18 resultados para Manufacturing resource planning
em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP
Indubitavelmente, a implementação de sistemas de gestão integrada é fator consolidado em empresas privadas; no entanto, em empresas públicas é relativamente recente e inovadora. Em 2009, o Ministério da Justiça (MJ) foi um dos pioneiros ao firmar parceria com a Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) para a implantação de sistemas de gestão integrada. Com o decorrer dos processos de implementação surge a necessidade de identificar se o acordo surtiu os efeitos a que se destinou, bem como é pertinente a análise da implementação de um Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) governamental em uma empresa pública, haja vista que existe uma tendência de que se repita em outras instituições governamentais. Assim, o principal objetivo deste artigo é identificar a percepção dos usuários quanto ao processo de implementação de sistemas integrados de gestão vinculados ao Projeto Ciclo, no âmbito da Secretaria Executiva do MJ, destacando suas principais dificuldades e benefícios. A fim de atingir o objetivo da pesquisa foi realizada uma pesquisa quali-quantitativa, cujo procedimento técnico foi o estudo de caso. Verificou-se que os usuários do sistema reconhecem sua importância como apoio à tomada de decisão, que estão cientes do papel que desempenham no processo de implementação e que a tecnologia da informação (TI) é fundamental para se obter melhoria nos processos executados. Ademais, percebe-se os avanços que um ERP governamental pode proporcionar a empresas públicas, destacando-se o planejamento e a confiabilidade das informações.
This article discusses the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) rage. ERP represents immense investments for companies around the globe and has been promoted as a management panacea. Not surprisingly, many implementations fail to match expectations. In this study, we propose a broader perspective to comprehend the substantive, institutional, and political factors involved in the ERP phenomenon, as an alternative to the "techno-reductionism" that has characterized the prevailing approach on the subject, and present an exploratory survey of 28 implementation experiences, concentrating on the process of adoption, chosen implementation approaches and outcome assessment.
Hydrological models are important tools that have been used in water resource planning and management. Thus, the aim of this work was to calibrate and validate in a daily time scale, the SWAT model (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) to the watershed of the Galo creek , located in Espírito Santo State. To conduct the study we used georeferenced maps of relief, soil type and use, in addition to historical daily time series of basin climate and flow. In modeling were used time series corresponding to the periods Jan 1, 1995 to Dec 31, 2000 and Jan 1, 2001 to Dec 20, 2003 for calibration and validation, respectively. Model performance evaluation was done using the Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient (E NS) and the percentage of bias (P BIAS). SWAT evaluation was also done in the simulation of the following hydrological variables: maximum and minimum annual daily flowsand minimum reference flows, Q90 and Q95, based on mean absolute error. E NS and P BIAS were, respectively, 0.65 and 7.2% and 0.70 and 14.1%, for calibration and validation, indicating a satisfactory performance for the model. SWAT adequately simulated minimum annual daily flow and the reference flows, Q90 and Q95; it was not suitable in the simulation of maximum annual daily flows.
By acknowledging and dissecting the interconnected roles of customer satisfaction, quality, and strategic planning, this paper provides an analytical framework for creating a customer-driven organization and culture. It shows how quality starts and ends with the customer. Companies that are achieving long-term continuous improvement in quality tailored to customer satisfaction possess lasting characteristics such as customer orientation, customer consciousness, and customer responsiveness. In doing so, they liberate the quality concept from the narrow product or service focus to encompass total conformance to customer requirements in spite of the existing functionalization and departmentalization of modern complex structures. In addition to these key components, a customer-driven organization demands building and nurturing a customer satisfaction culture and value system that makes quality improvement and heightened concern for customer satisfaction a permanent aspect of organizational life.
