276 resultados para Renal Brush-border
em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP
Colonization of the colon and rectum by intestinal spirochetes is detected for the first time in Brazil in 4 of 282 (1.41%) patients who had undergone sigmoidoscopy and/or colonoscopy with a histopathological diagnosis of chronic non specific-colitis. This frequency is probably understimated, since surgically obtained specimens were not considered in the present study. Histopathological diagnosis was performed using routine stains like hematoxylin-eosin which showed the typical, of 3-µm thick hematoxyphilic fringe on the brush border of the surface epithelium, and by silver stains like the Warthin-Starry stain. Immunohistochemical procedures using two, polyclonal, primary antibodies, one against Treponema pallidum and the other against Leptospira interrogans serovar copenhageni serogroup Icterohaemorrhagiae cross-reacted with spirochetal antigen/s producing a marked contrast of the fringe over the colonic epithelium, preserving the spiral-shaped morphology of the parasite. In one case with marked diarrhea, immunohistochemistry detected spirochetal antigen/s within a cell in an intestinal crypt, thus demonstrating that the infection can be more widely disseminated than suspected using routine stains. Immunohistochemical procedures, thus, greatly facilitate the histological diagnosis of intestinal spirochetosis and may contribute to a better understanding of the pathogenesis of the disease. Transmission and scanning electron microscopy performed in one case showed that the spirochete closely resembled the species designated as Brachyspira aalborgi.
Wild type and mutant toxins of Bacillus thuringiensis delta-endotoxins were examined for their binding to midgut brush border membrane vesicles (BBMV). CryIAa, CryIAb, and CryIAc were examined for their binding to Gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar) BBMV. The binding of CryIAa and CryIAc was directly correlated with their toxicity, while CryIAb was observed to have lower binding than expected from its toxicity. The latter observation confirms the observation of Wolfersberger (1990). The "rule" of reciprocity of binding and toxicity is apparently obeyed by CryIAa and CryIAc, but broken by CryIAb on L. dispar. Alanine substitutions were made in several positions of the putative loops of CryIAa to test the hypothesis that the loops are intimately involved in binding to the receptor. The mutant toxins showed minor shifts in heterologous binding to Bombyx mori BBMV, but not enough to conclude that the residues chosen play critical roles in receptor binding.
T lymphocyte-mediated pathogenesis is common to a variety of enteropathies, including giardiasis, cryptosporidiosis, bacterial enteritis, celiac's disease, food anaphylaxis, and Crohn's disease. In giardiasis as well as in these other disorders, a diffuse loss of microvillous brush border, combined or not with villus atrophy, is responsible for disaccharidase insufficiencies and malabsorption of electrolytes, nutrients, and water, which ultimately cause diarrheal symptoms. Other mucosal changes may include crypt hyperplasia and increased infiltration of intra-epithelial lymphocytes. Recent studies using models of giardiasis have shed new light on the immune regulation of these abnormalities. Indeed, experiments using an athymic mouse model of infection have found that these epithelial injuries were T cell-dependent. Findings from further research indicate that that the loss of brush border surface area, reduced disaccharidase activities, and increase crypt-villus ratios are mediated by CD8+ T cells, whereas both CD8+ and CD4+ small mesenteric lymph node T cells regulate the influx of intra-epithelial lymphocytes. Future investigations need to characterize the CD8+ T cell signaling cascades that ultimately lead to epithelial injury and malfunction in giardiasis and other malabsorptive disorders of the intestine.
