133 resultados para Phenological stages
em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP
The objectives of this work were to determine the heliotropic movements of the upper trifoliates for two soybean cultivars, BR 16 and Embrapa 48, during a daily cycle, in three phenological stages and two water regimes, and to estimate the impact of irrigation and daily leaflet movements on agronomic characteristics and grain yield. Heliotropic movements were studied in three phenological stages: V4-V6, V7-V10, and R5 in irrigated and non-irrigated plots. For each stage, the leaflet elevation and azimuth were measured hourly. Under a low (V4-V6 stage) and mid (V7-V10 stage) leaf area index (LAI) the diaheliotropism was slightly more frequent and intensive in non-irrigated than in irrigated plants, only at early morning and late afternoon hours. At R5 stage (high LAI) the paraheliotropism of superior trifoliates was predominant and more intensive in non-irrigated plants. The heliotropic movements are correlated to carbon gain, but not to environment (light intensity or temperature), for measurements at 11h. 'Embrapa 48' expresses greater paraheliotropism than 'BR 16' at high LAI, while 'BR 16' displays lower heliotropic plasticity under irrigation. In spite of significant heliotropic differences, genotype and water availability treatments did not influence the final grain yield.
The objective of this work was to identify genes that could be used as suitable markers for molecular recognition of phenological stages during coffee (Coffea arabica) fruit development. Four cultivars were evaluated as to their differential expression of genes associated to fruit development and maturation processes. Gene expression was characterized by both semi-quantitative and quantitative RT-PCR, in fruit harvested at seven different developmental stages, during three different seasons. No size polymorphisms or differential expression were observed among the cultivars for the evaluated genes; however, distinct expression profiles along fruit development were determined for each gene. Four out of the 28 evaluated genes exhibited a regular expression profile in all cultivars and harvest seasons, and, therefore, they were validated as candidate phenological markers of coffee fruit. The gene α-galactosidase can be used as a marker of green stage, caffeine synthase as a marker of transition to green and yellowish-green stages, and isocitrate lyase and ethylene receptor 3 as markers of late maturation.
The experiment was performed in the experimental area of the Engineering Department Federal University of Lavras, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. It aimed at identifying the adequate irrigation management of the greenhouse-cultivated Japanese cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.). complete randomized design, with four levels of soil water potential (15; 30; 60 e 120 kPa) at two phenological phases (vegetative and reproductive), and 5 replications. Overall, the results showed decrease of yield according to increase of soil water potentials. During the reproductive stage, Japanese cucumber plants were more sensitive to water deficit, resulting in further decrease in yield compared to applied water deficit during the vegetative stage of the culture.
The objective of this work was to evaluate basal temperature, thermal sum at different phenological stages, phenological phase duration, yield and seasonality of one nectarine and 14 peach cultivars, between 2006 and 2009. The considered phenological phases were: pruning-sprouting; sprouting-flowering, from swollen bud to open flower; flowering-fruiting, from petal fall to medium-sized fruit; and ripening. Minimum basal temperatures (Tb) obtained were: pruning-sprouting, 8°C, irrespective of the cultivars; sprouting-flowering, 10°C, except for 'Cascata 968', which required 8°C Tb; flowering-fruiting, 12°C, except for 'Oro Azteca', which required 14°C Tb; ripening, 14°C, except for 'Sunblaze', 'Diamante Mejorado' and 'Precocinho' with 12°C Tb. For most cultivars, the maximum basal temperatures were 30, 34, 34 and 28ºC for phases pruning-sprouting, sprouting-flowering, flowering-fruiting and ripening, respectively. 'Turmalina', 'Marli' and 'Tropic Beauty' showed average yields of 3,945.0, 3,969.3 and 3,954.0 kg ha-1, respectively, in 2009, while the nectarine 'Sunblaze' showed around 3,900 kg ha-1 in 2008 and 2009. The cultivars differed for their total cycle and for the accumulated thermal sums which varied, respectively, from 245 days and 1,881.4 degree-days for 'Oro Azteca', to144 days and 1,455.7 degree-days for 'Precocinho'.
