56 resultados para Oscillatory Marangoni-Convection

em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the effect of the oscillatory breathing on the variability of RR intervals (VRR) and on prognostic significance after one year follow-up in subjects with left ventricular global systolic dysfunction. METHODS: We studied 76 subjects, whose age ranged from 40 to 80 years, paired for age and gender, divided into two groups: group I - 34 healthy subjects; group II - 42 subjects with left ventricular global systolic dysfunction (ejection fraction < 0.40). The ECG signals were acquired during 600s in supine position, and analyzed the variation of the thoracic amplitude and the VRR. Clinical and V-RR variables were applied into a logistic multivariate model to foretell survival after one year follow-up. RESULTS: Oscillatory breathing was detected in 35.7% of subjects in vigil state of group II, with a concentration of the spectral power in the very low frequency band, and was independent of the presence of diabetes, functional class, ejection fraction, cause of ventricular dysfunction and survival after one year follow-up. In the logistic regression model, ejection fraction was the only independent variable to predict survival. CONCLUSION: 1) Oscillatory breathing pattern is frequent during wakefulness in the left ventricular global systolic dysfunction and concentrates spectral power in the very low band of V-RR; 2) it does not relate to severity and cause of left ventricular dysfunction; 3) ejection fraction is the only independent predictive variable for survival in this group of subjects.


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This work studies the forced convection problem in internal flow between concentric annular ducts, with radial fins at the internal tube surface. The finned surface heat transfer is analyzed by two different approaches. In the first one, it is assumed one-dimensional heat conduction along the internal tube wall and fins, with the convection heat transfer coefficient being a known parameter, determined by an uncoupled solution. In the other way, named conjugated approach, the mathematical model (continuity, momentum, energy and K-epsilon equations) applied to tube annuli problem was numerically solved using finite element technique in a coupled formulation. At first time, a comparison was made between results obtained for the conjugated problem and experimental data, showing good agreement. Then, the temperature profiles under these two approaches were compared to each other to analyze the validity of the one-dimensional classical formulation that has been utilized in the heat exchanger design.


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Mixed convection on the flow past a heated length and past a porous cavity located in a horizontal wall bounding a saturated porous medium is numerically simulated. The cavity is heated from below. The steady-state regime is studied for several intensities of the buoyancy effects due to temperature variations. The influences of Péclet and Rayleigh numbers on the flow pattern and the temperature distributions are examined. Local and global Nusselt numbers are reported for the heated surface. The convective-diffusive fluxes at the volume boundaries are represented using the UNIFAES, Unified Finite Approach Exponential-type Scheme, with the Power-Law approximation to reduce the computing time. The conditions established by Rivas for the quadratic order of accuracy of the central differencing to be maintained in irregular grids are shown to be extensible to other quadratic schemes, including UNIFAES, so that accuracy estimates could be obtained.


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This paper deals with the use of the conjugate gradient method of function estimation for the simultaneous identification of two unknown boundary heat fluxes in parallel plate channels. The fluid flow is assumed to be laminar and hydrodynamically developed. Temperature measurements taken inside the channel are used in the inverse analysis. The accuracy of the present solution approach is examined by using simulated measurements containing random errors, for strict cases involving functional forms with discontinuities and sharp-corners for the unknown functions. Three different types of inverse problems are addressed in the paper, involving the estimation of: (i) Spatially dependent heat fluxes; (ii) Time-dependent heat fluxes; and (iii) Time and spatially dependent heat fluxes.


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The Mathematica system (version 4.0) is employed in the solution of nonlinear difusion and convection-difusion problems, formulated as transient one-dimensional partial diferential equations with potential dependent equation coefficients. The Generalized Integral Transform Technique (GITT) is first implemented for the hybrid numerical-analytical solution of such classes of problems, through the symbolic integral transformation and elimination of the space variable, followed by the utilization of the built-in Mathematica function NDSolve for handling the resulting transformed ODE system. This approach ofers an error-controlled final numerical solution, through the simultaneous control of local errors in this reliable ODE's solver and of the proposed eigenfunction expansion truncation order. For covalidation purposes, the same built-in function NDSolve is employed in the direct solution of these partial diferential equations, as made possible by the algorithms implemented in Mathematica (versions 3.0 and up), based on application of the method of lines. Various numerical experiments are performed and relative merits of each approach are critically pointed out.


