14 resultados para Sander, Klarika: Löytöretki Suomeen
em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP
OBJETIVO: O artigo descreve as estratégias do Estudo Longitudinal de Saúde do Adulto (ELSA-Brasil) para a manutenção da adesão dos participantes ao longo do tempo e seu seguimento adequado. Isto é fundamental para garantir a validade interna de estudos longitudinais e identificar, investigar e classificar os desfechos incidentes de interesse.MÉTODOS: A metodologia de seguimento da coorte combina contatos telefônicos anuais com re-exames e entrevistas a cada três ou quatro anos. O objetivo é identificar desfechos incidentes de natureza transitória, reversíveis ou não; desfechos finais, de natureza irreversível; bem como complicações relacionadas à evolução das doenças cardiovasculares e diabetes, principais doenças estudadas.RESULTADOS: As entrevistas telefônicas visam monitorar a saúde dos participantes e identificar possíveis eventos ocorridos, como internações hospitalares, exames ou procedimentos especializados definidos previamente. O participante também é incentivado a comunicar a ocorrência de algum evento de saúde ao Centro de Pesquisa. A partir da identificação de um potencial evento, é iniciado um processo de investigação, que inclui acesso a prontuários médicos para verificação de datas e informações detalhadas sobre aquele evento. Os documentos obtidos são analisados sem identificação do paciente, profissional ou serviço de saúde e classificados por um comitê de especialistas médicos. A classificação de desfechos incidentes adotada baseia-se em critérios internacionais consagrados, garantindo comparabilidade e reduzindo o erro de classificação deles. Além dessas estratégias, a ocorrência de desfechos poderá ser investigada por meio do relacionamento de dados com bases secundárias do Ministério da Saúde, como as de mortalidade e internações.CONCLUSÕES: A correta identificação de desfechos permitirá estimar sua incidência na coorte e investigar o efeito das exposições estudadas no ELSA-Brasil em sua linha de base e nas ondas posteriores.
We describe a schistosomal polyp in the anus of a 24-year-old patient, born in Viçosa, State of Minas Gerais, and living in Belo Horizonte, State of Minas Gerais. From 8 to 13 years of age, he swam in the rivers that bathe Viçosa. The histopathological examination has shown a lesion, lined by a keratinized squamous epithelium, ulcerated, with granulomas, centered or not by Schistosoma mansoni egg, laid, in loco, by the female present in the vascular lumen of a vein of the hemorrhoidal plexus. There was also a diffuse, nonspecific inflammation in the dermis. The patient was treated with praziquantel. Four months after the treatment, sigmoidoscopy showed a normal rectal mucosa, and negative oogram and stool tests. Ultrasound of abdomen was normal.
We conducted a whole year research on the ecology of Mansonia indubitans and Ma. titillans in Macáes Pond, Costanera Sur Reserve, Buenos Aires, Argentina. The usage of different floating plants by immature instars and their overwintering was analized. The percentage of usage of the available floating macrophytes (Pistia, Limnobium, and Salvinia) by the larvae and pupae was studied. Also, we defined positivity (P+) as the percentage of plants with immature instars for each plant genus on a monthly basis. Ma. immature instars were captured throughout the year and Pistia was the resource most commonly exploited by the mosquitoes. The percentage of fourth-instar larvae and pupae on Pistia roots with respect to total immature instars captured was assessed on a monthly and seasonal basis. The proportion of fourth-instar larvae and pupae from both species of Mansonia on water lettuce roots, showed significant differences between months and seasons. Our results suggest that the populations of Ma. indubitans and Ma. titillans in Macáes Pond, survive during winter mainly as fourth-instar larvae.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar ácaros predadores em plantas de lichia e correlacionar o desenvolvimento populacional dessas espécies com o do ácaro-da-erinose da lichia, Aceria litchii. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida no Município de Casa Branca, SP, com árvores adultas, de 12 anos de idade, da variedade Bengal. Mensalmente, de agosto de 2008 a setembro de 2009, foram coletadas folhas para avaliação dos níveis populacionais de A. litchii e de ácaros predadores. Foram registrados 6.557 indivíduos da família Phytoseiidae. A espécie mais abundante foi Amblyseius compositus (42,6%), seguida por Phytoseius intermedius (31,2%), Euseius concordis (14,1%), Amblyseius herbicolus (8,8%) e Iphiseiodes zuluagai (3,3%). O desenvolvimento populacional de A. compositus, E. concordis e I. zuluagai correlacionou-se positivamente com o de Aceria litchii, o que indica relação de predação.
