22 resultados para SME Internationalization

em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP


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The primary goal of this paper is to comprehend the fundamental organizational differences between Brazilian franchise chains that only operate in the home market and Brazilian franchise chains that operate internationally. The sample chosen for this study comprehends 96 Brazilian franchises operating in the home market and 67 franchises with international operations; logistic regression was used to analyze data obtained from these sources. Our findings suggest that the development of a brand in international operations can be strategic for certain Brazilian franchise chains; this seems to be, however, a scarce resource for many franchises and it could be developed through international operations. With regard to the fees charged, the outcomes demonstrate that Brazilian franchises with international operations tend to charge lower fees from its franchisees to install new units. Regarding the monitoring and control of franchises, there is evidence that the monitoring capability is one of the determining factors in the development of Brazilian franchises international operations.


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ABSTRACT State-owned enterprises (SOEs) are created to focus on domestic needs, and yet recent evidence points to increasing outward foreign direct investment by SOEs. Existing International Business (IB) theories focus on efficiency-based motives for internationalization; therefore, they do not fully capture SOEs' internalization dynamics, which are driven largely by political factors and social welfare considerations. We integrate public management and IB theories to develop propositions that combine these questions: why SOEs internationalize; what are their motivations; and what are the main managerial outcomes of SOEs' internationalization. Our findings suggest that SOEs display little hesitancy in entering international markets, and that SOE international expansion is not contradictory with the goals of state-ownership if the purpose is to adjust the company to changing institutional environments both in the domestic and international markets. Our propositions about SOE internationalization are based on an in-depth case study of the outward foreign direct investment conducted by Brazil's Petrobras over the past three decades.


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Based on the variables relationship and knowledge, this article aimed at analyzing how a multinational enterprise selects an entry mode to operate in a particular international market and how this initial choice evolves over time. We devised a rather new theoretical framework to address it by combining three theoretical approaches that have dealt with the firm internationalization: the Uppsala model, the relational approach, and the subsidiary development literature. We constructed a qualitative backward-looking longitudinal case study of the internationalization process of a North-American multinational enterprise in the Brazilian market. Results show that four types of relationships and three types of knowledge played the role in the events that characterized the internationalization of this firm. Based on these results, five new hypotheses concerning the interplay between relationships and knowledge in the internationalization process of the firm are suggested for future empirical tests.


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As causas de tontura são de difícil diagnóstico. Atualmente dispomos de uma variedade de exames complementares, contudo, nenhum avalia bem a função vestibular. Os testes mais utilizados para este fim são as provas eletronistagmográficas e posturográficas. OBJETIVO: O objetivo do trabalho foi o de analisar os resultados da estabilometria de pacientes com queixa de tontura que apresentaram eletronistagmografia normal e compará-los aos de um grupo controle. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Prospectivo, do tipo seccional transversal. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Realizou-se no SME do Serviço de Otorrinolaringologia do HUCFF/UFRJ. No total foram avaliados 22 pacientes (15 mulheres e sete homens) com idade média de 47,6±9 anos. O grupo controle foi de 25 sujeitos saudáveis (18 mulheres e sete homens) com idade média de 46,8±7 anos. Todos os indivíduos foram submetidos à estabilometria com os olhos abertos, em seguida por olhos fechados, durante 30 segundos cada. RESULTADOS: O grupo de pacientes apresentou resultados estatisticamente significativos em todos os parâmetros estabilimétricos avaliados quando comparados ao grupo controle. Na comparação dos resultados com os olhos fechados e abertos, apenas a velocidade média ântero-posterior no grupo controle foi significativa. CONCLUSÃO: Conclui-se que o grupo de pacientes apresentou resultados estatisticamente significativos em relação ao grupo controle em todos os parâmetros estabilométricos analisados, demonstrando, assim, que o grupo de pacientes com queixa de tontura apresentou maior instabilidade na posição ortostática do que o grupo de sujeitos saudáveis.


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The article deals with the internationalization of Brazilian businesses in the current decade. In the 1990s, Brazil embraced economic neoliberalism and promoted a huge opening up of its economy. At that time, Brazilian companies had to adapt rapidly. Twenty years later, the country has reinforced its presence in Latin America and has ensured a better position in the global markets, especially by through agricultural exports.