Epithelium, a highly dynamic system, plays a key role in the homeostasis of the intestine. However, thus far a human intestinal epithelial cell line has not been established in many countries. Fetal tissue was selected to generate viable cell cultures for its sterile condition, effective generation, and differentiated character. The purpose of the present study was to culture human intestinal epithelial cells by a relatively simple method. Thermolysin was added to improve the yield of epithelial cells, while endothelin-3 was added to stimulate their growth. By adding endothelin-3, the achievement ratio (viable cell cultures/total cultures) was enhanced to 60% of a total of 10 cultures (initiated from 8 distinct fetal small intestines), allowing the generation of viable epithelial cell cultures. Western blot, real-time PCR and immunofluorescent staining showed that cytokeratins 8, 18 and mouse intestinal mucosa-1/39 had high expression levels in human intestinal epithelial cells. Differentiated markers such as sucrase-isomaltase, aminopeptidase N and dipeptidylpeptidase IV also showed high expression levels in human intestinal epithelial cells. Differentiated human intestinal epithelial cells, with the expression of surface markers (cytokeratins 8, 18 and mouse intestinal mucosa-1/39) and secretion of cytokines (sucrase-isomaltase, aminopeptidase N and dipeptidylpeptidase IV), may be cultured by the thermolysin and endothelin-3 method and maintained for at least 20 passages. This is relatively simple, requiring no sophisticated techniques or instruments, and may have a number of varied applications.
A miringoesclerose é uma alteração cicatricial da lâmina própria da membrana timpânica caracterizada por proliferação de fibras colágenas, seguida de hialinização, deposição de cálcio e fósforo, seguindo uma seqüência semelhante ao que ocorre em outros tipos de calcificação patológica comuns em pacientes com doença renal crônica. OBJETIVO: Verificar a influencia da insuficiência renal crônica (IRC) na prevalência da miringoesclerose. MÉTODO: Foi realizada otoscopia em 341 pacientes com IRC em hemodiálise e em 356 indivíduos de um grupo controle. Foi comparada a freqüência de otoscopia positiva entre os dois grupos, procurando-se relacionar com variáveis pessoais e relacionadas a IRC. RESULTADOS: O grupo de pacientes apresentou 11,7% de otoscopia positiva contra 5,1% do grupo controle. Não houve influência do sexo ou cor na freqüência da miringoesclerose. Porém, os grupos foram heterogêneos em relação à faixa etária. Também não houve diferença importante no tempo de diálise nem nos níveis séricos de minerais e do PTH entre os pacientes do grupo de estudo que apresentavam otoscopia positiva ou negativa. CONCLUSÃO: Os achados, embora apontem para uma maior ocorrência da miringoesclerose nos pacientes renais crônicos, não nos permitem concluir com certeza que exista alguma relação entre a IRC e as alterações timpânicas.
Abstract In this article we analyze two different perceptions of border inside Europe. On the one hand, we have the perception idealized by the European Union as an international organization, which believes that states benefit more from cooperation and dilution of borders in a common space than from keeping its borders as a symbol of its sovereignty. On the other hand, we have the European member states, taken individually, with particular interests and goals that, given the threat of illegal immigration, which is currently felt in the large-scale Europe, adopt a realistic perception of the border, and look at each territory as a space that needs protection from external threats. Following this argument, we reason that the current construction of walls in several European countries reflects the rebirth of a realistic perception of the border, and this is one more challenge for Europe regarding its unity and solidarity. Is this the end of the Schengen Agreement? What is going to happen to the European project if each state unilaterally adopts a strategy to deal with illegal immigration and refugees that are coming to Europe? Can immigration lead to a retrocession of the EU idealist significance of border?
Este artigo tem como objetivo investigar se as aquisições realizadas por empresas brasileiras fora do País nos últimos 15 anos têm aumentado o desempenho financeiro dessas empresas. Além disso, é realizada uma análise empírica dos fatores determinantes desse sucesso, com base nas teorias institucional, sociocultural e de aprendizagem organizacional. Os resultados indicam que, de fato, as investidas cross border de companhias do Brasil melhoram o desempenho, que é positivamente impactado quando a distância cultural entre os países da adquirida e da adquirente é baixa ou média e quando o ambiente institucional no qual a empresa-alvo se encontra é desenvolvido. Já a relação entre as experiências anteriores das brasileiras em fusões ou aquisições internacionais e o desempenho de uma nova aquisição fora do País segue o formato de U invertido, enfatizando a relevância de se considerar a experiência com fusões e aquisições da empresa compradora além das características institucionais dos seus países-alvo.
