24 resultados para Myth criticism

em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP


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Considerable evidence suggests that nitroxidergic mechanisms in the nucleus tractus solitarii (NTS) participate in cardiovascular reflex control. Much of that evidence, being based on responses to nitric oxide precursors or inhibitors of nitric oxide synthesis, has been indirect and circumstantial. We sought to directly determine cardiovascular responses to nitric oxide donors microinjected into the NTS and to determine if traditional receptor mechanisms might account for responses to certain of these donors in the central nervous system. Anesthetized adult Sprague Dawley rats that were instrumented for recording arterial pressure and heart rate were used in the physiological studies. Microinjection of nitric oxide itself into the NTS did not produce any cardiovascular responses and injection of sodium nitroprusside elicited minimal depressor responses. The S-nitrosothiols, S-nitrosoglutathione (GSNO), S-nitrosoacetylpenicillamine (SNAP), and S-nitroso-D-cysteine (D-SNC) produced no significant cardiovascular responses while injection of S-nitroso-L-cysteine (L-SNC) elicited brisk, dose-dependent depressor and bradycardic responses. In contrast, injection of glyceryl trinitrate elicited minimal pressor responses without associated changes in heart rate. It is unlikely that the responses to L-SNC were dependent on release of nitric oxide in that 1) the responses were not affected by injection of oxyhemoglobin or an inhibitor of nitric oxide synthesis prior to injection of L-SNC and 2) L- and D-SNC released identical amounts of nitric oxide when exposed to brain tissue homogenates. Although GSNO did not independently affect blood pressure, its injection attenuated responses to subsequent injection of L-SNC. Furthermore, radioligand binding studies suggested that in rat brain synaptosomes there is a saturable binding site for GSNO that is displaced from that site by L-SNC. The studies suggest that S-nitrosocysteine, not nitric oxide, may be an interneuronal messenger for cardiovascular neurons in the NTS


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In the past thirty years, a series of plans have been developed by successive Brazilian governments in a continuing effort to maximize the nation's resources for economic and social growth. This planning history has been quantitatively rich but qualitatively poor. The disjunction has stimulated Professor Mello e Souza to address himself to the problem of national planning and to offer some criticisms of Brazilian planning experience. Though political instability has obviously been a factor promoting discontinuity, his criticisms are aimed at the attitudes and strategic concepts which have sought to link planning to national goals and administration. He criticizes the fascination with techniques and plans to the exclusion of proper diagnosis of the socio-political reality, developing instruments to coordinate and carry out objectives, and creating an administrative structure centralized enough to make national decisions and decentralized enough to perform on the basis of those decisions. Thus, fixed, quantified objectives abound while the problem of functioning mechanisms for the coordinated, rational use of resources has been left unattended. Although his interest and criticism are focused on the process and experience of national planning, he recognized variation in the level and results of Brazilian planning. National plans have failed due to faulty conception of the function of planning. Sectorial plans, save in the sector of the petroleum industry under government responsibility, ha e not succeeded in overcoming the problems of formulation and execution thereby repeating old technical errors. Planning for the private sector has a somewhat brighter history due to the use of Grupos Executivos which has enabled the planning process to transcend the formalism and tradition-bound attitudes of the regular bureaucracy. Regional planning offers two relatively successful experiences, Sudene and the strategy of the regionally oriented autarchy. Thus, planning history in Brazil is not entirely black but a certain shade of grey. The major part of the article, however, is devoted to a descriptive analysis of the national planning experience. The plans included in this analysis are: The Works and Equipment Plan (POE); The Health, Food, Transportation and Energy Plan (Salte); The Program of Goals; The Trienal Plan of Economic and Social Development; and the Plan of Governmental Economic Action (Paeg). Using these five plans for his historical experience the author sets out a series of errors of formulation and execution by which he analyzes that experience. With respect to formulation, he speaks of a lack of elaboration of programs and projects, of coordination among diverse goals, and of provision of qualified staff and techniques. He mentions the absence of the definition of resources necessary to the financing of the plan and the inadequate quantification of sectorial and national goals due to the lack of reliable statistical information. Finally, he notes the failure to coordinate the annual budget with the multi-year plans. He sees the problems of execution as beginning in the absence of coordination between the various sectors of the public administration, the failure to develop an operative system of decentralization, the absence of any system of financial and fiscal control over execution, the difficulties imposed by the system of public accounting, and the absence of an adequate program of allocation for the liberation of resources. He ends by pointing to the failure to develop and use an integrated system of political economic tools in a mode compatible with the objective of the plans. The body of the article analyzes national planning experience in Brazil using these lists of errors as rough model of criticism. Several conclusions emerge from this analysis with regard to planning in Brazil and in developing countries, in general. Plans have generally been of little avail in Brazil because of the lack of a continuous, bureaucratized (in the Weberian sense) planning organization set in an instrumentally suitable administrative structure and based on thorough diagnoses of socio-economic conditions and problems. Plans have become the justification for planning. Planning has come to be conceived as a rational method of orienting the process of decisions through the establishment of a precise and quantified relation between means and ends. But this conception has led to a planning history rimmed with frustration, and failure, because of its rigidity in the face of flexible and changing reality. Rather, he suggests a conception of planning which understands it "as a rational process of formulating decisions about the policy, economy, and society whose only demand is that of managing the instrumentarium in a harmonious and integrated form in order to reach explicit, but not quantified ends". He calls this "planning without plans": the establishment of broad-scale tendencies through diagnosis whose implementation is carried out through an adjustable, coherent instrumentarium of political-economic tools. Administration according to a plan of multiple, integrated goals is a sound procedure if the nation's administrative machinery contains the technical development needed to control the multiple variables linked to any situation of socio-economic change. Brazil does not possess this level of refinement and any strategy of planning relevant to its problems must recognize this. The reforms which have been attempted fail to make this recognition as is true of the conception of planning informing the Brazilian experience. Therefore, unworkable plans, ill-diagnosed with little or no supportive instrumentarium or flexibility have been Brazil's legacy. This legacy seems likely to continue until the conception of planning comes to live in the reality of Brazil.