The calls for colleges and universities to improve their productivity are coming thick and fast in Brazil. Many studies are suggesting evaluation systems and external criteria to control the quality of teaching and research in universities. Since universities and colleges are not profit-oriented organizations (considering only the legitimate and serious research and teaching organizations, of course), the traditional microeconomics and administrative variables used to measure efficiency do not have any direct function. An alternative would be to create an "as if" market control system to evaluate performance in universities and colleges. Internal budget and resources allocation mechanism can be used as incentive instruments to improve quality and productivity. It will be the main issue of this article.
Previous research has demonstrated the importance of developing legitimacy initiatives in order to create new business opportunities, satisfy shareholders, and obtain access to resources. Within this framework, cognitive legitimacy plays a key role. Through a case study of six Spanish public universities, the authors measure the relationship between cognitive legitimacy, access to resources, and organizational results. The results support the assertion that organizations with more cognitive legitimacy have greater access to resources and improved their results. This study contributes with muchneeded empirical research on cognitive legitimacy and demonstrates its usefulness as an explanative factor of organizational success.
A brief description of the main features of the health planning technique developed by the "Centro de Estudios del Desarrollo" (CENDES) in Venezuela, and proposed by the Pan-American Health Organization for use in Latin America, is presented. This presentation is followed by an appraisal of the planning method which includes comments both upon its positive aspects and upon its negative points. Comments are also made referring to other recent publications of the WHO/PAHO on health planning. In conclusion, the CENDES technique is considered a health planning method of great potential for use especially in underdeveloped areas, the success of its application depending upon the hability of the health planners to introduce the necessary modifications to adapt to the local circunstamces.
Attention is called to the fact that the efforts to improve health of populations in Latin America have generally failed. The inequality in the distribution of ill-health is great. The authors accept the fact that the lack of resources available to the health sector may be a restriction towards the improvement of the situation, but they argue that a much more important issue is the misuse of such resources and their maldistribution within the health sector. The lack of integration and coordination between the health services, the conflict of public and private health systems, the under-utilization of existing services and the gap between planning and real implementation are discussed.
OBJETIVO: Estimar a confiabilidade teste-reteste dos itens do Resource Generator scale para avaliação de capital social no Estudo Longitudinal de Saúde do Adulto (ELSA-Brasil).MÉTODOS: A escala de capital social foi aplicada em subamostra de 281 participantes dos seis Centros de Investigação do ELSA, em duas oportunidades, com intervalo de sete a 14 dias. O instrumento é constituído por 31 itens que representam situações concretas para avaliar o acesso a diferentes tipos de recursos, além de avaliar a fonte dos recursos disponíveis (familiares, amigos ou conhecidos). A análise estatística foi realizada por meio de estatísticas kappa (k) e kappa ajustado pela prevalência (ka).RESULTADOS: Os recursos sociais investigados foram encontrados com grande frequência (acima de 50%). Em relação à presença ou ausência dos recursos, as estimativas de confiabilidade ajustadas pela prevalência (ka) variaram de 0,54 a 0,97. No que se refere à fonte de recurso, essas estimativas variaram de ka = 0,45 (alguém que tenha bons contatos com a mídia) a ka = 0,86 (alguém que se formou no Ensino Médio).CONCLUSÕES: A escala apresentou níveis adequados de confiabilidade, que variaram de acordo com o tipo de recurso.
Amazonian biodiversity is notorious, this is also valid for the fauna of the mineral-deficient waters of the Rio Negro System. Some 25 years of research on the benthic fauna of Central Amazonian streams resulted in species-rich foodwebs with a high degree of omnivory within dense animal communities. To exemplify the taxonomic range of omnivorous consumers, the detailed resource spectra of 18 consumer species, including Protozoa (2 species), Platyhelminthes (1 species), insects (2 species), fish (6 species) and shrimps (Decapoda, 7 species), associated primarily with the benthic habitats of Rio Negro tributaries, are presented. Special features of omnivory are characterized, and the importance of litter-decomposing fungi as essential energy input into the foodwebs is documented. It is shown that general omnivory -diverse omnivore consumers sharing most of the resource types- is a prevalent feature. The relevance of this general omnivory for the maintenance of biodiversity is discussed.