INTRODUCCIÓN: Se presentan resultados sobre un estudio que pretendió identificar los costos de intervenciones en salud en el manejo de pacientes con insuficiencia renal crónica. MATERIAL Y MÉTODO: El método de costeo se basó en técnicas de consenso y de instrumentación de manejo de caso a través de la identificación de insumos y funciones de producción para la demanda de cada servicio solicitado. Las intervenciones costeadas incluyeron: diálisis peritoneal, hemodiálisis y trasplante renal. RESULTADOS: El costo por evento en US dóllares fué de $3.71, $57.95 y $ 8,778.32 respectivamente. En cuanto al costo de manejo anual de caso los resultados fueron: diálisis peritoneal $5,643.07, hemodiálisis $9,631.60 y trasplante $3,021.67. CONCLUSIONES: La información generada a partir de los costos de eventos difiere considerablemente de la información generada a partir del costo de manejo anual de caso. Estas diferencias resultan significativas para el diseño y evaluación de patrones de asignación de recursos
OBJETIVO: Analisó el costo-efectividad en intervenciones para pacientes con insuficiencia renal crónica terminal (IRCT) en términos de los costos económicos de cada intervención, los años de vida ganados y la calidad de vida que generan tres alternativas comparables y mutuamente excluyentes: diálisis peritoneal contínua ambulatoria (DPCA), la hemodiálisis (HD) y el trasplante renal (TR). MÉTODO: El diseño del estudio fue de tipo longitudinal. Los costos de cada intervención se determinaron mediante la técnica de manejo de caso promedio. Las medidas para evaluar los criterios de efectividad elegidos fueron la probabilidad de sobrevida y el Año de Vida Ajustado por Calidad (QALY, Quality Adjusted Life Year) medido por el Indice de Rosser. RSULTADOS: Los costos de manejo anual de caso fueron: diálisis peritoneal $5,643.07, hemodiálisis $9,631.60 y trasplante $3,021.63. En cuanto a la efectividad, la sobrevida del injerto de trasplante renal resultó de 89,9% y 79,6% a uno y tres años respectivamente, mientras que los pacientes sometidos a DPCA tienen una sobrevida de 86,2% y 66,9% a un año y a tres años respectivamente. En cuanto a los QALY's, los resultados para cada intervención fueron: DPCA 0,879; HD 0,864; y para el TR 0,978. CONCLUSIÓN: La intervención más costo-efectiva resultó el trasplante renal con un coeficiente de 3,088.69, seguido de la DPCA y la hemodiálisis, cuyos coeficientes fueron de 6,416.95 y 11,147.68 respectivamente. Por lo tanto se recomienda promover y utilizar el trasplante renal como la intervención más costo-efectiva para pacientes con IRCT.
