12 resultados para MERISTEM
em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP
The genus Heliconia is not much studied and the number of existing species in this genus is still uncertain. It is known that this number relies between 150 to 250 species. In Brazil, about 40 species are native and known by many different names. The objective of this paper was to characterize morphometrically and to identify the NOR (active nucleolus organizer regions) by Ag-NOR banding of chromosomes of Heliconia bihai (L) L. Root meristems were submitted to blocking treatment in an amiprofos-methyl (APM) solution, fixed in methanol-acetic acid solution for 24 hours, at least. The meristems were washed in distilled water and submitted to enzymatic digestion with pectinase enzyme. The slides were prepared by dissociation of the root meristem, dried in the air and also on hot plate at 50°C. Subsequently, some slides were submitted to 5% Giemsa stain for karyotype construction and to a solution of silver nitrate (AgNO3) 50% for Ag-NOR banding. The species H. bihai has 2n = 22 chromosomes, 4 pairs of submetacentric chromosomes and 7 pairs of metacentric chromosomes, and graded medium to short (3.96 to 0.67 μM), with the presence of active NOR in pairs 1 and 2 and interphase cells with 2 nucleoli. These are the features of a diploid species.
O araçá-boi (Eugenia stipitata ssp. sororia McVaugh - Myrtaceae) é uma espécie frutífera originária da Amazônia Ocidental que apresenta grande potencial para a indústria de sucos e sorvetes. A morfologia das sementes é complexa e sua fisiologia pouco compreendida. Sabe-se que elas são resistentes a injúrias mecânicas e sensíveis ao dessecamento. Objetivou-se caracterizar a morfologia das sementes através da biometria, determinar o grau de umidade das sementes e descrever os eventos do processo germinativo, visando dar subsídios para o manejo das sementes e a produção de mudas. As médias de comprimento, peso fresco e peso seco das sementes foram de 1,06 cm, 0,49 g c 0,17 g, respectivamente. O teor de água encontrado nas sementes foi de 62%. A germinação das sementes é hipógea c criptocotiledonar, mostrando-se lenta e desuniforme. A germinação iniciou-se por volta de 50 dias e estendeu-se até mais de 280 dias. A plântula, com 60 dias, apresentou altura média de 13 cm e 18 folhas. As sementes apresentam alto poder de regeneração pois, mesmo quando cortadas ao meio ou na zona meristemática, foram capazes de formar plântulas.
Plant cell and tissue culture in a simple fashion refers to techniques which utilize either single plant cells, groups of unorganized cells (callus) or organized tissues or organs put in culture, under controlled sterile conditions.
The objective of this work was to study the in vitro organogenesis of Citrullus lanatus, by the induction of adventitious buds in cotyledon segments cultured in medium supplemented with cytokinin. Explants were collected from one, three and five-day-old in vitro germinated seedlings, considering the distal and proximal cotyledon regions. The data obtained showed that in vitro organogenesis of watermelon occurred with higher efficiency, when cotyledon segments from the proximal region collected from three-day-old seedlings were cultivated in medium MS, supplemented with BAP (1 mg L-1) and coconut water (10%). The histological study showed that the organogenesis occurs directly, without callus formation, on epidermal and subepidermal layers of the explants. Adventitious shoots were characterized by the development of shoot apical meristem and leaf primordia. The formation of protuberances, that do not develop into adventitious buds, was also observed.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the natural attack by Acromyrmex crassispinus in initial Pinus taeda plantations without control measures against ants, as well as the effect of defoliation in seedlings of P. taeda. Evaluations of the attack of leaf-cutting ants on P. taeda plantations were done monthly in the first six months, then 9 and 12 months after planting. The percentages of plants that were naturally attacked by ants were registered. The effect of defoliation was evaluated by artificial defoliation, simulating the natural patterns of attack by A. crassispinus on P. taeda seedlings. The natural attack of A. crassispinus was greater during the first months after planting, being more intense in the first 30 days. Artificial defoliation indicated that there were no significant losses in diameter and height in plants with less than 75% defoliation. However, there were significant losses in diameter and height in plants with 100% defoliation, independently of the cut of the apical meristem, and also plant death. The control of leaf-cutting ants in P. taeda plantings, in which A. crassispinus is the most frequent leaf-cutting ant, should be intense only at the beginning of planting, since the most severe attacks occur during this time.
In Cyperus giganteus, like in other Monocotyledoneae, the protoderm, procambium, fundamental meristem and primary thickening meristem (PTM) are differentiated from the rhizome promeristem. The PTM produces the inner cortical parenchyma, endodermis, pericycle and amphivasal vascular bundles, which are formed by the procambium too. After the primary body differentiates, cellular divisions continue only in the pericycle, and originate an irregular vascular system with vessel elements shorter and more branched than those found in the primary growth. This change of activity in the pericycle defines a secondary growth, where the secondary thickening meristem (STM) is the pericycle itself.
A study on the vegetative organ anatomy of Ianthopappus corymbosus was conducted in order to provide a basis for comparison with the genus Richterago, since this species had been previously included in that genus. The anatomical characters of I. corymbosus that support its exclusion from the genus Richteragon are: epithelial cell organization of adventitious root secretory canals, non-glandular trichomes, and presence of cortical vascular bundles in the stem. In Ianthopappus corymbosus, the underground system consists of rhizophore from which adventitious roots branch off. The subapical meristem of the adventitious root revealed that the ground meristem forms the inner layer which in a meristematic phase, forms 2/3 of the cortex. This layer will differentiate in the endodermis, with Casparian strips, and is referred to as meristematic endodermis. Endodermic secretory canals, limited by four epithelial cells, appear in the region adjacent to the primary phloem.
