20 resultados para Radcliffe, Ann Ward, 1764-1823.

em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP


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Few papers have been published on snake bites caused by Philodryas olfersii. We report here the first case identified at the Centro de Assistência Toxicológica do Hospital da Restauração, Recife, State of Pernambuco. This case was described based on medical protocols, interviewing the patient and identifying the animal that caused the bite. The patient presented pain, heat, erythema, edema and ecchymosis, without other laboratory abnormalities or coagulation disorders. The treatment consisted of administration of eight ampoules of antibothropic serum, and post-administration allergenic reactions were observed. The importance of bites by opistoglyph snakes needs to be reconsidered in research and at specialized treatment centers.


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Durante estudos com morcegos em floresta de várzea na APA do Rio Curiaú, Amapá, Brasil, observamos três casos de predações oportunistas de morcegos frugívoros capturados em redes de neblina. Duas destas predações ocorreram por marsupiais e uma por anuro. Artibeus planirostris (Spix, 1823) (Chiroptera, Phyllostomidae) foi predado por Didelphis marsupialis Linnaeus, 1758 e Philander opossum (Linnaeus, 1758) (Didelphimorphia, Didelphidae). Carollia perspicillata (Linnaeus, 1758) (Chiroptera, Phyllostomidae) foi predado por Leptodactylus pentadactylus (Laurenti, 1768) (Anura, Leptodactylidae). A vocalização dos morcegos provavelmente atraiu os marsupiais para a rede, onde estes os predaram aproveitando que estavam presos. Este tipo de interação pode ocorrer naturalmente, no entanto, com maior dificuldade de registro.


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In this study we present a new record of a plant-animal interaction: the mutualistic relationship between the specialist plant-ant Myrcidris epicharis Ward, 1990 (Pseudomyrmecinae) and its myrmecophyte host Myrcia madida McVaugh (Myrtaceae). We observed more than 50 individuals of M. madida occupied by M. epicharis in islands and margins of the Juruena River, in Cotriguaçu, Mato Grosso, Brazil (Meridional Amazon). We discuss a possible distribution of this symbiotic interaction throughout all the riparian forest of the Amazon River basin and its consequence to coevolution of the system.


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Dysdercus ruficollis [Linnaeus, 1764), vulgarmente conhecidos como "percevejos manchadores do algodão", foram tratados no início do 5º estádio ninfal com um análogo do hormônio juvenil (N(5-cloro-2-metilfenil)-3,7-dimetil-2,6-octadienilamina), através da aplicação tópica na base das asas. Após a muda os insetos apresentaram aspecto ressecado, alterações morfológicas externas bastante acentuadas na cabeça, tórax, patas, asas e abdômen, dificultando suas atividades normais. Entretanto, a genitália externa de ambos os sextos mostrou-se inalterada. A aplicação da substância foi capaz de alterar e interromper o ciclo biológico destes insetos.


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A description of Pomacea sordida (Swainson, 1823) collected in Caxias and Nova Iguaçu, state of Rio de Janeiro, is presented. The shell is globose, heavy, whith greenish or horn-colored periostracum and dark spinal bands; apex subelevated, 4-5 moderately shoudered whorls, increasing rather rapidly and separated by deep suture. Aperture large, moderately round, yellowish or violaceous; lip thick and sometimes dark brown; umbilicus large and deep; operculum corneous and heavy, entirely closing the aperture. Ratios: shell width/shell length = 0.81-0.91 (mean 0.86); aperture length/shell length = 0.66-0.75 (mean 0.70). Testis, spermiduct and penis pouch as in Pomacea lineata (Spix, 1827). Seminal vesicle whitish and bean-shaped. Prostate cylindric and narrow, cream in coloar as the testis. Penis whiplike whith a closed circular spermiduct. Penial sheath elongated and tapered, with its distal tip turned to the right; outer basal gland situated on the left; inner median gland rounded; apical gland elongated and wrinkled. Ovary composed of branched whitish tubules lying superficially on the digestive gland; oviduct and seminal receptacle as in P. lineata; albumen gland yellowish - orange. Vestigial male copulatory apparatus (penis and its sheath) present in all females examined.


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Dichelyne (Cucullanellus) elongatus (Tomquist, 1931) Petter, 1974, from Venezuela, of which D.(C.) amaurincai (Freitas, Vicente & Ibáñez, 1969) Petter, 1974 is proposed as a junior synonym, is redescribed and comments on the present status of the remaining species under the group, namely D.(C.) dichelyneformes (Szidat, 1950) Petter, 1974, D.(C.) rodriguesi (Pinto, Fábio & Noronha, 1970) Petter, 1974 and D.(C.) travassosi (Guimarães & Cristofaro, 1974), occuring in South America are made. Dollfusentis chandleri Golvan, 1969 (Acanthocephala, Illiosentidae), Poecilancistrium caryophyllum (Diesing, 1850)(Cestoidea, Otobothriidae) and Callitetrarhynchus gracilis (Rudolphi, 1819)(Cestoidea, Dasyrhynchidae) as well as larval forms of Echinocephalus sp. (Nematoda, Gnathostomatidae) and Contracaecum sp. (Nematoda, Anisakidae) are also reported.