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OBJETIVO: Estimar a freqüência de ingestão alcoólica em vítimas de causas externas atendidas em hospital. MÉTODOS: Estudo realizado com vítimas atendidas em um hospital geral universitário em Uberlândia (MG), de fevereiro a agosto de 2004. A alcoolemia foi determinada em 85 pacientes no pronto-socorro e entrevistaram-se outros 301 internados nas enfermarias sobre possível ingestão alcoólica previamente ao trauma; em ambos os grupos foi aplicado o questionário Cut-down, Annoyed by criticism, Guilty and Eye-opener (CAGE). Para as comparações das freqüências foi utilizado o teste exato de Fisher. RESULTADOS: A alcoolemia foi positiva em 31,8% dos pacientes testados, os quais mais freqüentemente necessitaram de internação (70,4% versus 37,9%; p<0,05). Proporcionalmente, alcoolemia positiva foi mais freqüente (p<0,05) entre as vítimas de agressão física (57,1%) do que as de queda (18,2%) ou de acidente de trânsito (29,3%). Nas enfermarias, 29,9% dos pacientes referiram ingestão alcoólica, proporcionalmente mais freqüente (p<0,01) entre as vítimas de agressão física (67,4%) do que entre as de acidente de trânsito (27,8%) ou queda (19,3%). Entre aqueles que ingeriram álcool, abordados no pronto-socorro e nas enfermarias, observou-se, respectivamente: que a maioria era homens (85,2% e 80,4%), a ocorrência de trauma foi maior (p<0,05) nos finais de semana (63% e 57,8%) e no período noturno (59,3% e 57,8%), e o questionário CAGE foi positivo em 81,5% e 82,2%. CONCLUSÕES: Cerca de um terço dos pacientes ingeriu bebidas alcoólicas previamente ao trauma e, entre eles, a maioria era homens. Proporcionalmente, a ingestão prévia de bebidas alcoólicas foi mais freqüente entre os pacientes vítimas de violência. Os resultados da aplicação do CAGE mostra que a maioria dos pacientes vítimas de causas externas após ingestão etílica não era alcoolista ocasional, e sim provável usuário crônico ou dependente de álcool.


