7 resultados para Ports-Alacant-Gravat

em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP


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Describes the case of a 6-year-old girl who was stung by a Centruroides testaceus, a scorpion native to the Lesser Antilles, in the Guarulhos International Airport, São Paulo, Brazil, as she disembarked from a flight coming from the Caribbean. The patient presented only local symptoms (a small area of erythema and pain at the sting site), which were resolved after a few hours with analgesics, without the need for antivenom. Physicians who treat patients stung by scorpions should be alert to the possibility of such accidents being caused by non native species, especially those cases that occur near airports or ports.


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This paper records for the first time the presence of Corbicula fluminea (Philipi, 1844) in the Brazilian Amazon Basin. This exotic bivalve was found in localities on the Amazonas, Pará and Tocantins rivers. Density and population size structure were measured in some localities. Mean density is between 6.66 and 7.3 individuals m-2. Population size structure and the dates of the first records suggest that the introductions may have occurred between 1997 and 1998. The introductions may have been mediated by ocean-going vessels visiting the ports of Manaus and Belém. The potential impact of the invasion on native freshwater bivalves is discussed along with the need for monitoring and prevention of further introductions of non-indigenous bivalves in Brazil.


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During the oxidation of the substrate, both Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter have part of the energy made available as high energy phosphate, mamely ADP and ATP. This chemical energy is used to fix CO2. The nature of the reducing power is unknown at present. Active cells of Nitrobacter were shown to fix CO2 along the same pathway as found in higher plant photosynthesis. Sonic extracts of Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter when incubated with NaH14CO3 and cofactors showed two ports of entry of CO2 into organic compounds one being, as expected, the carboxidismutase reaction. On protein basis an equivalent amount of CO2 was, however, incorporated via the oxaloacetic carboxylase reation. It is clear then that both micoorganisms possess typical autotrophic and heterotrophic mechanisms for the fixation of CO2 which is required for the primary synthesis of cell material.


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The rat lungworm Angiostrongylus cantonensis is a worldwide-distributed zoonotic nematode that can cause human eosinophilic meningoencephalitis. Here, for the first time, we report the isolation of A. cantonensis from Achatina fulica from two Brazilian states: Rio de Janeiro (specifically the municipalities of Barra do Piraí, situated at the Paraiba River Valley region and São Gonçalo, situated at the edge of Guanabara Bay) and Santa Catarina (in municipality of Joinville). The lungworms were identified by comparing morphological and morphometrical data obtained from adult worms to values obtained from experimental infections of A. cantonensis from Pernambuco, Brazil, and Akita, Japan. Only a few minor morphological differences that were determined to represent intra-specific variation were observed. This report of A. cantonensis in South and Southeast Brazil, together with the recent report of the zoonosis and parasite-infected molluscs in Northeast Brazil, provide evidence of the wide distribution of A. cantonensis in the country. The need for efforts to better understand the role of A. fulica in the transmission of meningoencephalitis in Brazil and the surveillance of molluscs and rodents, particularly in ports, is emphasized.


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Angiostrongylus cantonensis is the most common aetiological agent of human eosinophilic meningoencephalitis. Following a report indicating the presence of this parasite in Brazil in 2007, the present study was undertaken to investigate the presence of A. cantonensis in the surrounding Brazilian port areas. In total, 30 ports were investigated and the following molluscs were identified: Achatina fulica, Belocaulus sp., Bradybaena similaris sp., Cyclodontina sp., Helix sp., Leptinaria sp., Melampus sp., Melanoides tuberculata, Phyllocaulis sp., Pomacea sp., Pseudoxychona sp., Rhinus sp., Sarasinula marginata, Streptaxis sp., Subulina octona, Succinea sp., Tomigerus sp., Wayampia sp. and specimens belonging to Limacidae and Orthalicinae. Digestion and sedimentation processes were performed and the sediments were examined. DNA was extracted from the obtained larvae and the internal transcribed spacer region 2 was analysed by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism after digestion with the endonuclease ClaI. Of the 30 ports investigated in this study, 11 contained molluscs infected with A. cantonensis larvae. The set of infected species consisted of S. octona, S. marginata, A. fulica and B. similaris. A total of 36.6% of the investigated ports were positive for A. cantonensis, indicating a wide distribution of this worm. It remains uncertain when and how A. cantonensis was introduced into South America.


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Frutas e hortaliças, de forma geral, são fontes de vitaminas, sais minerais e fibras. Recentemente, tem sido verificada a presença de compostos bioativos, incluindo carotenoides, antocianinas e compostos fenólicos, para os quais pesquisas relatam ação antioxidante e potencial terapêutico. A Bromelia antiacantha Bertol., popularmente conhecida por banana-do-mato, caraguatá, gravatá, carauatá e croatá, ocorre naturalmente no Rio Grande do Sul-Brasil. Informações científicas quanto à composição nutricional e a atividade biológica para essa espécie ainda são restritas. Nesse sentido, o objetivo do trabalho foi determinar a composição físico-química, incluindo o teor de compostos bioativos da Bromelia antiacantha Bertol. Elevado teor de lipídios (5,07 ± 0,4 %), ácido ascórbico (60,01 ± 5,04 mg.100g-1) e carotenoides (162,67 ± 36,70 mg.100g-1) foram encontrados para a espécie Bromelia antiacantha Bertol., assim como baixo teor de carboidratos (8,75%).


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This report describes a leiomyoma of the inferior third section of the esophagus removed during laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The patient is a woman 55-years-age, carrying esophageal myoma of 40 mm in diameter wide, situated in the posterior wall of the lower esophagus. Indications for surgery were based mainly on the growth of the mass (6 mm when discovered 7 years previously, increased to 40 mm). Recently the patient returned suffering from pain, which could be attributed to his litiasic cholecystopaty. A small degree of low disphagia could also be observed. Radiologic imaging, direct endoscopic examination and endoscopic ultrasound showed that the mioma protruded on to the oesophagic lumen, discreetly diminishing there. A laparoscopic esophageal myomectomy was indicated at the same session of the laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Once the pneunoperitoneum was installed, five ports were placed as if for a hiatus hernia surgery. The cholecystectomy was uneventful. Next, an esophagoscopy was performed so as to determine the precise area covering the base of the tumour; at the right-lateral site. Longitudinal and circular fibres of the esophagus was severed over the lesion and the enucleation of the tumour was performed alternating the monopolar dissection, bipolar and hidrodisection. Control-endoscopy was carried out to verify mucosa integrity. Four suture points with poliglactine 3-0 string so as to close the musculature followed this. One suture was placed in for diminution of the size of the esophagean hiatus. Total time of intervention: two hours (30m for the cholecystectomy and one hour and thirty minutes for the myomectomy). Postoperative period: uneventful. Disappearance of the disphagia was observed. Radiologic transit control with water-soluble contrast at 4th post-operative day: good passage. Diagnosis from laboratory of pathology: conjunctive tumour formed by muscle non-striated cells: leiomyoma. The patient was re-examined on the two-month postoperative follow-up. General conditions were good and there were no complain of dysphagia. Neither there were any symptoms of gastro-esophageal reflux.