31 resultados para SENSORIMOTOR STRIATUM

em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP


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We described a case of a 27-year old male patient with skin and soft tissue infection of a neoplastic lesion caused by Corynebacterium striatum, an organism which has been rarely described as a human pathogen. Identification was confirmed by DNA sequencing. Successful treatment with penicillin was achieved. The role of the C. striatum as an emerging opportunistic pathogen is discussed.


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Nondiphtherial corynebacteria are ubiquitous in nature and commonly colonize the skin and mucous membranes of humans, however they rarely account for clinical infection. We present the first reported case of multiple pulmonary nodules caused by Corynebacterium striatum. The infection occurred in a 72-year-old immunocompetent female, and the diagnosis was obtained by Gram's stain and culture of lung biopsy. C. striatumshould be recognized as a potential pathogen in both immunocompromised and normal hosts in the appropriate circumstances.


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Corynebacterium striatum is a potentially pathogenic microorganism with the ability to produce outbreaks of nosocomial infections. Here, we document a nosocomial outbreak caused by multidrug-resistant (MDR) C. striatum in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. C. striatum identification was confirmed by 16S rRNA and rpoB gene sequencing. Fifteen C. striatum strains were isolated from adults (half of whom were 50 years of age and older). C. striatum was mostly isolated in pure culture from tracheal aspirates of patients undergoing endotracheal intubation procedures. The analysis by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) indicated the presence of four PFGE profiles, including two related clones of MDR strains (PFGE I and II). The data demonstrated the predominance of PFGE type I, comprising 11 MDR isolates that were mostly isolated from intensive care units and surgical wards. A potential causal link between death and MDR C. striatum (PFGE types I and II) infection was observed in five cases.


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Dopamine nigrostriatal neurons are important for motor control and may contain a particularly dense population of ryanodine receptors involved in the control of dopamine release. To test this hypothesis, we used a classical model of unilateral selective lesion of these neurons in rats based on 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) injection into the substantia nigra. Binding of [3H]-GBR 12935, used as a presynaptic marker since it labels specifically the dopamine uptake complex, was dramatically decreased by 83-100% in striatum homogenates after 6-OHDA lesion. On the contrary, no reduction of [3H]-ryanodine binding was observed. The present data indicate that [3H]-ryanodine binding sites present in rat striatum are not preferentially localized in dopaminergic terminals.


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We studied the effects of ethanol on the levels of norepinephrine, dopamine, serotonin (5-HT) and their metabolites as well as on D1- and D2-like receptors in the rat striatum. Ethanol (2 or 4 g/kg, po) was administered daily by gavage to male Wistar rats and on the 7th day, 30 min or 48 h after drug administration, the striatum was dissected for biochemical assays. Monoamine and metabolite concentrations were measured by HPLC and D1- and D2-like receptor densities were determined by binding assays. Scatchard analyses showed decreases of 30 and 43%, respectively, in D1- and D2-like receptor densities and no change in dissociation constants (Kd) 48 h after the withdrawal of the dose of 4 g/kg. Ethanol, 2 g/kg, was effective only on the density of D2-like receptors but not on Kd of either receptor. Thirty minutes after the last ethanol injection (4 g/kg), decreases of D2 receptor density (45%) as well as of Kd values (34%) were detected. However, there was no significant effect on D1-like receptor density and a 46% decrease was observed in Kd. An increase in dopamine and 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC), a decrease in norepinephrine, and no alteration in 5-HT levels were demonstrated after 48-h withdrawal of 4 g/kg ethanol. Similar effects were observed in dopamine and DOPAC levels 30 min after drug administration. No alteration in norepinephrine concentration and a decrease in 5-HT levels were seen 30 min after ethanol (4 g/kg) administration. Our findings indicate the involvement of the monoaminergic system in the responses to ethanol.


