44 resultados para Penn theses

em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP


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OBJECTIVE To analyze scientific production about workplace bullying and harassment in dissertations and theses in Brazil, with emphasis on the year of publication; educational institution; area of knowledge; professional and academic background of the authors; keywords used; and concept map organization. METHOD Bibliometric study with a quantitative approach with a sample consisting of 57 papers, 5 theses and 52 dissertations, published between 2002 and 2012. RESULTS It was found that 2012 was the year with the highest number of publications in this topic area. The region that stood out was the Southeast. The institution with the highest number of publications was the Federal University of Santa Catarina. There was a predominance of dissertations and most publications were produced by researchers focused on a multidisciplinary perspective. CONCLUSION Expanding the views regarding bullying in order to disseminate scientific production was proposed, promoting further advancement of debates and raising pertinent questions.


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This paper describes a project led by the Instituto Brasileiro de Informações em Ciência e Tecnologia (Ibict), a government institution, to build a national digital library for electronic theses and dissertations - Bibliteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações (BDTD). The project has been a collaborative effort among Ibict, universities and other research centers in Brazil. The developers adopted a system architecture based on the Open Archives Initiative (OAI) in which universities and research centers act as data providers and Ibict as a service provider. A Brazilian metadata standard for electronic theses and dissertations was developed for the digital library. A toolkit including open source package was also developed by Ibict to be distributed to potential data providers. BDTD has been integrated with the international initiative: the Networked Digital Library of Thesis and Dissertation (NDLTD). Discussions in the paper address various issues related to project design, development and management as well as the role played by Ibict. Conclusions highlight some important lessons learned to date and challenges for the future in expanding the BDTD project.


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Subcellular changes are relevant to understand plant organogenesis and embryogenesis in the early stages of cell development. The cytology during cell development in tissue culture is however still poorly characterized. This study aimed to characterize the ultrastructural differences related to callogenesis of anthers, ovaries, leaf and nodal segments of Inga vera Willd. subsp. Affinis (DC.) T.D. Penn. Flower buds, nodal segments and leaves were disinfected and inoculated in test tubes containing MS medium with 3% sucrose and 4.5µM 2.4-D, except for leaf callogenesis, where 9µM of this auxin was used, and for the callogenesis of anthers and ovaries, where the culture medium was enriched with 0.25% activated charcoal and 90µM PVP. After 45 days in culture medium, the anther, ovary, leaf and nodal segment calli were fixed in Karnovisky and prepared for visualization by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Ultrastructural differences were observed among the callus cells of anthers, ovaries, segments and leaves. There was no evidence of somatic embryo formation in the anther, leaf and nodal segment calli, in spite of some embryogenic characteristics in the cells. The ovary calli, with indications of embryo formation, seem to be the most responsive explant source for embryogenesis.


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Estudos que visam ao conhecimento da morfologia de sementes e plântulas contribuem para a identificação das espécies, facilitando o reconhecimento das fases iniciais do seu desenvolvimento. Assim, os objetivos deste trabalho foram caracterizar morfologicamente as estruturas externa e interna dos frutos e das sementes de Sideroxylon obtusifolium (Roem. e Schult.) Penn., além de descrever e ilustrar a morfologia externa da plântula. Para a descrição dos frutos foram observados detalhes externos e internos do pericarpo, referentes a textura, consistência, cor, pilosidade, brilho, forma, número de sementes por fruto e deiscência. Foram analisadas as seguintes variáveis externas das sementes: dimensões, cor, textura, consistência, forma e posição do hilo e da micrópila; e as internas: presença ou ausência de endosperma, tipo, forma, cor, posição dos cotilédones, eixo-hipocótilo-radícula e plúmula. A germinação foi considerada desde o intumescimento da semente até a emissão dos protófilos, sendo a plântula considerada estabelecida quando os protófilos já estavam totalmente expandidos. Os frutos de S. obtusifolium são dos tipos bacoide, globoso ou elipsoide, indeiscente e monospérmico. As sementes variam de globosas a elipsoides, e o embrião é do tipo cotiledonar e ocupa posição basal na semente. A germinação tem início no décimo segundo dia e pode ser encerrada no vigésimo primeiro dia após a semeadura.


