41 resultados para Miguel Cané (p.)
em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP
INTRODUCTION: Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) can be difficult to detect at the clinical practice. METHODS: We analyzed 140 MRSA isolates from inpatients to correlate the antimicrobial susceptibility with the SCCmec types. RESULTS: Type III (n = 63) isolates were more resistant to ciprofloxacin, clindamycin, cloramphenicol, erythromycin, gentamicin, and rifampin than type IV (n = 65) ones (p < 0.05). Moreover, type IV isolates were susceptible to tetracycline (100%) and trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (98%), while type III isolates presented resistance to them. CONCLUSIONS: In regions where these SCCmec types are prevalent, the detection of specific resistant phenotypes could help to predict them, mainly when there are no technical conditions to SCCmec typing.
OBJECTIVE: Aortopulmonary window (APW) is an uncommon congenital malformation. Its clinical presentation is dependent on the size of the defect and on the associated lesions. We evaluated our experience with this anomaly and compared it with 296 cases reported in the literature. METHODS: Retrospective study of 18 patients diagnosed as having APW (age range from 13 days to 31 years, 13 (72.2%) females), divided into two groups: Group A (GA): 10 patients with isolated APW, and Group B (GB): 8 patients with associated lesions. RESULTS: Heart failure occurred in 14 patients, and cyanosis in 3: 2 from GB (tetralogy of Fallot - TF, and double outlet right ventricle - DORV), and one from GA with pulmonary hypertension. In 5 patients from GA the diagnosis of mitral regurgitation was made based on a systolic murmur and LV hypertrophy on the EKG. In GB, clinical findings were determined by the associated defect. Diagnosis was established by echocardiography in 11 (61.2%) of the patients. In 3 patients, a wrong diagnosis of mitral regurgitation was made, in 1 a patent ductus arteriosus was diagnosed and in 3 others, the diagnosis of APW was masked by other important associated defects (2 cases of DORV and 1 case of TF). The diagnosis was made by catheterization in 3 (16.6%) patients, by surgery in 3 (16.6%) and by necropsy in 1 (5.5%). Corrective surgery was performed in 14 (77.7%) patients, with one immediate death and good long-term follow-up in the remaining patients. CONCLUSION: APW can be confused with other defects. Clinical findings, associated with an adequate echocardiogram can provide the information for the correct diagnosis.
OBJECTIVE: The 6-minute walk test is an way of assessing exercise capacity and predicting survival in heart failure. The 6-minute walk test was suggested to be similar to that of daily activities. We investigated the effect of motivation during the 6-minute walk test in heart failure. METHODS: We studied 12 males, age 45±12 years, ejection fraction 23±7%, and functional class III. Patients underwent the following tests: maximal cardiopulmonary exercise test on the treadmill (max), cardiopulmonary 6-minute walk test with the walking rhythm maintained between relatively easy and slightly tiring (levels 11 and 13 on the Borg scale) (6EB), and cardiopulmonary 6-minute walk test using the usual recommendations (6RU). The 6EB and 6RU tests were performed on a treadmill with zero inclination and control of the velocity by the patient. RESULTS: The values obtained in the max, 6EB, and 6RU tests were, respectively, as follows: O2 consumption (ml.kg-1.min-1) 15.4±1.8, 9.8±1.9 (60±10%), and 13.3±2.2 (90±10%); heart rate (bpm) 142±12, 110±13 (77±9%), and 126±11 (89±7%); distance walked (m) 733±147, 332±66, and 470±48; and respiratory exchange ratio (R) 1.13±0.06, 0.9±0.06, and 1.06±0.12. Significant differences were observed in the values of the variables cited between the max and 6EB tests, the max and 6RU tests, and the 6EB and 6RU tests (p<0.05). CONCLUSION: Patients, who undergo the cardiopulmonary 6-minute walk test and are motivated to walk as much as they possibly can, usually walk almost to their maximum capacity, which may not correspond to that of their daily activities. The use of the Borg scale during the cardiopulmonary 6-minute walk test seems to better correspond to the metabolic demand of the usual activities in this group of patients.