77 resultados para Meta-context
em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP
The International Business Environment (IBE) has been argued to be the essential context for international business (IB) studies and the distinguishing factor from other management studies and studies of large enterprises. Two content analysis show that many papers published in top tier IB journals either lack reference to any dimension of the IBE or tend to be uni-or bi-dimensional when addressing the IBE; it is not a surprise that the cultural dimension is the most often used. We suggest that: (a) there is need to developed more uni-and multi-dimensional environmental constructs; (b) a more holistic view of the IBE provides richer insights on the actual complexity underlying IB research. Future studies that provide more comprehensive models of the IBE that overcome the usual broad classifications of the international environment as undefined and uncontrollable factors are warranted to advance conceptual and empirical research.
The State Reform processes combined with the emergence and use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) originated electronic government policies and initiatives in Brazil. This paper dwells on Brazilian e-government by investigating the institutional design it assumed in the state's public sphere, and how it contributed to outcomes related to e-gov possibilities. The analyses were carried out under an interpretativist perspective by making use of Institutional Theory. From the analyses of interviews with relevant actors in the public sphere, such as state secretaries and presidents of public ICT companies, conclusions point towards low institutionalization of e-gov policies. The institutional design of Brazilian e-gov limits the use of ICT to provide integrated public services, to amplify participation and transparency, and to improve public policies management.
O artigo tem por objetivo identificar como o termo accountability tem sido tratado na literatura brasileira, considerando periódicos das áreas de administração, administração pública, ciência política e ciências sociais. Foram identificados e analisados 53 artigos. Os resultados indicaram que o tema ganhou mais relevância nos estudos a partir de 2006, tendo a Revista de Administração Pública (RAP) o maior número de publicações. Os artigos analisados, em sua maioria, são empíricos, e muitos apenas citam o termo accountability, sem defini-lo ou analisá-lo. Constatou-se que os artigos que discutem o tema apresentam uma clara confusão sobre o seu significado, sendo "responsabilização" e "prestação de contas" os termos mais citados nas definições. Acredita-se que este estudo torna-se relevante por, além de demonstrar a significação dada ao termo, também apontar os limites de sua utilização.
OBJECTIVE: The results of an evaluative longitudinal study, which identified the effects of health care decentralization on health financing in Mexico, Nicaragua and Peru are presented in this article. METHODS: The methodology had two main phases. In the first, secondary sources of data and documents were analyzed with the following variables: type of decentralization implemented, source of financing, funds for financing, providers, final use of resources, mechanisms for resource allocation. In the second phase, primary data were collected by a survey of key personnel in the health sector. RESULTS: Results of the comparative analysis are presented, showing the changes implemented in the three countries, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of each country in matters of financing and decentralization. CONCLUSIONS: The main financing changes implemented and quantitative trends with respect to the five financing indicators are presented as a methodological tool to implement corrections and adjustments in health financing.
OBJETIVO: Realizar uma meta-análise sobre a efetividade da escovação com dentifrício fluoretado na redução da cárie dental para calcular o efeito das diferentes hipóteses testadas. MÉTODOS: Foram revisados artigos publicados sobre a efetividade da educação em saúde oral no período compreendido entre 1980 e 1998, indexados nas bases de dados Medline e Lilacs. Para avaliação da qualidade dos artigos, foram utilizados os critérios de rigor metodológico de Kay & Locker após serem submetidos a um comitê de experts formado por pesquisadores I-A do CNPq. Dos 43 artigos identificados, 22 (51,2%) atingiram os critérios de rigor metodológico propostos. O cálculo do tamanho do efeito da intervenção de cada estudo foi feito a partir das diferenças de resultados entre os grupos de teste e controle. O efeito global foi calculado para cada agrupamento de estudos segundo as hipóteses testadas. RESULTADOS: O aumento da concentração do flúor parece estar associado com o aumento do efeito (redução global = -0,17 IC 95% -0,22/-0,12). O maior percentual de redução de cárie foi verificado na comparação entre dentifrícios fluoretados e aqueles sem flúor (redução global = -0,29 IC 95% -0,34/-0,24). A adição de anti-microbianos (redução global = -0,03 IC 95% -0,07/+0,02), diferenças nos sistemas abrasivos (redução global = -0,02 IC 95% -0,09/+0,04) e diferenças nos princípios ativos não aumentam a efetividade dos mesmos (redução global = -0,04 IC 95% -0,10/+0,01). CONCLUSÕES: As maiores reduções de cárie foram encontradas nos estudos com escovação supervisionada. A síntese confirmou a importância da escovação com dentifrício fluoretado no controle da cárie dental. Contudo, aponta para uma ênfase nos aspectos medicamentosos relacionados ao controle da doença, em detrimento de ações educativas específicas. A heterogeneidade de resultados indica que sejam considerados os contextos de implantação das práticas preventivas no processo de sua avaliação.