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Este trabalho avaliou, em laboratório, a toxicidade, a repelência e a deterrência de extratos aquosos de sementes, de folhas e de frutos de Cabralea canjerana ssp. polytricha (Meliaceae) sobre o curuquerê-da-couve Ascia monuste orseis (Lepidoptera). Extratos aquosos a 3, 5 e 10% foram obtidos por infusão do material biológico seco triturado em água destilada e filtrado após 24 h. Dentro de 48 h após o preparo, folhas de couve foram mergulhadas nos extratos ou em água destilada e utilizadas para avaliar o efeito dos extratos na percentagem de sobrevivência e no tempo de vida das larvas. A repelência e a deterrência dos extratos foram avaliadas em testes com e sem chance de escolha de folhas tratadas ou não, avaliando-se, comparativamente, a área consumida e o número de larvas por porção foliar. Houve 100% de mortalidade das larvas nos tratamentos, em contraste com a sobrevivência de 87% delas no controle. Larvas alimentadas com folhas tratadas sobreviveram significativamente menos que larvas do controle. Ao contrário de extratos de folhas e frutos, extratos de sementes apresentaram efeito repelente, mas não intenso o suficiente para evitar o consumo foliar. Houve redução no consumo foliar pelas larvas submetidas ao extrato a 10% nos experimentos com chance de escolha. Quando larvas não tiveram opção de consumir folhas sem extratos, alimentavam-se de folhas tratadas, porém com menor consumo, principalmente nas concentrações de 10 e 5%.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a fenologia, biologia reprodutiva e visitantes florais de Sideroxylon obtusifolium em área de caatinga. O estudo foi realizado de outubro de 2003 a setembro de 2005, em populações naturais de S. obtusifolium, na Reserva Legal do Projeto Salitre, em Juazeiro, BA. Os dados fenológicos indicaram que as fenofases vegetativas (brotação e senescência foliar) ocorreram ao longo do ano, enquanto a floração e frutificação foram registradas na estação seca e das chuvas, respectivamente. As flores são hermafroditas, de coloração creme, exalam odor, secretam pequena quantidade de néctar (< 1 µl) e apresentam antese diurna e dicogamia protogínica. Entre os visitantes florais, foram registradas abelhas, vespas, moscas e borboletas. Apis mellifera e os dípteros morfoespécie 1 e 2 foram considerados polinizadores dessa sapotácea. Quanto ao sistema de reprodução, S. obtusifolium é autógama facultativa, produzindo frutos por autopolinização (6,6%) e por polinização cruzada (33%). Diferenças no registro fenológico, na biologia floral e nos agentes polinizadores foram encontradas, em comparação com outros ambientes, indicando que as variáveis climáticas podem ser um dos diversos fatores que influenciam essa relação.


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A formação de ecótipos em Cabralea canjerana subsp. polytricha foi estudada em áreas de cerrado e vereda de uma reserva ecológica no município de Uberlândia, MG, utilizando modelos de genética quantitativa para medida de plasticidade fenotípica. Os ecótipos foram caracterizados quanto à altura dos indivíduos, peso de frutos e sementes, número de sementes viáveis por fruto e sincronização no período de floração. Existe grande variabilidade genética para caracteres importantes na determinação do valor adaptativo da subspécie. Os genótipos respondem fenotipicamente à heterogeneidade ambiental, provocada pelo gradiente cerrado/vereda, em dois dos três caracteres observados. As respostas plásticas foram distintas entre os genótipos, quanto à direção e intensidade. Assincronia temporal de floração e o modo de ação de dispersores de sementes podem contribuir para a evolução da divergência entre ecótipos na área estudada.


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Sementes recalcitrantes são intolerantes à dessecação e a baixas temperaturas, que são as principais formas de conservação de sementes e, portanto, são de difícil armazenamento. Inga vera subsp. affinis produz sementes denominadas recalcitrantes, uma vez que não toleram redução do teor de água para valores inferiores a 35%. Neste trabalho é demonstrada a tolerância desses embriões a temperatura de -2 ºC. Embriões de I. vera de diferentes estádios de maturação foram armazenados por até 45 dias nas temperaturas de 8 ºC a -18 ºC, com ou sem secagens prévias até -4,0 e -6,0 MPa. Os resultados permitiram observar que, embora nenhum tratamento tenha proporcionado resistância à temperatura de -18 ºC, a secagem dos embriões maduros a -4 MPa proporcionou maior tolerância à redução de temperatura até níveis de congelamento da água (-2 ºC).


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O gênero Chrysophyllum possui cerca de 70 espécies. O estudo da morfologia possibilita diferenciar espécies do mesmo gênero. Com este trabalho objetivou-se comparar morfologicamente os propágulos de C. amazonicum e C. prieurii. Os frutos foram coletados de matrizes ocorrentes na base de extração petrolífera Geólogo Pedro de Moura, Coari, AM. Uma subamostra com 50 frutos e sementes foi selecionada aleatoriamente para a descrição morfológica. Para a caracterização do desenvolvimento da plântula foi semeada uma amostra de 4x25 sementes, em areia lavada e vermiculita (2:1). Os frutos são secos em C. amazonicum e carnosos em C. prieurii. As sementes diferenciam-se no formato e coloração dos cotilédones: obovados e esverdeados em C. amazonicum e oblongos e amarelados em C. prieurii. A germinação é epígea e o parâmetro de diferenciação nessa fase, é o formato do limbo cotiledonar, elíptico obovado em C. amazonicum e elíptico oblongo em C. prieurii. As plântulas, em ambas as espécies, são fanerocotiledonar com cotilédones foliáceos, que visualmente aparentam semelhança. Contudo em análise detalhada é possível distingui-las pela cor da raiz principal, pelo formato em corte transversal do epicótilo, e pelo formato do limbo do eofilo, lanceolado elíptico em C. amazonicum e lanceolado estreito elíptico em C. prieurii.