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We studied the effects of ethanol on concentrations of noradrenaline (NE), dopamine (DA) and serotonin (5-HT) and their metabolites in rat hippocampus and striatum. Ethanol (2 or 4 g/kg, po, from a 20% aqueous solution) was administered daily to male Wistar rats (4-13 per group) for 30 days and animals were sacrificed 30 min or 48 h after the last administration. Monoamines were measured by HPLC and considered significant at P < 0.05. A 47% increase in 5-HT levels was observed in the hippocampus with 4 g/kg ethanol in the 30-min protocol. Ethanol (2 and 4 g/kg) decreased DA (2114.5 ± 126.4 and 1785.1 ± 234.2 ng/g wet tissue, respectively) and 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC, 1477.6 ± 132.1 and 1218.8 ± 271.7 ng/g wet tissue, respectively) levels, while the higher dose also decreased NE (159.8 ± 13.5), 5-HT (228.0 ± 46.8) and 5-hydroxy-3-indoleacetic acid (5-HIAA, 304.4 ± 37.2 ng/g wet tissue), in the striatum after a 48-h withdrawal as compared to controls (DA: 3063.9 ± 321.3; DOPAC: 2379.6 ± 256.0; NE: 292.8 ± 50.2; 5-HT: 412.4 ± 36.2; 5-HIAA: 703.9 ± 61.4 ng/g wet tissue). In the 30-min protocol, ethanol (2 or 4 g/kg) decreased striatal NE (66 and 70%) and DA (50 and 36%) levels. On the other hand, increases were seen in 5-HIAA (146 and 153%) and 5-HT (59 and 86%) levels. Ethanol (2 g/kg, po) increased the homovanillic acid (HVA)/DA ratio (129%) in the striatum in the 30-min protocol, while at the higher dose it increased the HVA/DA ratio in the 48-h protocol (61%). These results indicate alterations in monoamines, mainly in the striatum, after chronic ethanol, which are influenced by dose and by the length of time after the last drug administration.


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Female rats are intensely affected by cocaine, with estrogen probably playing an important role in this effect. Progesterone modulates the GABA system and attenuates the effects of cocaine; however, there is no information about its relevance in changing GABA synthesis pathways after cocaine administration to female rats. Our objective was to investigate the influence of progesterone on the effects of repeated cocaine administration on the isoenzymes of glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD65 and GAD67) mRNA in brain areas involved in the addiction circuitry. Ovariectomized, intact and progesterone replacement-treated female rats received saline or cocaine (30 mg/kg, ip) acutely or repeatedly. GAD isoenzyme mRNA levels were determined in the dorsolateral striatum (dSTR) and prefrontal cortex (PFC) by RT-PCR, showing that repeated, but not acute, cocaine decreased GADs/β-actin mRNA ratio in the dSTR irrespective of the hormonal condition (GAD65: P < 0.001; and GAD67: P = 0.004). In the PFC, repeated cocaine decreased GAD65 and increased GAD67 mRNA ratio (P < 0.05). Progesterone replacement decreased both GAD isoenzymes mRNA ratio after acute cocaine in the PFC (P < 0.001) and repeated cocaine treatment reversed this decrease (P < 0.001). These results suggest that cocaine does not immediately affect GAD mRNA expression, while repeated cocaine decreases both GAD65 and GAD67 mRNA in the dSTR of female rats, independently of their hormonal conditions. In the PFC, repeated cocaine increases the expression of GAD isoenzymes, which were decreased due to progesterone replacement.


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Specimens of ticks were collected in 1993, 1996, 1997, and 1998, mostly from wild and domestic animals in the Southeast and Mid-West regions of Brazil. Nine species of Amblyommidae were identified: Anocentor nitens, Amblyomma cajennense, Amblyomma ovale, Amblyomma fulvum, Amblyomma striatum, Amblyomma rotundatum, Boophilus microplus, Boophilus annulatus, and Rhipicephalus sanguineus. The potential of these tick species as transmitters of pathogens to man was analyzed. A Flaviviridade Flavivirus was isolated from Amblyomma cajennense specimens collected from a sick capybara (Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris). Amblyomma cajennense is the main transmitter of Rickettsia rickettsii (=R. rickettsi), the causative agent of spotted fever in Brazil. Wild mammals, mainly capybaras and deer, infested by ticks and living in close contact with cattle, horses and dogs, offer the risk of transmission of wild zoonosis to these domestic animals and to man.


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Relata-se a relação entre beija-flores, formigas e flores de uma malvácea, Abutilon striatum, tendo-se achado que beija-flores e meliponídeos colhem o seu néctar e, uma vez tendo o seu cálice perfurado pelos últimos, são invadidas por formigas.


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Se describe a Cheiropteronema striatum sp. nov. parásita del murciélago Artibeus planirostris (Spix, 1823). Se caracteriza por presentar vesícula cefálica estriada, superficie de los huevos con puntuaciones, espículas iguales, nacimiento simétrico del ala espicular, particular disposición y número de crestas del synlophe y por carecer de diente esofágico. Es la segunda especie del género y la primera que se registra en quirópteros frugívoros de la Argentina.


