76 resultados para Malignant Skin Melanoma
em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP
OBJECTIVE To describe the trend for malignant skin neoplasms in subjects under 40 years of age in a region with high ultraviolet radiation indices.METHODS A descriptive epidemiological study on melanoma and nonmelanoma skin cancers that was conducted in Goiania, Midwest Brazil, with 1,688 people under 40 years of age, between 1988 and 2009. Cases were obtained fromRegistro de Câncer de Base Populacional de Goiânia(Goiania’s Population-Based Cancer File). Frequency, trends, and incidence of cases with single and multiple lesions were analyzed; transplants and genetic skin diseases were found in cases with multiple lesions.RESULTS Over the period, 1,995 skin cancer cases were observed to found, of which 1,524 (90.3%) cases had single lesions and 164 (9.7%) had multiple lesions. Regarding single lesions, incidence on men was observed to have risen from 2.4 to 3.1/100,000 inhabitants; it differed significantly for women, shifting from 2.3 to 5.3/100,000 (Annual percentage change – [APC] 3.0%, p = 0.006). Regarding multiple lesions, incidence on men was observed to have risen from 0.30 to 0.98/100,000 inhabitants; for women, it rose from 0.43 to 1.16/100,000 (APC 8.6%, p = 0.003). Genetic skin diseases or transplants were found to have been correlated with 10.0% of cases with multiple lesions – an average of 5.1 lesions per patient. The average was 2.5 in cases without that correlation.CONCLUSIONS Skin cancer on women under 40 years of age has been observed to be increasing for both cases with single and multiple lesions. It is not unusual to find multiple tumors in young people – in most cases, they are not associated with genetic skin diseases or transplants. It is necessary to avoid excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation from childhood.
The autors present a case of bilateral vulvar defects after abrasion of malignant skin neoplasm, reconstructed with a gluteal-fold perforator flap, resulting in a successful outcome.
The malignant melanoma is a relatively common neoplasia, with origin generally in the melanocytics cells in the skin, but with presentation of other possible primary lesions, being presented in this, a case witnessed of liver and mesentery metastases with unknown primary sites.
There is strong evidence that the patched (PTCH) gene is a gene for susceptibility to the nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome. PTCH has also been shown to mutate in both familial and sporadic basal cell carcinomas. However, mutations of the gene seem to be rare in squamous cell carcinomas. In order to characterize the role of the gene in the broader spectrum of sporadic skin malignant and pre-malignant lesions, we performed a polymerase chain reaction-single-strand conformation polymorphism (PCR-SSCP) analysis of genomic DNA extracted from 105 adult patients (46 females and 59 males). There were 66 patients with basal cell carcinomas, 30 with squamous cell carcinomas, 2 with malignant melanomas and 7 patients with precancerous lesions. Two tissue samples were collected from each patient, one from the central portion of the tumor and another from normal skin. Using primers that encompass the entire exon 1, exon 8 and exon 18, where most of the mutations have been detected, we were unable to demonstrate any band shift. Three samples suspected to present aberrant migrating bands were excised from the gel and sequenced directly. In addition, we sequenced 12 other cases, including tumors and corresponding normal samples. A wild-type sequence was found in all 15 cases. Although our results do not exclude the presence of clonal alterations of the PTCH gene in skin cancers or mutations in other exons that were not screened, the present data do not support the presence of frequent mutations reported for non-melanoma skin cancer of other populations.
We described a case of a 27-year old male patient with skin and soft tissue infection of a neoplastic lesion caused by Corynebacterium striatum, an organism which has been rarely described as a human pathogen. Identification was confirmed by DNA sequencing. Successful treatment with penicillin was achieved. The role of the C. striatum as an emerging opportunistic pathogen is discussed.
A case of lower gastrointestinal bleeding due to metastatic malignant melanoma in a man, in which the final diagnosis was made only on surgery, is reported. The patient underwent a segmentary enterectomy with primary anastomosis and he was discharged on tenth postoperative day.
Abstract: In this retrospective study was determined the frequency of canine skin peripheral nerve sheath tumors (PNST) in cases diagnosed by the Setor de Patologia Veterinária of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (SPV-UFRGS), Brazil, between the years 2000 and 2012. The canine profiles, as well as histological, immunohistochemical and prognostic aspects of the tumors were based on 70 samples, comprising 40 females, 29 males and one unspecified sample. Between 2000 and 2012, 2,984 skin tumors of dogs were diagnosed in the SPV-UFRGS, totaling 2.34% of skin neoplasms in dogs. Animals that comprised the largest amount of samples (43%) were those with no breed (SRD), followed by German Shepherds (10%). Females were more affected than males (40/70 - 57% and 29/70 - 41% respectively). Skin PNST of this research showed predominant localization on the limbs (40% in the forelimbs and 29% in the hindlimbs); affecting adult dogs, mostly aged between 8 and 11 years (54%). The samples were routinely processed for hematoxylin and eosin, and were also evaluated by toluidine blue and Masson's trichrome staining, and immunohistochemistry (IHC) anti-vimentin, -S-100, -GFAP, -actin, von Willebrand factor and neurofilament. Anisocytosis and anisokaryosis, mitotic index, intratumoral necrosis, invasion of adjacent tissues, tumor location, local recurrence and metastasis were related to the diagnosis of benign (49/70) or malignant tumor (21/70). The Antoni A histological pattern was observed more frequently in benign tumors. The immunohistochemistry helped to diagnose PNST, and anti-vimentin and anti-protein S-100 showed the highest rates of immunostaining. Throughout statistical analysis of animals with tumor recurrence, it was found that the chance of an animal with a malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor to develop recurrence is 4.61 times higher than in an animal that had a benign tumor.
