279 resultados para Peritoneal Effusions

em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP


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Tentou-se obter imunoproteção contra infecção cercariana pela inoculação de vermes vivos na cavidade peritoneal de camundongos. Embora os vermes sobrevivessem bem nestas condições e não ocorresse postura de ovos, não foi possível obter imunoproteção, Também a inoculação de ovos viáveis por via sangüínea e peritoneal não propiciou o aparecimento de imunoproteção nos camundongos com vermes na cavidade peritoneal.


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Foram examinados exsudatos peritoneais e órgãos (cérebro, coração, pulmão e músculo estriado) de 53 camundongos infectados experimentalmente pelo Toxoplasma gondii, sendo 21 na fase aguda e 32 na crônica. Camundongos albinos, machos, de cerca de 25 g e 2 meses de idade foram inoculados, por via intraperitoneal, com 0,5 ml de exsudato peritoneal (taquizoitas) ou macerado de cérebro (cistos) de camundongos previamente infectados. O exame a fresco foi feito no exsudato peritoneal, entre 3 e 12 dias após inoculação e no cérebro, após 10 dias. Foram realizadas inoculações de macerados de órgãos em novos camundongos (repiques) para a recuperação do parasita no exsudato ou no cérebro. Na infecção aguda as positividades foram, ao exame a fresco: exsudato peritoneal 19/19, pulmão 12/14, músculo 6/9, coração 4/9 e cérebro 1/3. Após inoculação: exsudato peritoneal 5/5, cérebro 2/2, coração 19/19, pulmão 13/13 e músculo 14/17. Após estes últimos resultados foram registrados 9 novos órgãos positivos. A positividade final (igual à recuperação do parasita) foi: exsudato peritoneal 19/19 (100%), coração 15/17 (88,5%), músculo 12/14 (85,7%), pulmão 14/14 (100%) e cérebro 2/3 (66,6%). Na infecção crônica, que transcorreu entre 10 e 495 dias, as positividades foram, ao exame a fresco: cérebro 28/32, coração 0/4 e músculo 0/4. Após repique: cérebro 6/6, coração 14/29 e músculo 16/26. Neste exame foi revelado um novo camundongo positivo elevando para 29 o total de camundongos positivos ou 90,6%. O resultado final foi: cérebro 28/32 (87,5%), músculo 16/28 (57,15%) e coração 14/31 (45,1%). No fim da pesquisa, aos 495 dias, o cérebro apresentava grandes cistos ao exame a fresco e coração e músculo mostravam-se positivos através da inoculação. Conclusões: 1º) nos camundongos o toxoplasma persistiu por 495 dias no cérebro, coração e músculo estriado; 2º) o exame a fresco do pulmão pode substituir ou confirmar o do exsudato peritoneal; 3º) a inoculação de órgãos é necessária pois pode revelar novos casos positivos; 4º) a atividade dos cistos foi demonstrada pelo aumento gradual do seu tamanho e pela recuperação do toxoplasma no cérebro, coração e músculo, após o longo tempo de infecção.


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Cercariae of Schistosoma mansoni inoculated into the peritoneal cavity of naive mice induced host cell adhesion to their surface, but after 90 minutes the number of adherent cells sharply decreased. The cell detachment is progressive and simultaneous to the cercaria-schistosomule transformation. The histological study showed mainly neutrophils in close contact with the larvae. Mononuclear cells and some eosinophils were occasionally seen surrounding the adherent neutrophils. The scanning electron microscopy showed cells displaying twisted microvilli and several microplicae contacting or spreading over the larval surface, and larvae completely surrounded by clusters of cells. These results suggest that the neutrophils recognize molecules on the cercarial surface which induce their spreading


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The treatment of naive mice with high closes of oxamniquine, 1 hour before the intraperitoneal inoculation of Schistosoma mansoni cercariae, induces a delay in the transformation process resulting in a longer host cell adhesion.


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This paper reports a case of peritonitis by Nocardia asteroides during continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis in a man who had systemic lupus erythematous and chronic renal failure. Diagnosis was established by microscopic examination (Gram and Kinyoun) and culture of centrifuged dialysis fluid and the patient was treated with Trimethoprin-Sulfamethoxazole by intraperitoneal route.


