45 resultados para Peanut runner
em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP
The objective of this work was to estimate the stability and adaptability of pod and seed yield in runner peanut genotypes based on the nonlinear regression and AMMI analysis. Yield data from 11 trials, distributed in six environments and three harvests, carried out in the Northeast region of Brazil during the rainy season were used. Significant effects of genotypes (G), environments (E), and GE interactions were detected in the analysis, indicating different behaviors among genotypes in favorable and unfavorable environmental conditions. The genotypes BRS Pérola Branca and LViPE‑06 are more stable and adapted to the semiarid environment, whereas LGoPE‑06 is a promising material for pod production, despite being highly dependent on favorable environments.
Participation in intensive sports activities leads to muscular specializations that may generate alterations in involved articular forces and cause static (posture) and dynamic changes (alterations of articular stability, coordination, etc.). Prevention of injury requires specific functional muscular evaluation in all athletes and for any kind of sport. OBJECTIVE: To dynamically evaluate, through isokinetic tests, the peak torque, total work, and average power of the knee flexor and extensor muscles of jumper and runner athletes and compare them to those of a non-athletic population, evaluating dominance and balance between agonistic and antagonistic muscle groups. RESULTS: In the non-athlete group, we noted a higher asymmetry between the dominant and nondominant members. The jumpers had the highest values of the evaluated parameters of all groups, whereas parameters for the runners were intermediate between non-athletes and jumpers.
Two nutrient foliar sprays, namely Ferti-Foliage (21-21 -21) and Wuxal (9-9-7), were applied to peanut plants under field conditions. Both were applied 23 days after germination of seeds, at the beginning of flowering, and during flowering. Other treatments were application of NPK fertilizer (9-30-16, 250 kg/ha) into the soil and check (no fertilizer). The experiment was carried out on a latosolic B "Terra Roxa" soil, sowing being made on March 6th and harvest on July 10th. Statistical analysis showed no significant differences amongst treatments. However, certain treatments had better yields. For instance, application of Ferti-Foliage showed a tendency to increasing number of pods per plant and number of seeds per pod. Same product when applied at the beginning of flowering had a tendency to increase production of seeds and of forage. Application of NPK (9-30-16) into the soil showed similar results.
The effects of the application of a macronutrient foliar spray combined with micronutrients and growth regulators (Unifol) on peanut grown in a soil with high fertility were investigated. A control without fertilizer and a soil fertilization (250 kg/ha) with NPK 9-30-16 were also established. Other treatments were as follows: Unifol fertilizer (18-12 16) applied 23 days after germination: Unifol (18-12-6) applied at the beginning of flowering; Unifol (18-12-6) applied during flowering, and Unifol (18-12-6) applied 23 days after germination plus Unifol (7-23-7) at the beginning of flowering. No significant differences were found amongst treatments, but certain treatments showed higher productivity e given Unifol fertilizer (18-12-6) applied 23 days after germination plus Unifol (7-23-7) at the flower anthesis. In this treatment, the number of pods, weight of seeds and production of seeds were higher. Best production of forage occurred in the treatment receiving soil fertilization.
Liming acid soils is considered to assure the availability of Mo in crops. Additionally, in peanuts (Arachis hypogaea L.) the positive response to liming is associated to a better supply of Ca+2, Mo for the nitrogenase-complex activity, and other non-nitrogen fixing activities of the crop. This study was thus undertaken to assess the effect of lime, Mo, and the lime-Mo interaction on peanut crop, on an acid Ultisol at the Mococa Experimental Station, Instituto Agronômico, São Paulo State, Brazil, from 1987 to 1990. A randomized complete block design with four replications, in a 4 x 4 factorial arrangement, was used in the study. The factors included four lime rates (0, 2, 4, and 6 t ha-1) broadcast and incorporated into the soil, and Mo (0, 100, 200, and 300 g ha-1) as (NH4)2MoO4 applied as seed dressing. Lime was applied once at the beginning of the study while Mo was applied at every planting. Peanut seed cv 'tatu' was used. Significant increase in peanut kernel yield with liming was only evident in the absence of Mo, whereas the peanut response to Mo was observed in two out of the three harvests. A higher yield response (28 % increase) was found when Mo was applied without liming. Soil molybdenum availability, as indicated by plant leaf analysis, increased significantly when lime was applied. Molybdenum fertilization led to higher leaf N content, which in turn increased peanut yield in treatments with smaller lime doses.