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OBJECTIVE To analyze Brazilian literature on body image and the theoretical and methodological advances that have been made. METHODS A detailed review was undertaken of the Brazilian literature on body image, selecting published articles, dissertations and theses from the SciELO, SCOPUS, LILACS and PubMed databases and the CAPES thesis database. Google Scholar was also used. There was no start date for the search, which used the following search terms: “body image” AND “Brazil” AND “scale(s)”; “body image” AND “Brazil” AND “questionnaire(s)”; “body image” AND “Brazil” AND “instrument(s)”; “body image” limited to Brazil and “body image”. RESULTS The majority of measures available were intended to be used in college students, with half of them evaluating satisfaction/dissatisfaction with the body. Females and adolescents of both sexes were the most studied population. There has been a significant increase in the number of available instruments. Nevertheless, numerous published studies have used non-validated instruments, with much confusion in the use of the appropriate terms (e.g., perception, dissatisfaction, distortion). CONCLUSIONS Much more is needed to understand body image within the Brazilian population, especially in terms of evaluating different age groups and diversifying the components/dimensions assessed. However, interest in this theme is increasing, and important steps have been taken in a short space of time.


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OBJECTIVE To characterize the integration of phytotherapy in primary health care in Brazil. METHODS Journal articles and theses and dissertations were searched for in the following databases: SciELO, Lilacs, PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science and Theses Portal Capes, between January 1988 and March 2013. We analyzed 53 original studies on actions, programs, acceptance and use of phytotherapy and medicinal plants in the Brazilian Unified Health System. Bibliometric data, characteristics of the actions/programs, places and subjects involved and type and focus of the selected studies were analyzed. RESULTS Between 2003 and 2013, there was an increase in publications in different areas of knowledge, compared with the 1990-2002 period. The objectives and actions of programs involving the integration of phytotherapy into primary health care varied: including other treatment options, reduce costs, reviving traditional knowledge, preserving biodiversity, promoting social development and stimulating inter-sectorial actions. CONCLUSIONS Over the past 25 years, there was a small increase in scientific production on actions/programs developed in primary care. Including phytotherapy in primary care services encourages interaction between health care users and professionals. It also contributes to the socialization of scientific research and the development of a critical vision about the use of phytotherapy and plant medicine, not only on the part of professionals but also of the population.


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OBJECTIVE To evaluate the prevalence of self-medication in Brazil’s adult population.METHODS Systematic review of cross-sectional population-based studies. The following databases were used: Medline, Embase, Scopus, ISI, CINAHL, Cochrane Library, CRD, Lilacs, SciELO, the Banco de teses brasileiras(Brazilian theses database) (Capes) and files from the Portal Domínio Público (Brazilian Public Domain). In addition, the reference lists from relevant studies were examined to identify potentially eligible articles. There were no applied restrictions in terms of the publication date, language or publication status. Data related to publication, population, methods and prevalence of self-medication were extracted by three independent researchers. Methodological quality was assessed following eight criteria related to sampling, measurement and presentation of results. The prevalences were measured from participants who used at least one medication during the recall period of the studies.RESULTS The literature screening identified 2,778 records, from which 12 were included for analysis. Most studies were conducted in the Southeastern region of Brazil, after 2000 and with a 15-day recall period. Only five studies achieved high methodological quality, of which one study had a 7-day recall period, in which the prevalence of self-medication was 22.9% (95%CI 14.6;33.9). The prevalence of self-medication in three studies of high methodological quality with a 15-day recall period was 35.0% (95%CI 29.0;40.0, I2 = 83.9%) in the adult Brazilian population.CONCLUSIONS Despite differences in the methodologies of the included studies, the results of this systematic review indicate that a significant proportion of the adult Brazilian population self-medicates. It is suggested that future research projects that assess self-medication in Brazil standardize their methods.


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AbstractLatent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-coinfection are challenges in the control of tuberculosis transmission. We aimed to assess and summarize evidence available in the literature regarding the treatment of LTBI in both the general and HIV-positive population, in order to support decision making by the Brazilian Tuberculosis Control Program for LTBI chemoprophylaxis. We searched MEDLINE, Cochrane Library, Centre for Reviews and Dissemination, Embase, LILACS, SciELO, Trip database, National Guideline Clearinghouse, and the Brazilian Theses Repository to identify systematic reviews, randomized clinical trials, clinical guidelines, evidence-based synopses, reports of health technology assessment agencies, and theses that investigated rifapentine and isoniazid combination compared to isoniazid monotherapy. We assessed the quality of evidence from randomized clinical trials using the Jadad Scale and recommendations from other evidence sources using the Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development, and Evaluations approach. The available evidence suggests that there are no differences between rifapentine + isoniazid short-course treatment and the standard 6-month isoniazid therapy in reducing active tuberculosis incidence or death. Adherence was better with directly observed rifapentine therapy compared to self-administered isoniazid. The quality of evidence obtained was moderate, and on the basis of this evidence, rifapentine is recommended by one guideline. Available evidence assessment considering the perspective of higher adherence rates, lower costs, and local peculiarity context might support rifapentine use for LTBI in the general or HIV-positive populations. Since novel trials are ongoing, further studies should include patients on antiretroviral therapy.