11 resultados para Post and core system
em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP
INTRODUCTION:The objectives of this study were evaluate hepatitis B virus (HBV) serological markers in children and adolescents followed up at the Child Institute of the Hospital das Clínicas, Faculdade de Medicina de São Paulo, Universidade de São Paulo; identify chronic HBV carriers and susceptible individuals in the intrafamilial environment; characterize HBV genotypes; and identify mutations in the patients and household contacts. METHODS: Ninety-five hepatitis B surface antigen-positive children aged <19 years and 118 household contacts were enrolled in this study. Commercial kits were used for the detection of serological markers, and PCR was used for genotyping. RESULTS: Hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg) was detected in 66.3% (63/95) of cases. Three of the 30 HBeAg-negative and anti-HBeAg-positive patients presented with precore mutations and 11 presented with mutations in the basal core promoter (BCP). Genotype A was identified in 39 (43.8%) patients, genotype D in 45 (50.6%), and genotype C in 5 (5.6%). Of the 118 relatives, 40 were chronic HBV carriers, 52 presented with the anti-HBc marker, 19 were vaccinated, and 7 were susceptible. Among the relatives, genotypes A, D, and C were the most frequent. One parent presented with a precore mutation and 4 presented with BCP mutations. CONCLUSIONS: Genotypes A and D were the most frequent among children, adolescents, and their relatives. The high prevalence of HBV in the families showed the possibility of its intrafamilial transmission.
A new approach to dengue vector surveillance based on permanent egg-collection using a modified ovitrap and Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis(Bti) was evaluated in different urban landscapes in Recife, Northeast Brazil. From April 2004 to April 2005, 13 egg-collection cycles of four weeks were carried out. Geo-referenced ovitraps containing grass infusion, Bti and three paddles were placed at fixed sampling stations distributed over five selected sites. Continuous egg-collections yielded more than four million eggs laid into 464 sentinel-ovitraps over one year. The overall positive ovitrap index was 98.5% (over 5,616 trap observations). The egg density index ranged from 100 to 2,500 eggs per trap-cycle, indicating a wide spread and high density of Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) breeding populations in all sites. Fluctuations in population density over time were observed, particularly a marked increase from January on, or later, according to site. Massive egg-collection carried out at one of the sites prevented such a population outbreak. At intra-site level, egg counts made it possible to identify spots where the vector population is consistently concentrated over the time, pinpointing areas that should be considered high priority for control activities. The results indicate that these could be promising strategies for detecting and preventing Ae. aegypti population outbreaks.
The Restinga vegetation consists of a mosaic of plant communities, which are defined by the characteristics of the substrates, resulting from the type and age of the depositional processes. This mosaic complex of vegetation types comprises restinga forest in advanced (high restinga) and medium regeneration stages (low restinga), each with particular differentiating vegetation characteristics. The climate along the coast is tropical (Köppen). Of all ecosystems of the Atlantic Forest, Restinga is the most fragile and susceptible to anthropic disturbances. Plants respond to soil characteristics with physiological and morphological modifications, resulting in changes in the architecture (spatial configuration) of the root system. The purpose of this study was to characterize the soil fertility of high and low restinga forests, by chemical and physical parameters, and its relation to the root system distribution in the soil profile. Four locations were studied: (1) Ilha Anchieta State Park, Ubatuba; (2) two Ecological Stations of Jureia-Itatins and of Chauás, in the municipality of Iguape; (3) Vila de Pedrinhas in the municipality of Ilha Comprida; and (4) Ilha do Cardoso State Park, Cananeia. The soil fertility (chemical and physical properties) was analyzed in the layers 0-5, 0-10, 0-20, 20-40 and 40-60 cm. In addition, the distribution of the root system in the soil profile was evaluated, using digital images and the Spring program. It was concluded that the root system of all vegetation types studied is restricted to the surface layers, 0-10 and 10-20 cm, but occupies mainly the 0-10 cm layer (70 %); that soil fertility is low in all environments studied, with base saturation values below 16 %, since most exchange sites are occupied by aluminum; and that restinga vegetation is edaphic.
