23 resultados para Santiago Cape Verdean Creole
em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP
OBJECTIVE: To estimate the incidence rate of type 1 diabetes in the urban area of Santiago, Chile, from March 21, 1997 to March 20, 1998, and to assess the spatio-temporal clustering of cases during that period. METHODS: All sixty-one incident cases were located temporally (day of diagnosis) and spatially (place of residence) in the area of study. Knox's method was used to assess spatio-temporal clustering of incident cases. RESULTS: The overall incidence rate of type 1 diabetes was 4.11 cases per 100,000 children aged less than 15 years per year (95% confidence interval: 3.06--5.14). The incidence rate seems to have increased since the last estimate of the incidence calculated for the years 1986--1992 in the metropolitan region of Santiago. Different combinations of space-time intervals have been evaluated to assess spatio-temporal clustering. The smallest p-value was found for the combination of critical distances of 750 meters and 60 days (uncorrected p-value = 0.048). CONCLUSIONS: Although these are preliminary results regarding space-time clustering in Santiago, exploratory analysis of the data method would suggest a possible aggregation of incident cases in space-time coordinates.
Diagnostic and parasite characterization and identification studies were carried out in human patients with cutaneous leishmaniasis lesions in Santiago del Estero, Northern Province of Argentina. Diagnostic procedures were biopsies of lesions for smears and inoculations in hamster, needle aspirations of material from ulcers for "in vitro" cultures. Immunodiagnostic techniques applied were IFAT-IgG and Montenegro skin test. Primary isolation of eight stocks of leishmanial parasites was achieved from patients with active lesions. All stocks were biologically characterized by their behaviour in hamster, measurements of amastigote and promastigotes and growth "in vitro". Eight stocks were characterized and identified at species level by their reactivity to a cross-panel of sub-genus and specie-specific Monoclonal Antibodies through an Indirect Immunofluorescence technique and a Dot-ELISA. We conclude from the serodeme analysis of Argentina stocks that: stocks MHOM/AR/92/SE-1; SE-2; SE-4; SE-8; SE-8-I; SE-30; SE-34 and SE-36 are Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis. Three Leishmania stocks (SE-1; SE-2 and SE-30) did not react with one highly specie-specific Monoclonal Antibody (Clone: B-18, Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis marker) disclosing two serodeme group patterns. Five out of eight soluble extracts of leishmanial promastigotes were electrophoresed on thin-layer starch gels and examined for the enzyme MPI, Mannose Phosphate Isomerase; MDH, Malate Dehydrogenase; 6PGD, 6 Phosphogluconate Dehydrogenase; NH, Nucleoside Hydrolase, 2-deoxyinosinc as substrate; SOD, Superoxide Dismutase; GPI, Glucose Phosphate Isomerase and ES, Esterase. From the isoenzyme studies we concluded that stocks: MHOM/AR/92/SE-1; SE-2; SE-4; SE-8 and SE-8-I are isoenzymatically Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis. We need to analyze more enzymes before assigning them to a braziliensis zymodeme.
Congenital Chagas disease (CChD) has been reported in different countries, mostly in Latin America. In 1987 a fatal case of CChD of second generation (CChDSG) was published. Within a period of six months - 1989-1990 - two cases of CChDSG were diagnosed and studied in the city of Santiago. Two premature newborns, sons of two sisters, with moderate liver and spleen enlargement, were found to have positive serology for Chagas disease and xenodiagnoses. The mothers, urban residents all their lives, without antecedents of triatomine bugs contact or blood transfusions, showed positive serology and xenodiagnoses. Their mother (grandmother of the infants), lived 20 years in a Northern rural Chagas disease endemic locality, in a triatomine infested house. Afterwards, she moved to Santiago, where she married and has resided up to now. Serology and xenodiagnoses were also positive. All the Trypanosoma cruzi infected individuals were successfully treated with nifurtimox.
Se describen los resultados entomológicos de un estúdio sobre transmiswn del Tripanosoma cruzi realizado en un caserío rural de Argentina. Se determino la prevalencia de infección elperfil alimentario de los Triatoma infestans domiciliados, relacionándose su densidad con el tipo de vivienda. Seis de las 18 viviendas estudiadas eran nuevas o mejoradas y en 16 los habitantes aplicaban hexaclorociclohexano. La menor densidad de vinchucas correspondió a las casas higiénicas o mejoradas con tratamiento químico, Los ranchos tratados presentaron un número de insectos 10 veces menor que un rancho no tratado, indicando la efectividad del control autogestado. Se hallaron T. infestans en el 100% de los dormitorios pero en sólo el 53% de los localesperidomiciliarios. Un 39% de las vinchucas intradomiciliarias estaban infectadas. El 96% de los insectos de dormitorios se alimentaron sobre hombre, perro, polloygato, siendo el índice afinidad para el perro 13 veces superior al correspondiente al hombre. Se discute la importancia epidemiológica de la concentración de vectores dentro de los dormitorios y su asociación trófica con los perros convivientes, nsí como la necessidad de combinar la mejora de vivienda con educación sanitaria.
