13 resultados para Orientations
em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP
This article is divided in three sections. The first one explores the so-called "strategic partnership" between Brazil and China. In the second section we shall examine how US-China relations in the global system could affect both Brazil-US, and Brazil-China bilateral relations. A final section presents some recommendations for Brazil strategic orientations regarding the current systemic transition in the allotment of global power.
Natural processes that determine soil and plant litter properties are controlled by multiple factors. However, little attention has been given to distinguishing the effects of environmental factors from the effects of spatial structure of the area on the distribution of soil and litter properties in tropical ecosystems covering heterogeneous topographies. The aim of this study was to assess patterns of soil and litter variation in a tropical area that intercepts different levels of solar radiation throughout the year since its topography has slopes predominantly facing opposing geographic directions. Soil data (pH, C, N, P, H+Al, Ca, Mg, K, Al, Na, sand, and silt) and plant litter data (N, K, Ca, P, and Mg) were gathered together with the geographic coordinates (to model the spatial structure) of 40 sampling units established at two sites composed of slopes predominantly facing northwest and southeast (20 units each). Soil and litter chemical properties varied more among slopes within similar geographic orientations than between the slopes facing opposing directions. Both the incident solar radiation and the spatial structure of the area were relevant in explaining the patterns detected in variation of soil and plant litter. Individual contributions of incident solar radiation to explain the variation in the properties evaluated suggested that this and other environmental factors may play a particularly relevant role in determining soil and plant litter distribution in tropical areas with heterogeneous topography. Furthermore, this study corroborates that the spatial structure of the area also plays an important role in the distribution of soil and litter within this type of landscape, which appears to be consistent with the action of water movement mechanisms in such areas.
Platinum is widely used as electrode in electrocatalytic processes, however the use of polycrystalline electrodes introduces a series of variables in the electrochemical system due to the aleatory contribution of all the crystallographic orientations with different surface packing of atoms. Single crystal platinum electrodes of low Miller index present surface structure of high regularity and serve as model to establish a correlation among the macroscopic and microscopic properties of the electrochemical interface. Therefore, the main aim of this work is the study of the voltammetric profiles of the reversible adsorption-desorption of hydrogen on Pt(100), Pt(110) and Pt(111), in order to correlate the electrochemical properties of each different orientation with the surface atomic structure.
This work focuses its attention in teaching through problems, as a methodological strategy in the system of chemistry learning situations. The philosophical and epistemological basis of our perspective are the works that were developed by M. Majmutov and M.M. Llantada, in the field of sciences didactics and in the social-historical context of the school, where the fundamental categories that structure teaching through problems are discussed: the problem, the problematic tasks and problematic, as main orientations in the process of construction of the knowledge by the students.
The triterpenoids oleanolic (OA) and ursolic (UA) acids show non-selective antiinflamatory activity in vitro for cyclooxygenase (COX) isoforms. 3D conformations of OA and UA, with three possible orientations (1, 1' and 2) in the active site of isoforms COX, obtained by docking, were submitted to molecular dynamics. The results show that orientation 2 of the OA in COX-2 is more favorable because orientation 1 moved away from the active site. The carboxylate group of OA interact by hydrogen bonds with Ser353 and with Phe357 and Leu359, mediated by water, while hydroxyl in C-3 interact by hydrogen bond, mediated by water, with Tyr385.
Some aspects of the application of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy to studies of solid electrode / solution interface, in the absence of faradaic processes, are analysed. In order to perform this analysis, gold electrodes with (111) and (210) crystallographic orientations in an aqueous solution containing 10 mmol dm-3 KF, as supporting electrolyte, and a pyridine concentration varying from 0.01 to 4.6 mmol dm-3, were used. The experimental data was analysed by using EQUIVCRT software, which utilises non-linear least squares routines, attributing to the solid electrode / solution interface behaviour described by an equivalent circuit with a resistance in series with a constant phase element. The results of this fitting procedure were analysed by the dependence on the electrode potential on two parameters: the pre-exponential factor, Y0, and the exponent n f, related with the phase angle shift. By this analysis it was possible to observe that the pyridine adsorption is strongly affected by the crystallographic orientation of the electrode surface and that the extent of deviation from ideal capacitive behaviour is mainly of interfacial origin.
L'amitié et l'affinité intellectuelle qui caractérisèrent les rapports de Hobbes avec Gassendi forment un tissu ténu dont il n'est point aisé de démêler la trame. Aux côtés de points de convergence clairement définis, telle la commune aversion envers le dualisme et l'innéisme cartésiens, et par-delà des divergences non moins nettes dans leurs orientations philosophiques particulières, le sens des parcours maintes fois parallèles doit encore être éclairé de façon circonstanciée. Le terrain privilégié sur lequel élever une confrontation étroite entre deux auteurs est sans doute la construction d'une psychologie profondément marquée par des prémisses empiriques et dont l'orientation vise à établir une relation très étroite entre les processus de la perception, du désir (appetitus) et de la volonté avec ce qui les détermine matériellement et mécaniquement. On peut même affirmer que les écrits de Gassendi rédigés au tout début des années 1640 définissent une série d'hypothèses innovatrices sur lesquelles s'inscrit une certaine convergence avec les élaborations de Hobbes à elles contemporaines. Sous ce profil, le groupe de textes remontant aux années 1640-41, et où le philosophe d'Aix s'interroge sur la nature des phénomènes lumineux, est emblématique. L'explication du comportement des corps lumineux en terme de systole et de diastole, l'interprétation de la propagation de la lumière s'inspirant de la pure actualité cinématique (en polémique ouverte et explicite envers les thèses de la Dioptrique de Descartes sur la luminosité comme simple inclinaison au mouvement), le vacuisme (qui est propre à Gassendi, servant justement à rendre compte des phénomènes d'expansion et de contraction des sources lumineuses et qui, à cette époque, n'était pas encore exclu par Hobbes), la représentation, enfin, tout à fait matérielle et mécanique des phénomènes d'irradiation, voilà autant d'aspects de la recherche de Gassendi qui peuvent facilement être confrontés aux écrits de Hobbes.