The objective of this work was to compare fungicide application timing for the control of sooty blotch and flyspeck (SBFS) of 'Fuji' apples in Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil. The following treatments were evaluated in two growing seasons: two warning system-based (modified version of the Brown-Sutton-Hartmann system) spray of captan plus thiophanate methyl, with or without summer pruning; two calendar/rain-based spray of captan or a mixture of captan plus thiophanate methyl; fungicide spray timing based on a local integrated pest management (IPM) for the control of summer diseases; and a check without spraying. Sooty blotch and flyspeck incidence over time and their severity at harvest were evaluated. The highest number of spray was required by calendar/rain-based treatments (eight and seven sprays in the sequential years). The warning system recommended five and three sprays, in the sequential years, which led to the highest SBFS control efficacy expressed by the reduced initial inoculum and disease progress rate. Summer pruning enhanced SBFS control efficacy, especially by suppressing SBFS signs which tended to be restrained to the peduncle region of the fruit. Sooty blotch and flyspeck can be managed both with calendar and the grower-based IPM practices in Brazil, but a reduced number of sprays is required when the warning system is used.
O Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System (BI-RADS™), do American College of hRadiology, foi concebido para padronizar o laudo mamográfico e reduzir os fatores de confusão na descrição e interpretação das imagens, além de facilitar o monitoramento do resultado final. OBJETIVO: Identificar a maneira como vem sendo utilizado o BI-RADS™, gerando informações que possam auxiliar o Colégio Brasileiro de Radiologia a desenvolver estratégias para aperfeiçoar o seu uso. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Os dados foram coletados na cidade de Goiânia, GO. Foram solicitados os exames de mamografia anteriores a todas as mulheres que se dirigiram ao serviço para realização de mamografia entre janeiro/2003 e junho/2003. Foram incluídos na análise exames anteriores, realizados entre 1/7/2001 e 30/6/2003. RESULTADOS: Foram coletados 104 laudos anteriores, emitidos por 40 radiologistas de 33 diferentes serviços. Dos 104 laudos, 77% (n = 80) utilizavam o BI-RADS™. Destes, apenas 15% (n = 12) eram concisos, nenhum utilizava a estrutura e organização recomendadas pelo sistema, 98,75% (n = 79) não respeitavam o léxico e 65% (n = 51) não faziam recomendação de conduta. CONCLUSÃO: O BI-RADS™, apesar de bastante utilizado, não foi reconhecido como sistema para padronização dos laudos. Foi usado quase exclusivamente como forma de classificação final dos exames.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar artigos, na literatura, que verificam o valor preditivo positivo das categorias 3, 4 e 5 do Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System (BI-RADS®). MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foi realizada pesquisa na base de dados Medline utilizando os termos "predictive value" e "BI-RADS". Foram incluídos 11 artigos nesta revisão. RESULTADOS: O valor preditivo positivo das categorias 3, 4 e 5 variou entre 0% e 8%, 4% e 62%, 54% e 100%, respectivamente. Três artigos avaliaram, concomitantemente, os critérios morfológicos das lesões que apresentaram maior valor preditivo positivo na mamografia, sendo nódulo espiculado o critério com maior valor preditivo positivo. CONCLUSÃO: Houve grande variabilidade do valor preditivo positivo das categorias 3, 4 e 5 do BI-RADS® em todos os estudos, porém foram identificadas diferenças metodológicas que limitaram a comparação desses estudos.
OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o BI-RADS® como fator preditivo de suspeição de malignidade em lesões mamárias não palpáveis nas categorias 3, 4 e 5, correlacionando as mamografias com os resultados histopatológicos através do cálculo do valor preditivo positivo do exame mamográfico. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Trezentas e setenta e uma pacientes encaminhadas a um serviço de referência em tratamento de câncer em Teresina, PI, para realização de exames histopatológicos em mama no período de julho de 2005 a março de 2008, por terem mamografia de categorias 3, 4 ou 5, tiveram seus exames revisados. Das 371 pacientes, 265 foram submetidas a biópsia por agulha grossa e 106, a marcação pré-cirúrgica. RESULTADOS: Em relação às mamografias, 11,32% foram classificadas como categoria 3, 76,28% como categoria 4 e 12,4% como categoria 5. Os resultados histológicos demonstraram 24% de exames positivos para malignidade. Os valores preditivos positivos das categorias 3, 4 e 5 foram, respectivamente, de 7,14%, 16,96% e 82,61%. Foram calculados os valores preditivos positivos, separadamente, para as biópsias percutâneas (7,14%, 15,76%, 76,47%) e para as marcações pré-cirúrgicas (7,14%, 20%, 100%). CONCLUSÃO: Achados malignos foram subestimados pelo laudo radiológico e houve superestimação de achados benignos, o que resultou na realização desnecessária de alguns procedimentos invasivos.