ABSTRACTThis study aimed to evaluate the influence of foliar fertilizer doses containing Mn of phenological stages of suggested application in RR soybeans, to recover management damages with glyphosate at postemergence application on seed vigor in post-harvest and post six months storage. The seeds originated from a field experiment conducted , which included two applications of glyphosate, concomitant with foliar fertilizer in growth stages V4 and V6, with 0.00, 113.50 and 227.00 mg ha-1doses of Mn2+. Germination, GSI (Germination Speed Index), electrical conductivity tests and the first count of seeds were conducted. The application of Mn did not affect the physiological quality of RR soy in postharvest. However, in post-storage, higher doses of Mn had a negative effect on tests of abnormal seedlings, GSI and electrical conductivity. The applications of Mn, regardless of the developmental stage, did not interfere in the germination and first count tests, with and without storage. The electrical conductivity test showed a higher correlation with the seed germination test in the post-harvest treatment.
The spider Latrodectus mirabilis (Holmberg, 1876) is commonly found in cereals crops of central Argentina. We studied its diet composition at the field and capture rate on leaf-cutting ants based on laboratory experiments. This study comprises the first approach that documents the diet of L. mirabilis in wheat and oat fields of central Argentina. We identified 1,004 prey items collected from its webs during the last phenological stages of both cereal crops. The prey composition was variable but the spiders prey mainly on ants (Formicidae, Hymenoptera), who represented more than 86% of the total. Meanwhile, in the capture rate experiences we registered a high proportion of ants captured by spiders at the beginning of experiences, capturing the half of the ants from total in the first four hours. Summarizing, we reported a polyphagous diet of this spider species in wheat and oat fields. Ants were the most important prey item of this spider, as found in other Latrodectus spiders around the world.
A significant quantity of nutrients in vineyards may return to the soil each year through decomposition of residues from cover plants. This study aimed to evaluate biomass decomposition and nutrient release from residues of black oats and hairy vetch deposited in the vines rows, with and without plastic shelter, and in the between-row areas throughout the vegetative and productive cycle of the plants. The study was conducted in a commercial vineyard in Bento Gonçalves, RS, Brazil, from October 2008 to February 2009. Black oat (Avena strigosa) and hairy vetch (Vicia villosa) residues were collected, subjected to chemical (C, N, P, K, Ca, and Mg) and biochemical (cellulose - Cel, hemicellulose - Hem, and lignin - Lig content) analyses, and placed in litter bags, which were deposited in vines rows without plastic shelter (VPRWS), in vines rows with plastic shelter (VPRS), and in the between-row areas (BR). We collected the residues at 0, 33, 58, 76, and 110 days after deposition of the litter bags, prepared the material, and subjected it to analysis of total N, P, K, Ca, and Mg content. The VPRS contained the largest quantities and percentages of dry matter and residual nutrients (except for Ca) in black oat residues from October to February, which coincides with the period from flowering up to grape harvest. This practice led to greater protection of the soil surface, avoiding surface runoff of the solution derived from between the rows, but it retarded nutrient cycling. The rate of biomass decomposition and nutrient release from hairy vetch residues from October to February was not affected by the position of deposition of the residues in the vineyard, which may especially be attributed to the lower values of the C/N and Lig/N ratios. Regardless of the type of residue, black oat or hairy vetch, the greatest decomposition and nutrient release mainly occurred up to 33 days after deposition of the residues on the soil surface, which coincided with the flowering of the grapevines, which is one of the phenological stages of greatest demand for nutrients.
ABSTRACT Knowledge of the terms (or processes) of the soil water balance equation or simply the components of the soil water balance over the cycle of an agricultural crop is essential for soil and water management. Thus, the aim of this study was to analyze these components in a Cambissolo Háplico (Haplocambids) growing muskmelon (Cucumis melo L.) under drip irrigation, with covered and uncovered soil, in the municipality of Baraúna, State of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil (05º 04’ 48” S, 37º 37’ 00” W). Muskmelon, variety AF-646, was cultivated in a flat experimental area (20 × 50 m). The crop was spaced at 2.00 m between rows and 0.35 m between plants, in a total of ten 50-m-long plant rows. At points corresponding to ⅓ and ⅔ of each plant row, four tensiometers (at a distance of 0.1 m from each other) were set up at the depths of 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, and 0.4 m, adjacent to the irrigation line (0.1 m from the plant row), between two selected plants. Five random plant rows were mulched using dry leaves of banana (Musa sp.) along the drip line, forming a 0.5-m-wide strip, which covered an area of 25 m2 per of plant row with covered soil. In the other five rows, there was no covering. Thus, the experiment consisted of two treatments, with 10 replicates, in four phenological stages: initial (7-22 DAS - days after sowing), growing (22-40 DAS), fruiting (40-58 DAS) and maturation (58-70 DAS). Rainfall was measured with a rain gauge and water storage was estimated by the trapezoidal method, based on tensiometer readings and soil water retention curves. For soil water flux densities at 0.3 m, the tensiometers at the depths of 0.2, 0.3, and 0.4 m were considered; the tensiometer at 0.3 m was used to estimate soil water content from the soil water retention curve at this depth, and the other two to calculate the total potential gradient. Flux densities were calculated through use of the Darcy-Buckingham equation, with hydraulic conductivity determined by the instantaneous profile method. Crop actual evapotranspiration was calculated as the unknown of the soil water balance equation. The soil water balance method is effective in estimating the actual evapotranspiration of irrigated muskmelon; there was no significant effect of soil coverage on capillary rise, internal drainage, crop actual evapotranspiration, and muskmelon yield compared with the uncovered soil; the transport of water caused by evaporation in the uncovered soil was controlled by the break in capillarity at the soil-atmosphere interface, which caused similar water dynamics for both management practices applied.