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Cercárias de Schistosoma mansoni, inoculadas na cavidade peritoneal de camundongos da linhagem AKR/J, conseguiram sobreviver in situ e chegar à maturidade sexual. Ao contrário da linhagem convencional (SWISS), onde as fêmeas que se desenvolveram no peritônio não produziram ovos, 7,7% das fêmeas retiradas da cavidade peritoneal de camundongos AKR/J apresentavam ovo normal no útero. Os parasitos recuperados da cavidade peritoneal de ambas as linhagens não apresentaram pigmento hemoglobínico, indicando que os mesmos sobrevivem na cavidade peritoneal de camundongos sem a necessidade de ingestão de hemácias. O desenvolvimento do parasito na cavidade peritoneal de camundongos AKR/J, com produção de ovos normais, reforça os dados, já existentes na literatura, que mostram que o ciclo evolutivo do parasito pode ser completado sem a necessidade da fase pulmonar.


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This paper reports a case of peritonitis caused by Trichosporon beigelii in a woman submitted to continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis. Diagnosis was established by direct examination and culture of dialysis effluent.


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A case of peritonitis due to Scedosporium apiospermum in a boy undergoing continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis is reported. The finding of suggestive tissual form of the fungus in the effluent hastened the diagnosis of the infection.


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Innate attack to Schistosoma mansoni cercariae was evaluated in irradiated mice. It was observed that 70% of the larvae from mice sacrificed one day after whole body irradiation with 400 or 800 rads were surrounded by cluster reactivities, without difference from controls. Differences were apparent on day 5 after irradiation with sub lethal (400 rads) or lethal doses (800 rads) suggesting that innate defence to infection take at least 5 days to be affected by low dose whole-body radiation.


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The goal of this short communication is to report the uncommon presence of intracellular amastigotes of Leishmania in peritoneal fluid of a dog with leishmaniasis from Alagoas State, Brazil. Physical examination of an adult male rottweiler suspected to be suffering of leishmaniasis revealed severe loss of weight, ascitis, splenomegaly, moderately enlarged lymph nodes, onychogryphosis, generalized alopecia, skin ulcers on the posterior limbs, and conjunctivitis. Samples of bone marrow, popliteal lymph node, skin ulcer, and peritoneal fluid were collected and smears of each sample were prepared and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Numerous amastigotes were detected in bone marrow, popliteal lymph node, and skin ulcer smears. Smears of peritoneal fluid revealed the unusual presence of several free and intracellular amastigotes of Leishmania. Future studies are needed to determine whether the cytology of ascitic fluid represents a useful tool for diagnosis Leishmania infection in ascitic dogs, particularly in those living in areas where canine leishmaniasis is enzootic.


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This study examined the susceptibility of peritoneal macrophage (PM) from the Neotropical primates: Callithrix jacchus, Callithrix penicillata, Saimiri sciureus, Aotus azarae infulatus and Callimico goeldii to ex vivo Leishmania (L.) infantum chagasi-infection, the etiological agent of American visceral leishmaniasis (AVL), as a screening assay for evaluating the potential of these non-human primates as experimental models for studying AVL. The PM-susceptibility to infection was accessed by the PM-infection index (PMI) at 24, 72 h and by the mean of these rates (FPMI), as well as by the TNF-α, IL-12 (Capture ELISA) and Nitric oxide (NO) responses (Griess method). At 24h, the PMI of A. azarae infulatus (128) was higher than those of C. penicillata (83), C. goeldii (78), S. sciureus (77) and C. jacchus (55). At 72h, there was a significant PMI decrease in four monkeys: A. azarae infulatus (128/37), C. penicillata (83/38), S. sciureus (77/38) and C. jacchus (55/12), with exception of C. goeldii (78/54). The FPMI of A. azarae infulatus (82.5) and C. goeldii (66) were higher than C. jacchus (33.5), but not higher than those of C. penicillata (60.5) and S. sciureus (57.5). The TNF-a response was more regular in those four primates which decreased their PMI at 24/72 h: C. jacchus (145/122 pg/mL), C. penicillata (154/130 pg/mL), S. sciureus (164/104 pg/mL) and A. azarae infulatus (154/104 pg/mL), with exception of C. goeldii (38/83 pg/mL). The IL-12 response was mainly prominent in A. infulatus and C. goeldii which presented the highest FPMI and, the NO response was higher in C. goeldii, mainly at 72 h. These findings strongly suggest that these New World primates have developed a resistant innate immune response mechanism capable of controlling the macrophage intracellular growth of L. (L.) i. chagasi-infection, which do not encourage their use as animal model for studying AVL.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess, in a prospective way, the experience with video-assisted pericardioscopy obtained in patients with pericardial effusion of unclear etiology in the preoperative period. METHODS: From January 1998 to June 2000, 20 patients were operated upon with the aid of video-assisted pericardioscopy. On echocardiography, 17 of these patients had significant pericardial effusion, and 3 had moderate pericardial effusion. Video-assisted pericardioscopy was performed through a small incision of the Marfan type. RESULTS: The diagnosis of pericardial effusion was established as follows: idiopathic in 9 (45%) patients, neoplastic in 4 (20%), resulting from hypothyroidism in 3 (15%), tuberculous in 2 (10%), due to cholesterol in 1 (5%), and chylopericardial in 1 (5%). The biopsy was positive in 30% of the patients, and the etiology could not be defined in 45% of the patients. CONCLUSION: Video-assisted pericardioscopy proved to be a method with low morbidity and a high index of diagnostic positivity. A high percentage of pericardial effusions are caused by viral infections, which are not diagnosed through current methods, being, therefore, classified as idiopathic.