The meristematic endodermis in adventitious roots of Richterago species originates in one of the fundamental meristem cells, which undergo sucessive anticlinal and periclinal divisions to build the inner cortex. The meristematic endodermis or proendodermis remains as a meristematic layer until its differentiation into endodermis, with Casparian strip. When sieve elements differentiate, endodermic secretory canals of esquizogenous origin are present at the region adjacent to primary phloem. Articulated laticifers, with cells perforated at both terminal and transversal walls, also occur during initial phases of secondary development. Presence of inulin as reserve carbohydrate in the inner cortex and vascular tissue may be related to abiotic factors, as an adaptive strategy of these species.
Somatic embryogenesis represents a valuable tool for the studies on the basic aspects of plant embryo development. Today this process is used as a potencial technique for large-scale plant micropropagation although, so far, it has been applied to only a small number of species. However, when somatic embryos are malformed they are considered economically useless. In Acca sellowiana (O. Berg) Burret, an important fruit-producing crop, large amounts of anomalous somatic embryos (76.3%) were found just after 40 days of culture of explants in a 2,4-D containing medium. Among the anomalous forms found in the cotiledonary stage, 12.2% consisted of fused embryos, 40.4% displayed fused cotyledons, 13.0% presented supernumerary cotyledons, and 10.7% showed absence or poorly developed cotyledons, including those without the shoot apical meristem. Histological analyses indicated that the altered embryos were formed either directly from cotyledons, hypocotyl and radicle of the zygotic embryos used as explants, or indirectly from calli formed from these tissue parts. It is suggested that the formation of anomalous somatic embryos, as well as a low frequency of conversion into emblings reflect physiological and/or genetic disturbances triggered by the presence of 2,4-D in the medium. In vitro experimental alternative approaches are discussed in order to lessen the occurrence of malformed somatic embryos.
This paper reports on the extrafloral nectary (EFN) of Hibiscus pernambucensis, a native shrub species occurring in mangrove and restinga along Brazil's coastline. EFNs occur as furrows with a protuberant border on the abaxial surface veins of the leaf blade. Each nectary consists of numerous secretory multicellular trichomes, epidermal cells in palisade-like arrangements and non-vascularized parenchyma tissue. Nectar secretion is prolonged, since secretion starts in very young leaves and remains up to completely expanded leaves. Reduced sugars, lipids, and proteins were histochemically detected in all the nectary cells; phenolic substances were detected in the vacuoles of the epidermal palisade cells and in some secretory trichome cells. The secretory cells that constitute the body of trichomes have large nuclei, dense cytoplasm with numerous mitochondria, dictyosomes, scattered lipid droplets and plastids with different inclusions: protein, lipid droplets or starch grains; vacuoles with different sizes have membranous material, phenolic and lipophilic substances. The palisade cells show thick periclinal walls, reduced cytoplasm with voluminous lipid drops and developed vacuoles. The nectary parenchyma cells contain abundant plasmodesmata and cytoplasm with scattered lipid droplets, mitochondria, plastids with starch grains and endoplasmic reticulum. Mucilage idioblasts are common in the inner nectary parenchyma. Protoderm and ground meristem participate in the formation of EFN. Our data indicate that all nectary regions are involved in nectar production and secretion, constituting a functional unit. Longevity of the extrafloral nectaries is likely associated with the presence of mucilage idioblasts, which increases the capacity of the nectary parenchyma to store water.
The lianas observed in this study, Abuta convexa (Vell.) Diels, Abuta imene (Mart.) Eichler, and Chondrodendron platiphyllum (A. St.-Hil.) Miers, all have successive cambia in their stems. The terminology applied to stem histology in species with successive cambia is as diverse as the interpretations of the origins of this cambial variant. Therefore, this study specifically investigates the origin of successive cambia through a developmental analysis of the above-mentioned species, including an analysis of the terminology used to describe this cambial variation. For the first time, we have identified several developmental stages giving rise to the origins of successive cambia in this family. First, the pericycle originates in 1-3 layers of conjunctive tissue. After the differentiation of the first ring, the conjunctive tissue undergoes new divisions, developing approximately 10 rows of parenchyma cells. In the middle portion, a layer of sclereids is formed, again subdividing the conjunctive tissue into two parts: internal and external. New cambia originate in the internal part, from which new secondary vascular strands will originate, giving rise to the second successive vascular ring of the stem. The external part remains parenchymatous during the installation of the second ring and will undergo new periclinal division, repeating the entire process. New cambia will originate from the neoformed strands, which will form only rays. In the literature, successive cambia are formed by a meristem called "diffuse lateral meristem."However, based on the species of Menispermaceae studied in this report, it is demonstrated that the diffuse lateral meristem is the pericycle itself.
Abstract Powdered juices are widely consumed by the population especially because of their convenient preparation, availability in various fruit flavors and low cost when compared to other industrialized beverages. They have complex formulation, consisting of several classes of food additives. However, there are no scientific studies on the toxicity of these foods. Thus, this study evaluated the toxicity at the cellular level of industrialized powdered juices of orange and guava flavors of three different food companies. This analysis was made using root meristem cells of Allium cepa L., at the exposure times of 24 and 48 hours, and two concentrations, 30 g/1000 mL, considered ideal for consumption according to the label of the products, and 30 g/500 mL. Both flavors of juices, of the three companies, in both concentrations and the two exposure times promoted significant antiproliferative effect to root meristem cells and caused a statistically significant number of mitotic spindle changes and micronuclei in cells of the test system used. Therefore, under the studied conditions, all the samples of juice powder exhibited cytotoxic and genotoxic potential.