The objective of this work was to verify whether the addition of biochar to the soil affects the degradation of litter and of soil organic matter (SOM). In order to investigate the effect of biochar on the mineralization of barley straw, soil was incubated with 14C-labelled barley straw with or without unlabelled biochar. To investigate the effect of straw on the mineralization of biochar, soil was incubated with 14C-labelled biochar with or without straw. In addition, to investigate the effect of biochar on old SOM, a soil labelled by applying labelled straw 40 years ago was incubated with different levels of biochar. All experiments had a control treatment, without any soil amendment. The effect of biochar on the straw mineralization was small and nonsignificant. Without biochar, 48±0.2% of the straw carbon was mineralized within the 451 days of the experiment. In comparison, 45±1.6% of C was mineralized after biochar addition of 1.5 g kg-1. In the SOM-labelled soil, the organic matter mineralized more slowly with the increasing doses of biochar. Biochar addition at 7.7 g kg-1 reduced SOM mineralization from 6.6 to 6.3%, during the experimental period. The addition of 15.5 g kg-1 of biochar reduced the mineralized SOM to 5.7%. There is no evidence of increased degradation of either litter or SOM due to biochar addition; consequently, there is no evidence of decreased stability of SOM.
In spite of the availability of large databases of chromatographic data on several standardized systems, one major task in systematic toxicological analysis remains, namely how to handle the experimental data and retrieve data from the large available databases in a meaningful and productive way. To achieve this purpose, our group proposed an Internet-based tool using previously published STA databases, which interlaboratorial reproducibility tests have already evaluated. The developed software has the capability to calculate corrected chromatographic parameters, after the input of data obtained with standard mixtures of calibrators, and search the databases, currently incorporating TLC, color reactions, GC and HPLC data. At the end of the process, a list with candidate substances and their similarity indexes is presented.
In this study, novel Chitosan/PVA based films were chemically crosslinked by glutaraldehyde, under pH=(4,00 ±0,05), in order to achieve structures tailored for wound tissue engineering applications. Both precursors and developed films were characterized by FTIR, SEM and XRD in order to determine the presence of chemicals groups and nanostructural order, respectively. The results have shown that the glutaraldehyde crosslinking have altered the crystallinity of pure chitosan and the increase on the C=N bands and simultaneous decrease on NH2 bands suggested that Chitosan/GA crosslinking has preference to occur in carbon-2 of the saccharide ring by the Schiff's base reaction. Also, FTIR spectroscopy clearly showed that crosslinking has also taken place with blends of PVA and chitosan. The mechanical properties presented high degree dependence with on the increase of the content of chitosan and glutaraldehyde. The results have indicated that, by controlling the ratio [PVA]/[chitosan] in the blends and the extent of chemical crosslinking, it was possible to tailor the hybrid network produced aiming to obtain properties of interest for the specific application.
An HPLC method was developed and validated aiming to quantify the cyclosporine-A incorporated into intraocular implants, released from them; and in direct contact with the degradation products of PLGA. The separation was carried out in isocratic mode using acetonitrile/water (70:30) as mobile phase, a C18 column at 80 ºC and UV detection at 210 nm. The method provided selectivity based on resolution among peaks. It was linear over the range of 2.5-40.0 µg/mL. The quantitation and detection limits were 0.8 and 1.2 µg/mL, respectively. The recovery was 101.8% and intra-day and inter-day precision was close to 2%.
Cyclosporine-A-loaded PLGA implants were developed intended for ocular route. Implants were prepared using solvent extraction/evaporation technique followed by casting of the cake into rods in a heated surface. XRD patterns showed that cyclosporine-A was completely incorporated into PLGA. FTIR and DSC results indicated alterations on drug molecular conformation aiming to reach the most stable thermodynamic conformation at polymer/drug interface. Implants provided controlled/sustained in vitro release of the drug. During the first 7 weeks, the drug release was controlled by the diffusion of the cyclosporine-A; and between 7-23 week period, the drug diffusion and degradation of PLGA controlled the drug release.
Male capacity for spreading genes to a great number of descendents and to determine population dynamics depend directly on the genital organs. Morphological studies in pinnipeds are scarce and the functional meaning of some characteristics has never been discussed. We hypothesized that Arctocephalus australis (A. australis) shows morphophysiological adaptations in order to guarantee the perpetuation of the species in the unique annual mating season. Seven males, dead from natural causes, had their genital organs collected and fixed for morphological description. Some features differ from other described mammalian males and are closely related to the biology and reproductive cycle of this species, as the scrotal epidermis, absence of glandular portion in the ductus deferens and spermatogenic epithelium suggest a recrudescent testis period. The corona glandis exhibits a singular arrangement: its erectile border looks like a formation of petals and its association with the os penis gives a "lily-flower" form to this region. We propose the name margo petaliformis to this particular erectile border of the corona glandis because of its similarity to a flower corola. The male genital organs of A. australis show morphological features compatible with adaptation to environment requirements and reproductive efficiency.