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Although Brazil has traditionally been characterized by a culture of inward-looking policy making, the presence of foreign firms in the Brazilian productive sector has always been significant. The share of foreign-owned firms is one of the highest that can be found among developing countries. This article discusses the main features of the external sector of the Brazilian economy, regarding trade flows, foreign investment, the internationalization of Brazilian entrepreneurial groups and the short-term financial requirements in foreign currencies


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This text focuses on the major drivers of Brazilian agricultural cooperation in Africa as conceived and pursued from 2004 to 2014, with emphasis on the impacts of political and economic international changes that took place in that period, and particularly the impacts of the 2008 economic crisis, in framing Brazil's foreign policy and development assistance initiatives. It addresses current international forces and developments at the systemic level, but also analyses recent economic domestic developments, in particular those directly related to Brazilian agriculture and those related to the policy framework of its evolving internationalization. Special attention is paid to the dual dimensions of Brazilian agricultural policy and to its projection in agricultural cooperation as pursed in Africa.


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The purpose of this paper is to analyze relationship patterns between headquarters and subsidiaries of Brazilian Multinationals Enterprises (BrMNEs). The key construct for that investigation is Subsidiary Initiative, which comprises Subsidiary Entrepreneurial Orientation, Autonomy, Integration, Local Competitive Context and Business Network. A survey was carried out in a sample of 65 subsidiaries of 29 BrMNEs. The main outcome is that subsidiaries are highly integrated and receive Entrepreneurial Orientation from Headquarters (HQs), but Initiative is limited. Actually, the main determinants of subsidiary's initiatives are Local Context and Business Networking in the host country. This apparent paradox may be explained by what we call 'rebellious subsidiaries', which take initiatives based on their business environment and connections, regardless of their HQs' directions or delegation of autonomy.


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A ressuscitação cardiocerebral (RCC) é uma nova abordagem à ressuscitação de pacientes com parada cardíaca fora do hospital (PCFH). O primeiro componente principal da RCC são as compressões torácicas contínuas (CTC), também chamadas de RCP com compressões torácicas isoladas ou "RCP somente com compressões torácicas" ("Hands-only" CPR), recomendadas como parte da RCC por todos os observadores que testemunhem um colapso súbito de origem presumidamente cardíaco. O segundo componente é um novo algoritmo de tratamento de Suporte Avançado de Vida em Cardiologia (ACLS) para Serviços Médicos de Emergência (SME). Esse algoritmo enfatiza compressões torácicas ininterruptas a despeito de outros procedimentos contínuos como parte do esforço de resgate. Um terceiro componente foi recentemente adicionado à RCC, e é o cuidado agressivo pós-ressuscitação. A RCC tem aumentado a participação de testemunhas e tem melhorado as taxas de sobrevivência em varias comunidades. Essa é a hora para outras comunidades re-examinarem seus próprios desfechos com parada cardíaca e considerar a possibilidade de se juntar a essas cidades e comunidades que dobraram e até mesmo triplicaram as suas taxas de sobrevivência de PCFH.


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This paper compares the procedures of local Brazilian companies (those which have plants in Brazil only) with those of international Brazilian companies (which have plants in at least two countries) regarding the patent management. Although there are a lot more variables to consider when examining the issue of patents in companies, this study presents and analyzes the results of a qualitative research on the decision to patent innovations, the choice of countries where to patent and the strategic significance of patents to the company.


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ABSTRACT In this article, the purpose was to analyze the ability to innovate in international entrepreneurship. Thus, a qualitative study of multiple cases was developed. Data was collected mainly by semi-structured interviews with 30 social subjects, and ATLAS.ti software supported content analysis. We observed that the entrepreneurs' innovative actions were focused on the product and production. As a result, it was found that the presence of the ability to innovate was intermittent throughout the internationalization process, except in only one of the companies, where it occurred continuously.


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This paper presents some aspects involved in the internationalization of SBQ. The importance of journals, meetings and agreements in this process is discussed.