18 resultados para Multidimensional Compressible Flows

em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP


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The results of a numerical study of premixed Hydrogen-air flows ignition by an oblique shock wave (OSW) stabilized by a wedge are presented, in situations when initial and boundary conditions are such that transition between the initial OSW and an oblique detonation wave (ODW) is observed. More precisely, the objectives of the paper are: (i) to identify the different possible structures of the transition region that exist between the initial OSW and the resulting ODW and (ii) to evidence the effect on the ODW of an abrupt decrease of the wedge angle in such a way that the final part of the wedge surface becomes parallel to the initial flow. For such a geometrical configuration and for the initial and boundary conditions considered, the overdriven detonation supported by the initial wedge angle is found to relax towards a Chapman-Jouguet detonation in the region where the wedge surface is parallel to the initial flow. Computations are performed using an adaptive, unstructured grid, finite volume computer code previously developed for the sake of the computations of high speed, compressible flows of reactive gas mixtures. Physico-chemical properties are functions of the local mixture composition, temperature and pressure, and they are computed using the CHEMKIN-II subroutines.


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No trabalho são desenvolvidos indicadores de integração regional com o principal objetivo de apresentar uma analise multidimensional do Mercosul no período de 1991 a 2006. A pesquisa parte da premissa que o Mercosul não é um caso sui generis de integração regional, e sim um exemplo de organização de integração regional assim como, por exemplo, a União Européia ou a Comunidade Andina de Nações. Assim, embora os indicadores sejam desenvolvidos para serem aplicados no Mercosul, eles poderiam potencialmente ser aplicados para outros casos de processos de integração regional.


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A abordagem de gestão de processos de negócio ganhou grande popularidade e ampla disseminação nas últimas décadas. Uma análise dessa abordagem mostra que ela persegue dois objetivos de difícil conciliação: por um lado, visa à formalização dos processos em modelos - a fim de estruturar efetivamente o trabalho - e, por outro lado, visa dar flexibilidade à organização - mantendo a sua capacidade de responder a situações novas e imprevistas. O presente artigo examina a relação entre formalização e flexibilidade na modelagem de processos de negócio, por meio de uma pesquisa empírica em uma companhia de manutenção de aeronaves na Alemanha, adotando um enfoque qualitativo em diálogo com a Teoria Ator-Rede. A análise deste caso oferece duas contribuições principais: (a) evidencia e ilustra a complexidade sociotécnica envolvida na modelagem de processos de negócio e (b) apresenta os contornos de uma compreensão multidimensional sobre a relação entre formalização e flexibilidade na gestão de processos de negócio.


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This paper examines the nature of the construct of consumers' trust toward the electronic channel of their financial institution. Through a study of a total of 372 individual users of Internet banking in Spain, we have managed to develop a third-order measuring instrument that integrates a total of seven dimensions. The exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were used to test the validation and reliability of the proposed scale. Findings provide useful information to professionals who seek to identify how customer's trust is formed in the online channel and in the financial sector.


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Na abordagem das capacitações de Sen (1981, 1985, 2000, 2001), a pobreza significa privação em diferentes aspectos da vida. O objetivo deste estudo é mensurar a pobreza multidimensional nos municípios da Região Nordeste por meio da teoria dos conjuntos fuzzy e dados do Censo Demográfico (IBGE, 2010). São utilizados 19 indicadores (funcionamentos) distribuídos em quatro dimensões: educação, saúde, condições habitacionais e renda. Os resultados indicam pobreza, com destaque nas dimensões da renda e da educação, principalmente nos estados de Maranhão, Alagoas, Piauí e Paraíba. Políticas de redução da pobreza precisam considerar quais são as privações sofridas pelas pessoas e as particularidades do local onde vivem.