OBJETIVO: Analisar as evidências na literatura do efeito do peso ao nascer sobre a ocorrência de síndrome metabólica em adultos. MÉTODOS: Foram pesquisados nas bases PubMed and LILACS, no período de 1966 a maio de 2006, artigos publicados usando os seguintes descritores: "birth weight" , "birthweight" , "intra-uterine growth restriction (IUGR)", "fetal growth retardation", "metabolic syndrome", "syndrome X", "Reaven's X syndrome". Foram selecionados 224 estudos considerados elegíveis que relatavam estimativas de associação entre peso ao nascer e síndrome metabólica ou seus componentes. Desses, 11 apresentavam razões de odds e foram usados na meta-análise. RESULTADOS: Com exceção de dois estudos, os demais relataram associação inversa entre peso ao nascer e síndrome metabólica. Comparadas com pessoas de peso normal, a razão de odds do efeito combinado naquelas que nasceram com baixo peso foi de 2,53 (IC 95%: 1,57;4,08). O gráfico de funil sugere viés de publicação e o resultado permanece estatisticamente significativo mesmo em estudos com mais de 400 pessoas (efeito combinado 2,37; IC 95%: 1,15;4,90). CONCLUSÕES: Baixo peso ao nascer aumenta o risco de síndrome metabólica na idade adulta.
OBJECTIVE To analyze the spatial distribution of risk for tuberculosis and its socioeconomic determinants in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.METHODS An ecological study on the association between the mean incidence rate of tuberculosis from 2004 to 2006 and socioeconomic indicators of the Censo Demográfico (Demographic Census) of 2000. The unit of analysis was the home district registered in the Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação (Notifiable Diseases Information System) of Rio de Janeiro, Southeastern Brazil. The rates were standardized by sex and age group, and smoothed by the empirical Bayes method. Spatial autocorrelation was evaluated by Moran’s I. Multiple linear regression models were studied and the appropriateness of incorporating the spatial component in modeling was evaluated.RESULTS We observed a higher risk of the disease in some neighborhoods of the port and north regions, as well as a high incidence in the slums of Rocinha and Vidigal, in the south region, and Cidade de Deus, in the west. The final model identified a positive association for the variables: percentage of permanent private households in which the head of the house earns three to five minimum wages; percentage of individual residents in the neighborhood; and percentage of people living in homes with more than two people per bedroom.CONCLUSIONS The spatial analysis identified areas of risk of tuberculosis incidence in the neighborhoods of the city of Rio de Janeiro and also found spatial dependence for the incidence of tuberculosis and some socioeconomic variables. However, the inclusion of the space component in the final model was not required during the modeling process.
OBJECTIVE To analyze whether gender influence survival results of kidney transplant grafts and patients.METHODS Systematic review with meta-analysis of cohort studies available on Medline (PubMed), LILACS, CENTRAL, and Embase databases, including manual searching and in the grey literature. The selection of studies and the collection of data were conducted twice by independent reviewers, and disagreements were settled by a third reviewer. Graft and patient survival rates were evaluated as effectiveness measurements. Meta-analysis was conducted with the Review Manager® 5.2 software, through the application of a random effects model. Recipient, donor, and donor-recipient gender comparisons were evaluated.RESULTS : Twenty-nine studies involving 765,753 patients were included. Regarding graft survival, those from male donors were observed to have longer survival rates as compared to the ones from female donors, only regarding a 10-year follow-up period. Comparison between recipient genders was not found to have significant differences on any evaluated follow-up periods. In the evaluation between donor-recipient genders, male donor-male recipient transplants were favored in a statistically significant way. No statistically significant differences were observed in regards to patient survival for gender comparisons in all follow-up periods evaluated.CONCLUSIONS The quantitative analysis of the studies suggests that donor or recipient genders, when evaluated isolatedly, do not influence patient or graft survival rates. However, the combination between donor-recipient genders may be a determining factor for graft survival.
