28 resultados para Pipes, Wooden
em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP
Trusses are structural systems commonly used in projects, being employed mainly in roof structures, present in most rural buildings. The design of trusses, as well as other structural systems, requires the determination of displacements, strains and stresses. However, the project is developed from an ideal model of calculation, considering free rotation between the elements of a connection. This paper presents a computer program for the analysis of bidimensional wooden trusses with connections formed with two screws per node. The formulation is based on the flexibility method, taking into account the influence of the effect of semi-rigid connections formed by two screws. An example of a structure is presented and analyzed by the program developed here, highlighting the importance of behavior analysis on semi-rigid connections.
In São Paulo State, mainly in rural areas, the utilization of wooden poles is observed for different purposes. In this context, wood in contact with the ground presents faster deterioration, which is generally associated to environmental factors and, especially to the presence of fungi and insects. With the use of mathematical models, the useful life of wooden structures can be predicted by obtaining "climatic indexes" to indicate, comparatively among the areas studied, which have more or less tendency to fungi and insects attacks. In this work, by using climatological data of several cities at São Paulo State, a simplified mathematical model was obtained to measure the aggressiveness of the wood in contact with the soil.
This study aims to present an alternative calculation methodology based on the Least Squares Method for determining the modulus of elasticity in bending wooden beams of structural dimensions. The equations developed require knowledge of three or five points measured in displacements along the piece, allowing greater reliability on the response variable, using the statistical bending test at three points and non-destructively, resulting from imposition of measures from small displacements L/300 and L/200, the largest being stipulated by the Brazilian norm NBR 7190:1997. The woods tested were Angico, Cumaru, Garapa and Jatoba. Besides obtaining the modulus of elasticity through the alternative methodology proposed, these were also obtained employing the Brazilian norm NBR 7190:1997, adapted to the condition of non-destructive testing (small displacements) and for pieces of structural dimensions. The results of the modulus of elasticity of the four species of wood according to both calculation approaches used proved to be equivalent, implying the good approximation provided by the methodology of calculation adapted from the Brazilian norm.
Local head losses must be considered in estimating properly the maximum length of drip irrigation laterals. The aim of this work was to develop a model based on dimensional analysis for calculating head loss along laterals accounting for in-line drippers. Several measurements were performed with 12 models of emitters to obtain the experimental data required for developing and assessing the model. Based on the Camargo & Sentelhas coefficient, the model presented an excellent result in terms of precision and accuracy on estimating head loss. The deviation between estimated and observed values of head loss increased according to the head loss and the maximum deviation reached 0.17 m. The maximum relative error was 33.75% and only 15% of the data set presented relative errors higher than 20%. Neglecting local head losses incurred a higher than estimated maximum lateral length of 19.48% for pressure-compensating drippers and 16.48% for non pressure-compensating drippers.
This paper presents an experimental research about the behavior of two-phase flows in inclined pipes. The inclination angle varied from 5° to 45° and the slurry solid concentration varied up to 15%. It was concluded that the head losses of the downward sloping pipe flow are always lower than the head losses of the horizontal flow and these are always lower than the head losses of the upward sloping pipe flow, regardless the concentration and inclination angle. It was possible to develop empirical equations to calculate the head losses of the horizontal flow and the upward and downward sloping pipe flows.
We evaluate the prevalence of intestinal parasites in 504 people and the degree of association between environmental variables and parasites found in population, soil and water in a rural area of Argentina during 2002-2003. A structured survey was used to evaluate the environmental variables and fecal-human, soil and water samples were analyzed. The prevalence of parasites was 45.4%. Most prevalent protozoa were Blastocystis hominis (27.2%) and Giardia lamblia (6.9%), while the most prevalent helminth was Ascaris lumbricoides (3.8%). The analyzed environmental variables showing association (p < 0.05) with presence of parasites in population were: cardboard-tin or wooden house, dirt floor, home or communal water pump, faucet outside the house or public faucet and cesspool or latrine. Parasite forms were found in 82.3% of the soil samples and in 84.2% of the water samples. In both samples we found parasites that were also found in people. In this study we have found deficient sanitary conditions associated with presence of parasites in population and we have evidenced that contaminated soil and water were the source of these parasites.
This work demonstrates that deltamethrin in low doses produces an excito-repellency effect on triatomines, as already observed for mosquitoes. A wooden box covered with a cloth impregnated with deltamethrin at doses of 2.5 and 5mg ai/m² was utilized for the experiment. The triatomine species studied were Triatoma infestans, Panstrongylus megistus, Rhodnius neglectus and Triatoma sordida. Adults were released in one of the sides of the box and their position was noted in subsequent periods. The observations were realized on the day the cloth was impregnated and subsequently repeated at 30 and 60 days for T. sordida; on day 120, the remaining species were included. Insect mortality and attempts at flight from the box were also observed. Excito-repellency was evident for all species and doses up to day 120. The only species that attempted to fly was P. megistus. The excito-repellency effect may be considered as an additional advantage to the insecticide power, as it should be able to prevent the installation of new colonies by females that fly into the homes, and at the moment of the spraying, it should promote the flushing out of triatomines from the wall crevices and from other shelters.
