81 resultados para MRI quantitative
em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP
A clinical trial involving 80 patients of both sexes, from ages 15 to 55, with chronic intestinal or hepatointestinal schistosomiasis mansoni, was carried out to evaluate the therapeutical efficacy of different dose regimens of praziquantel. The patients were randomly allocated into four groups with an equal number of cases and were then treated with one of the following dosages: 60 mg/kg for 1 day; 60 mg/kg daily for 2 days; 60 mg/kg daily for 3 days; and 30 mg/kg daily for 6 days. The assessment of parasitological cure was based on the quantitative oogram technique through rectal mucosa biopsies which were undertaken prior to, as well as, 1,2,4 and 6 months post-treatment. Concurrently, stool examinations according to the qualitative Hoffman, Pons & Janer (HPJ) and the quantitative Kato-Katz (K-K) methods were also performed. The best tolerability was observed with 30 mg/kg daily for 6 days whereas the highest incidence of side-effects (mainly dizziness and nausea) was found with 60 mg/kg daily for 3 days. No serious adverse drug reaction has occurred. The achieved cure rates were: 25% with 60 mg/kg for 1 day; 60% with 60 mg/kg daily for 2 days; 89.5% with 60 mg/kg daily for 3 days; and 90% with 30 mg/kg daily for 6 days. At the same time there has been a downfall of 64%, 73%, 87% and 84% respectively, in the median number of viable S. mansoni ova per gram of tissue. Thus, a very clear direct correlation between dose and effect could be seen. The corresponding cure rates according to stool examinations by HPJ were 39%, 80%, 100% and 95%; by K-K 89%, 100%, 100% and 100%. This discrepancy in results amongst the three parasitological methods is certainly due to their unequal accuracy. In fact, when the number of viable eggs per gram of tissue fell below 5,000 the difference in the percentage of false negative findings between HPJ (28%) and K-K (80%) became significative. When this number dropped to less than 2,000 the percentage of false negative results obtained with HPJ (49%) turned significant in relation to the oogram as well. In conclusion, it has been proven that praziquantel is a highly efficacious agent against S. mansoni infections. If administered at a total dose of 180 mg/kg divided into either 3 or 6 days, it yields a 90% cure rate. Possibly, one could reach 100% by increasing the total dose to 240 mg/kg. Furthermore, it was confirmed that the quantitative oogram technique is the most reliable parasitological method when evaluating the efficacy of new drugs in schistosomiasis mansoni.
Diagnosis of cytomegalovirus infections by qualitative and quantitative PCR in HIV infected patients
A high incidence of cytomegalovirus (CMV) infections is observed in Brazil. These viruses are causatives of significant morbidity and mortality among patients with advanced human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. This work, shows the application of a PCR on determination of CMV load in the buffy coat and plasma. We analyzed the samples of 247 HIV infected patients in order to diagnose CMV infection and disease. We developed a semi-quantitative PCR that amplifies part of the glycoprotein B (gB) gene of CMV. The semi-quantitative PCR was carried out only in positive clinical samples in a qualitative PCR confirmed by a nested-PCR. CD4 lymphocyte count, HIV viral load and CMV disease symptom were correlated with CMV load. CMV genome was detected in the buffy coat of 82 of 237 (34.6%) patients, in 10 of these the CMV load was determined varying between 928 and 332 880 viral copies/mug DNA. None of these 237 patients developed any suggestive manifestation of CMV disease. For the other 10 HIV infected patients selected based on the suspicion of CMV disease, CMV genome was detected in only one case. This patient presented a high CMV load, 8 000 000 copies/mug DNA, and developed a disseminated form of CMV disease including hepatitis and retinitis. Our results were greatly influenced by the impact of the highly active antiretroviral therapy that reduced incidence of CMV viremia and occurrence of CMV disease in the HIV infected patients.