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Oscillatory contractile activity is an inherent property of blood vessels. Various cellular mechanisms have been proposed to contribute to oscillatory activity. Mouse small mesenteric arteries display a unique low frequency contractile oscillatory activity (1 cycle every 10-12 min) upon phenylephrine stimulation. Our objective was to identify mechanisms involved in this peculiar oscillatory activity. First-order mesenteric arteries were mounted in tissue baths for isometric force measurement. The oscillatory activity was observed only in vessels with endothelium, but it was not blocked by L-NAME (100 µM) or indomethacin (10 µM), ruling out the participation of nitric oxide and prostacyclin, respectively, in this phenomenon. Oscillatory activity was not observed in vessels contracted with K+ (90 mM) or after stimulation with phenylephrine plus 10 mM K+. Ouabain (1 to 10 µM, an Na+/K+-ATPase inhibitor), but not K+ channel antagonists [tetraethylammonium (100 µM, a nonselective K+ channel blocker), Tram-34 (10 µM, blocker of intermediate conductance K+ channels) or UCL-1684 (0.1 µM, a small conductance K+ channel blocker)], inhibited the oscillatory activity. The contractile activity was also abolished when experiments were performed at 20°C or in K+-free medium. Taken together, these results demonstrate that Na+/K+-ATPase is a potential source of these oscillations. The presence of α-1 and α-2 Na+/K+-ATPase isoforms was confirmed in murine mesenteric arteries by Western blot. Chronic infusion of mice with ouabain did not abolish oscillatory contraction, but up-regulated vascular Na+/K+-ATPase expression and increased blood pressure. Together, these observations suggest that the Na+/K+ pump plays a major role in the oscillatory activity of murine small mesenteric arteries.


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A paralisia de pregas vocais representa 10% das anomalias congênitas da laringe, sendo a segunda causa mais comum de estridor laríngeo na infância. Quando considerada a paralisia de prega vocal unilateral, a principal causa é a lesão iatrogênica do nervo laríngeo recorrente esquerdo secundária à cirurgia para correção da persistência do canal arterial. Nesse trabalho fazemos uma revisão da literatura e relatamos um caso de uma criança que após a cirurgia de fechamento da persistência do canal arterial evoluiu com dificuldade respiratória e disfonia. Sugerimos o uso da fibronasofaringolaringoscopia flexível no pré e pós-operatório de crianças com indicação de cirurgia cardíaca para correção de anomalias congênitas, permitindo deste modo o diagnóstico precoce de paralisia de prega vocal e a definição de conduta o mais rápido possível.


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RESUMO As gramas halófitas Spartina alterniflora e Spartina densiflora são espécies bioengenheiras, que podem ser utilizadas para mitigação de áreas degradadas de marismas e manguezais, para o controle da erosão costeira e para estabilização de dragado depositado em regiões estuarinas e costeiras. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos da densidade de plantio e da adubação com nitrogênio (N) e fósforo (P) sobre mudas de propagação vegetativa destas duas espécies, crescendo em bandejas (0,15 m2; 7500 cm3). Para isto, foram realizados em estufa agrícola, não climatizada, dois experimentos nos anos de 2009 e 2011. Em 2009, apenas S. alterniflora foi cultivada, em duas densidades de plantios (133 e 400 mudas m-2) e com dois níveis de adição de nutrientes (sem adubação e com adição total de 50,8 gN m-2 e 16 gP m-2). Em 2011, bandejas com 80 mudas m-2 de ambas as espécies foram adubadas com razões 2N:1P, 6N:1P, 10N:1P e 14N:1P (adição total de 115 gN m-2). A adubação com NP estimulou a formação foliar e, em recipientes fertilizados, o número médio de hastes de S. alterniflora, após 80 dias, foi o dobro do observado nos recipientes-controle. Entretanto, densidades iniciais de 400 ou mais hastes m-2 nas bandejas resultaram em alongamento vertical excessivo das hastes de S. alterniflora (cerca de 100 cm de altura), o que prejudica o manuseio e o plantio. A adubação com razão 2N:1P resultou em melhor perfilhamento de ambas as espécies.


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Mortality from asthma has shown important variations over time in several countries. In Brazil, a mortality study performed in the 60s, covering the cities of S.Paulo and Ribeirão Preto, and other ten cities showed that S.Paulo presented the lowest death rate from asthma among of them all. It was decided to study the time trends of deaths from asthma and from the whole set of respiratory diseases from 1970 to 1992, in the population aged 15-34 yrs. old in the State of S.Paulo, as well as to compare them with those of other countries. Asthma mortality rates during the 23 years of observation since 1975, showed an oscillatory declining pattern with a peak of deaths in the initial years. The linearization of the curve allows the calculation of Pearson's correlation coefficient that was significantly negative, suggesting a decline in the mortality over this period, mainly in the 5-9 yrs. old and 30-34 yrs. old strata. The segmentation of data between the period of ICD-9, 1970 to 1978, and of ICD-9, 1979 and subsequent years, shows that there is stability within each period, in all age-groups, except for that of 5-9 yr. olds between 1970-1978. Comparing the rates of the population aged 15-34 yrs. old for the State of S. Paulo, Brazil, with trends observed in 14 other countries, an intermediate pattern for the first triennial period (1970-1972) as well as for the subsequent triennial periods, emerges. A prevalence study of asthma, a follow up program meant for using emergency rooms and a surveillance of deaths due to all respiratory diseases and specifically to asthma are strongly recommended.


