85 resultados para Primates, Fossil

em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP


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Estudaram-se os aspectos histopatológicos relativos à evolução da infecção experimental produzida em Cebus apella (Primates: Cebidae) por Leishmania (V.) lainsoni, L. (V.) braziliensis e L. (L.) amazonensis. O exame microscópico de biópsias seqüênciais, obtidas dos animais a intervalos definidos de tempo (a primeira, às 48 ou 72 horas após a inoculação, e as seguintes, a cada 30 dias), mostrou que o desenvolvimento das lesões, independentemente da espécie de Leishmania inoculada, passa por uma seqüência de etapas a nível tecidual - 1) infiltrado inespecífico crônico; 2) nódulo macrofágico (com numerosos parasitas); 3) necrose das células parasitadas; 4) granuloma epitelióide; 5) absorção da área necrosada (às vezes formando granuloma de corpo estranho); 6) infiltrado inespecífico crônico residual); e 7) cicatrização - que representaria a formação e a resolução das lesões. Discutiram-se também os prováveis mecanismos imunopatológicos que determinam esta seqüência de eventos e sua possível semelhança com a evolução das lesões na leishmaniose tegumentar humana.


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In Amazonian Brazil, the Cebus apella monkey (Primates: Cebidae) has been associated with the enzootic cycle of Leishmania (V.) shawi, a dermotropic parasite causing American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL). It has also been successfully used as animal model for studying cutaneous leishmaniasis. In this work, there has been investigated its susceptibility to experimental Leishmania (L.) infantum chagasi-infection, the etiologic agent of American visceral leishmaniasis (AVL). There were used ten C. apella specimens, eight adult and two young, four males and six females, all born and raised in captivity. Two experimental infection protocols were performed: i) six monkeys were inoculated, intra-dermal via (ID), into the base of the tail with 2 x 10(6) promastigotes forms from the stationary phase culture medium; ii) other four monkeys were inoculated with 3 x 10(7) amastigotes forms from the visceral infection of infected hamsters by two different via: a) two by intravenous via (IV) and, b) other two by intra-peritoneal via (IP). The parameters of infection evaluation included: a) clinical: physical exam of abdomen, weigh and body temperature; b) parasitological: needle aspiration of the bone-marrow for searching of amastigotes (Giemsa-stained smears) and promastigotes forms (culture medium); c) immunological: Indirect fluorescence antibody test (IFAT) and, Delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH). In the six monkeys ID inoculated (promastigotes forms) all parameters of infection evaluation were negative during the 12 months period of follow-up. Among the four monkeys inoculated with amastigotes forms, two IV inoculated showed the parasite in the bone-marrow from the first toward to the sixth month p.i. and following that they cleared the infection, whereas the other two IP inoculated were totally negative. These four monkeys showed specific IgG-antibody response since the third month p.i. (IP: 1/80 and IV: 1/320 IgG) toward to the 12th month (IP: 1/160 and IV: 1/5120). The DTH-conversion occurred in only one IV inoculated monkey with a strong (30 mm) skin reaction. Considering these results, we do not encourage the use of C. apella monkey as animal model for studying the AVL.


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This study examined the susceptibility of peritoneal macrophage (PM) from the Neotropical primates: Callithrix jacchus, Callithrix penicillata, Saimiri sciureus, Aotus azarae infulatus and Callimico goeldii to ex vivo Leishmania (L.) infantum chagasi-infection, the etiological agent of American visceral leishmaniasis (AVL), as a screening assay for evaluating the potential of these non-human primates as experimental models for studying AVL. The PM-susceptibility to infection was accessed by the PM-infection index (PMI) at 24, 72 h and by the mean of these rates (FPMI), as well as by the TNF-α, IL-12 (Capture ELISA) and Nitric oxide (NO) responses (Griess method). At 24h, the PMI of A. azarae infulatus (128) was higher than those of C. penicillata (83), C. goeldii (78), S. sciureus (77) and C. jacchus (55). At 72h, there was a significant PMI decrease in four monkeys: A. azarae infulatus (128/37), C. penicillata (83/38), S. sciureus (77/38) and C. jacchus (55/12), with exception of C. goeldii (78/54). The FPMI of A. azarae infulatus (82.5) and C. goeldii (66) were higher than C. jacchus (33.5), but not higher than those of C. penicillata (60.5) and S. sciureus (57.5). The TNF-a response was more regular in those four primates which decreased their PMI at 24/72 h: C. jacchus (145/122 pg/mL), C. penicillata (154/130 pg/mL), S. sciureus (164/104 pg/mL) and A. azarae infulatus (154/104 pg/mL), with exception of C. goeldii (38/83 pg/mL). The IL-12 response was mainly prominent in A. infulatus and C. goeldii which presented the highest FPMI and, the NO response was higher in C. goeldii, mainly at 72 h. These findings strongly suggest that these New World primates have developed a resistant innate immune response mechanism capable of controlling the macrophage intracellular growth of L. (L.) i. chagasi-infection, which do not encourage their use as animal model for studying AVL.


