7 resultados para Rock and roll
em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP
OBJETIVO: Investigar o uso de termos psicopatológicos nos nomes de bandas de rock and roll e em suas músicas. MÉTODO: Termos psicopatológicos do glossário do DSM-IV foram digitados em português e inglês na página do YouTube. Bandas e músicas de rock and roll foram identificadas. O mesmo procedimento foi realizado, a título de comparação, com o glossário de termos neurológicos da CID-10. RESULTADOS: Foram encontrados nomes de bandas ou músicas referentes a 62 termos psiquiátricos e a 24 termos neurológicos. Os termos psiquiátricos foram mais frequentes, apresentando diferença estatisticamente significativa. Foram encontradas 60 bandas de rock com nomes inspirados na psiquiatria e na neurologia. Dessas, 44 bandas usavam nomes psiquiátricos e 16 bandas usavam termos neurológicos. Bandas e músicas de rock usam mais nomes psiquiátricos que neurológicos. Predominaram nas músicas nomes relacionados ao uso de substâncias. Ao se compararem nomes de bandas e canções brasileiras e estrangeiras, não se encontrou diferença estatisticamente significativa. CONCLUSÃO: Bandas de rock and roll usam com maior frequência termos psicopatológicos em seus nomes e em suas músicas. Bandas brasileiras apresentam resultados semelhantes.
In recent years, many researchers have claimed that world reserves of rock phosphate were getting depleted at an alarming rate, putting us on the path to scarcity of that essential resource within the next few decades. Others have claimed that such alarmist forecasts were frequent in the past and have always been proven unfounded, making it likely that the same will be true in the future. Both viewpoints are directly relevant to the level of funding devoted to research on the use of phosphate fertilizers. In this short essay, it is argued that information about future reserves of P or any other resource are impossible to predict, and therefore that the threat of a possible depletion of P reserves should not be used as a key motivation for an intensification of research on soil P. However, there are other, more compelling reasons, both geopolitical and environmental, to urgently step up our collective efforts to devise agricultural practices that make better use of P than is the case at the moment.
O rápido crescimento do "rebanho" evangélico, nas últimas décadas no Brasil, deve muito à surpreendente avidez com que grupos e indivíduos que participaram desse processo se apropriaram de tudo aquilo que, produzido para finalidades mundanas, mostrava-se evangelisticamente sedutor. Busca-se discutir neste artigo os problemas identitários que surgem nesse processo, atentando, especificamente, para a utilização da música "rock" por jovens evangélicos. Como conseguem instalar neste meio tal estilo musical, antes tão inaceitável às instituições representantes dessa modalidade de cristianismo? Como lidam identitariamente com práticas e atitudes que acompanham a cultura "rock and roll", como o sexo desregrado, consumo de drogas, rebeldia e, por vezes, alguma simpatia pelo satanismo? Que compósito identitário resulta desse inusitado encontro entre universos culturais aparentemente tão inconciliáveis?
Potassium is a nutrient found at low levels in Brazilian soils, requiring large inputs of fertilizers to achieve satisfactory crop yields. Brazil has high external dependence and limited reserves of soluble K mineral, which is traditionally exploited for the production of fertilizers. On the other hand, it is common the occurrence in the country of potassium-rich silicate minerals which are not commercially exploited. This study aimed to characterize mineralogically and chemically samples of verdete rock separated into size fractions and evaluate its potential as potassium fertilizer. The mineral composition of verdete rock is based on glauconite, quartz and feldspar. The total K2O content in verdete rock ranged from 5.18 to 9.0 dag/kg. The K content extracted in water or 2% citric acid was 2.4% below the total of K, indicating low reactivity of verdete rock and limitations for direct use as K source. The processes of physical fractionation and sedimentation in water are inefficient to promote the concentration of K in the different verdete rock fractions. The total K content in some samples are considerable and may enable the use of this rock as raw material for production of more reactive potassium fertilizers.
The expansion of Brazilian agriculture has led to a heavy dependence on imported fertilizers to ensure the supply of the growing food demand. This fact has contributed to a growing interest in alternative nutrient sources, such as ground silicate rocks. It is necessary, however, to know the potential of nutrient release and changes these materials can cause in soils. The purpose of this study was to characterize six silicate rocks and evaluate their effects on the chemical properties of treated soil, assessed by chemical extractants after greenhouse incubation. The experimental design consisted of completely randomized plots, in a 3 x 6 factorial scheme, with four replications. The factors were potassium levels (0-control: without silicate rock application; 200; 400; 600 kg ha-1 of K2O), supplied as six silicate rock types (breccia, biotite schist, ultramafic rock, phlogopite schist and two types of mining waste). The chemical, physical and mineralogical properties of the alternative rock fertilizers were characterized. Treatments were applied to a dystrophic Red-Yellow Oxisol (Ferralsol), which was incubated for 100 days, at 70 % (w/w) moisture in 3.7 kg/pots. The soil was evaluated for pH; calcium and magnesium were extracted with KCl 1 mol L-1; potassium, phosphorus and sodium by Mehlich 1; nickel, copper and zinc with DTPA; and the saturation of the cation exchange capacity was calculated for aluminum, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium, and overall base saturation. The alternative fertilizers affected soil chemical properties. Ultramafic rock and Chapada mining byproduct (CMB) were the silicate rocks that most influenced soil pH, while the mining byproduct (MB) led to high K levels. Zinc availability was highest in the treatments with mining byproduct and Cu in soil fertilized with Chapada and mining byproduct.
The use of unconventional sources of K for plants has been widely studied, but the effects of alternative materials on physiological seed quality are still relatively unknown. The objective of this study was to evaluate the physiological quality of soybean and wheat seeds after using different potassium sources in a crop succession. The experimental design was a completely randomized block with four replications. Treatments consisted of three K sources (KCl, alkaline rock and ground phonolite, with 58%, 11% and 8.42% of K2O, respectively) applied in four doses (0, 25, 50 and 100 kg K2O ha-1). Potassium doses were applied in soybean and their residual effects were evaluated on the following wheat crop. Soybean and wheat seeds were evaluated immediately after harvesting by tests for moisture content, seed weight, germination, first count, electrical conductivity, seedling length and seedling dry matter. Soybean plants fertilized with alternative sources of K produced heavier seeds with a lower coat permeability compared to KCl; the physiological quality of soybean seeds and the weight of wheat seeds increase due to higher K2O doses, independently of their source.
It is presented a test bed applied to studies on dynamics, control, and navigation of mobile robots. A cargo ship scale model was chosen, which can be radio-controlled or operated autonomously through an embedded control system. A control program, which manages on board mission execution, is implemented on a microcontroller. Navigation is based on an electronic compass, which includes automatic compensation for pitch and roll motions. Heading control loop is based on this sensor, and on a rudder positioning system. A propulsion control system is also implemented. Typical manoeuvres as the turning test and "zig-zag", were implemented and tested. They are included on a manoeuvre library, and can be accessed independently or in combined modes. The embedded system is also in charge of signal acquisition and storing during the missions. It is possible to analyse experiments on identification of ship dynamics, control, and navigation, through the data transferred to a PC by serial communication. Navigation is going to be improved by including inertial sensors on board, and a DGPS. Preliminary tests are aimed to ship identification, and manoeuvrability, using free model tests. Future steps include extending this system for developing other mobile robots as, ROVs, AUVs, and aerial vehicles.