Lesions observed in chronic chagasic cardiopathy frequently produce electrocardiographic alterations and affect cardiac function. Through a computerized morphometrical analysis we quantified the areas occupied by cardiac muscle, connective and adipose tissues in the right atrium of dogs experimentally infected with Trypanosoma cruzi. All of the infected dogs showed chronic myocarditis with variable reduction levels of cardiac muscle, fibrosis and adipose tissue replacement. In the atrial myocardium of dogs infected with Be78 and Be62 cardiac muscle represented 34 and 50%, fibrosis 28 and 32% and adipose tissue 38 and 18%, respectively. The fibrosis observed was both diffuse and focal and mostly intrafascicular, either partially or completely interrupting the path of muscle bundles. Such histological alterations probably contributed to the appearance of electrocardiographic disturbances verified in 10 out 11 dogs which are also common in human chronic chagasic cardiopathy. Fibrosis was the most important microscopic occurrence found since it produces rearrangements of collagen fibers in relation to myocardiocytes which causes changes in anatomical physiognomy and mechanical behavior of the myocardium. These abnormalities can contribute to the appearance of cardiac malfunction, arrythmias and congestive cardiac insufficiency as observed in two of the analyzed dogs. Strain Be78 caused destruction of atrial cardiac muscle higher than that induced by strain Be62.
We detected Toxoplasma gondii oocysts in feces of experimentally infected cats, using a Kato Katz approach with subsequent Kinyoun staining. Animals serologically negative to T. gondii were infected orally with 5x10² mice brain cysts of ME49 strain. Feces were collected daily from the 3rd to the 30th day after challenge. Oocysts were detected by qualitative sugar flotation and the quantitative modified Kato Katz stained by Kinyoun (KKK). In the experimentally infected cats, oocysts were detected from the 7th to 15th day through sugar flotation technique, but oocysts were found in KKK from the 6th to 16th day, being sensitive for a larger period, with permanent documentation. The peak of oocysts excretion occurred between the 8th to 11th days after challenge, before any serological positive result. KKK could be used in the screening and quantification of oocysts excretion in feces of suspected animals, with reduced handling of infective material, decreasing the possibility of environmental and operator contamination.
A real-time quantitative assay for hepatitis B DNA virus (HBV) developed to detect all HBV genotypes
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is a major cause of chronic liver disease worldwide. Besides genotype, quantitative analysis of HBV infection is extensively used for monitoring disease progression and treatment. Affordable viral load monitoring is desirable in resource-limited settings and it has been already shown to be useful in developing countries for other viruses such as Hepatitis C virus (HCV) and HIV. In this paper, we describe the validation of a real-time PCR assay for HBV DNA quantification with TaqMan chemistry and MGB probes. Primers and probes were designed using an alignment of sequences from all HBV genotypes in order to equally amplify all of them. The assay is internally controlled and was standardized with an international HBV panel. Its efficacy was evaluated comparing the results with two other methods: Versant HBV DNA Assay 3.0 (bDNA, Siemens, NY, USA) and another real-time PCR from a reference laboratory. Intra-assay and inter-assay reproducibilities were determined and the mean of CV values obtained were 0.12 and 0.09, respectively. The assay was validated with a broad dynamic range and is efficient for amplifying all HBV genotypes, providing a good option to quantify HBV DNA as a routine procedure, with a cheap and reliable protocol.
A pre-Columbian Peruvian scalp was examined decades ago by a researcher from the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation. Professor Olympio da Fonseca Filho described nits and adult lice attached to hair shafts and commented about the origin of head lice infestations on mankind. This same scalp was sent to our laboratory and is the subject of the present paper. Analysis showed a massive infestation with nine eggs/cm2 and an impressive number of very well preserved adult lice. The infestation age was roughly estimated as nine months before death based on the distance of nits from the hair root and the medium rate of hair growth. A small traditional textile was associated with the scalp, possibly part of the funerary belongings. Other morphological aspects visualized by low-vacuum scanning electron microscopy are also presented here for adults and nits.