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the occurrence of cardiac events in patients diagnosed with left main coronary artery disease on diagnostic cardiac catheterization and waiting for myocardial revascularization surgery. METHODS: All patients diagnosed with left main coronary artery disease (stenosis > or = 50%) consecutively identified on diagnostic cardiac catheterization during an 8-month period were selected for the study. The group comprised 56 patients (40 males and 16 females) with a mean age of 61±10 years. The cardiac events included death, nonfatal acute myocardial infarction, acute left ventricular failure, unstable angina, and emergency surgery. RESULTS: While waiting for surgery, patients experienced the following cardiac events: 7 acute myocardial infarctions and 1 death. All events occurred within the first 60 days after the diagnostic cardiac catheterization. More patients, whose indication for diagnostic cardiac catheterization was unstable angina, experienced events as compared with those with other indications [p=0.03, relative risk (RR) = 5.25, 95% confidence interval = 1.47 - 18.7]. In the multivariate analysis of logistic regression, unstable angina was also the only factor that independently contributed to a greater number of events (p = 0.02, OR = 8.43, 95% CI =1.37 - 51.7). CONCLUSION: Unstable angina in patients with left main coronary artery disease acts as a high risk factor for cardiac events, emergency surgery being recommended in these cases.
Cocoa seedlings were grown in nutrient solution in order to find out the effects of the levels of N, P, K in the substrate on growth, symptoms and chemical composition of the leaves. A 3x3x3 factorial design was used. The following conclusions can be drawn. 5.1. Among the three elements under study, only nitrogen had a positive, significant effect on growth as measured by height and dry weight. 5.2. The level of a given elements in the leaves did increase when its level in the nutrient solution was raised. On the other hand the N content was positively affected by the concentration of P in the substrate. 5.3. A decrease in the N/P and K/P rations in the leaves was observed when the nutrient solutions had, res-respectively, absence of K and N and high level both of K and N. The N/K ratio increased with the level of P in the substrate. 5.4 A highly significant positive correlation was found between N content in the leaves and dry weight. This was not the case however, insofar P and K are considered - no correlation whatsoever was observed.
Unequal sex ratios lead to the loss of genetic variability, decreasing the viability of populations in the long term. Anthropogenic activities often disturb the natural habitats and can cause alterations in sex ratio and morphological characteristics of several species. Forest fragmentation is a major conservation concern, so that understanding its effects in natural populations is essential. In this study, we evaluated the sex ratio and the morphological characteristics of Rufous Gnateaters (Conopophaga lineata (Wied, 1831)) in small and large forest fragments in Minas Gerais, Brazil. Birds (n = 89) were sexed by plumage characteristics and molecular markers. The molecular analysis showed that plumage is not a totally reliable method for sexing Rufous Gnateaters. We observed that sex ratio did not differ between large and small forest fragments, but birds in small fragments had larger wings and tarsus. Wing and tarsus changes may affect the movement ability of individuals within and among forest fragments. In conclusion, Rufous Gnateaters have been able to survive in both small and large Atlantic rain forest fragments without altering their sex ratio, but morphological changes can be prejudicial to their long term survival.
Flight activity of foragers of four colonies of Plebeia remota (Holmberg, 1903) was registered from December 1998 to December 1999, using an automated system (photocells and PLC system). The colonies originated from two different regions: Cunha, state of São Paulo, and Prudentópolis, state of Paraná, Brazil. Flight activity was influenced by different climatic factors in each season. In the summer, the intensity of the correlations between flight activity and climatic factors was smaller than in the other seasons. During the autumn and winter, solar radiation was the factor that most influenced flight activity, while in the spring, this activity was influenced mainly by temperature. Except in the summer, the various climatic factors similarly influenced flight activity of all of the colonies. Flight activity was not affected by geographic origin of the colonies. Information concerning seasonal differences in flight activity of P. remota will be useful for prediction of geographic distribution scenarios under climatic changes.