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Helicobacter pylori is a bacterium recognized as the major cause of peptic ulcer and chronic gastritis. Recently, a proteome-based approach was developed to investigate pathogenic factors related to H. pylori. In this preliminary study, H. pylori strains were isolated from gastric biopsies of patients with chronic gastritis and duodenal ulcers. A partial proteomic analysis of H. pylori strains was performed by bacterial lyses and proteins were separated by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE). A comparative analysis was performed to verify a differential protein expression between these two 2-DE maps. These data should be useful to clarify the role of different proteins related to bacterial pathogenesis. This study will be completed using a larger number of samples and protein identification of H. pylori by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry.


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INTRODUCTION: The symptoms of Brazilian borreliosis resemble the clinical manifestations of Lyme disease (LD). However, there are differences between the two in terms of epidemiological and laboratory findings. Primers usually employed to diagnose LD have failed to detect Borrelia strains in Brazil. OBJECTIVE: We aimed to identify the Brazilian Borrelia using a conserved gene that synthesizes the flagellar hook (flgE) of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato. METHOD: Three patients presenting with erythema migrans and positive epidemiological histories were recruited for the study. Blood samples were collected, and the DNA was extracted by commercial kits. RESULTS: The gene flgE was amplified from DNA of all selected patients. Upon sequencing, these positive samples revealed 99% homology to B. burgdorferi flgE. CONCLUSION: These results support the existence of borreliosis in Brazil. However, it is unclear whether this borreliosis is caused by a genetically modified B. burgdorferi sensu stricto or by a new species of Borrelia spp.


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The role of rodents in the epidemiology of toxoplasmosis was investigated inLondrina, Paraná State, Brazil. One hundred and eighty-one Rattus rattus and one Mus musculus were caught in 37 places. Blood and tissues were collected and submitted to the indirect fluorescence antibody test (IFAT) and the bioassay. Serum samples from 61 contacting dogs were also collected. Sixteen rats (8.8%) were positive for Toxoplasma gondii, but just two of them were positive by serology and bioassay test. Antibodies were found in nine (4.9%) rats. Tissues of nine rats bioassayed were positive and four isolates were obtained. Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis was performed using 12 markers (SAG1, SAG2, SAG2-alt, C22-8, C29-2, L358, PK1, BTUB, GRA6, SAG3, Apico, CS3). Genotyping revealed that the four strains isolated from this study have been isolated before in cats and chickens from Brazil. None of the isolates was identified like clonal archetypal T-types I, II, and III. The rats presented lower serologic Toxoplasma gondii prevalence (8.8%) compared to contacting dogs (70.5%).


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The TRMM-LBA field campaign was held during the austral summer of 1999 in southwestern Amazonia. Among the major objectives, was the identification and description of the diurnal variability of rainfall in the region, associated with the different rain producing weather systems that occurred during the January-February season. By using a network of 40 digital rain gauges implemented in the state of Rondônia, and together with observations and analyses of circulation and convection, it was possible to identify details of the diurnal cycle of rainfall and the associated rainfall mechanisms. Rainfall episodes were characterized by regimes of "low-level easterly" and "westerly" winds in the context of the large-scale circulation. The westerly regime is related to an enhanced South Atlantic Convergence Zone (SACZ) and an intense and/or wide Low Level Jet (LLJ) east of the Andes, which can extend eastward towards Rondônia, even though some westerly regime episodes also show a LLJ that remains close to the foothill of the Andes. The easterly regime is related to easterly propagating systems (e.g. squall-lines) with possible weakened or less frequent LLJs and a suppressed SACZ. Diurnal variability of rainfall during westerly surface wind regime shows a characteristic maximum at late afternoon followed by a relatively weaker second maximum at early evening (2100 Local Standard Time LST). The easterly regime composite shows an early morning maximum followed by an even stronger maximum in the afternoon.


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OBJETIVO: Verificar a validade da classificação do estado nutricional e da estatura para idade quando utilizadas massa corporal e estatura autorreferidas por adolescentes, bem como relacionar essa validade com percepção e com satisfação corporal. MÉTODOS: 304 adolescentes antes de terem suas medidas de massa e estatura aferidas autorreferiram essas medidas, foram questionados sobre a percepção de seu corpo e a classificação da imagem corporal foi obtida com o uso de uma escala de silhuetas corporais. Também foram aplicados testes específicos para avaliar a satisfação corporal e o comportamento alimentar. RESULTADOS: As classificações feitas com base nos dados autorreferidos e aferidos tiveram concordância alta (K = 1,00) para a classificação da estatura por idade e moderada (K < 0,75) para a classificação de índice de massa corporal. No entanto, adolescentes que se consideravam "abaixo do peso" subestimaram o índice de massa corporal autorrelatado e, os que se percebiam como "gordos", o superestimaram. As meninas e os que se classificaram como obesos tenderam a subestimar o índice de massa corporal, e os meninos, a superestimá-lo. CONCLUSÃO: Os adolescentes autorrelataram suas medidas de massa e estatura de maneira adequada. No entanto, o sexo, a percepção e a classificação da imagem corporal foram variáveis que influenciaram na obtenção de respostas não válidas.