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OBJETIVO: Analisar a associação entre abuso de álcool durante a gestação e baixo peso ao nascer. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal de base populacional aninhado a uma coorte de 957 gestantes que realizaram acompanhamento pré-natal no Sistema Único de Saúde da cidade de Pelotas, RS, e deram à luz entre setembro de 2007 e setembro de 2008. As mães foram entrevistadas em dois momentos distintos: no período de pré-parto e após o parto. Para verificar o abuso do álcool foi utilizada a escala Cut down, Annoyed by criticism, Guilty and Eye-opener. Foram realizadas análises bivariadas e regressão logística múltipla, ajustada pelas variáveis prematuridade e abuso de álcool. O nível de significância adotado foi de 95%. RESULTADOS: Das mulheres que participaram do estudo, 2,1% abusaram de álcool na gestação e, entre essas, 26,3% tiveram filhos com baixo peso. Houve associação entre o abuso de álcool e baixo peso ao nascer (p < 0,038). CONCLUSÕES: Os achados indicam que o abuso de álcool durante a gestação está associado ao baixo peso ao nascer.


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OBJECTIVE To analyze the sociocultural aspects involved in the decision-making process of vaccination in upper-class and highly educated families.METHODS A qualitative approach based on in-depth interviews with 15 couples from the city of Sao Paulo, Southeastern Brazil, falling into three categories: vaccinators, late or selective vaccinators, and nonvaccinators. The interpretation of produced empirical material was performed through content analysis.RESULTS The study showed diverse and particular aspects surrounding the three groups’ decisions whether to vaccinate their children. The vaccinators’ decision to vaccinate their children was spontaneous and raised no questions. Most late or selective vaccinators experienced a wide range of situations that were instrumental in the decision to delay or not apply certain vaccines. The nonvaccinator’s decision-making process expressed a broader context of both criticism of hegemonic obstetric practices in Brazil and access to information transmitted via social networks and the internet. The data showed that the problematization of vaccines (culminating in the decision to not vaccinate their children) occurred in the context of humanized birth, was protagonized by women and was greatly influenced by health information from the internet.CONCLUSIONS Sociocultural aspects of the singular Brazilian context and the contemporary society were involved in the decision-making on children’s vaccination. Understanding this process can provide a real basis for a deeper reflection on health and immunization practices in Brazil in light of the new contexts and challenges of the world today.


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OBJETIVO: O transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo (TOC) causa importante impacto sobre a dinâmica familiar. Frequentemente, ocorrem modificações na rotina da família, a qual acaba se adaptando aos sintomas e às exigências do paciente, fenômeno denominado acomodação familiar. Portadores de TOC podem sentir-se, ainda, alvo de críticas por parte de pessoas de seu convívio. Alguns estudos associam pior prognóstico a maiores Índices de Acomodação Familiar e criticismo percebido. Este artigo tem como objetivo verificar possíveis associações entre tipos de sintomas predominantes (dimensões) determinados pela escala DYBOCS, em relação ao funcionamento familiar e percepção crítica dos pacientes. MÉTODO: Quarenta e nove pacientes e seus familiares foram avaliados por meio da aplicação de escalas para medição dos índices de criticismo percebido (Perceived Criticism Scale) e acomodação familiar (Family Accommodation Scale), além de escalas para medir a intensidade dos sintomas obsessivo-compulsivos (Dimensional Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale, Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale), depressivos e ansiosos (Hamilton and Beck depression and anxiety inventories). Compararam-se os resultados aos índices obtidos pela DYBOCS e a outras variáveis clínicas relacionadas ao TOC. RESULTADOS: Encontraram-se correlações estatísticas entre gravidade das dimensões agressividade e contaminação, com maior acomodação familiar. Foi verificado também maior criticismo por parte dos pacientes portadores de colecionismo. CONCLUSÃO: Diferentes subtipos de TOC exercem diferentes padrões de influência no contexto familiar. Mais estudos com esse enfoque são necessários para melhor orientação comportamental a pacientes e familiares.


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Abstract A literature overview of angiographic studies has shown that the prevalence of significant coronary disease in patients with aortic stenosis (AS) varies from 20 to 60%. Early necropsy studies suggested that patients with AS had a lower than expected incidence of coronary artery disease (CAD), originating the concept of a protective effect of AS on the coronary arteries. The myth of AS protection against CAD would be better explained as endothelium-myocardial interaction (crosstalk) protection triggered by left ventricular overload. Therefore, the cGMP/NO pathway induced by the AS overload pressure would explain the low incidence of CAD, which is compatible with the amazing natural long-term evolution of this cardiac valve disease.