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The impact of shift and night work on health shows a high inter- and intra-individual variability, both in terms of kind of troubles and temporal occurrence, related to various intervening factors dealing with individual characteristics, lifestyles, work demands, company organisation, family relations and social conditions. The way we define "health" and "well-being" can significantly influence appraisals, outcomes and interventions. As the goal is the optimisation of shiftworkers' health, it is necessary to go beyond the health protection and to act for health promotion. In this perspective, not only people related to medical sciences, but many other actors (ergonomists, psychologists, sociologists, educators, legislators), as well as shiftworkers themselves. Many models have been proposed aimed at describing the intervening variables mediating and/or moderating the effects; they try to define the interactions and the pathways connecting risk factors and outcomes through several human dimensions, which refer to physiology, psychology, pathology, sociology, ergonomics, economics, politics, and ethics. So, different criteria can be used to evaluate shiftworkers' health and well-being, starting from biological rhythms and ending in severe health disorders, passing through psychological strain, job dissatisfaction, family perturbation and social dis-adaptation, both in the short- and long-term. Consequently, it appears rather arbitrary to focus the problem of shiftworkers' health and tolerance only on specific aspects (e.g. individual characteristics), but a systemic approach appears more appropriate, able to match as many variables as possible, and aimed at defining which factors are the most relevant for those specific work and social conditions. This can support a more effective and profitable (for individuals, companies, and society) adoption of preventive and compensative measures, that must refer more to "countervalues" rather than to "counterweights".


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O estudo objetivou desenvolver e validar instrumento capaz de medir não-adesão ao tratamento com medicamentos em suas múltiplas dimensões. O Questionário de Adesão a Medicamentos com três perguntas foi aplicado a 46 pessoas com hipertensão arterial em Blumenau, SC, 2006. Compararam-se as medidas de não-adesão obtidas com outros quatro métodos: testes de Haynes, Morisky, contagem de comprimidos e desfecho clínico. As medidas de não-adesão variaram de acordo com o método. A medida composta obtida a partir do questionário desenvolvido resultou em não-adesão de 47,8% (IC 95%: 32,9;63,1), enquanto o padrão-ouro foi 69,6% (IC 95%: 54,3;82,3). As medidas de acurácia para detectar não-adesão mostraram sensibilidade de 62,5% e especificidade de 85,7%, área sob a curva ROC de 74,1% e valor preditivo positivo de 90,9%. Os resultados sugerem bom desempenho do Questionário de Adesão a Medicamentos.


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O artigo apresenta o processo de elaboração do questionário utilizado no Estudo Longitudinal de Saúde do Adulto (ELSA-Brasil). Iniciamos pelo relato sobre a "Seleção de Temas" abordados no questionário, cujo conteúdo teria que abranger o conhecimento disponível acerca da complexa rede de causalidade dos desfechos de interesse, assim como possibilitar a comparabilidade com estudos semelhantes. Contextualizamos a "tradução e a adaptação de instrumentos de medida", necessárias no caso de escalas de avaliação de vizinhanças, do instrumento para diagnóstico de transtornos depressivos e de ansiedade, e do questionário de frequência alimentar. A seguir, comentamos os critérios que nortearam a "ordem dos blocos temáticos" e finalmente a importância prática dos "pré-testes e estudos-piloto". As relações entre o conjunto de informações reunidas no ELSA poderão constituir contribuição original sobre os fatores que causam ou agravam os desfechos de interesse no contexto brasileiro, assim como sobre seus fatores de proteção.


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o desempenho biológico de sistemas consorciados de cenoura e alface, sob diferentes combinações de densidades populacionais, com uso das análises bivariada de variância e envoltória de dados (DEA). O delineamento experimental usado foi o de blocos ao acaso completos, com cinco repetições, com os tratamentos arranjados em esquema fatorial 4x4. Os tratamentos resultaram da combinação de quatro populações de plantas de cenoura (40, 60, 80 e 100% da população recomendada no cultivo solteiro - PRCS) com quatro populações de plantas de alface (40, 60, 80 e 100% da PRCS). As populações recomendadas para os cultivos solteiros da cenoura e alface foram 500 mil e 250 mil plantas por hectare, respectivamente. Tanto o método bivariado como o método de análise de envoltória de dados são bastante eficazes na discriminação dos melhores sistemas de cultivo consorciados, por meio dos rendimentos das culturas. Os resultados da eficiência produtiva, medidos por modelos DEA, permitem uma análise estatística simples do ensaio consorciado. A robustez do método de análise bivariada de variância assegura a validade dos resultados.


