18 resultados para Meaning framework
em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP
This paper seeks to understand the use and the consequences of Participatory Geographic Information System (PGIS) in a Mexican local community. A multilevel framework was applied, mainly influenced by two theoretical lenses – structurationist view and social shaping of technology – structured in three dimensions – context, process and content – according to contextualist logic. The results of our study have brought two main contributions. The first is the refinement of the theoretical framework in order to better investigate the implementation and use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) artifacts by local communities for social and environmental purposes. The second contribution is the extension of existing IS (Information Systems) literature on participatory practices through identification of important conditions for helping the mobilization of ICT as a tool for empowering local communities.
In order to sustain their competitive advantage in the current increasingly globalized and turbulent context, more and more firms are competing globally in alliances and networks that oblige them to adopt new managerial paradigms and tools. However, their strategic analyses rarely take into account the strategic implications of these alliances and networks, considering their global relational characteristics, admittedly because of a lack of adequate tools to do so. This paper contributes to research that seeks to fill this gap by proposing the Global Strategic Network Analysis - SNA - framework. Its purpose is to help firms that compete globally in alliances and networks to carry out their strategic assessments and decision-making with a view to ensuring dynamic strategic fit from both a global and relational perspective.
O presente artigo sumariza uma proposta de framework da informação de custos para o setor público no Brasil. A proposta emergiu de contribuições promovidas pelo governo central no Brasil na realização de duas equipes de trabalho, a primeira pela comissão interministerial em 2005, e a segunda coordenada pelo Ministério da Fazenda em 2008/09. Essas contribuições foram validadas em relação às críticas veiculadas no meio acadêmico quanto às estruturas conceituais da contabilidade financeira (framework) emitidas pelo International Accounting Standards Board e Financial Accounting Standards Board, e em relação à literatura internacional de implantação de sistemas de custos no setor público. A adoção de um sistema de custos é exigida para as entidades públicas no Brasil desde 1964; entretanto, somente agora é objeto de um trabalho conduzido pelo Ministério da Fazenda para o governo federal, cujos primeiros resultados serão divulgados neste ano. O acórdão emitido pelo Tribunal de Contas da União em 2004, determinando que a legislação seja observada, tende a ampliar tal adoção. Contudo, a adoção não é suficiente, é necessária a utilização, que é função da relevância percebida da informação de custos. Sugere-se que a difusão da adoção e uso de sistemas de custos no setor público brasileiro seja feita através de uma implantação gradual, flexível, mediante a adoção do regime de competência, e baseada num framework único e comum às diversas entidades.
O presente artigo foi desenvolvido considerando situações de incerteza ambiental, em que a ordem do dia ou questão estratégica (strategic issue) é a inovação dos recursos, ou seja, transformação, renovação ou desenvolvimento de uma nova capacidade funcional (ordinária). Com o objetivo de compreender como as capacidades dinâmicas desempenham esse papel na inovação dos ativos organizacionais em tais contextos ambientais, propõe-se aqui uma perspectiva alternativa de análise a partir de uma vertente microssociológica, a qual recorre aos elementos constitutivos de rituais de interação segundo Collins (2004). Essa perspectiva oferece possibilidades de investigação da influência das conversações estratégicas, que ocorrem em meio a práticas ritualísticas de interação entre alta e média gerência, sobre o potencial de inovação das capacidades organizacionais. Para compreensão da articulação teórica realizada no trabalho, apresenta-se um framework de análise que agrega a incerteza no nível macro com variáveis comportamentais e organizacionais no nível micro, enquanto elementos mais salientes dos rituais de interação. Visando estudos futuros e melhor compreensão do framework do trabalho, são apresentadas proposições acerca das relações do modelo após o detalhamento da estrutura analítica.
OBJECTIVE: Payment for performance financial incentive schemes reward doctors based on the quality and the outcomes of their treatment. In Brazil, the Ministry of Health is looking to scale up its use in public hospitals and some municipalities are developing payment for performance schemes even for the Family Health Programme. In this article the Quality and Outcomes Framework used in the UK since 2004 is discussed, as well as its experience to elaborate some important lessons that Brazilian municipalities should consider before embarking on payment for performance scheme in primary care settings.