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Among all activities related to the management of science and technology in Brazil, program monitoring and evaluation is certainly one of the less developed and most needed. There are no universal methodologies that can be applied. In essence programs can be evaluated by relating their achievements to pre-established goals. A second strategy is to compare programs similar in nature, utilizing as reference common indicators. Finally programs can be evaluated by their socio-economic impact comparing investments to outcomes. All strategies mentioned require appropriate program design monitoring and expert independent evaluation. In Brazil as in many other countries including developed ones this activity is complicated by the fact that programs vary widely in their scope and goals. In Brazil program designs often do not specify clearly their purposes and output indicators, many are not monitored properly which makes evaluation difficult. Consequently science and technology programs are difficult to be compared to each other, and even evaluated on the basis of pre-established goals. In PADCT monitoring and evaluation proved to be the most challenging activities. Two lessons however were learnt. One is that the process of monitoring and evaluation has to be continuously exposed to criticism to be perfected; and the second is that the evaluation process must not be exhausted shortly after investments since translation of scientific knowledge into industrial applications may prove to be a lengthy process. In this exercise we certainly do not pretend to evaluate the QEQ subprogram but to organize some of the information produced by different sources related to this subject, including the PADCT administration. We use somewhat each strategy described: compare the outputs of the QEQ to predetermined proposed goals (particularly in PADCT II), compare the QEQ to other PADCT subprograms, and specify some outputs in terms of technological and industrial applications. Finally, we utilize this opportunity to discuss science and technology M&E in general and the complexity of developing this area in Brazil.


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This paper deals with Carathédory's formulation of the second law of thermodynamics. The material is presented in a didatical way, which allows a second year undergraduate student to follow the formalism. An application is made to an ideal gas with two independent variables. A criticism to Carnot formulation of the second law and an investigation of the historical origins of the Carathéodory formalism are also presented.


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In this paper I discuss the intuition behind Frege's and Russell's definitions of numbers as sets, as well as Benacerraf's criticism of it. I argue that Benacerraf's argument is not as strong as some philosophers tend to think. Moreover, I examine an alternative to the Fregean-Russellian definition of numbers proposed by Maddy, and point out some problems faced by it.


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Philosophers have long disagreed about whether poetry, drama, and other literary arts are important to philosophy; and among those who believe that they are important, explanations of that importance have differed greatly. This paper aims to explain and illustrate some of the reasons why Hume found literature to be an important topic for philosophy and philosophers. Philosophy, he holds, can help to explain general and specific literary phenomena, to ground the science of criticism, and to suggest and justify ";principles of art,"; while at the same time literature can provide valuable ";experiments"; for philosophical theorizing and provide it with a model for the science of morals and (in some ways) for philosophy itself. Moreover, the literary arts can not only help one to write better philosophy, in Hume's view; they can also help one to write philosophy better.


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ABSTRACT The paper intends to build a dialogue between Nāgārjuna and Schelling on Self, world, and standpoints, taking as main references Nāgārjuna's The Fundamental Verses of the Middle Way and Schelling's Philosophical Letters on Dogmatism and Criticism. Whereas Nāgārjuna criticizes the substantialization of beings by resorting to the discourse of the dependent co-origination in order to overcome suffering, Schelling, on his turn, refutes the fanaticism based on dogmatism's tenets in favor of the criticism interpreted according to its spirit, and not according to its letter, in order to emancipate humanity. Starting with a succint contextualization of the Eastern and Western philosophical discourse, proceeding further to discuss the philosophies of both thinkers, the paper is concluded by assessing their theories.


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Abstract In a recent paper, Manuel Pérez Otero attempted to turn the tables on Paul Boghossian's claim that content externalism is incompatible with the 'a priority of our logical abilities'. In reply, Boghossian argued that Pérez Otero's criticism misses the main point of his argument through concentrating on the semantics of singular (as opposed to general) terms. I elaborate on Boghossian's reply by showing that even taken on its own terms Pérez Otero's paper fails to engage with internalism through systematically misrepresenting what a truly internalistic account of the semantics of singular terms should be.