17 resultados para SULFIDES
em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP
Based on sedimentological and geochemical data, this work relates spectrophotometric measurements with sediment composition and its application in palaeoecological studies of Amazon wetlands. The CIELAB values are directly related to mineralogical and chemical composition, mostly involving quartz, iron oxyhydroxides and sulfides (e.g. pyrite), and total organic carbon. Total organic carbon contents between 0.4-1%, 1-2%, 3-5% and 15-40% were related to L* (lightness) data of 27, 26-15, 7-10 and 7 or less, respectively. The CIELAB values of a deposit in Marabá, Pará, were proportional to variations in quartz and total organic carbon contents, but changes in zones of similar color, mainly in the +a* (red) and +b* (yellow) values of deposits in Calçoene, Amapá and Soure, Pará, indicate a close relationship between total organic carbon content and iron oxyhydroxides and sulfides. Furthermore, the Q7/4 diagram (ratio between the % re?ectance value at 700 nm to that at 400 nm, coupled with L*) indicated iron-rich sediments in the bioturbated mud facies of the Amapá deposit, bioturbated mud and bioturbated sand facies of Soure deposit, and cross-laminated sand and massive sand facies of the Marabá core. Also, organic-rich sediments were found in the bioturbated mud facies of the Amapá deposit, lenticular heterolithic and bioturbated mud facies of the Soure deposit, and laminated mud and peat facies of the Marabá deposit. At the Marabá site, the data suggest an autochthonous influence with peat formation. The coastal wetland sites at Marajó and Amapá represent the development of a typical tidal flat setting with sulfide and iron oxyhydroxides formation during alternated flooding and drying.
Cancer development is a long-term multistep process which allows interventional measure before the clincial disease emerges. the detection of natural substances which can block the process of carcinogenesis is a important as the identification of anti-tumoral drugs since they might be used in chemoprevention of cancer in high-risk groups. In vivo rodent models of chemical caecinogenesis have been used to study plant-derived inhibitors of carcinofenesis such as indols, coumarins, isothiocyanates, flavones, phenols and allyl-sulfides. Since the standard in vivo rodent bioassay is prolonged and expensive, shorter reliable protocols are needed. Two in vivo medium-term protocols for evaluation of modifiers of carcinogenesis are presented, one related to liver and the other to bladder cancer. Both protocols use rats, last 8 and 36 weeks and are based on the two-step concept of carcinogenesis: initiation and promotion. The protocols use respectively the development of altered foci of hepatocytes expressing immunochistochemically the placental form of gluthation S-transferase and the appearence of pre-neoplastic urothelium and papillomas as the "end-points". the use of these protocols for detection of plantpderived inhibitors of carcinogenesis appear warranted.
Mining in the State of Minas Gerais-Brazil is one of the activities with the strongest impact on the environment, in spite of its economical importance. Amongst mining activities, acid drainage poses a serious environmental problem due to its widespread practice in gold-extracting areas. It originates from metal-sulfide oxidation, which causes water acidification, increasing the risk of toxic element mobilization and water resource pollution. This research aimed to evaluate the acid drainage problem in Minas Gerais State. The study began with a bibliographic survey at FEAM (Environment Foundation of Minas Gerais State) to identify mining sites where sulfides occur. Substrate samples were collected from these sites to determine AP (acidity potential) and NP (neutralization potential). The AP was evaluated by the procedure of the total sulfide content and by oxygen peroxide oxidation, followed by acidity titration. The NP was evaluated by the calcium carbonate equivalent. Petrographic thin sections were also mounted and described with a special view to sulfides and carbonates. Based on the chemical analysis, the acid-base accounting (ABA) was determined by the difference of AP and NP, and the acid drainage potential obtained by the ABA value and the total volume of material at each site. Results allowed the identification of substrates with potential to generate acid drainage in Minas Gerais state. Altogether these activities represent a potential to produce between 3.1 to 10.4 billions of m³ of water at pH 2 or 31.4 to 103.7 billions of m³ of water at pH 3. This, in turn, would imply in costs of US$ 7.8 to 25.9 millions to neutralize the acidity with commercial limestone. These figures are probably underestimated because some mines were not surveyed, whereas, in other cases, surface samples may not represent reality. A more reliable state-wide evaluation of the acid drainage potential would require further studies, including a larger number of samples. Such investigations should consider other mining operations beyond the scope of this study as well as the kinetics of the acid generation by simulated weathering procedures.
Nanocomposites obtained by the encapsulation of conducting polymers such as polyaniline and polydiphenylamine in 2H-MoS2 and 1T-TiS2 are synthesized and characterized by X-ray diffraction and infrared spectrophotometry. The synthesis consists in intercalating the layered compound with n-butyllithium and subsequent exfoliation in water and organic solvents. The nanocomposites are obtained by the adsorption of the polymers into the single-layers sulfides and posterior restacking. The X-ray diffraction measurements showed that the organic conducting polymers are encapsulated in mono and bilayers arrangement in a well-ordered fashion to produce single phase compounds.
The mining industry around the world produces an important amount of wastes, which by their high toxic metal and iron sulfide content present a serious environmental problem. Iron sulfide oxidation under weathering conditions provokes the main environmental problem of the mining industry, the generation of Acid Rock Drainage (ARD). Up to now the prediction methodologies do not allow the study of important factors that influence the generation of ARD, producing in some cases erroneous or uncertain conclusions. This paper shows the utilization of cyclic voltammetry using carbon paste electrodes (CPE-Mineral) as an alternative tool in the study of the oxidation capacity of iron sulfides and mining wastes. This electrochemical technique constitutes a novel methodology to establish and understand the factors involved during generation of ARD. Results of several studies including selected sulfide samples and sulfide mining wastes have been described in order to show the capacity of this methodology as a complementary tool in the prediction of the generation of ARD.
