinus node sensitivity to a muscarinic agonist. Sixteen month old rats were inoculated with 200,000 T. cruzi parasites ("Y" strain). Between days 18 and 21 (acute stage), 8 infected rats and 8 age-matched controls received intravenous arecoline as a bolus injection at the following doses: 5.0, 10.0, 20.0, 40.0, and 80.0 mug/kg. Heart rate was recorded before, during and after each dose of arecoline. The remaining 8 infected animals and 8 controls were subjected to the same experimental procedure during the subacute stage, i.e., days 60 to 70 after inoculation. The baseline heart rate, of the animals studied during the acute stage (349 ± 68 bpm, mean ± SD), was higher than that of the controls (250 ± 50 bpm, p < 0.005). The heart rate changes were expressed as percentage changes over baseline values. A dose-response curve was constructed for each group of animals. Log scales were used to plot the systematically doubled doses of arecoline and the induced-heart rate changes. The slope of the regression line for the acutely infected animals (r = - 0.99, b =1.78) was not different from that for the control animals (r = - 0.97, b = 1.61). The infected animals studied during the subacute stage (r = - 0.99, b = 1.81) were also not different from the age-matched controls (r = - 0.99, b = 1.26, NS). Consequently, our results show no pharmacological evidence of postjunctional hypersensitivity to the muscarinic agonist arecoline. Therefore, these results indirectly suggest that the postganglionic parasympathetic innervation, of the sinus node of rats with autopsy proved chagasic myocarditis, is not irreversibly damaged by Trypanosoma cruzi.
The cardiac effects of experimentally induced myocarditis, when the parasite is obtained from mouse blood, are well known. However, the consequences of the infection when the parasites are obtained from bug faeces are less well defined. In the present investigation, we have used the "Y" strain of Trypanosoma cruzi, which was maintained in Rhodnius prolixus by repeated passages in mice. The faeces of 30 infected bugs were collected, the number of parasites counted and 4,000 parasites inoculated by the conjunctival route in 60 rats. Twenty-nine other rats received faeces from noninfected bugs (sham-inoculated controls) and 40 were used as normal controls. The heart rate of the three groups of animals was recorded under general anesthesia with ether. The heart rate, at day 0 pre-inoculation, was similar in the three groups of animals (Controls: 379 ± 27 beats/min Mean ± SD; Sham-inoculated: 366 ± 31; Infected: 351 ± 29) (p> 0.05). In the infected animals, the mean heart rate began to increase significantly by day 12 following infection (375 ± 31), reaching the highest values between days 18 (390 ± 33) and 21 (403 ± 33) and returned to baseline by day 30 (359 ± 28) (p< 0.05). The heart rate changes were statistically different from those observed in the sham-inoculated controls and in the control animals. Therefore, these heart rate changes were provoked by the Trypanosoma cruzi-induced infection. Thus, it appears that irrespective of the source of the parasite and route of inoculation Trypanosoma cruziacute infection provokes a transient sinus tachycardia.
FUNDAMENTO: Documentos institucionais recomendam que variáveis hemodinâmicas - frequência cardíaca (FC) e pressão arterial sistólica (PAS) e diastólica (PAD) - sejam rotineiramente controladas na parte aeróbica de sessões de exercício supervisionado para cardiopatas. OBJETIVO: a) Determinar o comportamento e a reprodutibilidade da PA ao longo de 15 minutos de exercício de intensidade constante e moderada; b) comparar a medida de PA obtida com equipamentos digital e convencional no exercício. MÉTODOS: Trinta adultos de ambos os sexos (de 65 ± 11 anos) foram avaliados em 15 minutos no cicloergômetro de membros inferiores. A PA foi medida a cada dois minutos: entre o 3º e o 13º minutos, pelo esfigmomanômetro digital Tango (Suntech, Estados Unidos da América) e, no 14º minuto, pelo esfigmomanômetro de coluna de mercúrio. Sete dias depois e em horário similar, seis indivíduos repetiram o protocolo para avaliar a reprodutibilidade. RESULTADOS: Enquanto a PAD não variou ao longo do exercício (p > 0,05), a PAS aumentou do 3º para o 7º minuto (146±4,1 versus 158±4,5 mmHg, p < 0,05) e depois se manteve praticamente constante. As medidas digital e convencional correlacionaram-se fortemente - r = 0,83 para PAS e 0,84 para PAD -, sem diferenças para PAS (163±4,5 versus 162±4,3 mmHg; p > 0,05) e uma pequena diferença para a PAD (72±2,4 versus 78±2,3 mmHg; p < 0,05). CONCLUSÃO: Para exercícios de intensidade moderada e constante no cicloergômetro com 15 minutos de duração, a medida da PA deverá ser feita a partir do sétimo minuto. As medidas digitais com o Tango e convencionais de PA foram, para efeitos clínicos, muito similares e reprodutíveis.
