11 resultados para Polya, George, 1887-
em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP
Foram realizadas provas para conhecer a reação de 54 culturas e 34 ervas más ao nematóide Meloidogyne exigua. Nenhuma planta se revelou sensível ao parasito, apresentando-se atacadas apenas as variedades de Coffea arabica e um híbrido de C. arabica e C. excelsa.
Com o objetivo de se obter informações sobre o desenvolvimento de Meloidogyne exigua Goeldi, 1887, em raízes de cafeeiro (Coffea arabica L.) cv. Mundo Novo, em três ambientes, plântulas no estágio do primeiro par de folhas verdadeiras foram transplantadas para copos plásticos com 25O ml de solo. Trinta dias depois, cada muda foi infestada com 600 larvas pré-parasitas e transferidas para as diversas condições de estudo: casa de vegetação, sala de temperatura constante e próximo de plantas adultas num cafezal. As raízes foram coletadas cada dois dias, coloridas e dissecadas, sendo os exemplares de M. exigua classificados de acordo com o estádio de desenvolvimento. Os resultados permitiram concluir que o desenvolvimento de M. exigua foi influenciado pela temperatura, e, que da penetração das larvas às fêmeas com ovos foram necessários, respectivamente, 25,3 dias à temperatura média de 25,8°C, 37,3 dias a 22,1°C e 38 dias a 22,4ºC, para a casa de vegetação, sala de temperatura constante e cafezal. A temperatura base estimada a partir dos resultados obtidos pelo método do coeficiente de variação foi 15°C. Foram necessárias, em média, 6580 unidades de calor, acima de 15°C, para M. exigua completar o seu desenvolvimento.
The aim of the present study was to enhance the knowledge of the feeding habits of the juvenile component of the population of Southern elephant seals [Mirounga leonina (Linnaeus, 1758)] from Isla 25 de Mayo, South Shetland Islands, age class whose diet information is scarce. A total of 60 individuals were stomach lavaged in the spring - summer seasons of three consecutive years (2003, 2004 and 2005) of which 53.3 % (n = 32) presented food remnants. The Antarctic glacial squid Psychroteuthis glacialis Thiele, 1921 was the dominant prey taxon in terms of frequency of occurrence (68.7%), numerical abundance (60.1%) and biomass (51.5%), contributing 84.1% to the total relative importance index. Other squid prey species of importance were Slosarczykovia circumantartica Lipinski, 2001 in terms of occurrence (37.5%) and numerical abundance (14%) and Moroteuthis knipovitchi Filippova, 1972 in terms of biomass (16%). All identified cephalopod prey taxa are distributed south of the Antarctic Polar Front, except for the squid Martialia hyadesi Rochebrune & Mabille, 1889 which has a circumpolar distribution associated to the Polar Frontal Zone. No significant differences in the sizes of P. glacialis preyed upon by elephant seals were found between sexes and years. However, significant interannual differences were found in the taxonomical composition of their diet. This would be associated with temporal changes in food availability at the foraging areas of seals, which in turn may have been influenced by changes in oceanographic conditions as a result of the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon that occurred during part of the study period. Furthermore, a differential response of males and females to this temporal variation was observed, with the former being also associated to a predation on octopods. This would suggest a sexual segregation in foraging habits of this species from the early stages of its life cycle.
The present paper, a revision of the genus Sarcophagula Wulp, is based upon material from the Instituto Oswaldo Cruz and the American Museum of Natural History. Five species are considered two of wich are new ones.
A description is given of the shell, renal organ, reproductive system and radula of topotypic specimens of Lymnaea cousini Jousseaume, 1887. A diagnosis between it and four other lymnaeids which also occur in South America and were previously studied by the author (L. columella, L. diaphana, L. viatrix and L. rupestris) is presented.
Lymnaea cousini Jousseaume, 1887 was collected in Mucubaji, Merida State, Venezuela, from a permanent pond located at a very high altitude (3760 m). Identification of the collected specimens was made by comparison with the original description of the shell by Jousseaume and the description of the renal organ and reproductive system of topotypic specimens by Paraense.
We report the first finding of Lymnaea cousini naturally infected with Fasciola hepatica in Ecuador. A sample of 70 snails was collected in April 2005 from a wetland located in a valley at approximately 3000 m a.s.l., near the locality of Machachi, Pichincha Province. The prevalence of natural infection in L. cousini was 31.43%, which is the highest value ever recorded for naturally infected lymnaeid species.
The lymneid snail Lymnaea bogotensis Pilsbry 1935 is synonymized with L. cousini Jousseaume 1887, based on morphological comparisons of the reproductive systems. The shell, renal tube, and reproductive system are described and illustrated from specimens collected in the type locality and the municipality of Paipa, Colombia. Bibliographical records reveal L. columella to be the commonest lymneid in the country. The latter two species can be differentiated based on the morphology of the penial complex.
This work aimed to investigate the ratio of colonization by terrestrial mites on ice-free areas created by the ongoing climate-induced melting of Antarctic glaciers. Glacier retreat opens new ice-free areas for the colonization by vegetation and animals. The study was undertaken on the Antarctic Specially Protected Area no. 128 (West Coast of the Admiralty Bay, King George Island, South Shetlands Islands). Transects marked between the Ecology, Baranowski and Windy Glaciers, and a sea shore were used to collect soil samples. Oribatid mites were found only on near-shore areas, on patches of vegetation of more than 30 years of age. The colonization by mite communities is strongly determined by the presence of plants.
The word gas was coined by the "chemical philosopher" Joan Baptista Van Helmont (1579 -- 1644) to name a very broad concept in his chemico-medical system. Eventually, some physicians who followed Helmontian ideas adopted the concept. The present paper aims to analyze the reception of the original idea of gas by an English Helmontian physician, George Thomson (1619 -- 1677). Thomson wrote that the "material cause" of the plague was a gas, and compared it to the "Gas of sulphur". He also related the human archeus to a gas, and explained some observations in the laboratory in terms of production of gases. We observe, however, that Thomson was not as interested as Van Helmont in discussing details about the structure of the matter. Thus, gas did not have the same relevance in Thomson's work as it had in Van Helmont's.