OBJETIVO: Descrever o perfil epidemiológico e clínico de pacientes em terapia renal substitutiva, identificando fatores associados ao risco de morte. MÉTODOS: Estudo observacional, prospectivo não concorrente, a partir de dados de 90.356 pacientes da Base Nacional em Terapias Renais Substitutivas, no Brasil. Foi realizado relacionamento determinístico-probabilístico do Sistema de Autorização de Procedimentos de Alta Complexidade/Custo e do Sistema de Informação de Mortalidade. Foram incluídos todos os pacientes incidentes que iniciaram diálise entre 1/1/2000 e 31/12/2004, acompanhados até a morte ou final de 2004. Idade, sexo, região de residência, doença renal primária, causa do óbito foram analisados. Ajustou-se um modelo de riscos proporcionais para identificar fatores associados ao risco de morte. RESULTADOS: Ocorreu um aumento médio de 5,5% na prevalência de pacientes em terapia enquanto a incidência manteve-se estável no período. Hemodiálise foi a modalidade inicial predominante (89%). A maioria dos pacientes era do sexo masculino, com idade média de 53 anos, residente na região Sudeste, e apresentava causa indeterminada como principal causa básica da doença renal crônica, seguida da hipertensão, diabetes e glomerulonefrites. Desses pacientes, 7% realizou transplante renal e 42% evoluiu para o óbito. Os pacientes em diálise peritoneal eram mais idosos e apresentavam maior prevalência de diabetes. Entre os não transplantados, 45% foi a óbito e, entre os transplantados, 7%. No modelo final de riscos proporcionais de Cox, o risco de mortalidade foi associado com o aumento da idade, sexo feminino, ter diabetes, residir nas regiões Norte e Nordeste, diálise peritoneal como modalidade de entrada e não ter realizado transplante renal. CONCLUSÕES: Houve aumento da prevalência de pacientes em terapia renal no Brasil. Pacientes com idade avançada, diabetes, do sexo feminino, residentes nas regiões Norte e Nordeste e sem transplante renal apresentam maior risco de morte.
OBJECTIVE: To assess factors associated with the establishment of permanent vascular access for patients with end-stage renal disease. METHODS: Cross-sectional study conducted in a nationally representative sample of Brazilian end-stage renal disease patients in dialysis and transplant centers during 2007. The sample comprised only patients who received hemodialysis as a primary therapy modality and reported the type of vascular access for their primary hemodialysis treatment (N=2,276). Data were from the TRS Project - "Economic and Epidemiologic Evaluation of Modalities of Renal Replacement Therapy in Brazil". Multiple logistic regression analysis was used to assess factors associated with the establishment of permanent vascular access in these patients. RESULTS: About 30% of the patients studied had an arteriovenous vascular access. The following factors were associated with a lower likelihood of having an arteriovenous vascular access as a primary type of access: time of hemodialysis start since the diagnosis of chronic renal failure < 1 year; shorter dialysis therapy; having no private health insurance; living in the central-western, northeastern and southeastern regions of Brazil; and living in the northern region plus having no private health insurance. In the final model there was found a positive association between the outcome and pre-dialysis care and no were association with socioeconomic and comorbidity variables. CONCLUSIONS: The study results showed that the focus should on pre-dialysis care to increase the establishment of an arteriovenous vascular access before starting hemodialysis in Brazil.
OBJECTIVE To analyze the cost-effectiveness of treatment regimens with cyclosporine or tacrolimus, five years after renal transplantation.METHODS This cost-effectiveness analysis was based on historical cohort data obtained between 2000 and 2004 and involved 2,022 patients treated with cyclosporine or tacrolimus, matched 1:1 for gender, age, and type and year of transplantation. Graft survival and the direct costs of medical care obtained from the National Health System (SUS) databases were used as outcome results.RESULTS Most of the patients were women, with a mean age of 36.6 years. The most frequent diagnosis of chronic renal failure was glomerulonephritis/nephritis (27.7%). In five years, the tacrolimus group had an average life expectancy gain of 3.96 years at an annual cost of R$78,360.57 compared with the cyclosporine group with a gain of 4.05 years and an annual cost of R$61,350.44.CONCLUSIONS After matching, the study indicated better survival of patients treated with regimens using tacrolimus. However, regimens containing cyclosporine were more cost-effective.
Os Autores registram caso de histoplasmose generalizada em paciente transplantado com rim de doador não aparentado. Além da infecção fúngica diagnosticada sorologicamente e pela histopatologia, a autópsia revelou cirrose hepática macro e micronodular, de provável etiologia viral (vírus B), hepatocarcinoma, depleção linfóide do baço e glomerulopatia de transplante. Revendo a literatura sobre o assunto, chegam à conclusão de que, provavelmente, com a imunodepressão medicamentosa, as lesões pulmonares por reinfecção endógena foram as primeiras a aparecer sob a forma de uma histoplasmose pulmonar crônica.