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Since 2000, the expansion of Sylvatic Yellow Fever (YF) has been observed in the southeast of Brazil, being detected in areas considered silent for decades. Epizootics in non-human primates (NHPs) are considered sentinel events for the detection of human cases. It is important to report epizootic events that could have impact on the conservation status of susceptible species. We describe the epizootics in NHPs, notified in state of São Paulo, Brazil, between September 2008 to August 2009. Ninety-one epizootic events, involving 147 animals, were reported in 36 counties. Samples were obtained from 65 animals (44.2%). Most of the epizootics (46.6%) were reported between March and April, the same period during which human cases of YF occurred in the state. Biological samples were collected from animals found dead and were sent to Instituto Adolfo Lutz, in São Paulo. Two samples, collected in two counties without an indication for YF vaccination, were positive for the virus. Another 48 animals were associated with YF by clinical-epidemiological linkage with laboratory confirmed cases. Because the disease in human and NHPs occurred in the same period, the detection of the virus in NHPs did not work as sentinel, but aided in the delineation of new areas of risk.


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Giardia infections in captive nonhuman primates (NHP) housed at a Brazilian zoo were investigated in order to address their zoonotic potential. Fresh fecal samples were collected from the floors of 22 enclosures where 47 primates of 18 different species were housed. The diagnosis of intestinal parasites after concentration by sedimentation and flotation methods revealed the following parasites and their frequencies: Giardia (18%); Entamoebaspp. (18%); Endolimax nana(4.5%); Iodamoeba spp. (4.5%); Oxyurid (4.5%) and Strongylid (4.5%). Genomic DNA extracted from all samples was processed by PCR methods in order to amplify fragments of gdh and tpi genes of Giardia. Amplicons were obtained from samples of Ateles belzebuth, Alouatta caraya, Alouatta fusca and Alouatta seniculus. Clear sequences were only obtained for the isolates from Ateles belzebuth (BA1), Alouatta fusca(BA2) and Alouatta caraya (BA3). According to the phenetic analyses of these sequences, all were classified as assemblage A. For the tpi gene, all three isolates were grouped into sub-assemblage AII (BA1, BA2 and BA3) whereas for the gdh gene, only BA3 was sub-assemblage AII, and the BA1 and BA2 were sub-assemblage AI. Considering the zoonotic potential of the assemblage A, and that the animals of the present study show no clinical signs of infection, the data obtained here stresses that regular coproparasitological surveys are necessary to implement preventive measures and safeguard the health of the captive animals, of their caretakers and of people visiting the zoological gardens.


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Nonhuman primates are considered as the natural hosts of Hepatitis A virus (HAV), as well as other pathogens, and can serve as natural sentinels to investigate epizootics and endemic diseases that are of public health importance. During this study, blood samples were collected from 112 Neotropical primates (NTPs) (Sapajus nigritus and S. cay, n = 75; Alouatta caraya, n = 37) trap-captured at the Paraná River basin, Brazil, located between the States of Paraná and Mato Grosso do Sul. Anti-HAV IgG antibodies were detected in 4.5% (5/112) of NTPs, specifically in 6.7% (5/75) of Sapajus spp. and 0% (0/37) of A. caraya. In addition, all samples were negative for the presence of IgM anti-HAV antibodies. These results suggest that free-ranging NTPs were exposed to HAV within the geographical regions evaluated.


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Sylvatic yellow fever is a zoonosis associated mainly with wild animals, especially those in the genus Alouatta, that act as the source of infection. Once infected, these animals pass the disease on to humans by way of an infected mosquito belonging to the genera Aedes, Haemagogus, or Sabethes. The present study is the first report of a case of yellow fever in non-human primates (NHP) in the State of Paraná, Brazil. After the case was diagnosed, several prophylactic measures were adopted to prevent outbreaks of the disease in humans.