Lime and gypsum influence nutrient availability and uptake, as well as the content of organic acids in the aerial plant parts. These changes, quantified by plant analysis of soluble nutrients, may potentiate the effect of soil amendment, ensuring the sustainability of the no-tillage system. In this sense the effect of lime and gypsum surface application on the content of water-soluble nutrients in peanut and oat residues was evaluated. The experiment was conducted on an Oxisol in Botucatu (SP) in the growing seasons 2004/2005 and 2005/2006. It was arranged in a randomized block design in split plots with four replications, where lime rates represented the plots and presence or absence of gypsum application the subplots. Peanut was grown in summer and white oat in the winter in the entire experimental area. Gypsum applied to peanut increased soluble Ca only in the first season, due to the short period between product application and determination of soluble nutrient contents in the plant extract. Liming of peanut and oat increased soluble Ca, Mg, K contents, did not alter Cu content and reduced Zn, Mn and Fe contents in both years of cultivation. Gypsum on the other hand reduced the electrical conductivity of peanut (2004/2005 and 2005/2006) and white oat (2004/2005).
The objective of this work was to evaluate the reactions of three peanut breeding lines (IC-10, IC-34, and ICGV 86388) to Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) by mechanical and thrips inoculation, under greenhouse conditions, and compare them to the reactions of cultivars SunOleic, Georgia Green, and the breeding line C11-2-39. TSWV infection by mechanical inoculation was visually assessed using an index ranging from 0 (no symptoms) to 4 (apical death). Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was used to confirm TSWV infection from both mechanical and thrips inoculations. IC-10, IC-34, ICGV 86388, and C11-2-39 were more resistant than the cultivars SunOleic and Georgia Green based on mechanical inoculation. Upon thrips inoculation only IC-34 and ICGV-86388 were infected by TSWV, as demonstrated by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), although no symptoms of infection were observed. The peanut breeding lines IC-10, IC-34, and ICGV 86388 show higher level of resistance to TSWV than cultivar Georgia Green considered a standard for TSWV resistance.
The objective of this work was to test a closed soilless growing system for producing bare root transplants and runner tips of two strawberry clones, using two categories of substrates. The system used corrugated roofing panels of fiber-cement, over which a substrate layer was used as a growing bed. The nutrient solution was pumped from a reservoir toward the upper end of the roofing panels and drained back to a reservoir. Plant growth and development were determined for two advanced strawberry clones, grown in sand or in Plantmax organic substrate. Growth of the stock plants and the number and dry mass of bare root transplants were similar in the substrates, but bare roots differed in their crown diameters by substrate. For number of runner tips, no significant differences were found in total, small, and medium categories in the substrates. A mean production of about 590 runner tips per square meter and 145 bare root transplants per square meter was obtained. For both clones, a large number of bare root transplants and runner tips of adequate size were produced in the closed soilless growing system using sand or organic substrate.
The objective of this work was to analyze the epicuticular n-alkane profile of domesticated and wild peanut genotypes. Foliar epicuticular n-alkanes of four Arachis hypogaea genotypes and two wild species - A. monticola and A. stenosperma - were analyzed by gas chromatography. Chemical relationships between them were evaluated using the Dice coefficient and UPGMA method. Two clusters were formed: one with four A. hypogaea genotypes and the other with the two wild species. There is more similarity between the BR1 and LIGO-PE06 genotypes and between the BRS 151 L-7 and BRS Havana genotypes.
The objective of this work was to determine the sink-source relationships and their effects on the number and growth of runner tips of 'Camino Real' strawberry stock plants. Three types of sources were evaluated: one defoliation at 96 days after planting (DAP), two defoliations at 50 and 96 DAP, and mother plants without defoliation. Four types of sink were accessed: runner tips collected weekly and monthly, four stolons with rooted runner tips in pots, and four freely-grown stolons. A completely randomized experimental design was used in a split-plot arrangement, with four replicates. The source types were placed in the plots, and sink types in the subplots. The number of runner tips, the crown diameter, and the dry matter mass were determined. Number and growth of tips were higher on plants without defoliation, and decreased 44.7% on twice-defoliated mother plants. The two-defoliation management did not reduce runner tip dry matter mass only on plants with rooted stolons, which produced runner tips 50% heavier. Defoliation of mother plants bearing rooting stolons can be used to reduce their growth, without reducing the emission and growth of runner tips.
