18 resultados para Sacks, Harvey
em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP
Paciente de 34 anos, com lúpus eritematoso sistêmico e síndrome de anticorpo antifosfolípide secundária, evoluiu com crises convulsivas, parcialmente controladas com anticonvulsivante, e ausculta de sopro cardíaco, cuja propedêutica mostrou a presença de vegetação em valva mitral. Diante do diagnóstico de endocardite de Libman-Sacks foi iniciada terapia com warfarina sódica, e após seis meses de anticoagulação oral, a paciente apresentava controle total das crises convulsivas e desaparecimento da vegetação valvar ao ecocardiograma. São discutidas a ocorrência da endocardite de Libman-Sacks no lúpus eritematoso sistêmico, sua associação com a síndrome de anticorpo antifosfolípide e a terapêutica anticoagulante, e feita uma revisão da literatura.
Our knowledge regarding the anatomophysiology of the cardiovascular system (CVS) has progressed since the fourth millennium BC. In Egypt (3500 BC), it was believed that a set of channels are interconnected to the heart, transporting air, urine, air, blood, and the soul. One thousand years later, the heart was established as the center of the CVS by the Hippocratic Corpus in the medical school of Kos, and some of the CVS anatomical characteristics were defined. The CVS was known to transport blood via the right ventricle through veins and the pneuma via the left ventricle through arteries. Two hundred years later, in Alexandria, following the development of human anatomical dissection, Herophilus discovered that arteries were 6 times thicker than veins, and Erasistratus described the semilunar valves, emphasizing that arteries were filled with blood when ventricles were empty. Further, 200 years later, Galen demonstrated that arteries contained blood and not air. With the decline of the Roman Empire, Greco-Roman medical knowledge about the CVS was preserved in Persia, and later in Islam where, Ibn Nafis inaccurately described pulmonary circulation. The resurgence of dissection of the human body in Europe in the 14th century was associated with the revival of the knowledge pertaining to the CVS. The main findings were the description of pulmonary circulation by Servetus, the anatomical discoveries of Vesalius, the demonstration of pulmonary circulation by Colombo, and the discovery of valves in veins by Fabricius. Following these developments, Harvey described blood circulation.
A forty eight year old woman, who had undergone mitral comissurotomy and subsequently developed early restenosis, presented with major comissural fusion and verrucous lesions on the cuspid edges of the mitral valve, with normal subvalvar apparatus. Patient did well for the first six months after surgery when she began to present dyspnea on light exertion. A clinical diagnosis of restenosis was made, which was confirmed by an echocardiogram and cardiac catheterization. She underwent surgery, and a stenotic mitral valve with verrucous lesions suggesting Libman-Sacks' endocarditis was found. Because the diagnosis of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) had not been confirmed at that time, a bovine pericardium bioprosthesis (FISICS-INCOR) was implanted. The patient did well in the late follow-up and is now in NYHA Class I .
Columnar cell apical membranes (CCAM) in series with goblet cell apical membranes (GCAM) form an electroosmotic barrier separating the midgut lumen from epithelial cell cytoplasm. A unique K+ ATPase in GCAM generates three gradients across this barrier. A greater than 180 mV electrical gradient (lumen positive) drives amino acid uptake through voltage-dependent K+ symports. A greater than 1000-fold [H+] gradient (lumen alkaline) and a greater than 10-fold [K+] gradient (lumen concentrated) are adaptations to the high tannin and high K+ content, respectively, in dietary plant material. Agents which act on the apical membrane and disrupt the PD, H+, or K+ gradients are potential insecticides. Insect sensory epithelia and mammalian stria vascularis maintain similar PD and K+ gradients but would not be exposed to ingested anti-apical membrane insecticides. Following the demonstration by Sacchi et al. that Bacillus thuringiensis delta-endotoxin (Bt) induces specifically a K+ conductance increase in CCAM vesicles, we find that the K+ channel blocking agent, Ba2+, completely reverses Bt inhibition of the K+-carried short circuit current in the isolated midgut of Manduca sexta. Progress in characterizing the apical membrane includes finding that fluorosulfonylbenzoyladenosine binds specifically to certain GCAM polypeptides and that CCAM vesicles can be mass produced by Ca2+ or Mg2+ precipitation from Manduca sexta midgut.
The activation of B cell dependent T cells during Leishmania infection cannot be considered a trivial event, because their removal profoundly alters the course and outcome of infection within genetically susceptible and resistant mouse strains. The demonstration that idiotype recognizing T cells also appear within human populations sensitized to leishmanial antigens as a result of asymptomatic or subclinical infections supports a role for these cells in immunity. These cells are not demonstrable in patients with active visceral disease, so that their role in promoting specific unresponsiveness has not been extended to humans. Whether B cell dependent, idiotype specific T cells represent a functionally distinct T lymphocyte subset with unique regulatory activities remains to be determined.
Dez caprinos foram vacinados com toxóide a 3%, outros dez com uma bacterina e mais dois grupos-controle de cinco animais cada, submetidos à inoculação de infusão de cérebro e coração e solução salina, respectivamente. Todos os animais foram examinados e avaliados com um teste de pele. Tanto o toxóide quanto a bacterina foram produzidos a partir de amostra de Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis. Todos os caprinos foram desafiados com C. pseudotuberculosis, trinta dias após as vacinações. Nenhuma das vacinas induziu reação de hipersensibilidade na pele dos caprinos antes do desafio. Após o desafio, todos os animais desenvolveram reações mensuráveis na primeira, quinta e décima semana em resposta ao teste de pele. Os diâmetros da reação dérmica aumentaram do décimo dia à quinta semana após o desafio. As medidas alcançaram tamanho maior na décima semana. O resultado deste estudo indica que antígeno específico do C. pseudotuberculosis pode ser utilizado em caprinos no diagnóstico da linfadenite caseosa como teste de pele ou como instrumento experimental para monitorar o desenvolvimento da doença.