Na Usina Hidrelátrica Salto Osório foram examinados 88 peixes, dos quais 24 (27,3%) encontravam-se parasitados por oito espécies de nematóides: Capillaria sp., formas imaturas de Contracoecum sp., Procamallanus peraccuratus Pinto et al., 1976, Procamallanus petterae Kohn & Fernandes, 1988, Raphidascaris sp., Spirocamallanus intermedius Pinto et al., 1974, Spirocamallanus pintoi Kohn & Fernandes, 1988 e Spirocamallanus sp., além de uma forma imatura de cestóide. Na Usina Hidrelétrica de Salto Santiago, dos 83 peixes examinados, 32 (38,5%) apresentaram-se parasitados por três espécies de nematóides: Contracoecum sp. (forma larvar), Procamallanus peraccuratus e Raphydascaris sp., e uma especie de cestóide (forma larvar).
Triatoma guasayana is a silvatic triatomine species distributed in Argentina, Bolivia and Paraguay. The study was performed in a secondary forest of Santiago del Estero, Argentina. The abundance of T. guasayana was evaluated by census in the following wild biotopes: quimiles (Opuntia quimilo), chaguares (dry bromeliads), logs and underground burrows. Ten biotopes of each type were dismantled in winter (August) and another 40 in summer (January); all fauna was recorded. The biotopes most infested by T. guasayana were quimiles (65%), followed by chaguares (55%), and logs (25%). Quimiles and chaguares were infested in both seasons, whereas logs were positive only in summer and burrows were never infested. Infestation and abundance were higher in summer than in winter. The biotope structure is a key factor for T. guasayana colonization. The larger number of refuges, the constant presence of blood sources and suitable inner microclimatic conditions offered by quimiles may favour the persistence of T. guasayana colonies. The richness of invertebrate fauna per type of biotope was ranked in the same order as that of T. guasayana, suggesting similar microhabitat requirements for all studied arthropods.
Chagas disease, which is caused by Trypanosoma cruzi, affects nearly 16 million people in Latin America and causes 75-90 million people to be at risk of infection. The disease is urbanizing and globalizing due to frequent migrations. There are regions of high prevalence of infection, including the north-eastern provinces of Argentina and the entire phytogeographic region known as the Gran Chaco. In the province of Chaco, Argentina, there are places inhabited by native populations such as the Wichi and Toba communities, among others. Many Creole populations resulting from miscegenation with European colonists and immigrants coexist within these communities. It has been widely accepted that in the chronic phase of the disease, between 25-30% of individuals develop some form of cardiac disease, with the right bundle-branch block being the most typical condition described so far. The aim of this work was to study the prevalence of Chagas infection and its electrocardiographic profile in the Wichi and Creole populations of Misión Nueva Pompeya, in the area known as Monte Impenetrable in Chaco, to determine the prevalence and the pattern of heart diseases produced by Chagas disease in this region.
The isolation of bioactive compounds from medicinal plants, based on traditional use or ethnomedical data, is a highly promising potential approach for identifying new and effective antimalarial drug candidates. The purpose of this review was to create a compilation of the phytochemical studies on medicinal plants used to treat malaria in traditional medicine from the Community of Portuguese-Speaking Countries (CPSC): Angola, Brazil, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique and São Tomé and Príncipe. In addition, this review aimed to show that there are several medicinal plants popularly used in these countries for which few scientific studies are available. The primary approach compared the antimalarial activity of native species used in each country with its extracts, fractions and isolated substances. In this context, data shown here could be a tool to help researchers from these regions establish a scientific and technical network on the subject for the CPSC where malaria is a public health problem.
New species described: Acanthoderini - Acanthoderes (Psapharochrus) piraiuba sp. nov.from Argentina (San Luis); Acanthoderes (Acanthoderes) uyapensis sp. nov. from Bolivia (La Paz); Dufauxia simplex sp. nov. from Paraguay (Caazapá); Aerenicini - Antodice quadrimaculata sp. nov. from Paraguay (Caazapá); Calliini - Drycothaea maculata sp. nov. from Bolivia (La Paz); Falsamblesthiini - Obereoides antennatus sp. nov. from Bolívia (La Paz). Color variation of Phoebe spegazzinii Bruch, 1908 is discussed.
Notas sobre uma forma melânica de Trachyderes (T.) cingulatus Klug, 1825 (Trachiderini) e descrição de novos táxons: Eburini, Pantomallus titinga sp. nov. da Bolivia (La Paz, Santa Cruz); Elaphidionini, Stizocera asyka sp. nov. do Paraguai (Presidente Hayes); Ibidionini, Cycnidolon immaculatum sp. nov., da Bolívia (La Paz); Desmiphorini, Ischnoleomimus arriagadai sp. nov. do Paraguai (Paraguari); Ceiupaba bella sp. nov., da Guiana Francesa, Equador (Pichincha) e Bolívia (La Paz); Euestola obliqua sp. nov. e Paraguay (Caazapá).