This paper documents 32 genera and 167 species of Tabanidae reported from Bolivia. All available data are cited for each species. A key to genera and subgenera is presented and includes illustrations. This preliminary checklist and key is intended as a baseline for further study, the aim of which is to establish which species are of greatest economic importance.
The interaction of man with viral agents was possibly a key factor shaping human evolution, culture and civilization from its outset. Evidence of the effect of disease, since the early stages of human speciation, through pre-historical times to the present suggest that the types of viruses associated with man changed in time. As human populations progressed technologically, they grew in numbers and density. As a consequence different viruses found suitable conditions to thrive and establish long-lasting associations with man. Although not all viral agents cause disease and some may in fact be considered beneficial, the present situation of overpopulation, poverty and ecological inbalance may have devastating effets on human progress. Recently emerged diseases causing massive pandemics (eg., HIV-1 and HCV, dengue, etc.) are becoming formidable challenges, which may have a direct impact on the fate of our species.
Aspergillus flavus is a very important toxigenic fungus that produces aflatoxins, a group of extremely toxic substances to man and animals. Toxigenic fungi can grow in feed crops, such as maize, peanuts, and soybeans, being thus of high concern for public health. There are toxigenic and non-toxigenic A. flavus variants, but the necessary conditions for expressing the toxigenic potential are not fully understood. Therefore, we have studied total-DNA polymorphism from toxigenic and non toxigenic A. flavus strains isolated from maize crops and soil at two geographic locations, 300 km apart, in the Southeast region of Brazil. Total DNA from each A. flavus isolate was extracted and subjected to polymerase chain reaction amplification with five randomic primers through the RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA) technique. Phenetic and cladistic analyses of the data, based on bootstrap analyses, led us to conclude that RAPD was not suitable to discriminate toxigenic from non toxigenic strains. But the present results support the use of RAPD for strain characterization, especially for preliminary evaluation over extensive collections.
Abdominal angiostrongyliasis is a potentially fatal zoonotic disease with a broad geographical distribution throughout Central and South America. This study assessed the performance of Angiostrongylus costaricensis eggs as the antigen in an indirect immunofluorescence assay for the determination of parasite-specific IgG and IgG1 antibodies. For prevalence studies, an IgG antibody titre > 16 was identified as the diagnostic threshold with the best performance, providing 93.7% sensitivity and 84.6% specificity. Cross reactivity was evaluated with 65 additional samples from patients with other known parasitic infections. Cross reactivity was observed only in samples from individuals infected with Strongyloides stercoralis. For clinical diagnosis, we recommend the determination of IgG only as a screening test. IgG1 determination may be used to increase the specificity of the results for patients with a positive screening test.
The aims of this study were to characterise the ground-level larval habitats of the mosquito Culex quinquefasciatus, to determine the relationships between habitat characteristics and larval abundance and to examine seasonal larval-stage variations in Córdoba city. Every two weeks for two years, 15 larval habitats (natural and artificial water bodies, including shallow wells, drains, retention ponds, canals and ditches) were visited and sampled for larval mosquitoes. Data regarding the water depth, temperature and pH, permanence, the presence of aquatic vegetation and the density of collected mosquito larvae were recorded. Data on the average air temperatures and accumulated precipitation during the 15 days prior to each sampling date were also obtained. Cx. quinquefasciatus larvae were collected throughout the study period and were generally most abundant in the summer season. Generalised linear mixed models indicated the average air temperature and presence of dicotyledonous aquatic vegetation as variables that served as important predictors of larval densities. Additionally, permanent breeding sites supported high larval densities. In Córdoba city and possibly in other highly populated cities at the same latitude with the same environmental conditions, control programs should focus on permanent larval habitats with aquatic vegetation during the early spring, when the Cx. quinquefasciatus population begins to increase.