L'auteur de ce texte a abordé auparavant à plusieurs reprises le sujet d'une confrontation entre les pensées de Heidegger et de Lukacs. Il est parti de l'idée qu'ils existent des motifs communs entre les deux pensées, par exemple le thème de l'aliénation et celui de la réification, et il a publié deux articles dans ce sens. Le texte publié ici poursuit un objectif plus ambitieux, car il se propose de remonter aux fondements ontologiques des deux pensées et confronter Heidegger et Lukacs à partir de leur opposition sur pluseurs questions philosophiques cruciales : l'autonomie ontologique du monde extérieur, la définition du concept de "monde", la "subjectivité du sujet" et la humanitas de l'homo humanus, la critique lukacsienne du concept heideggérien d'"être-jeté..." (Geworfenheit),la problématique de la finitude et de l'infini,etc. La thèse centrale de l'article est l'occultation par Heidegger du travail comme "phénomène originaire" de l'existence humaine et sa substitution par une catégorie affective: le "Souci" (die Sorge), tandis que Lukacs a construit son ontologie de l'être social, en suivant Hegel et Marx, sur l'idée du travail comme pivot de l'existence humaine. La partie finale du texte désigne plusieurs motifs de la pensée heideggérienne (la critique de la pensée sécurisante, par ex.) qui préfigurent l'adhésion du philosophe à l'extrême droite de l'époque, ce qui confirme la thèse de Lukacs formulée dans son livre La Destruction de la Raison sur le caractère "pré-fasciste" de certaines orientations de la philosophie heideggérienne à l'époque qui asuccédé à son livre fameux Être et Temps.
It is well known that the numerical solutions of incompressible viscous flows are of great importance in Fluid Dynamics. The graphics output capabilities of their computational codes have revolutionized the communication of ideas to the non-specialist public. In general those codes include, in their hydrodynamic features, the visualization of flow streamlines - essentially a form of contour plot showing the line patterns of the flow - and the magnitudes and orientations of their velocity vectors. However, the standard finite element formulation to compute streamlines suffers from the disadvantage of requiring the determination of boundary integrals, leading to cumbersome implementations at the construction of the finite element code. In this article, we introduce an efficient way - via an alternative variational formulation - to determine the streamlines for fluid flows, which does not need the computation of contour integrals. In order to illustrate the good performance of the alternative formulation proposed, we capture the streamlines of three viscous models: Stokes, Navier-Stokes and Viscoelastic flows.
One of the problems that slows the development of off-line programming is the low static and dynamic positioning accuracy of robots. Robot calibration improves the positioning accuracy and can also be used as a diagnostic tool in robot production and maintenance. A large number of robot measurement systems are now available commercially. Yet, there is a dearth of systems that are portable, accurate and low cost. In this work a measurement system that can fill this gap in local calibration is presented. The measurement system consists of a single CCD camera mounted on the robot tool flange with a wide angle lens, and uses space resection models to measure the end-effector pose relative to a world coordinate system, considering radial distortions. Scale factors and image center are obtained with innovative techniques, making use of a multiview approach. The target plate consists of a grid of white dots impressed on a black photographic paper, and mounted on the sides of a 90-degree angle plate. Results show that the achieved average accuracy varies from 0.2mm to 0.4mm, at distances from the target from 600mm to 1000mm respectively, with different camera orientations.
We report here for the first time the structure and function of a promoter from a cestode. The ability of DNA fragments respectively encompassing the 935-bp and 524-bp regions upstream from the ATG codon from the EgactI and EgactII actin genes of Echinococcus granulosus to promote transcription was studied in the NIH3T3 mouse cell line. The results of transfection assays showed that both regions have strong promoter activity in these cells. The fragments were tested in both orientations and the 524-bp fragment of EgactII presented a bidirectional promoter activity. Deletion analysis of EgactI and EgactII promoters indicated the presence of regulatory regions containing putative silencer elements. These results indicate that both EgactI and EgactII promoters are functional and that the preliminary functional evaluation of E. granulosus and possibly of other cestode promoters can be performed in heterologous cell lines.
The attitudes towards gender and homosexuality tend to be linked at the micro level (individuals), which explains the political saliency of this newly emerging cleavage. At the macro level (country), the main finding is that the value orientations towards gender and homosexuality are strongly embedded in the basic cultural or civilisation differences among countries. As developing countries modernise and enter post-modernity, they will also experience the gender cleavage, especially when they adhere to an individualistic culture. Cultural cleavages in the post-modern society, whether in rich or developing countries, can only be properly researched by the survey method. It opens up a large area for both micro and macro analyses in the social sciences.
In this paper we extend Kaldors Neo-Pasinetti theorem to the scope of budgetary interventions based on political orientations. First, we take into account a system of taxes and expenditures. Second, we introduce different reaction functions for public spending showing the political role of the State in Cambridge theory of distribution. It turns out that the validity of Kaldorian results depends on the political orientation adopted by government, which diminishes the range of application of the Neo-Pasinetti theorem.