INTRODUCTION: The present study identified the triatomines collected in intra and peri-domestic environments, observed the occurrence of Trypanosoma cruzi infection in triatomines and correlated this information with housing conditions and the fauna associated with the rural areas of the City of Itabaianinha, located in the State of Sergipe, Brazil. METHODS: Quarterly visits were conducted between March 2009 and March 2010, and the homes to be visited for the active search of insects were determined by random selection. In each housing unit, the insects were collected by a manual search with a metal clip and flashlight to inspect openings and cavities, with a collection time of one hour/home/individual. The Pirisa® dislodge chemical was used to force the insects to leave their ecotopes. Analysis of the intestinal contents of triatomines was performed in the laboratory to establish the presence of Trypanosomatidae. RESULTS: Of the 103 dwellings surveyed, 17.5% were infested with Panstrongylus megistus. The village of Mutuca exhibited the highest infestation rate (38.1%). All the villages with relevant infestation rates were situated in the northern area of the city. The highest percentage of vector infection was found in the village of Água Boa (56.5%). The rural dwellings were found to be primarily brick or wooden house with or without roughcast or plastered walls, and the outbuilding most frequently associated with triatomines was the chicken run. CONCLUSIONS: These results emphasise the need for broader vector control and surveillance and for educational campaigns in the context of the Chagas Disease Control Program.
The residual power of deltametrine FW (25 mg 1 .a/m2) was evaluated and compared to that of DDT (2 g i.a./m2) by means of biological tests. The different kinds of material used in constructing houses in Amazonia, such as: masonry, wood, and wattle and daub, were used. Data from logistic regression showed that the drop in mortality, the inclination of the curve in relation to time, was similar for the two insecticides in the first samples. The negative coeficient for the variable, months after application, confirmed a reduction in the activity of both insecticides. Wooden and wattle walls showed positive and negative coeficiencies respectively from the beginning. The wooden walls retained a residual effect but the wattle walls were shown to be the least indicated for the application of insecticides The experiments demonstrated a more prolonged residual effect for deltametrine as compared to DDT, and that insecticides work better on brick and cement and wooden walls than they do on wattle and daub constructions. For these reasons, it would be necessary to spray brick and cement walls every 8 months, wooden ones every 9 months and wattle constructions every 7 months to control the vectors of malaria.
Os hemócitos do caramujo Biomphalaria glabrata, um importante transmissor do trematódeo Schistosoma mansoni no Brasil, foram coletados de especimens na região Bragantina, localizada a oeste do estado do Pará. Os hemócitos foram examinados por meio de microscopia eletrônica de transmissão. As células foram fixadas pelo método de rotina com o uso do tampão PHEM (PIPES, HEPES, EGTA e Magnésio). Foram descritos os aspectos ultra-estruturais celulares como inclusões citoplasmáticas limitadas por membranas, mitocôndrias, retículos endoplasmáticos e outros. As observações mostram que esse tampão possui a propriedade de preservação do citoesqueleto celular, apresentando bons resultados na preservação das estruturas dos hemócitos e suas organelas.
Centipedes are opportunistic carnivore predators, and large species can feed on a wide variety of vertebrates, including bats. The aim of this study was to report the third record of bat predation by centipedes worldwide, the first record in the Amazon region, while covering aspects of foraging, capture and handling of prey. We observed the occurence in a fortuitous encounter at Cristalino State Park, located in the Amazon region of the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil. The attack took place in a small wooden structure, at about three meters from the floor, and was observed for 20 minutes. During the observation, the centipede stung the neck and abdominal region of the bat several times, grabbing the prey with its 15 pairs of front legs while hanging from the ceiling with its hind legs. This type of observation suggests that vertebrates can be important preys for invertebrates such as giant centipedes, both for its nutritional composition and for the amount of energy available in a single prey.