In Amazonia, topographical variations in soil and forest structure within "terra-firme" ecosystems are important factors correlated with terrestrial invertebrates' distribution. The objective of this work was to assess the effects of soil clay content and slope on ant species distribution over a 25 km² grid covering the natural topographic continuum. Using three complementary sampling methods (sardine baits, pitfall traps and litter samples extracted in Winkler sacks), 300 subsamples of each method were taken in 30 plots distributed over a wet tropical forest in the Ducke Reserve (Manaus, AM, Brazil). An amount of 26,814 individuals from 11 subfamilies, 54 genera, 85 species and 152 morphospecies was recorded (Pheidole represented 37% of all morphospecies). The genus Eurhopalothrix was registered for the first time for the reserve. Species number was not correlated with slope or clay content, except for the species sampled from litter. However, the Principal Coordinate Analysis indicated that the main pattern of species composition from pitfall and litter samples was related to clay content. Almost half of the species were found only in valleys or only on plateaus, which suggests that most of them are habitat specialists. In Central Amazonia, soil texture is usually correlated with vegetation structure and moisture content, creating different microhabitats, which probably account for the observed differences in ant community structure.
Duas espécies de Cheilosporum foram encontradas no levantamento das espécies do gênero Cheilosporum no litoral do Brasil: C. cultratum (Harvey) Areschoug e C. sagittatum (Lamouroux) Areschoug. A primeira havia sido referida para o Brasil em 1870 por Martens e foi redescoberta para o Atlântico americano. Esta espécie tem distribuição restrita a área de ressurgência do litoral de Cabo Frio no Rio de Janeiro, Búzios e Arraial do Cabo, enquanto C. sagittatum apresenta uma distribuição ampla no litoral das regiões sudeste e sul do Brasil. Conceptáculos femininos/carposporangiais e estágios iniciais de pós-fertilização são descritos pela primeira vez para C. sagittatum. Células epiteliais arredondadas e tricocitos tipo-Corallina em microscopia eletrônica de varredura nos espécimes estudados mostraram-se características adicionais potencialmente úteis na separação do gênero Cheilosporum dos demais gêneros da tribo Janieae. São apresentados descrições, ilustrações, distribuição geográfica e comentários dos táxons estudados. A posição taxonômica das espécies de Cheilosporum previamente referidas para o Brasil é esclarecida neste trabalho.
Hypoglossum hypoglossoides (Stackhouse) Collins & Hervey is reported for the first time from the infralittoral of São Paulo and Santa Catarina states. The species was already reported to the states of Rio de Janeiro, Espírito Santo and Bahia as Hypoglossum tenuifolium (Harvey) J. Agardh var. carolinianum Williams. A detailed description of the morphology and reproduction is given based on field-collected material. Unialgal cultures were initiated from tetraspore germination, and growth rates of gametophytes were determined under different conditions of temperature, photoperiod and irradiance. Gametophytes grew well between 15 to 30 ºC, 14L:10D and 10L:14D photoperiods and irradiance from 20 to 120 µmol photons.m-2.s-1, but presented low percentage of fertile plants in low temperature (15 ºC). Gametophytes cultured in laboratory developed only male reproductive structures. Physiological responses of H. hypoglossoides indicate that the species is well adapted to temperature and light variations which could explain its range of vertical (6-26 m depth) and latitudinal distribution (from Fernando de Noronha to Santa Catarina) as well as the absence of sexual reproduction in the southern limit of its distribution.
Halimeda is a genus of calcified coenocytic green algae with a well known ecological importance in some tropical areas. Bleached calcified segments of Halimeda may accumulate in large deposits of economic potential as is the case in the northeastern coast of Brazil. In a survey of the genus in Brazil based on recent collections and examination of abundant material deposited on Brazilian herbaria we identified seven species: Halimeda cuneata Hering, H. discoidea Decaisne, H. gracilis Harvey ex J. Agardh, H. incrassata (Ellis) Lamouroux, H. opuntia (Linnaeus) Lamouroux, H. simulans Howe and H. tuna (Ellis & Solander) Lamouroux. These species are described in detail, with emphasis on diagnostic characters. Our study has shown that the shape and size of the utricula in surface view, under scanning electron microscopy, can be utilized to discriminate some species. Fertile specimens of Halimeda cuneata and H. discoidea are reported for the first time in the region. Data on vertical and geographical distribution are presented for each species and the southern limit of the genus in the western Atlantic was extended.
Para o estudo da diversidade de Oomycota da Reserva Biológica de Paranapiacaba, amostras de água e solo foram coletadas trimestralmente, de novembro/2003 a novembro/2004 e iscadas com substratos celulósicos e queratinosos. De 175 isolamentos realizados, 35 espécies foram identificadas, sendo seis mencionadas pela primeira vez para o Brasil e, descritas, comentadas e ilustradas no presente trabalho. Destas, uma é pertencente a Leptolegniellaceae (Leptolegniella exogena Karling), uma a Pythiaceae (Pythium helicandrum Drechsler) e quatro a Saprolegniaceae (Achlya treleaseana (Humphrey) Kauffman, Leptolegnia subterranea Coker & Harvey, Saprolegnia blelhamensis (Dick) Mil'ko e S. terrestris Cookson ex Seymour).