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Introduction A sero-epidemiological survey was undertaken to detect the circulation of arboviruses in free-living non-human primates. Methods Blood samples were obtained from 16 non-human primates (13 Sapajus spp. and three Alouatta caraya) that were captured using terrestrial traps and anesthetic darts in woodland regions in the municipalities of Campo Grande, Aquidauana, Jardim, Miranda and Corumbá in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. The samples were sent to the Instituto Evandro Chagas (IEC) in Ananindeua, Pará, Brazil, to detect antibodies against 19 species of arboviruses using a hemagglutination inhibition test (HI). Results Of the 16 primates investigated in the present study, five (31.2%) were serologically positive for an arbovirus. Of these five, two (12.5%) exhibited antibodies to the Flavivirus genus, one (6.2%) exhibited a monotypic reaction to Cacipacoré virus, one (6.2%) was associated with Mayaro virus, and one (6.2%) was positive for Oropouche virus. Conclusions Based on the positive serology observed in the present study, it was possible to conclude that arboviruses circulate among free-living primates. The viruses in the areas studied might have been introduced by infected humans or by primates from endemic or enzootic areas. Studies of this nature, as well as efficient and continuous surveillance programs, are needed to monitor viral activities in endemic and enzootic regions.


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INTRODUCTION: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the presence of arboviruses from the Flavivirus genus in asymptomatic free-living non-human primates (NHPs) living in close contact with humans and vectors in the States of Paraná and Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. METHODS: NHP sera samples (total n = 80, Alouatta spp. n = 07, Callithrix spp. n = 29 and Sapajus spp. n = 44) were screened for the presence of viral genomes using reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction and 10% polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis techniques. RESULTS: All of the samples were negative for the Flavivirus genome following the 10% polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis. CONCLUSIONS: These negative results indicate that the analyzed animals were not infected with arboviruses from the Flavivirus genus and did not represent a risk for viral transmission through vectors during the period in which the samples were collected.


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This study analyzed the influence of forest structural components on the occurence, size and density of groups of Bare-face Tamarin (Saguinus bicolor) - the most threatened species in the Amazon - and produced the first map of distribution of groups in large-scale spatial within the area of continuous forest. Population censuses were conducted between November 2002 and July 2003, covering 6400 hectares in the Ducke Reserve, Manaus-AM, Brazil. Groups of S. bicolor were recorded 41 times accordingly distributed in the environments: plateau (20); slopes (12); and lowlands (09). The mean group size was 4.8 indiv./group, and ranged from 2 to 11 individuals. In the sites where the groups were recorded, and in an equivalent number of sites where no tamarins were found located at least 500 m from those where they had been recorded, we placed 50 m x 50 m plots to record the following forest structural components: abundance of trees; abundance of lianas; abundance of fruiting trees and lianas; abundance of snags; abundance of logs; percentage of canopy opening; leaf litter depth; and altitude. Bare-face Tamarin more often uses areas with lower abundance of forest logs, smaller canopy opening and with higher abundance of snags, areas in the forest with smaller canopy opening present higher density of S. bicolor groups. Apparently this species does not use the forest in a random way, and may select areas for its daily activities depending on the micro-environmental heterogeneity produced by the forest structural components.


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Human interventions in natural environments are the main cause of biodiversity loss worldwide. The situation is not different in southern Brazil, home of five primate species. Although some earlier studies exist, studies on the primates of this region began to be consistently carried out in the 1980s and have continued since then. In addition to important initiatives to study and protect the highly endangered Leontopithecus caissara Lorrini & Persson, 1990 and Brachyteles arachnoides E. Geoffroy, 1806, other species, including locally threatened ones, have been the focus of research, management, and protection initiatives. Since 1993, the urban monkeys program (PMU, Programa Macacos Urbanos) has surveyed the distribution and assessed threats to populations of Alouatta guariba clamitans (Cabrera, 1940) in Porto Alegre and vicinity. PMU has developed conservation strategies on four fronts: (1) scientific research on biology and ecology, providing basic knowledge to support all other activities of the group; (2) conservation education, which emphasizes educational presentations and long-term projects in schools near howler populations, based on the flagship species approach; (3) management, analyzing conflicts involving howlers and human communities, focusing on mitigating these problems and on appropriate relocation of injured or at-risk individuals; and finally, (4) Public Policies aimed at reducing and/or preventing the impact of urban expansion, contributing to create protected areas and to strengthen environmental laws. These different approaches have contributed to protect howler monkey populations over the short term, indicating that working collectively and acting on diversified and interrelated fronts are essential to achieve conservation goals. The synergistic results of these approaches and their relationship to the prospects for primatology in southern Brazil are presented in this review.