Objective: To assess quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (q-PCR) for the sputum smear diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) in patients living with HIV/AIDS with a clinical suspicion of PTB.Method: This is a prospective study to assess the accuracy of a diagnostic test, conducted on 140 sputum specimens from 140 patients living with HIV/AIDS with a clinical suspicion of PTB, attended at two referral hospitals for people living with HIV/AIDS in the city of Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil. A Löwenstein-Jensen medium culture and 7H9 broth were used as gold standard.Results: Of the 140 sputum samples, 47 (33.6%) were positive with the gold standard. q-PCR was positive in 42 (30%) of the 140 patients. Only one (0.71%) did not correspond to the culture. The sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of the q-PCR were 87.2%, 98.9% and 95% respectively. In 39 (93%) of the 42 q-PCR positive cases, the CT (threshold cycle) was equal to or less than 37.Conclusion: q-PCR performed on sputum smears from patients living with HIV/AIDS demonstrated satisfactory sensitivity, specificity and accuracy, and may therefore be recommended as a method for diagnosing PTB.
SUMMARY Human Adenoviruses (HAdV) are notably resistant in the environment. These agents may serve as effective indicators of fecal contamination, and may act as causative agents of a number of different diseases in human beings. Conventional polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and, more recently, quantitative PCR (qPCR) are widely used for detection of viral agents in environmental matrices. In the present study PCR and SYBR(r)Green qPCR assays were compared for detection of HAdV in water (55) and sediments (20) samples of spring and artesian wells, ponds and streams, collected from dairy farms. By the quantitative methodology HAdV were detected in 87.3% of the water samples and 80% of the sediments, while by the conventional PCR 47.3% and 35% were detected in water samples and sediments, respectively.
Myocardialexsudate CD4+ andCD8+ lymphocytes were counted in transmural left ventricular free wall frozen sections taken from 10 necropsied chronic cardiac chagasic patients. The cells were labeled with monoclonal antibodies using a streptavidin-biotin technique. We counted: 1) lymphocytes in the total exsudate (LTE) and, separately, 2) the lymphocytes touching orvery near to my oc ells (LTVNM). Lymphocytes were considered very near whenever their own nuclear shortest nuclear diameter was larger than their distance from myocells. CD8+ lymphocytes were more numerous than CD4+ lymphocytes, especially among the LTVNM. The LTE CD4/CD8 ratio was 0,37 ± 0,20, but the LTVNM CD4/CD8 ratio was smaller (0,23 ± 0,11). Among theLTE, 34 ± 11% ofCD8+ (against24 + 12% of CD4+) were LTVNM. All these differences were statistically significant. Both subtypes ofT-lymphocytes were found to have an intimate relationship with both ruptured and unruptured myocells, and parasites were not seen. These findings are in accordance with the idea that the myocardial cell lesions in the cardiac form of human Chagas' disease are mediated mainly by T- cytotoxic lymphocytes.
Qualitative and quantitative aspects of the superficial and profound cardiac plexus of dogs experimentally infected with Be-62 and Be-78 strains of Trypanosoma cruzi were studied. Animals were autopsied in the acute phase of infection. The inflammatory process, lesions and number of parasites were more intense and frequent in animals infected with the Be-78 strain than in those infected with Be-62. Despite this, no statistically significant differences could be found between the number of neuron bodies in the ganglia of infected and control dogs.
Valorizando a sensibilidade do sistema Quantitative Buffy Coat (QBC), documentada em modelo experimental murino, estando os animais com infecção aguda pelo Trypanosoma cruzi houve tentativa de evidenciar esse parasita no sangue periférico de 100 pacientes com doença de Chagas, em fase crônica. Com o emprego desse método, nenhuma positividade ocorreu, evidentemente em virtude das pequenas parasitemias, não reveláveis pela técnica, pelo menos conforme o verificado através da casuística considerada.
The purpose of this work was to test a cytomegalovirus qualitative PCR and a semi-quantitative PCR on the determination of CMV load in leukocytes of bone marrow and kidney transplanted (RT) patients. Thirty three BMT and 35 RT patients participated of the study. The DNA was subjected to a qualitative PCR using primers that amplify part of CMV gB gene. CMV load of positive samples was determined by a semi-quantitative PCR using quantified plasmids inserted with part of the gB gene of CMV as controls. The sensitivity of the test was determined to be 867 plasmid copies/µg DNA. CMV loads between 2,118 and 72,443 copies/µg DNA were observed in 12.1% BMT recipients and between 1,246 and 58,613 copies/µg DNA in 22.9% RT recipients. Further studies are necessary to confirm the usefulness of this CMV semi-quantitative PCR in transplanted patients.