10 resultados para Mariana, Juan de , S.I., 1536-1624-Comentarios

em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP


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We describe a case of human T-lymphotropic virus type I associated myelopathy in a 50-year old woman in Nigeria. The patient presented with progressive loss of tone to the two lower limbs and later inability to walk. The HTLV-I antibody presence in the plasma collected from the patient was repeatedly detected by enzyme immunoassays (Abbott HTLV-I EIA and Coulter SELECT-HTLV I/II) and confirmed by Western blot technique. In addition, HTLV-I DNA was amplified from the genomic DNA isolated from the peripheral blood mononuclear cells of the patient by the polymerase chain reaction technique. This finding is significant being the first report of association of HTLV-I with myelopathy in Nigeria.


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FUNDAMENTO: Apesar da superior precisão diagnóstica das troponinas cardíacas de alta sensibilidade, seu valor prognóstico ainda não foi validado contra troponinas cardíacas convencionais. OBJETIVO: Testar o valor prognóstico da troponina I de alta sensibilidade (TnI-as) em comparação com a troponina T convencional (TnT-c) no cenário de síndromes coronarianas agudas sem supradesnivelamento do segmento ST (SCA). MÉTODOS: No momento da admissão, uma amostra de plasma foi coletada de 103 pacientes consecutivos com angina instável ou infarto agudo do miocárdio sem supradesnivelamento do segmento ST. Nessa amostra, a troponina foi medida tanto pelo método TnI-as quanto pelo método TnT-c. O valor prognóstico das duas troponinas foi comparado em relação à ocorrência de evento cardiovascular maior, definido como o composto de morte, infarto agudo do miocárdio não fatal ou angina instável refratária durante a internação. RESULTADOS: Durante uma hospitalização mediana de 8 dias (intervalo interquartil = 5-11), a incidência de eventos cardiovasculares foi 10% (5 mortes, 3 infartos não fatais e 2 anginas refratárias não fatais). Troponina I de alta sensibilidade predisse significativamente eventos cardiovasculares, com C-estatísticas de 0,73 (95% CI = 0,59-0,87), à semelhança da TnT-c (0,70; 95% CI = 0,55-0,84) - P = 0,75. A definição de troponina positiva que proporcionou melhor acurácia prognóstica foi TnI-as > 0,055 mg / L e TnT-c > 0,010 mg / L, com sensibilidade de 90% e especificidade de 52% para ambos os ensaios. CONCLUSÃO: Troponina I de alta sensibilidade prediz eventos cardiovasculares de forma semelhante à troponina T convencional no cenário de SCA. (Arq Bras Cardiol. 2012; [online].ahead print, PP.0-0)


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Cross sectional studies on malaria prevalence was performed in 2001, 2002, and 2004 in Vila Candelária, an urban riverside area of Porto Velho, Rondônia, in the Brazilian Western Amazon, followed by longitudinal surveys on malaria incidence. Vila Candelária is a working class district, provided with electricity, water supply, and basic sanitation. Previous preliminary surveys indicated high malaria incidence in this community. At the end of year 2000 regular diagnostic and treatment measures for malaria were introduced, with active search of febrile cases among residents. Despite of both rapid treatment of cases and relative good sanitary and housing conditions, the malaria incidence persisted at high levels during the following years with an annual parasite index of 150 to 300/1000 inhabitants. Parasite surveys in 2001, 2002, and 2004 achieved through microscopy and polymerase chain reaction to diagnose malaria showed a constant high prevalence of asymptomatic carriers for both Plasmodium falciparum and P. vivax parasites. It was concluded that asymptomatic carriers represent an important reservoirs of parasites and that the carriers might contribute to maintaining the high level of transmission. Comparing our findings to similar geo-demographic situations found in other important urban communities of the Brazilian Amazon, we propose that asymptomatic carriers could explain malaria's outbreaks like the one recently observed in Manaus.