The main wild doves of the region of Piracicaba (State of S. Paulo, Brazil) are Columba cayennensis sylvestris Vieillot, Oreopeleia montana montana (L.), Leptotila verreauxi decipiens Salvadori, Columbigallina talpacoti talpacoti. (Temminck) and Scardafella squammata squammata (Lesson). The last one is well known for the beauty of the coloration of its feathers and for the characteristic sounds produced when flying up. Of common occurrence around the local farms, that species can easily be recognized not only for the mentioned peculiarities as for the voice of the adults, which was translated into the Brazilian onomatopoeia by the expression "fogo-apagou". S. squammata's biology being not well known, the Author presents some notes on its nidification, behaviour of both sexes and of the young birds. The data were gotten in nature and with specimens kept in captivity, where the reproduction took place. In such a situation, the male dove used thin and small wooden shavings to build the nest, an artificial material unknown by him when in nature. This fact may be considered as another proof of the plasticity of the instinctive conduct of birds, not so marked as the one given by SCHIRCH (1931) concerning Synallaxis sp. (Furnariidae), which made use of wire pieces and also barbed wires in confectioning the nest. The copulation was sometimes verified, being preceded by the phenomena well known in other Columbidae species. The nest had its building ready just on the day in which the first egg was laid. As it generally happens amongst doves, the nest was not carefully made - a simple and shallow bowl (diameter = 10 cm), where two entirely white eggs were put.. .. ..(22,5-24,5 x 18,0-19,0 mm). The eclosion took place 14 days after the laying of the last egg. As soon as the young doves (at least the male one) can feed by themselves, they try to produce the characteristic species sounds. "Pararu", a common name oly applied to another species - Claravis godefrida (Temminck) - is reported, which is preferably used by people in this region to call the studied dove. No differences between the coloration of the fathers of the two sexes were observed. The female dove seemed to be a little thinner than the male. In addition, the slight differences between the sounds produced by the male and female are pointed out.
The vast majority of the 1-2 million malaria associated deaths that occur each year are due to anemia and cerebral malaria (the attachment of erythrocytes containing mature forms of Plasmodium falciparum to the endothelial cells that line the vascular beds of the brain). A "model" system"for the study of cerebral malaria employs amelanotic melanoma cells as the "target"cells in an vitro cytoadherence assay. Using this model system we determined that the optimum pH for adherence is 6.6 to 6.8, that high concentrations of Ca²* (50mM) result in increased levels of binding, and that the type of buffer used influences adherence (Bis Tris > MOPS > HEPES > PIPES). We also observed that the ability of infected erythrocytes to cytoadhere varied from (erythrocyte) donor to donor. We have produced murine monoclonal antibodies against P. falciparum-infected red cells which recognized modified forms of human band 3; these inhibit the adherence of infected erythrocytes to melanoma cells in a doso responsive fashion. Antimalarials (chloroquine, quinacrine, mefloquine, artemisinin), on the other hand, affected adherence in an indirect fashion i.e. since cytoadherence is due, in part to the presence of knobs on the surface of the infected erythrocyte, and knob formation is dependent on intracellular parasite growth, when plasmodial development is inhibited so is knob production, and consequently adherence is ablated.
Muscina stabulans, M. domestica, Chrysomya putoria, C. megacephala and Stomoxys calcitrans were the most abundant muscoid flies captured in a poultry facility in southeastern Brazil. We examined the gonadotrophic profiles of the females caught at different sites and different times and found that Mu. stabulans and M. domestica, the predominant species, presented similar gonadotrophic profiles only when captured on the manure under the cages, but very different and sometimes opposite gonadotrophic profiles when sampled from wooden posts, vegetation or electric cords. We also determined sex ratios and relative abundance for these two species and found significant differences between them. More than 50% of the females of both species of Chrysomya captured on manure carried eggs or exhibited signs of recent oviposition. The vast majority of S. calcitrans presented ovaries with eggs or signs of recent oviposition. A small proportion of them had ovaries in the recent emerged condition. Our data on ovarian stages, sex ratio and relative abundance allowed us to associate different gonadotrophic profiles with each site and characterize each site as a resting, ovipositing or mating site.
An improved device for detecting peridomestic Triatoma infestans consisting of one-liter recycled Tetra Brik milk boxes with a central structure was tested using a matched-pair study design in two rural areas in Argentina. In Olta (La Rioja), the boxes were installed beneath the thatched roofs and on the vertical wooden posts of each peridomestic structure. After a 5-month exposure, at least one of the recovered boxes detected 88% of the 24 T. infestans-positive sites, and 86% of the 7 negative sites by timed manual collections at baseline. In Amamá (Santiago del Estero), the boxes were paired with the best performing prototype tested before (shelter unit). After 3 months, some evidence of infestation was detected in 89% (boxes) and 79% (shelters) of 18-19 sites positive by timed collections, whereas 19% and 16% of 32 negative sites were positive, respectively. Neither device differed significantly in the qualitative or quantitative collection of every sign of infestation. The installation site did not modify significantly the boxes' sampling efficiency in both study areas. As the total cost of each box was half as expensive as each shelter unit, the boxes are thus the most cost-effective and easy-to-use tool for detecting peridomestic T. infestans currently available.