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Comprehensive Multidimensional Chromatography is a relatively new analytic technique, which is receiving growing attention in many parts of the world, including recently in Brazil. This work presents terms in Portuguese which are commonly used in Comprehensive Multidimensional Chromatography in order to help standardize the vocabulary employed in this area in the scientific literature. It also includes some symbols, their nominations, and explanation of some terms, whenever necessary. This proposal does not intend to be comprehensive or definitive; on the contrary, it intends to be a first step in the process of establishing a standardized nomenclature, serving as a base for a further sound discussion in the scientific community realm.


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The need for automated analyzers for industrial and environmental samples has triggered the research for new and cost-effective strategies of automation and control of analytical systems. The widespread availability of open-source hardware together with novel analytical methods based on pulsed flows have opened the possibility of implementing standalone automated analytical systems at low cost. Among the areas that can benefit from this approach are the analysis of industrial products and effluents and environmental analysis. In this work, a multi-pumping flow system is proposed for the determination of phosphorus in effluents and polluted water samples. The system employs photometric detection based on the formation of molybdovanadophosphoric acid, and the fluidic circuit is built using three solenoid micropumps. The detection is implemented with a low cost LED-photodiode photometric detection system and the whole system is controlled by an open-source Arduino Uno microcontroller board. The optimization of the timing to ensure the color development and the pumping cycle is discussed for the proposed implementation. Experimental results to evaluate the system behavior are presented verifying a linear relationship between the relative absorbance and the phosphorus concentrations for levels as high as 50 mg L-1.


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As the requirement for agriculture to be environmentally suitable there is a necessity to adopt indicators and methodologies approaching sustainability. In Brazil, biodiesel addition into diesel is mandatory and soybean oil is its main source. The material embodiment determines the convergence of inputs into the crop. Moreover, the material flows are necessary for any environmental analysis. This study evaluated distinct production scenarios, and also conventional versus GMO crops, through the material embodiment and energy analysis. GMO crops demanded less indirectly applied inputs. The energy balance showed linearity with yield, whereas for EROI, the increases in input and yield were not affected.


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An unstructured grid Euler solver for reactive compressible flow applications is presented. The method is implemented in a cell centered, finite volume context for unstructured triangular grids. Three different schemes for spatial discretization are implemented and analyzed. Time march is implemented in a time-split fashion with independent integrators for the flow and chemistry equations. The capability implemented is tested for inert flows in a hypersonic inlet and for inert and reactive supersonic flows over a 2-D wedge. The results of the different schemes are compared with each other and with independent calculations using a structured grid code. The strengths and the possible weaknesses of the proposed methods are discussed.


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This work presents a new law of the wall formulation for recirculating turbulent flows. An alternative expression for the internal length which can be applied in the separated region is also presented. The formulation is implemented in a numerical code which solves the k-epsilon model through a finite volume method. The theoretical results are compared with the experimental data of Vogel and Eaton (J. of Heat Transfer, Transactions of ASME, vol.107, pp. 922-929, 1985). The paper shows that the present formulation furnishes better results than the standard k-epsilon formulation.


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A non isotropic turbulence model is extended and applied to three dimensional stably stratified flows and dispersion calculations. The model is derived from the algebraic stress model (including wall proximity effects), but it retains the simplicity of the "eddy viscosity" concept of first order models. The "modified k-epsilon" is implemented in a three dimensional numerical code. Once the flow is resolved, the predicted velocity and turbulence fields are interpolated into a second grid and used to solve the concentration equation. To evaluate the model, various steady state numerical solutions are compared with small scale dispersion experiments which were conducted at the wind tunnel of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, in Japan. Stably stratified flows and plume dispersion over three distinct idealized complex topographies (flat and hilly terrain) are studied. Vertical profiles of velocity and pollutant concentration are shown and discussed. Also, comparisons are made against the results obtained with the standard k-epsilon model.