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Ixodidae of the Argentine Republic are studied by the Author based on 71 lots of material, sent by Prof. Salvador Mazza, comprising 13 different species, two of which are found in Argentine territory: Haemaphysalis kochi Arag. and Amblyomma parvitarsum Nn. The author admits the existence in Argentina of 23 species of Ixodidae, but such number may still increase along with the development of the studies on the subject. In this paper, the Ornithodoros classified by Barbará and Dios as Ornithodoros turicata, is sunk by the Author in synonymy with O. rostratus Arag. not merely on the strength of the material at his disposal, but also by the plates published by the Argentine authors. The following species are also placed in synonymy: Amblyomma altiplanum Dios, 1917 (= Amblyomma parvitarsum Nn., 1899), Amblyomma concolor, Nn., 1899 (=Amblyomma auriculare Conil, 1877) Amblyomma furcula Donitz, 1907 (= Amblyomma neumani Ribaga, 1902). In the Author's opinion Amblyomma striatum C. L. Koch, 1844 and Amblyomma fossum Nn. are distinct species, so that the same Amblyomma ovale for both should no longer subsist as L. C. Robinson proposes. The Author, moreover, shows his doubts upon the existence in Argentine of Aponomma laeve, Nn., 1899 and Dermacentor triangulus Nn., 1899, as they have not been seen any more and in South-America no representatives of the genera Aponomma and Dermacentor are known.


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The knowledge of the Ixodidae becomes every day, more and more important owing to the fact of the increasing number of diseases of man and animals they can transmit. In Brasil besides transmitting treponemosis, piroplasmosis and anaplasmosis to several domestic animals, the ticks are also responsible fo the transmission of the brazilian rocky mountain spotted fever (A. cajennense and Amblyomma striatum) and they can also harbour the virus of the yellow fever and even to transmit it in laboratory experiments (A. cajennense, O. rostratus). The Brazilian fauna of ticks is a small one and has no more than 45 well-established species belonging to the genus Argas, Ornithodoros, Ixodes, Haemaphysalis, Rhipicephalus, Boophilus, Amblyomma and Spaelaeorhynchus. The genus Amblyomma is the best represented one, with 67% of all species of ticks known in Brazil. One of the most important species in the Amblyomma cajennense owing to its abundance and its wide parasitism in many vertebrates: reptiles, birds and mammals, incluing man, who is much attacked by the larva, the nymph and the adult of this species. The other ticks who attack the man are the Amblyomma brasiliense (the pecari tick), in the forests, and the Ornithodoros, especially the species. O. rostratus and brasiliensis. Other species can bite the man, but only occasionally, like Amblyomma fossum, striatum, oblongogutatum etc. Argas persicus, Rhipicephalus sanguineus and Boophilus are very important species not only as parasites but specially because they transmit several diseases to animals. Some of the ticks of the brazilian wild animals are now also parasites of the domestic ones and vice-versa. Arga persicus var. dissimilis is very common among the poultry and transmits the Treponema anserinum (gallinarum). Boophilus microplus is very abundant on our domestic and wild ruminants (Bos, Cervus, Mazama etc.) and can also ben found on horse, dogs, Felis onca, Felis concolor etc., and it transmits to cattle piroplasmosis and anaplasmosis. Rhipicephalus sanguineus (an introduced species) is now very common on the dog, over all the country. The author recommend to give popular names to some brazilian ticks in order to make them more acquainted with the non scientific people. The author gives a classification of the superfamilia Ixoidoidea and keys to the determination of the different species of brazilian ticks. He creates a new family of Nuttallielidae to the so interesting tick, described by Bedford with the name of Nuttaliella namaqua in South Africa, a new variety of Argas persicus, the Argas persicus var. dissimilis nov. var. owing to the differences on the segment and on the size and morphology of the peritrema. He describes also the female of Amblyomma fuscum Nn. A great part of the author's work deals with the biology, life conditions and parasitism of many of the brazilian ticks in accordance with his personal and from other author's researches, especially in reference to Argas persicus, Ornithodoros rostratus, O. brasiliensis, Boophilus microplus, Rhipicephalus sanguineus, Amblyomma cajennense, A. pseudoconcolor, A. auriculare, A. rotundatum (= A. agamum) etc. The author gives a detailed report upon the parthenogenesis of A. rotundatum (A. agamum) that he first described in 1912 and gives also many references to other species of brazilian ticks, to teratological forms etc. He also gives a detailed report of the geographical distribution of brazilian ticks and of the peculiar conditions of its parasitism. The last part of this article deals with references to the species of ticks of some of the South American Republics namely Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Paraguay and Venezuela. Amblyomma testudinis Conil, A. neumanni Ribaga 1902 (= A. furcula Dõnitz 1909) and A. parvitarsum Nn. 1899 (= A. altiplanum Dios 1917), are found only in Argentina. It is given a special bibliography dealing with the brazilian ticks and four text figures and one plate.