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To analyze the scientific literature about the effects of exposure to psychosocial risk factors in work contexts. METHODS A systematic review was performed using the terms “psychosocial factors” AND “COPSOQ” in the databases PubMed, Medline, and Scopus. The period analyzed was from January 1, 2004 to June 30, 2012. We have included articles that used the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (COPSOQ) as a measuring instrument of the psychosocial factors and the presentation of quantitative or qualitative results. German articles, psychometric studies or studies that did not analyze individual or work factors were excluded. RESULTS We included 22 articles in the analysis. Individual factors, such as gender, age, and socioeconomic status, were analyzed along with work-related factors such as labor demands, work organization and content, social relationships and leadership, work-individual interface, workplace values, justice and respect, personality, health and well-being, and offensive behaviors. We analyzed the sample type and the applied experimental designs. Some population groups, such as young people and migrants, are more vulnerable. The deteriorated working psychosocial environment is associated with physical health indicators and weak mental health. This environment is also a risk factor for the development of moderate to severe clinical conditions, predicting absenteeism or intention of leaving the job. CONCLUSIONS The literature shows the contribution of exposure to psychosocial risk factors in work environments and their impact on mental health and well-being of workers. It allows the design of practical interventions in the work context to be based on scientific evidences. Investigations in specific populations, such as industry, and studies with more robust designs are lacking.
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To estimate the prevalence of hypertension among adolescent Brazilian students. METHODS A systematic review of school-based cross-sectional studies was conducted. The articles were searched in the databases MEDLINE, Embase, Scopus, LILACS, SciELO, Web of Science, CAPES thesis database and Trip Database. In addition, we examined the lists of references of relevant studies to identify potentially eligible articles. No restrictions regarding publication date, language, or status applied. The studies were selected by two independent evaluators, who also extracted the data and assessed the methodological quality following eight criteria related to sampling, measuring blood pressure, and presenting results. The meta-analysis was calculated using a random effects model and analyses were performed to investigate heterogeneity. RESULTS We retrieved 1,577 articles from the search and included 22 in the review. The included articles corresponded to 14,115 adolescents, 51.2% (n = 7,230) female. We observed a variety of techniques, equipment, and references used. The prevalence of hypertension was 8.0% (95%CI 5.0–11.0; I2 = 97.6%), 9.3% (95%CI 5.6–13.6; I2 = 96.4%) in males and 6.5% (95%CI 4.2–9.1; I2 = 94.2%) in females. The meta-regression failed to identify the causes of the heterogeneity among studies. CONCLUSIONS Despite the differences found in the methodologies of the included studies, the results of this systematic review indicate that hypertension is prevalent in the Brazilian adolescent school population. For future investigations, we suggest the standardization of techniques, equipment, and references, aiming at improving the methodological quality of the studies.
OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the use of inhaled nitric oxide (NO) in the management of persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn. METHODS: Computerized bibliographic search on MEDLINE, CURRENT CONTENTS and LILACS covering the period from January 1990 to March 1998; review of references of all papers found on the subject. Only randomized clinical trials evaluating nitric oxide and conventional treatment were included. OUTCOMES STUDIED: death, requirement for extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), systemic oxygenation, complications at the central nervous system and development of chronic pulmonary disease. The methodologic quality of the studies was evaluated by a quality score system, on a scale of 13 points. RESULTS: For infants without congenital diaphragmatic hernia, inhaled NO did not change mortality (typical odds ratio: 1.04; 95% CI: 0.6 to 1.8); the need for ECMO was reduced (relative risk: 0.73; 95% CI: 0.60 to 0.90), and the oxygenation was improved (PaO2 by a mean of 53.3 mm Hg; 95% CI: 44.8 to 61.4; oxygenation index by a mean of -12.2; 95% CI: -14.1 to -9.9). For infants with congenital diaphragmatic hernia, mortality, requirement for ECMO, and oxygenation were not changed. For all infants, central nervous system complications and incidence of chronic pulmonary disease did not change. CONCLUSIONS: Inhaled NO improves oxygenation and reduces requirement for ECMO only in newborns with persistent pulmonary hypertension who do not have diaphragmatic hernia. The risk of complications of the central nervous system and chronic pulmonary disease were not affected by inhaled NO.
In this study we explore morphological and ecological variation in sympatric populations of Pagamea coriacea s.l. - a species complex from white-sand vegetation in the Amazon. A total of 147 trees were sampled and monitored at three nearby sites in Central Amazon, Brazil. Multivariate analyses of morphology indicated two distinct groups (A and B), which also differed in bark type, each containing subgroups associated with sexual dimorphism. However, a single hermaphroditic individual was observed within group B. As expected, all pistillate plants produced fruits, but 23% of the staminate plants of group B, and 5% of group A also produced fruits. This variation suggests that the sexual systems of both groups are between dioecy and gynodioecy. There was an overlap in flowering phases between the two groups, but the pattern of floral maturation differed. Ecologically, plants of group B were found in more shaded habitats and over sandstone bedrocks, while group A was prevalent in deeper sandy soils as canopy plants. The significances of morphological and environmental differences were tested by a multivariate analysis of variance, and a canonical discriminant analysis assessed the importance of variables. The coexistence in sympatry of two discrete morphological groups in the P. coriacea s.l., with different habitat preferences and reproductive behaviors, indicates they represent distinct species.