ABSTRACTPeanut crop (Arachis hypogaeaL.) mechanization has been improved over the years; however there are drawbacks that affect the quality of operations. Thus, this article’s objectives were to evaluate the operational performance of the mechanized sowing of peanut crop according to seeding densities (10, 14, and 18 seeds m-1) and seed sizes (21 and 23 mm). It was observed that the seeds of 23 mm had shorter average number of days to emergence and a higher percentage of emergences, occurring the opposite to the seeding density of 18 seeds m-1. The higher the seeding density, the largest was the plant stand, whereas the 23 mm seed obtained the best results and the same with the seeding density of 14 seeds m-1 that had a higher percentage of normal spacing. The densities of 14 and 18 seeds m-1 reflected in higher yields, being always superior to the 23 mm seeds.
Brazil is the second biggest worldwide producer of cookies and there are many varieties in the market; however, only a few are gluten-free. The objectives of this work were to formulate two gluten-free cookies added with iron, peanut or almond, and analyze their physicochemical, chromatic and sensory properties. Moisture, instrumental color (L*, a*, b* and C*), ash, proteins, lipids, iron, carbohydrates (estimated by difference), and water activity were determined. The acceptance of the products was assessed by 115 untrained taste panelists using a five-point hedonic scale. The data collected from the physicochemical analyses were submitted to Levene's, ANOVA, and Tukey's tests, which showed statistical difference (p < 0.05) in all the attributes for centesimal composition, water activity, and color of the cookies. Peanut and almond cookies could be considered sources of iron once they presented at least 15% of the daily recommended value of intake. They also garnered acceptance indexes of 80 and 85%, respectively, concluding that both formulations developed in this study were source of iron and contained high concentration of lipids and proteins with great sensory acceptance, suggesting their potential consumption by gluten-intolerants.
The moisture content of peanut kernel (Arachis hypogaea L.) at digging ranges from 30 to 50% on a wet basis (w.b.). The seed moisture content must be reduced to 10.5% or below before seeds can be graded and marketed. After digging, peanuts are cured on a window sill for two to five days then mechanically separated from the vine. Heated air is used to further dry the peanuts from approximately 18 to 10% moisture content w.b. Drying is required to maintain peanut seed and grain quality. Traditional dryers pass a high temperature and high humidity air stream through the seed mass. The drying time is long because the system is inefficient and the high temperature increases the risk of thermal damage to the kernels. New technology identified as heat pipe technology (HPT) is available and has the unique feature of removing the moisture from the air stream before it is heated and passed through the seed. A study was conducted to evaluate the performance of the HPT system in drying peanut seed. The seeds inside the shells were dried from 17.4 to 7.3% in 14 hours and 11 minutes, with a rate of moisture removal of 0.71% mc per hour. This drying process caused no reduction in seed quality as measured by the standard germination, accelerated ageing and field emergence tests. It was concluded that the HPT system is a promising technology for drying peanut seed when efficiency and maintenance of physiological quality are desired.
O Estado de São Paulo é o maior produtor de amendoim do Brasil e a produção concentra-se na região de Ribeirão Preto, onde o cultivo é realizado em áreas arrendadas, em esquemas de sucessão e rotação, principalmente, para reforma de canaviais. Nesse caso, a rotação com amendoim durante a entressafra é escolha viável, pois além de poder ser rentável, as terras que ficariam ociosas mantêm a sua produtividade. Por esta razão, o objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar e analisar o custo de produção e a rentabilidade do amendoim cv. Runner IAC 886, em áreas de reforma de canaviais, na região de Jaboticabal, São Paulo, para a safra 2010/2011. Utilizou-se a metodologia do Custo Operacional Total e calcularam-se os indicadores de lucratividade: receita bruta, lucro operacional e índice de lucratividade, considerando-se três níveis de preços recebidos pelos produtores. O custo operacional total da produção de amendoim foi de R$3.665,21 ha-1, devido, principalmente, às despesas com colheita e arrendamento da terra. Os índices econômicos foram satisfatórios somente para o nível de preço representado pelo valor médio obtido nos últimos anos. Em relação ao Preço Mínimo de Garantia, os resultados não apresentaram lucro.
The use ofmonodose (800 mg) per os of Norfloxacin was evaluated in 32 patients with cholera at Salvador Mazza's Hospital, Salta, Argentina. It was considered the celerity in negativization of stool culture (100% of cases: 12 hours post administration), its efficiency along time (24/24 controlled patients were negative at 10th day) and MIC of isolated strains (100% of strains were sensitive: range 0.008 to 0.016 mug/ml). It was included oral administration of sorbitol 70% in peanut oil in order to study patients at 10th day's control. This method could be an alternative one in the study of asymptomatic carrier. Norfloxacin monodose shows good performance in early negativization of stool culture and it was also effective along the whole observation period, suggesting it could prevent carriage.