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Corynebacterium striatum is a potentially pathogenic microorganism that causes nosocomial outbreaks. However, little is known about its virulence factors that may contribute to healthcare-associated infections (HAIs). We investigated the biofilm production on abiotic surfaces of multidrug-resistant (MDR) and multidrug-susceptible (MDS) strains of C. striatum of pulsed-field gel electrophoresis types I-MDR, II-MDR, III-MDS and IV-MDS isolated during a nosocomial outbreak in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The results showed that C. striatum was able to adhere to hydrophilic and hydrophobic abiotic surfaces. The C. striatum1987/I-MDR strain, predominantly isolated from patients undergoing endotracheal intubation procedures, showed the greatest ability to adhere to all surfaces. C. striatumbound fibrinogen to its surface, which contributed to biofilm formation. Scanning electron microscopy showed the production of mature biofilms on polyurethane catheters by all pulsotypes. In conclusion, biofilm production may contribute to the establishment of HAIs caused by C. striatum.


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Foi realizado levantamento das espécies de fungos poliporóides que ocorrem no perímetro urbano do município de São José do Rio Preto (20º49'12" S, 49º22'44" W), Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Foram identificadas 18 espécies pertencentes a 11 gêneros de Agaricales (Schizophyllaceae), Hymenochaetales (Hymenochaetaceae) e Polyporales (Ganodermataceae, Gloeophyllaceae, Meruliaceae e Polyporaceae): Coriolopsis floccosa (Jungh.) Ryvarden, C. polyzona (Pers.) Ryvarden, Datronia caperata (Berk.) Ryvarden, D. mollis (Somf.:Fr.) Donk., Ganoderma australe (Fr.) Pat., Gloeophyllum striatum (Sw.) Murrill, Gloeoporus thelephoroides (Hook.) G. Cunn., Hexagonia hirta (P. Beauv.) Fr., H. hydnoides (Sw.) M. Fidalgo, H. papyracea Berk., Polyporus tenuiculus (P. Beauv.) Fr., Phellinus callimorphus (Lév.) Ryvarden, P. gilvus (Schwein.) Pat., P. umbrinellus (Bres.) Herrera & Bondartseva, Pycnoporus sanguineus (L.) Murrill, Schizophyllum commune Fr., S. umbrinum Berk. e Trametes modesta (Kunze:Fr.) Ryvarden. Datronia mollis é nova citação para o Estado de São Paulo. São apresentados chave de identificação, descrições e comentários para cada táxon estudado.


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Cholinergic as well as monoaminergic neurotransmission seems to be involved in the etiology of affective disorders. Chronic treatment with imipramine, a classical antidepressant drug, induces adaptive changes in monoaminergic neurotransmission. In order to identify possible changes in cholinergic neurotransmission we measured total, membrane-bound and soluble acetylcholinesterase (Achase) activity in several rat brain regions after chronic imipramine treatment. Changes in Achase activity would indicate alterations in acetylcholine (Ach) availability to bind to its receptors in the synaptic cleft. Male rats were treated with imipramine (20 mg/kg, ip) for 21 days, once a day. Twenty-four hours after the last dose the rats were sacrificed and homogenates from several brain regions were prepared. Membrane-bound Achase activity (nmol thiocholine formed min-1 mg protein-1) after chronic imipramine treatment was significantly decreased in the hippocampus (control = 188.8 ± 19.4, imipramine = 154.4 ± 7.5, P<0.005) and striatum (control = 850.9 ± 59.6, imipramine = 742.5 ± 34.7, P<0.005). A small increase in total Achase activity was observed in the medulla oblongata and pons. No changes in enzyme activity were detected in the thalamus or total cerebral cortex. Since the levels of Achase seem to be enhanced through the interaction between Ach and its receptors, a decrease in Achase activity may indicate decreased Ach release by the nerve endings. Therefore, our data indicate that cholinergic neurotransmission is decreased after chronic imipramine treatment which is consistent with the idea of an interaction between monoaminergic and cholinergic neurotransmission in the antidepressant effect of imipramine