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A single polymerase chain reaction (PCR) reaction targeting the spliced-leader intergenic region of Trypanosoma cruzi I was standardised by amplifying a 231 bp fragment in domestic (TcIDOM) strains or clones and 450 and 550 bp fragments in sylvatic strains or clones. This reaction was validated using 44 blind coded samples and 184 non-coded T. cruzi I clones isolated from sylvatic triatomines and the correspondence between the amplified fragments and their domestic or sylvatic origin was determined. Six of the nine strains isolated from acute cases suspected of oral infection had the sylvatic T. cruzi I profile. These results confirmed that the sylvatic T. cruzi I genotype is linked to cases of oral Chagas disease in Colombia. We therefore propose the use of this novel PCR reaction in strains or clones previously characterised as T. cruziI to distinguish TcIDOMfrom sylvatic genotypes in studies of transmission dynamics, including the verification of population selection within hosts or detection of the frequency of mixed infections by both T. cruzi I genotypes in Colombia.


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Trypanosoma cruziis the aetiological agent of Chagas disease, which affects approximately eight million people in the Americas. This parasite exhibits genetic variability, with at least six discrete typing units broadly distributed in the American continent. T. cruziI (TcI) shows remarkable genetic diversity; a genotype linked to human infections and a domestic cycle of transmission have recently been identified, hence, this strain was named TcIDom. The aim of this work was to describe the spatiotemporal distribution of TcI subpopulations across humans, insect vectors and mammalian reservoirs in Colombia by means of molecular typing targeting the spliced leader intergenic region of mini-exon gene. We analysed 101 TcI isolates and observed a distribution of sylvatic TcI in 70% and TcIDom in 30%. In humans, the ratio was sylvatic TcI in 60% and TcIDom in 40%. In mammal reservoirs, the distribution corresponded to sylvatic TcI in 96% and TcIDom in 4%. Among insect vectors, sylvatic TcI was observed in 48% and TcIDom in 52%. In conclusion, the circulation of TcIDom is emerging in Colombia and this genotype is still adapting to the domestic cycle of transmission. The epidemiological and clinical implications of these findings are discussed herein.


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In agricultural systems the N-NH4+ and N-NO3- contents is significantly affected by soil management. This study investigated the dynamics of inorganic nitrogen (N; NH4+ and NO3-) in an experimental evaluation of soil management systems (SMSs) adopted in 1988 at the experimental station of the ABC Foundation in Ponta Grossa, in the Central South region of the State of Paraná. The objective of this study was to evaluate the changes in N-NH4+ and N-NO3- flux in the surface layer of a Red Latosol arising from SMSs over a 12-month period. The experiment was arranged in a completely randomized block design in split plots, in three replications. The plots consisted of the following SMSs: 1) conventional tillage (CT); 2) minimum tillage (MT); 3) no-tillage with chisel plow every three years (NT CH); and 4) continuous no-tillage (CNT). To evaluate the dynamics of inorganic N, the subplots represented samplings (11 sampling times, T1 - T11). The ammonium N (N-NH4+) and nitric N (N-NO3-) contents were higher in systems with reduced tillage (MT and NT CH) and without tillage (CNT) than in the CT system. In the period from October 2003 to February 2004, the N-NH4+ was higher than the N-NO3- soil content. Conversely, in the period from May 2004 to July 2004, the N-NO3- was higher than the N-NH4+ content. The greatest fluctuation in the N-NH4+ and N-NO3- contents occurred in the 0-2.5 cm layer, and the highest peak in the N-NH4+ and N-NO3- concentrations occurred after the surface application of N. Both N-NH4+ and N-NO3- were strongly correlated with the soil organic C content, which indicated that these properties vary together in the system.


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Two complexes of Rh(I) and Pd(II) with chloride and tridecylamine ligands were obtained and characterized by Elementary Analysis and by XPS and FTIR spectroscopies. Complexes anchored on γ-Al2O3 were tested in the styrene semi-hydrogenation reaction carried out in the absence or presence of a sulfur poison. Although both low loaded catalysts were highly selective, the Pd(II) complex was three times more active than the Rh(I) complex. The rhodium complex was more sulfur resistant but less active than the palladium complex. Differences in conversion and sulfur resistance between both complexes could be related to electronic and/or geometric effects.