A ocorrência de melonoma maligno de pele no Brasil é analisada a partir dos dados de mortalidade disponíveis no Ministério da Saúde e dos dados de incidência dos seis Registros de Câncer de Base Populacional, localizados em seis capitais brasileiras. Os coeficientes de incidência nessas capitais situam-se em padrões intermediários se comparadas às cifras mundiais. Para o Município de Porto Alegre, uma das capitais estudas, que apresentou os maiores coeficientes de incidência, é feita comparação entre os dados relativos ao período 1979-1982 e 1987, constatando-se que houve aumento relativo de 38% entre homens e de 11% entre mulheres. Concluiu-se pela necessidade de se conduzir estudos no Brasil entre comunidades de indivíduos de pele clara, os quais apresentam risco potencializado para o desenvolvimento de melanoma, para que sejam definidas medidas específicas e eficazes de controle.
Estudos epidemiológicos sugerem a relação entre comportamentos relacionados ao bronzeamento e risco elevado de melanoma. Nesse sentido, realizou-se revisão sobre essa temática que abrangeu o período correspondente aos anos de 1977 a 1998. Foram pesquisadas as bases de dados Medline e Embase (Excerpta Medica). A análise mostrou que entre os jovens, apesar do conhecimento sobre os riscos da exposição excessiva à radiação ultravioleta e sobre as práticas visando à proteção da pele, prevalece o hábito de expor-se intencionalmente ao sol. Esse hábito é alimentado por crenças e atitudes em relação ao bronzeado e estimulado por influência do grupo e de pessoas consideradas "referências". As práticas mais freqüentemente adotadas para bronzear a pele apresentam risco elevado para o desenvolvimento de melanoma. Conclui-se que a forma mais eficaz de prevenir o melanoma é divulgar nos meios de comunicação que a pele bronzeada não é saudável, pois foi danificada pela radiação ultravioleta solar; e iniciar campanhas com ações efetivas para mudar comportamentos, naquilo que os motiva e os alimenta.
Fourteen-day-old schistosomula obtained from mice previously infected were surgically transferred to the portal vein of receptor mice. Another group of mice was infected with cercariae by transcutaneous route. After 90 days, those groups were challenged with 100 cercariae, transcutaneously, as well as a control group. Two weeks later the animals were perfused and mature and immature worms counted separately. Statistically significant differences were observed in the recovery of immature worms, when the control group was compared with those twice infected. No statistical difference was detected between the group infected transcutaneously, and that infected by worm inoculation in portal vein. Results demonstrated that suppression of skin and lung migration of the parasite does not interfere with the development of the so called concomitant immunity.
Mice infected with 350 cercariae of Schistosoma mansoni (LE strain) were treated with oxamniquine, at the dose of 400 mg/kg, 24, 48, 72, and 96 h after infection. Forty days after the treatment, the animals were submitted to a challenge infection with 80 cercariae, through the abdominal and ear skins. The number of immature worms in the animal groups treated 24 and 96 h after the first infection was found to be lower than that in the control group, thus showing that the death of schisto-somes by chemotherapy, at the skin and pulmonary phases, causes an acquired resistance state.
The effect of the colour group on the morbidity due to Schistosoma mansoni was examined in two endemic areas situated in the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Of the 2773 eligible inhabitants, 1971 (71.1%) participated in the study: 545 (27.6%) were classified as white, 719 (36.5%) as intermediate and 707 (35.9%) as black. For each colour group, signs and symptoms of individuals who eliminated S.mansoni eggs (cases) were compared to those who did not present eggs in the faeces (controls). The odds ratios were adjusted by age, gender, previous treatment for schistosomiasis, endemic area and quality of the household. There was no evidence of a modifier effect of colour on diarrhea, bloody faeces or abdominal pain. A modifier effect of colour on hepatomegaly was evident among those heaviest infected (> 400 epg): the adjusted odds ratios for palpable liver at the middle clavicular and the middle sternal lines were smaller among blacks (5.4 and 6.5, respectively) and higher among whites (10.6 and 12.9) and intermediates (10.4 and 10.1, respectively). These results point out the existence of some degree of protection against hepatomegaly among blacks heaviest infected in the studied areas.
In order to estimate ages at which etiological agents of systemic mycoses initiate infection, histoplasmin and paracoccidioidin skin tests were performed in 344 children of both sexes, between 2 and 15 years old. They were selected from a statistically significant population sample Gral. San Martín city (Northeast Argentina). Tests were read 48h after injection and considered positive if a 5 mm on larger induration was present. Circulating antibodies were also evaluated by agar gel immunodiffusion. The overall infection rate for H. capsulatum was 9.2%, belonging to children from 4 to 14 years old, without significant differences among sexes. Five children from 2 to 14 years old were positive to paracoccidioidin (1.6%). None of the children had specific antibodies neither signs of active mycosis. Results show H. capsulatum infection can be found from age 4, while for P. brasiliensis the lower limit was two years old. These findings may contribute to better knowledge on infantile fungal infection in a geographical region where no previous references can be found.