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In the Atlantic forest of Rio de Janeiro, Callithrix aurita (É. Geoffroy in Humboldt, 1812) is a native species vulnerable to extinction and C. jacchus (Linnaeus, 1758) and C. penicillata (É. Geoffroy, 1812) are invasive species. The major threats to the native species are habitat degradation and hybridization, although there are currently no genetic data about natural hybrids available. Previous studies have revealed that species of the Callithrix genus are extremely homogeneous in their karyotypes with the exceptions of the morphology and size of the Y chromosome and its nucleolar organizer region (NOR) banding pattern. Three male marmosets captured in the wild in Guapimirim municipality, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, considered as possible hybrids between C. aurita and C. jacchus or C. penicillata on the basis of pelage pattern, were cytogenetically studied. Metaphase chromosomes were obtained by using short-term lymphocyte cultures and Ag-NOR staining was performed. The hybrids karyotypes were 2n=46, 14 uni- and 30 bi-armed autosomes, a median size submetacentric X and NOR bearing autosomes, being compatible with that observed for the genus. In the three individuals studied, Y chromosomes were similar to those found for C. aurita, without NORs. The data obtained suggest the involvement of C. aurita in natural hybridization with one of the invasive species. We discuss the possible consequences of this hybridization.


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Nematodes and fragments of lungs from Cebus ssp., Callithrix jacchus (l.) and Saimiri sciureus (L.) were studied. The worms from Cebus and Callithrix must be called Filariopsis barretoi (Travassos, 1921). The names Filariopsis arator Chandler, 1931 and Filaroides cebi Gebauer, 1933 are synonymized to F. barretoi. The status of Filariopsis gordius (Travassos, 1921) remains uncertain. The pathology is described. The parasites are located in the pulmonary paranchyma, near the pleural surface, constituting nodules.


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Foureen marmosets (Callithrix penicillata) were inoculated intradermally with promastigotes and/or amastigotes of Leishmania (Viannia) brazilensis (L. (V) b.) strains MHOM/BR/83/LTB-300MHOM/BR/85/LTB-12 MHOM/BR/81/LTB-179 and MHOM/BR/82/LTB-250. The evolution of subsequent lesions was studied for 15 to 75 weeks post-inoculation (PI). All but of the L. (V) b. injected marmosets developed a cutaneous lesion at the point of inoculation after 3 to 9 weeks, characterized by the appearance of subcutaneous nodules containing parasites. parasites were isolated by culture (Difco Blood Agar) from all 11 positive animals. The maximum size of the lesions was variable and ranged between 37 mm² to 107 mm². Ulceration of primary nodules became evident after 3 to 12 weeks in all infected marmosets, but was faster and larger in 5 of the 11 animals. The active lesions persisted in 9 out of 11 Callithrix until the en of the observation period, which varied from 15-75 weeks. In 3 animals spontaneous healing of their lesions (13 to 25 weeks, PI) was observed buth with cryptic parasitism. In another 2 infected animals there was regression followed by reactivation of the cutaneous lesions. The appearance of smaller satellite lesions adjacent to primary ones, as well as metastatic lesions to the ear lobes, were documented in 2 animals. Promastigotes of L. (Leishmania) amazonensis (L.(L)a.) MHOM/BR/77/LTB-16 were inoculated in 1 marmoset. This animal remained chronically infected for 6 months and the lesions developed in a similar manner to L.(V)b. infected marmosets. No significant differences in clinical and parasitological behaviour were observed between promastigote or amastigote derived infections of the 2 species. Both produced chronic, long lasting lesions which eventually healed. The same was true for parameters of size and ulceration. Skin tests converted to parasite in 11 of 15 inected masmosets and in 10 of 12 parasite positive animnals. Moderate levels of circulating antibodies were also observed by IFAT /IgG assays. In spite of the failure to reproduce the mucosal form of the disease, an important aspect of the Callithrix model in experimental cutaneous leishmaniasis lies in the reproduction of 2 clinical events that are common in humans, namely, the chronic ulceration and spontaneous healing of the lesions.