Copper speciation and behavior in different rivers located in the city of Curitiba were evaluated in this work. Sampling locations were selected to cover different levels of urbanization regarding their anthropogenic occupation and land use. Results showed that in highly-developed areas, both organic matter and dissolved sulfides were able to control copper speciation. Dissolved sulfide species were the major complexing agent in areas where dissolved oxygen levels are low. Finally, it was demonstrated that in urban areas anthropogenic factors such as sewage inputs and occupation of the drainage basin are the key aspects controlling copper dynamics and speciation in river waters.
This work aims to study the oxidation of a complex molybdenite mineral which contains pyrite and pyrrotite, by Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans. This study was performed by respirometric essays and bioleaching in shake flasks. Respirometric essays yielded the kinetics of mineral oxidation. The findings showed that sulfide oxidation followed classical Michaelis-Menten kinetics. Bioleaching in shake flasks allowed evaluation of chemical and mineralogical changes resulting from sulfide oxidation. The results demonstrated that pyrrotite and pyrite were completely oxidized in A. ferrooxidans cultures whereas molybdenite was not consumed. These data indicated that molybdenite was the most recalcitrant sulfide in the sample.
Acid drainage results from exposition of sulfides to the atmosphere. Arsenopyrite is a sulfide that releases arsenic (As) to the environment when oxidized. This work evaluated the As mobility in six sulfidic geomaterials from gold mining areas in Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Grained samples (<2 mm) were periodically leached with distilled water, during 70 days. Results suggested As sorption onto (hydr)oxides formed by oxidation of arsenopyrite. Low pH accelerated the acid generation, dissolving Fe oxihydroxides and releasing As. Presence of carbonates decreased oxidation rates and As release. On the other hand, lime added to a partially oxidized sample increased As mobilization.
Sediment samples from Tietê river were submitted to chemical and sequential extractions of heavy metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn). It was followed a single extraction by using 0.1 mol L-1 hydrochloric acid and a sequential procedure to evaluate possible chemical associations described as exchangeable, carbonate, reducible oxides, sulfide, organic matter and residual fractions. High concentrations of heavy metals were determined at Pirapora reservoir, which is closer to the Metropolitan Area of São Paulo while for Barra Bonita reservoir, the results showed low concentrations for such elements. Acid volatile sulfides, grain size distribution and carbon contents were also determined.
Measurements of acid volatile sulfide (AVS) and simultaneously extracted metals (SEM) were combined in order to verify the ecological hazard of contaminated sediments from the Santos-Cubatão Estuarine System (SE Brazil), which is located in one of the most industrialized areas in the Latin America. Intertidal sediments from the Morrão River estuary were collected seasonally in short cores. The redox conditions, organic matter contents and grain-size were the main controlling factors on SEM distribution. However, clear relationships among these variables and AVS were not observed. The molar SEM/AVS ratios were frequently > 1 especially in the summer, suggesting major metal bioavailability hazard in this humid hot season.
This paper analyses the oxidation of covellite and molybdenite by Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans strain LR using respirometric experiments. The results showed that both sulfides were oxidized by A. ferrooxidans, however, the covellite oxidation was much higher than molybdenite. Regarding the kinetic oxidation, the findings revealed that just molybdenite oxidation followed the classical Michaelis-Menten kinetic. It is probably associated with the pathway which these sulfides react to chemistry-bacterial attack, what is influenced by its electronic structures. Besides, experiments conducted in the presence of Fe3+ did not indicate alterations in molybdenite oxidation. Thus, ferric ions seem not to be essential to the sulfide oxidations.
The use of carbon paste electrodes (CPE) of mineral sulfides can be useful for electrochemical studies to overcome problems by using massive ones. Using CPE-chalcopyrite some variables were electrochemically evaluated. These variables were: (i) the atmosphere of preparation (air or argon) of CPE and elapsed time till its use; (ii) scan rate for voltammetric measurements and (iii) chalcopyrite concentration in the CPE. Based on cyclic voltammetry, open-circuit potential and electrochemical impedance results the recommendations are: oxygen-free atmosphere to prepare and kept the CPE until around two ours, scan rates from 10 to 40 mV s-1, and chalcopyrite concentrations > 20%.
In this work a sulfide quantification protocol using voltammetric methods was developed to evaluate the effect of dissolved sulfides on copper complexation. On the basis of pH, sulfide release from the dissociation of specific metal sulfide complexes can be electrochemically measured and then removed (as H2S) by a N2 purge. Cathodic stripping square wave voltammetry (CSSWV) was conducted to quantify Cu sulfides complexes which dissociate at pH < 5.0 during the process of acid titration.
The solubility of sulfides is discussed in this article based on the factors that can influence this property, such as predominant type of chemical bonds and structures formed in many compounds. For soluble sulfides, considerations are made on the thermodynamic parameters and the acid-base equilibrium, since the sulfide anion is extensively hydrolyzed in aqueous solutions. On the other hand, for the insoluble sulfides, the discussion concerned the influence of structural factors that will be determinant for the low solubility.
This paper discusses the historical and methodological fundaments of the dynamics and quantification of acid volatile sulfides (AVS) and simultaneously extracted metals (SEM) in aquatic sediments. It also discusses the SEM/AVS relationship, which involves several controversial aspects such as sulfide stability, sulfide-organic matter interaction, and the inability to predict the toxicity of organic compounds in the environment. This relationship is an important tool for the inference of metal bioavailability. The use of ecotoxicological tests with target organisms regulated by international standards is also a relevant aspect.