Objective To evaluate the BI-RADS as a predictive factor of suspicion for malignancy in breast lesions by correlating radiological with histological results and calculating the positive predictive value for categories 3, 4 and 5 in a breast cancer reference center in the city of São Paulo. Materials and Methods Retrospective, analytical and cross-sectional study including 725 patients with mammographic and/or sonographic findings classified as BI-RADS categories 3, 4 and 5 who were referred to the authors' institution to undergo percutaneous biopsy. The tests results were reviewed and the positive predictive value was calculated by means of a specific mathematical equation. Results Positive predictive values found for categories 3, 4 and 5 were respectively the following: 0.74%, 33.08% and 92.95%, for cases submitted to ultrasound-guided biopsy, and 0.00%, 14.90% and 100% for cases submitted to stereotactic biopsy. Conclusion The present study demonstrated high suspicion for malignancy in lesions classified as category 5 and low risk for category 3. As regards category 4, the need for systematic biopsies was observed.
OBJETIVO: avaliar a acurácia da mamografia para o diagnóstico de microcalcificações mamárias suspeitas, com as classificações do Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System (BI-RADS TM) e Le Gal em comparação com o resultado histopatológico utilizado como padrão-ouro. MÉTODOS: foram selecionados dos arquivos dos blocos cirúrgicos, 130 casos operados com mamografias contendo somente microcalcificações mamárias, inicialmente classificadas como suspeitas sem lesões detectáveis ao exame clínico. Estas foram reclassificadas por dois examinadores, utilizando as classificações de Le Gal e BI-RADS TM, obtendo-se diagnóstico de consenso. As biópsias foram revistas por dois patologistas e foi obtido diagnóstico de consenso. A leitura das mamografias e a revisão das lâminas foram feitas em duplo-cego. As análises estatísticas utilizadas neste estudo foram o teste do chi2, o modelo Fleiss quadrático para VPP e o programa Epi-Info 6.0. RESULTADOS: a correlação entre a análise histopatológica e mamográfica, usando BI-RADS TM e Le Gal, mostrou a mesma sensibilidade de 96,4%, especificidade de 55,9 e 30,3%, valor preditivo positivo (VPP) de 37,5% e 27,5% e acurácia de 64,6 e 44,6%, respectivamente. Quando discriminamos por categorias de BI-RADS TM, obtivemos VPPs: categoria 2, 0%; categoria 3, 1,8%; categoria 4, 31,6% e categoria 5, 60%. Os VPPs pela classificação de Le Gal foram: categoria 2, 3,1%; categoria 3, 18,1 %; categoria 4, 26,4%; categoria 5, 66,7% e não classificável, 5,2%. CONCLUSÕES: observou-se uma maior precisão com a classificação de BI-RADS TM, porém não se conseguiu reduzir a ambigüidade na avaliação das microcalcificações mamárias.
The floral biology of three weeds, Ipomoea cairica, I. grandifolia and I. nil (Convolvulaceae), was studied in Botucatu and Jaboticabal, São Paulo, in southeastern Brazil. The three species are melittophilous, with a varied set of floral visitors, but with some overlapping. Cluster analysis using Jacquard similarity index indicated a greater similarity among different plant species in the same locality than among the populations at different places, in relation to floral visitor sets. The promiscuous and opportunistic features of the flowers were shown, with such type of adaptation to pollination being advantageous to weeds since pollinator availability is unpredictable at ruderal environments.