In order to assess the potential risk of anti-HBc-positive blood donors for post-transfusional hepatitis and to investigate whether other HBV serological markers are capable of identifying the presence of the virus, 1000 first-time blood donors were enrolled between June and July 1997. These donors were screened using routine Brazilian blood center tests (HIV 1 and 2, HTLV 1 and 2, Chagas disease, Syphilis, HCV, HBsAg, anti-HBc and ALT ). The 120 (12%) found to be anti-HBc-positive underwent further tests: HBe, anti-HBe, anti-HBs and HBV-DNA by PCR. Ten cases were HBsAg positive and all were HBV-DNA positive by PCR. Three HBsAg-negative donors were HBV-DNA-positive. Two HBV-DNA-positive donors were also anti-HBs-positive. All the HBV-positive donors had at least one HBV marker other than anti-HBc. Anti-HBc is an important cause of blood rejection. Testing for HBsAg alone is not fully protective and anti-HBc remains necessary as a screening test. The presence of anti-HBs is not always indicative of absence of the virus. The addition of other HBV serological markers could represent an alternative in predicting the presence of the virus when compared with PCR. It is recommended that other studies should be carried out to confirm this finding.
This paper describes the study population and the study design of the phase III field trial of the SPf66 vaccine in Brazil. Assessment of validity and precision principles necessary for the appropriate evaluation of the protective effect of the vaccine are discussed, as well as the results of the preliminary analyses of the gathered data. The analytical approach for the estimation of the protective effect of the vaccine is presented. This paper provides the conceptual framework for future publications.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the clinical meaning of ascites and the main features of patients with ascites and endomyocardial fibrosis. METHODS: We studied 166 patients with endomyocardial fibrosis (mean age 37 years, 114 women) treated over the last 20 years. Ventriculography findings, surgery or necropsy confirmed the diagnosis in all patients. Most patients belonged to New York Heart Association Functional Class III/IV (134, 83.7%). Eighty-one (50.6%) had biventricular, 28 (17.5%) had right ventricular, and 51 (31.8%) had left ventricular involvement. During follow-up, 56 patients died. RESULTS: Ascites was present in 67 (41.8%) patients, and right ventricular involvement was present in 59 (88%). In the comparison between patients with or without ascites, those with ascites had higher mortality (49.2% and 24.7%, respectively). Patients with ascites had a higher incidence of edema (95% vs. 43%), hepatomegaly (5.8cm vs. 4.1cm), mean right atrium pressure (19.3 vs. 12mmHg), and final right ventricle diastolic pressure (18.7 vs. 12.9mmHg). Also, patients with ascites had a longer history of illness (5.1 and 3.9 years, respectively) and had atrial fibrillation more frequently (44.7% vs. 30.1%). CONCLUSION: Ascites was observed in less than 50% of cases of endomyocardial fibrosis and was associated with greater involvement of the right ventricle and with a longer duration of the disease, thus being a characteristic of a worse prognosis.
Objective: Revealing the experience of mothers when massaging their children to know the phenomenon in the context of a mother-child healthy development. Method: This is a qualitative study with a phenomenological approach carried out with 11 women who massaged their children and answered the guiding question: What did the experience of massaging your child mean to you? Results: The experience of massaging their children meant the development of their being a mother and of being a son/daughter, in addition to developing the attachment relationship between them. The massage can operationalize this integrality, become a tool of communication, stimulation and promotion of secure attachment, by promoting the loving interaction between mother and child. Conclusion: This practice should be considered as an option in the programs that promote the comprehensive health of the mother and child.
Objective: To understand the family management experience of liver transplantation during adolescence based on the Family Management Style Framework(FMSF). Method: This is a case study that used the FMSF as theoretical framework and the hybrid model of thematic analysis as methodological reference. The case presented is from an adolescent’s family that lives in Salvador, Bahia. The data were collected through interviews with the mother and the patient charts analysis. Results: The results shows that the family defines the transplantation as threatening and there are divergence between mother and daughter related to the teen’s capabilities perception. Facing those discrepancies, the family assumes a protective posture by believing that the teen cannot take care of herself alone. The perceived consequences reflect how much the uncertainty permeates the family environment. Conclusion: It is concluded that the use of a model to evaluate the management can help professionals to direct and plan specific interventions.
I present and defend here a thesis named vehicleless externalism for conceptual mental episodes. According to it, the constitutive relations there are between the production of conceptual mental episodes by an individual and the inclusion of this individual in social discursive practices make it non-necessary to equate, even partially, conceptual mental episodes with the occurrence of physical events inside of that individual. Conceptual mental episodes do not have subpersonal vehicles; they have owners: persons in interpretational practices. That thesis is grounded on inferentialism and on the endorsement of the idea that "meaning is normative". After having recapitulated this heritage and after having presented that thesis, the paper especially attempts to articulate how, in that framework, we may then positively conceive the relations there are between conceptual mental episodes, intracranial events and inferential behaviour.