ABSTRACT A new species of Phrixotrichus Simon, 1889, P. pucara sp. nov., is described and illustrated based on a male from Pucará river, Neuquén province, Argentina. Male can be distinguished from all other species of the genus by the presence of a long strong spine on inner face of prolateral branch of tibial apophysis; also, it differs from P. scrofa (Molina, 1788) and P. vulpinus (Karsch, 1880) by a serrated prolateral keel of the male palpal bulb. Male resembles P. jara Perafán & Pérez-Miles, 2014 but can be distinguished by the uniform color on dorsal cephalothorax and by the palpal organ morphology being wider on the bulb base and embolus shorter and thicker, with the tip of embolus not so directed retrolaterally and prolateral keel bearing a serrated edge with three teeth. Additionally, P. vulpinus is reported for the first time for Argentina along with new distributional data.
In this study, 331 samples from calves less than one month old from a dairy herd in the district of Piracanjuba, state of Goiás, Brazil were tested for rotavirus. Thirty-three samples (9.9%) tested positive for rotavirus. Out of those, 31 were submitted to G and P characterization by reverse transcription followed by semi-nested polymerase chain reaction. Two samples were characterized as G6P[1], three as G10P[11] and five as G6P[11]. The majority of the samples (51.6%) displayed multiple P genotypes (P-genotype mixtures), including typical human genotypes P[4] and P[6M], suggesting the occurrence of co-infections and genetic reassortment. Also, the detection of human genotypes in bovine samples may be considered evidence of the zoonotic potential of rotaviruses. To our knowledge, this is the first report of such a high frequency of P genotype mixtures in bovine rotavirus samples. It also increases data on G and P rotavirus genotypes circulating in dairy herds in Brazil and can help in the development of more efficient immunization approaches, thereby controlling infection and reducing economical losses.
The glutamate-rich protein (GLURP) is an exoantigen expressed in all stages of the Plasmodium falciparum life cycle in humans. Anti-GLURP antibodies can inhibit parasite growth in the presence of monocytes via antibody-dependent cellular inhibition (ADCI), and a major parasite-inhibitory region has been found in the N-terminal R0 region of the protein. Herein, we describe the antiplasmodial activity of anti-GLURP antibodies present in the sera from individuals naturally exposed to malaria in a Brazilian malaria-endemic area. The anti-R0 antibodies showed a potent inhibitory effect on the growth of P. falciparum in vitro, both in the presence (ADCI) and absence (GI) of monocytes. The inhibitory effect on parasite growth was comparable to the effect of IgGs purified from pooled sera from hyperimmune African individuals. Interestingly, in the ADCI test, higher levels of tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) were observed in the supernatant from cultures with higher parasitemias. Our data suggest that the antibody response induced by GLURP-R0 in naturally exposed individuals may have an important role in controlling parasitemia because these antibodies are able to inhibit the in vitro growth of P. falciparum with or without the cooperation from monocytes. Our results also indicate that TNF-α may not be relevant for the inhibitory effect on P. falciparum in vitro growth.
The efficiency of the Mosquito Magnet Liberty PlusTM (MMLP) trap was evaluated in comparison to human-landing catches (HLCs) to sample anopheline populations in Jabillal, state of Bolivar, southern Venezuela. The village comprised 37 houses and a population of 101; malaria in this village is primarily due to Plasmodium vivax and the Annual Parasite Index is 316.8 per 1,000 population. A longitudinal study was conducted between June 2008-January 2009 for three nights per month every two months between 17:30 pm-21:30 pm, a time when biting mosquitoes are most active. Anopheles darlingi and Anopheles nuneztovari were the most common species collected by both methods, whereas Anopheles marajoara was more abundant according to the HLC method. The MMLP trap was more efficient for collecting An. nuneztovari [63%, confidence interval (CI): 2.53] than for collecting An. darlingi (31%, CI: 1.57). There were significant correlations (p < 0.01) between the two methods for An. darlingi [Pearson correlation (R²) = 0.65] and An. nuneztovari (R² = 0.48). These preliminary results are encouraging for further investigations of the use of the MMLP trap for monitoring anopheline populations in remote malaria-endemic areas in the Amazon Basin.