This paper describes the albedo (r) and estimates of net radiation and global solar irradiance for green beans crop (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), cultivated in greenhouse with cover of polyethylene and field conditions, in Botucatu, SP, Brazil (22º 54' S; 48º 27' W; 850 m). The solar global irradiance (Rg) and solar reflected radiation (Rr) were used to estimate the albedo through the ratio between Rr and Rg. The diurnal curves of albedo were obtained for days with clear sky and partially cloudy conditions, for different phenological stages of the crop. The albedo ranged with the solar elevation, the environment and the phenological stages. The cloudiness range have almost no influence on the albedo diurnal amount. The estimation of radiation were made by linear regression, using the global solar irradiance (Rg) and net short-waves radiation (Rc) as independent variables. All estimates of radiation showed better adjustment for specific phenological periods compared to the entire crop growing cycle. The net radiation in the greenhouse has been estimated by the global solar irradiance measured at field conditions.
The objective of this work was to evaluate gas exchange rates, plant height, yield components, and productivity of upland rice, as affected by type and application time of plant growth regulators. A randomized block design, in a 4x2 factorial arrangement, with four replicates was used. Treatments consisted of three growth regulators (mepiquat chloride, trinexapac-ethyl, and paclobutrazol), besides a control treatment applied at two different phenological stages: early tillering or panicle primordial differentiation. The experiment was performed under sprinkler-irrigated field conditions. Net CO2 assimilation, stomatal conductance, plant transpiration, and water-use efficiency were measured four times in Primavera upland rice cultivar, between booting and milky grain phenophases. Gas exchange rates were neither influenced by growth regulators nor by application time. There was, however, interaction between these factors on the other variables. Application of trinexapac-ethyl at both tillering and differentiation stages reduced plant height and negatively affected yield components and rice productivity. However, paclobutrazol and mepiquat chloride applied at tillering, reduced plant height without affecting rice yield. Mepiquat chloride acted as a growth stimulator when applied at the differentiation stage, and significantly increased plant height, panicle number, and grain yield of upland rice.
This study aimed to evaluate the growth characteristics of irrigated Vitória pineapple plants grown in semi-arid conditions and determine its developmental stages based on those characteristics. It was used a randomized block design with four replicates. The experimental treatments were: plant harvest at 270, 330, 390, 450, 510, 570, 690, 750, and 810 days after planting (DAP). The following variables were determined: plant height, stem diameter, D-leaf length, D-leaf fresh and dry mass, biomass production of plants and plant parts (organs), and vegetative biomass. Five phenological stages are proposed based on vegetative biomass production: < 20% biomass production (V1); 21-40% (V2); 41-60% (V3); 61-80% (V4); and > 80% (V5). The maximum growth rate for plant height, D-leaf length, and stem diameter was observed at the end of the phenological stage V1 (390-411 DAP), and at the end of stage V5 these plant traits had average values of 106, 82, and 7 cm, respectively. The maximum biomass accumulation rates were observed at stages V4 and V5, resulting in a final fruit yield and total fresh biomass of 72 t ha-1 and 326 t ha-1, respectively. Finally, we estimated that 80% of the accumulated biomass may remain in the field after fruit and slip harvest, and could be incorporated as plant residue into the soil.