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From the gills of 100 Micropogonia furnieri (Desmarest, 1823) from Atlantic coast of Rio de Janeiro State, were recovered Macrovalvitrema sinaloense Caballero & Bravo-Hollis, 1955, Pterinotrematoides mexicanum Caballero & Bravo-Hollis, 1955, Rhamnocercus rhmnocercus Monaco, Wood & Mizelle, 1954 and Encotyllabe spari Yamaguti, 1934. M. furnieri represents a new host record for them and a new geographical dsitribution is referred for M. sinaloense, P. mexicanum and R. rhmnocercus.


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Culex quinquefasciatus is known to be an efficient insect host of Wuchereria bancrofti. In Brazil Cx. quinquefasciatus is widely distributed throughout the country and is often abundant in and around human habitations. In contrast, Bancroftian filariasis is limited to three foci in Brazil. Experiments were undertaken to compare the vector capacities of Cx. quinquefasciatus originating from Maceió (Alagoas), one of the endemic areas of W. bancrofti infection in Brazil, and Belo Horizonte (Minas Gerais), a non endemic area. Laboratory-reared Cx. quinquefasciatus were dissected 20 days after blood feeding on microfilaraemic patients. Survival rates and the number of infective larvae that developed did not differ in female mosquitoes of different origins. Thus both populations of Culex were susceptible to infection with W. bancrofti


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Lutzomyia umbratilis, a known vector of Leishmania guyanensis in the north of Amazon basin, has been exclusively found in the Amazonian region. Here we report for the first time the occurrence of this species in northeastern Brazil. The epidemiological importance of the occurrence of this species in the Atlantic Forest is commented.


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The metropolitan region of Recife, Brazil is endemic for Dirofilaria immitis and has an environment favorable to the development of Culex quinquefasciatus. The goal of this study was to evaluate the vector competence of the Cx. quinquefasciatus RECIFE population for D. immitis transmission. A total of 2,104 females of Cx. quinquefasciatus RECIFE population were exposed to different densities of D. immitis microfilariae blood meals, ranging from 1,820 to 2,900 mf/ml of blood, in a natural membrane apparatus. The results showed a variation between 92.3% and 98.8% of females fed. The exposure of the Cx. quinquefasciatus RECIFE population to different densities of microfilariae did not influence the mortality of the mosquitoes. Infective larvae from D. immitis were observed in the Malpighian tubules beginning on the 12th day, whereas larvae were observed in the head and proboscis beginning on the 13th day following infection. The vector efficiency index (VEI) presented by the mosquitoes ranged from 7.8 to 56.5. The data demonstrates that the Cx. quinquefasciatus RECIFE population has great potential for the transmission of D. immitis, as it allowed the development of the filarid until the infectious stage at the different densities of microfilariae to which it was exposed.


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The present work aimed at evaluating the divergence among common bean accessions by their agronomic, morphological and molecular traits, based on the Ward-MLM procedure. A collection of 57 accessions from the gene bank of Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo was used in this study, from which: 31 were landraces belonging to the community Fortaleza, in the municipality of Muqui, ES, Brazil; 20 accessions were provided by Embrapa Trigo; and 6 were commercial cultivars. Five agronomic traits (plant cycle, number of seeds per pod, number of pods per plant, weight of 100 seeds, and grain yield), five morphological traits (growth habit, plant size, seed shape, seed color, and commercial group) and 16 microsatellite primers were evaluated. High genetic variability was detected considering morphological, agronomic and molecular traits in the 57 common bean accessions studied. The Ward-MLM procedure showed that the ideal number of groups was five, according to the pseudo F and pseudo t² criteria. The accessions from Andean origin had heavier seeds than others and formed a cluster. The Ward-MLM statistical procedure is a useful technique to detect genetic divergence and to cluster genotypes by simultaneously using morphological, agronomic and molecular data.


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The objective of this work was to estimate the genetic diversity of improved banana diploids using data from quantitative analysis and from simple sequence repeats (SSR) marker, simultaneously. The experiment was carried out with 33 diploids, in an augmented block design with 30 regular treatments and three common ones. Eighteen agronomic characteristics and 20 SSR primers were used. The agronomic characteristics and the SSR were analyzed simultaneously by the Ward-MLM, cluster, and IML procedures. The Ward clustering method considered the combined matrix obtained by the Gower algorithm. The Ward-MLM procedure identified three ideal groups (G1, G2, and G3) based on pseudo-F and pseudo-t² statistics. The dendrogram showed relative similarity between the G1 genotypes, justified by genealogy. In G2, 'Calcutta 4' appears in 62% of the genealogies. Similar behavior was observed in G3, in which the 028003-01 diploid is the male parent of the 086079-10 and 042079-06 genotypes. The method with canonical variables had greater discriminatory power than Ward-MLM. Although reduced, the genetic variability available is sufficient to be used in the development of new hybrids.