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An "in vitro" system has been developed for study of host cell-parasite interaction in visceral and cutaneous leishmaniasis. Avirulent promastigotes of L. brasiliensis and L. donovani, from strains originally isolated from human cases and mantained by serial culture in Davis' Medium were allowed to infect cultured macrophages from rat peritoneal exudate. Challenge of the macrophages by parasites took place in 199 medium, at 33ºC for L. brasiliensis and at 37ºC for L. donovani. Although the rat is resistant to infections by Leishmania spp., the promastigotes not only invaded the host cells, but transformed into amastigotes and later mutiplied, from 10 min after challenge to 24 hours later.


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Unstimulated adherent mouse peritoneal cells were cultured in vitro and infected with equal numbers of a single strain of Leishmania m. mexicana amastigotes (AM), virulent promastigotes (VP), avirulent promastigotes (AVP) and fixed promastigotes (FP). Duplicate May-Grünwald-Giemsa stained coverslips were examined at time intervals up to 13 days. By 3 hr post infection, the number of macrophages containing parasites varied between 60.5% (VP) and 84% (AM) for macrophages exposed to living parasites, compared to 6.5% for macrophages exposed for FP. However, variable numbers of parasites showed degenerative changes by 3 hr, and the number of macrophages containing morphologically intact parasites varied significantly between cells infected with AM (84%) and those infected with VP (42%) or AVP(40%). The mean number on intacte parasites/macrophage also differed significantly between AM-infected cells and living or fixed promastigotes-infected cells. Quantitation of intact and degenerated parasites indicated parasite multiplication, as well as destruction, in VP-infected cells and parasite survival and multiplication in AM-infecte monolayers; in contrast no evidence of parasite multiplication was seen in AVP-infected cells. Changes in the mono layer itself (cell loss and macrophage vacuolization) were also evaluated. These results suggest that crucial events determining the outcome of infection occur in the host-parasite relationship during the fist 24 hours of infection. These events are apparently influenced not only by parasite or host strain but by environmentally induced variation within a given strain.


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The presence of Schistosoma mansoni eggs surrounded by inflammatory cells were detected within the peritoneal cavity of experimentally infected mice. The histological and ultrastructural analysis revealed the predominantly macrophagic composition of these structures. The presence of epithelioid cells, macrophages in different stages of activation and the architectural pattern of the cells, characterize these structures as extra-tissular true granulomas. Granulomas much similar to those observed in the peritoneal cavity of infected mice were also detected after the intraperitoneal injection of viable eggs in non-infected mice. Collagen fibers were observed in between the inflammatory cells of granulomas obtained 10 weeks after infection and 48 hours after the injection of viable eggs into the peritoneal cavity. In later times of infection or injection the amount of collagen fibers increases resulting in a typical pattern of healed schistosoma egg granulomas. The possible influence of the immune response on the genesis of the granulomatous reaction as well as the influence of the vascularized connective tissue on this process is discussed.