14 resultados para Rankin, Judy , 1945 -

em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP


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O artigo se propõe a analisar as relações entre o Brasil e a França desde o final da Segunda Guerra Mundial até o presente. Para isso, o autor divide a história da relação entre os dois países em três blocos assim denominados: 1) a parceria bloqueada (1945 - 64); 2) a negligência cordial (1963 - 95); e 3) a parceria possível (1990 - 2000).


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Este artigo analisa o comportamento da política de comércio exterior brasileira em um contexto interno de crise econômico-financeira, limitada capacidade de importação e exportação, industrialização e dependência em relação ao capital estrangeiro. Propõe-se identificar e avaliar o papel que desempenhou o comércio exterior brasileiro como elemento propulsor do desenvolvimento econômico.


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Buscaremos analisar o estatuto da autoridade política da ONU, recorrendo a referenciais quantitativos e qualitativos, por meio da proposição de uma relação positiva entre a "autoridade onusiana" e um conjunto de variáveis. Após avaliação dos resultados, pretende-se gerar discussão a respeito dos limites institucionais e da natureza da autoridade da ONU na política internacional contemporânea, corroborando-se a hipótese de que o quantum de autoridade de que está investida a ONU é crescente no curso das últimas seis décadas.


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Este artigo busca investigar como surgiu e se desenvolveu a hipótese de que o Brasil se tornasse um dos membros permanentes do Conselho de Segurança das Nações Unidas quando a organização foi criada em 1945. As motivações do presidente Roosevelt ao fazer essa proposta em 1944, durante a Conferência de Dumbarton Oaks, as resistências encontradas, assim como a posição que adotou o governo brasileiro na Conferência de São Francisco, são analisadas com base em fontes de arquivo e documentos do período em estudo.


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A large-scale inventory of trees > 10cm DBH was conducted in the upland "terra firme" rain forest of the Distrito Agropecuário da SUFRAMA (Manaus Free Zone Authority Agricultural District) approximately 65Km north of the city of Manaus (AM), Srasil. Thegeneral appearance and structure of the forest is described together with local topography and soil texture. Thepreliminary results of the Inventory provide a minimum estimate of 698 tree species in 53 families in the 40Km radius sampled, including 17 undescribed species. Themost numerically abundant families, Lecythidaceae, Leguminosae, 5apotaceae and Burseraceae as also among the most species rich families. One aspect of this diverse assemblage is the proliferation of species within certain genera, Including 26 genera In 17 families with 6 or more species or morphospecies. Most species have very low abundances of less than 1 tree per hectare. While more abundant species do exist at densities ranging up to a mean of 12 trees per ha, many have clumped distributions leading to great variation in local species abundance. The degree of similarity between hectare samples based int the Coefficient of Community similarity Index varies widely over different sample hectares for five ecologically different families. Soil texture apparently plays a significant role In determining species composition in the different one hectare plots examined while results for other variable were less consistent. Greater differences in similarity indices are found for comparisons with a one hectare sample within the same formation approximately 40Km to the south. It is concluded that homogeneity of tree community composition within this single large and diverse yet continuous upland forest formation can not be assumed.


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Os autores descrevem a fêmea de L. wilsoni (Damasceno e Causey, 1945), por eles conhecida desde 1963, porém somente agora publicada, e que é extremamente semelhante à de L. saulensis (Floch e Abonnenc, 1944), o que mostra a estreita afinidade entre as duas espécies. É, também, dada a distribuição geográfica atualmente conhecida de L. wilsoni.


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Aspects related to hatching, life time, mortality, feeding behaviour and fecundity for each stage of Triatoma pallidipennis life-cycle were evaluated. The hatching rate observed for 200 eggs was 60% and the average time of hatching was 18 days. Eighty nymphs (N) (40%) completed the cycle and the average time from NI to adult was 168.7±11.7days. The average span in days for each stage was 18.0 for NI, 18.5 for NII, 30.0 for NIII, 35.7 for NIV and 50.1 for NV. The number of bloodmeals at each nymphal stage varied from 1 to 5. The mortality rate was 9.17 for NI, 5.5 for NII, 6.8 for NIII 4.17 for NIV and 13.04 for NV nymphs. The average number of eggs laid per female in a 9-month period was 498.6. The survival rates of adults were 357±217.9 and 262.53±167.7 for males and females respectively.


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Wages, productivity and profits in the Brazilian manufacturing industry, 1945-1978. This article investigates the distribution between profits and wages in Brazil's manufacturing industry from 1945 to 1978. First, the article provides yearly series of average real wages and labour productivity, from which labour unit costs and the distribution between profits and wages in the manufacturing industry are estimated. Second, the article addresses the behaviour of wages, labour productivity and industrial income distribution in the context of variable economic, political and institutional conditions which prevailed in post-war Brazil. The results of the quantitative analysis allow us to assess both the trends and the yearly behaviour of the manufacturing income distribution during a key period of the Brazilian economic history.