The concentration of orthophosphate ions released from Fe-K-P compounds (Fe3KH8(PO4)6 .6H2O and Fe3KH14(PO4)8 .4H2O) present in superphosphates increases with pH, which initially suggests that the agronomic effectiveness of P fertilizers containing high amounts of these compounds would also increase with soil pH but studies considering activity, instead of concentration, are necessary. With this purpose, both compounds were synthesized under laboratory conditions, characterized by elemental chemical analysis, optical microscopy, X ray diffractometry, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), and used in a solubility study. Solutions of 0.01, 0.05 and 0.1 mol L-1 NaCl with pH adjusted to 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 5.5, 6.0, 6.5, 7.0 and 7.5 were prepared for the solubility study of H8-syn, H14-syn and a phosphate rock (PR) from Brazil. The orthophosphate activity as H2PO4- and HPO4(2-) was calculated in each situation as related to pH and ionic strength using software MINTEQ. The remaining precipitates after equilibrium were chemically analyzed and subjected to X ray, SEM and EDS. Results of chemical analysis and instrumental techniques confirmed the preparation method. The activity of orthophosphate ions of both compounds tended to decrease under increasing pH and/or ionic strength of the solution, which in turn suggests that an increase in the solution pH does not necessarily promote an increase in the P bioavailability for plant uptake. This can be important when evaluating agronomic data of P fertilizers with high contents of these two Fe-K-P compounds.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the ability of several P-solubilizing fungi to solubilize aluminum phosphate and Araxá apatite as well as the synergism between the P-solubilizing fungus, PSF 7, and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi to promote clover growth amended with aluminum phosphate. Two experiments were carried out, the first under laboratory conditions and the second in a controlled environmental chamber. In the first experiment, PSF 7, PSF 9, PSF 21 and PSF 22 isolates plus control were incubated in liquid medium at 28ºC for eight days. On the 2nd, 4th and 8th day of incubation, pH and soluble P were determined. In the second experiment, clover was sowed in plastic pots containing 300 g of sterilized substrate amended with aluminum phosphate, 3 g L-1, in presence and absence of PSF 7 isolate and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. A completely randomized design, in factorial outline 2x2 (presence and absence of PSF 7 and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi) and five replicates were used. In the first experiment, higher P content was detected in the medium containing aluminum phosphate. PSF 7 is the best fungi isolate which increases aluminum solubilization with major tolerance to Al3+. Clover growth was stimulated by presence of PSF 7 and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. There is synergism between microorganisms utilized to improve plant nutrition.
Adsorption of cationic dyes on clays can be used as a model for the interactions between organic compounds and these minerals. Cationic dyes like methylene blue are used to study these interactions because of the spectroscopic changes observed when their molecules are adsorbed on clay surfaces. Depending on the structure and layer charge of the clay particles several processes may occur, like adsorption of dye monomers and aggregates on the external and internal surfaces of the clay tactoids, migration towards internal surfaces, protonation, etc. Under certain conditions the deaggregation-aggregation of the clay particles are accelerated trapping dye species during these processes. A general scheme is proposed for the processes occurring between clays and dyes in aqueous suspensions, which can be used to explain the behaviour of specific systems.
A didactic experiment is proposed in order to identify inorganic phosphates in home laundry detergents by ascending paper chromatography. Chemical principles related with hard water are also investigated. The role of polyphosphates in detergent formulations is discussed and the softening of hard water by sodium tripolyphosphate is illustrated. Several chemical concepts, related to the daily experience of the students, can be explored in post-lab discussions.