A análise da dinâmica do dossel tem grande importância para se avaliar o efeito da urbanização nos fragmentos florestais, uma vez que alterações nas copas resultam em modificações abióticas e bióticas abaixo destas. Para a analise da dinâmica do dossel, avaliou-se a produção de serapilheira e o índice de área foliar (IAF), obtido por três diferentes metodologias, durante dois anos, em um fragmento de mata semidecídua, do perímetro urbano de Belo Horizonte, MG. A produção de serapilheira média anual foi de aproximadamente 6,47 t. ha-1. ano-1, com grande variação sazonal. Os valores médios de IAF obtidos a partir de fotografias hemisféricas (IAF-foto) e utilizando o LAI-2000 (LI-COR) (IAF-LAI2000), no final da estação chuvosa, foram respectivamente, 2,3 e 4,9 e 0,78 e 1,3, na estação seca. Esses valores foram superiores aos valores de IAF obtidos a partir da área foliar específica das folhas da serapilheira (IAF-serapilheira). Os métodos utilizando imagens hemisféricas (IAF-foto e IAF-LAI2000) mostraram, apesar de valores distintos, a dinâmica do dossel de maneira similar. O IAF-serrapilheira mostra essa dinâmica de maneira inversa, com uma boa relação linear negativa entre os valores de IAF, obtidos através das imagens hemisféricas, e os valores de IAF obtidos através das folhas da serapilheira. Esses resultados sugerem que as três metodologias igualmente podem ser utilizadas para registrar a dinâmica do dossel.
Heart rate variability is a relevant predictor of cardiovascular risk in humans. A significant genetic influence on heart rate variability is suggested, although the genes involved are ill-defined. The Mas-protooncogene encodes a G-protein-coupled receptor with seven transmembrane domains highly expressed in testis and brain. Since this receptor is supposed to interact with the signaling of angiotensin II, which is an important regulator of cardiovascular homeostasis, heart rate and blood pressure were analyzed in Mas-deficient mice. Using a femoral catheter the blood pressure of mice was measured for a period of 30 min and 250 data values per second were recorded. The mean values and range of heart rate and blood pressure were then calculated. Neither heart rate nor blood pressure were significantly different between knockout mice and controls. However, high resolution recording of these parameters and analysis of the data by non-linear dynamics revealed significant alterations in cardiovascular variability in Mas-deficient animals. In particular, females showed a strong reduction of heart rate variability. Furthermore, the data showed an increased sympathetic tone in knockout animals of both genders. The marked alterations detected in Mas-deficient mice of both genders suggest that the Mas-protooncogene is an important determinant of heart rate and blood pressure variability.
No presente trabalho foi validado um método para a determinação simultânea de colesterol e óxidos de colesterol em produtos cárneos processados, por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (CLAE), utilizando detectores por conjunto de diodos e índice de refração. Inicialmente foram testados cinco métodos e oito condições cromatográficas. O método selecionado foi de acordo com SANDER et al. [25], o qual apresenta as seguintes etapas: extração dos lipídios, saponificação a frio e extração da matéria insaponificável. As condições cromatográficas estabelecidas foram: coluna Nova Pak CN HP (300 x 3,9mm, 4µm); temperatura da coluna 32ºC; fase móvel de hexano/isopropanol (96+4) com vazão de 1,0mL/min, detectores por conjunto de diodos fixado a 210nm e índice de refração. O método foi validado através da recuperação, repetibilidade, limite de detecção, limite de quantificação e comparação dos resultados obtidos pelos dois detectores. A identificação do colesterol e dos óxidos de colesterol foi feita por comparação do tempo de retenção do padrão e o da amostra, espectros de absorvância e co-cromatografia, e a confirmação por espectrometria de massas. Nas condições cromatográficas utilizadas, foram separados o colesterol e os seguintes óxidos de colesterol: colesta-4,6-dien-3-ona, 20alfa-hidroxicolesterol, 25-hidroxicolesterol, 5,6alfa-epoxicolesterol, 5,6beta-epoxicolesterol, 7alfa-hidroxicolesterol, 7beta-hidroxicolesterol e 7-cetocolesterol. Sendo identificados e confirmados nas amostras analisadas o colesterol, o 7-cetocolesterol e o 5,6beta-epoxicolesterol. O colesterol e o 5,6beta-epoxicolesterol foram quantificados pelo detector por índice de refração e o 7-cetocolesterol pelo detector por conjunto de diodos.
The recent debt crisis in Greece, Ireland and Portugal has exposed the fragility existing in the Eurozone for promoting development and economic convergence between the countries that have adopted the currency. Way beyond the fear of insolvency, what is observed is a growing disparity of the most-developed countries in comparison to the less-developed ones, with perverse consequences for the last ones. Once the nominal exchange rates are fixed, the divergent movements in relative prices and wages between the countries have led to totally distinct paths for the real exchange rates. Worsening the scenario, one can observe the incompleteness of the political union, the monetarist focus of the ECB and the lack of labor mobility between the countries, what distances from the argument stated by the theory and puts in jeopardize the future of the Monetary Union.