ABSTRACTA model to estimate yield loss caused by Asian soybean rust (ASR) (Phakopsora pachyrhizi) was developed by collecting data from field experiments during the growing seasons 2009/10 and 2010/11, in Passo Fundo, RS. The disease intensity gradient, evaluated in the phenological stages R5.3, R5.4 and R5.5 based on leaflet incidence (LI) and number of uredinium and lesions/cm2, was generated by applying azoxystrobin 60 g a.i/ha + cyproconazole 24 g a.i/ha + 0.5% of the adjuvant Nimbus. The first application occurred when LI = 25% and the remaining ones at 10, 15, 20 and 25-day intervals. Harvest occurred at physiological maturity and was followed by grain drying and cleaning. Regression analysis between the grain yield and the disease intensity assessment criteria generated 56 linear equations of the yield loss function. The greatest loss was observed in the earliest growth stage, and yield loss coefficients ranged from 3.41 to 9.02 kg/ha for each 1% LI for leaflet incidence, from 13.34 to 127.4 kg/ha/1 lesion/cm2 for lesion density and from 5.53 to 110.0 kg/ha/1 uredinium/cm2 for uredinium density.
It was to aimed it to investigate effects of various saline water use strategies on melon production and quality of two cultivars (Cucumis melo L., Sancho - C1 and Medellín - C2. The plants were irrigated with water of low (S1 = 0.61 dS m-1) and high (S2 = 4.78 dS m-1) salinity levels, during each crop stage: S1S1S2S2 - T1; S2S1S2S2 - T2; S2S2S1S2 - T3. The 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th terms of these sequences correspond to initial growth, flowering, fruit ripening and harvest phenological stages, respectively. Additionally, there was irrigation rotation during all cycle, with water S1 during two days followed by S2 for one day (S1 2 dias + S2 1 dia - T4) and irrigation with non-salt water S2 during all cycle - T5. Moreover, we used as control, the irrigation water at 3.2 dS m-1 resulting from water mixture of S1 and S2 - T6 (farm used irrigation management). The experiment was carried out in Pedra Preta Farm, in Mossoró, RN, using an entire randomized block statistical design in a 6x2 subdivided plot scheme with four replications. Saline water irrigation at initial growth stage reduces leaf area and shoot dry phytomass of Sancho and Medellín melon cultivars. The irrigation by T4 provided the highest phytomass production of fruits at 48 DAS, reducing in 33% of good quality water in irrigation.
ABSTRACT Tractor traveling speed can influence the quality of spraying depending on the application technology used. This study aimed to evaluate the droplet spectrum, the deposition and uniformity of spray distribution with different spraying systems and traveling speeds of a self-propelled sprayer in two phenological stages of the cotton plant (B9 and F13). The experimental design was randomized blocks and treatments were three spraying techniques: common flat spray tips; tilted flat jet with air induction, at 120 L ha-1; and rotary atomizer disk, 20 L ha-1, combined with four traveling speeds: 12, 15, 18 and 25 km h-1, with four replications. Spraying deposition was evaluated for both leaf surfaces from the cotton plant apex and base (stage B9) and middle part of the plant (stage F13) with a cupric marker. A laser particle analyzer also assessed the droplet spectrum. The centrifugal power spray system produces more homogeneous droplet spectrum and increased penetration of droplets into the canopy in both phenological stages. Variation on the operating conditions necessary for increased traveling speed negatively influences the pattern of spraying deposits.
Isoprene emission from plants accounts for about one third of annual global volatile organic compound emissions. The largest source of isoprene for the global atmosphere is the Amazon Basin. This study aimed to identify and quantify the isoprene emission and photosynthesis at different levels of light intensity and leaf temperature, in three phenological phases (young mature leaf, old mature leaf and senescent leaf) of Eschweilera coriacea (Matamatá verdadeira), the species with the widest distribution in the central Amazon. In situ photosynthesis and isoprene emission measurements showed that young mature leaf had the highest rates at all light intensities and leaf temperatures. Additionally, it was observed that isoprene emission capacity (Es) changed considerably over different leaf ages. This suggests that aging leads to a reduction of both leaf photosynthetic activity and isoprene production and emission. The algorithm of Guenther et al. (1999) provided good fits to the data when incident light was varied, however differences among E S of all leaf ages influenced on quantic yield predicted by model. When leaf temperature was varied, algorithm prediction was not satisfactory for temperature higher than ~40 °C; this could be because our data did not show isoprene temperature optimum up to 45 °C. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis of the isoprene functional role in protecting plants from high temperatures and highlight the need to include leaf phenology effects in isoprene emission models.