34 resultados para Local wind flow

em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP


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ABSTRACT The successful in the implementation of wind turbines depends on several factors, including: the wind resource at the installation site, the equipment used, project acquisition and operational costs. In this paper, the production of electricity from two small wind turbines was compared through simulation using the computer software HOMER - a national model of 6kW and an imported one of 5kW. The wind resources in three different cities were considered: Campinas (SP/BR), Cubatão (São Paulo/BR) and Roscoe (Texas/ USA). A wind power system connected to the grid and a wind isolated system - batteries were evaluated. The results showed that the energy cost ($/kWh) is strongly dependent on the windmill characteristics and local wind resource. Regarding the isolated wind system – batteries, the full supply guarantee to the simulated electrical load is only achieved with a battery bank with many units and high number of wind turbines, due to the intermittency of wind power.


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The use of colored microspheres to adequately evaluate blood flow changes under different circumstances in the same rat has been validated with a maximum of three different colors due to methodological limitations. The aim of the present study was to validate the use of four different colors measuring four repeated blood flow changes in the same rat to assess the role of vasopressor systems in controlling arterial pressure (AP). Red (150,000), white (200,000), yellow (150,000), and blue (200,000) colored microspheres were infused into the left ventricle of 6 male Wistar rats 1) at rest and 2) after vasopressin (aAVP, 10 µg/kg, iv), 3) renin-angiotensin (losartan, 10 mg/kg, iv), and 4) sympathetic system blockade (hexamethonium, 20 mg/kg, iv) to determine blood flow changes. AP was recorded and processed with a data acquisition system (1-kHz sampling frequency). Blood flow changes were quantified by spectrophotometry absorption peaks for colored microsphere components in the tissues evaluated. Administration of aAVP and losartan slightly reduced the AP (-5.7 ± 0.5 and -7.8 ± 1.2 mmHg, respectively), while hexamethonium induced a 52 ± 3 mmHg fall in AP. The aAVP injection increased blood flow in lungs (78%), liver (117%) and skeletal muscle (>150%), while losartan administration enhanced blood flow in heart (126%), lungs (100%), kidneys (80%), and gastrocnemius (75%) and soleus (94%) muscles. Hexamethonium administration reduced only kidney blood flow (50%). In conclusion, four types of colored microspheres can be used to perform four repeated blood flow measurements in the same rat detecting small alterations such as changes in tissues with low blood flow.


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This work describes a lumped parameter mathematical model for the prediction of transients in an aerodynamic circuit of a transonic wind tunnel. Control actions to properly handle those perturbations are also assessed. The tunnel circuit technology is up to date and incorporates a novel feature: high-enthalpy air injection to extend the tunnel’s Reynolds number capability. The model solves the equations of continuity, energy and momentum and defines density, internal energy and mass flow as the basic parameters in the aerodynamic study as well as Mach number, stagnation pressure and stagnation temperature, all referred to test section conditions, as the main control variables. The tunnel circuit response to control actions and the stability of the flow are numerically investigated. Initially, for validation purposes, the code was applied to the AWT ("Altitude Wind Tunnel" of NASA-Lewis). In the sequel, the Brazilian transonic wind tunnel was investigated, with all the main control systems modeled, including injection.


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Mixed convection on the flow past a heated length and past a porous cavity located in a horizontal wall bounding a saturated porous medium is numerically simulated. The cavity is heated from below. The steady-state regime is studied for several intensities of the buoyancy effects due to temperature variations. The influences of Péclet and Rayleigh numbers on the flow pattern and the temperature distributions are examined. Local and global Nusselt numbers are reported for the heated surface. The convective-diffusive fluxes at the volume boundaries are represented using the UNIFAES, Unified Finite Approach Exponential-type Scheme, with the Power-Law approximation to reduce the computing time. The conditions established by Rivas for the quadratic order of accuracy of the central differencing to be maintained in irregular grids are shown to be extensible to other quadratic schemes, including UNIFAES, so that accuracy estimates could be obtained.


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The present work shows how thick boundary layers can be produced in a short wind tunnel with a view to simulate atmospheric flows. Several types of thickening devices are analysed. The experimental assessment of the devices was conducted by considering integral properties of the flow and the spectra: skin-friction, mean velocity profiles in inner and outer co-ordinates and longitudinal turbulence. Designs based on screens, elliptic wedge generators, and cylindrical rod generators are analysed. The paper describes in detail the experimental arrangement, including the features of the wind tunnel and of the instrumentation. The results are compared with experimental data published by other authors and with naturally developed flows.


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OBJETIVO: Analisar o padrão de disseminação local através da delimitação clínica da extensão da lesão primária assim como os subsítios invadidos. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Clínico retrospectivo. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Foram analisados os prontuários de 290 pacientes com carcinoma epidermóide de base de língua no Departamento de Cirurgia de Cabeça e Pescoço e Otorrinolaringologia do Hospital Heliópolis, Hosphel, São Paulo - Brasil, de 1977 a 2000, sendo estadiados pelo TNM da UICC, e os resultados analisados pelo teste do Quiquadrado para tabelas Z x N (Cochran) para estudo da associação dos sítios e dimensão da neoplasia em relação à invasão da linha média. RESULTADOS: Com predomínio dos homens (8:1) e da 6ª década de vida (41,0%), 83,8% eram etilistas e tabagistas e em 4,7% os hábitos estavam ausentes. Quanto aos sintomas, odinofagia (37,6%), linfonodo (21,7%) e a média de tempo entre o 1º sintoma e o diagnóstico de 6 meses (62,0%). Quanto ao estadiamento, tivemos T1-T2 (18,3%), T3 (32,4%), T4(50,7%). Quanto à disseminação local, em direção à valécula (25,3%), epiglote (18,7%), glote (2,7%), anteriormente para o v lingual em (22,4%) e póstero lateralmente para a prega faringloepiglótica (6,6%) e seio piriforme (2,2%). Quanto a ultrapassagem da linha média, isso ocorreu em 66,2% dos casos, sendo 42,2% (T2), 54,2% (T3) e 82,9% (T4). CONCLUSÃO: o carcinoma epidermóide no estádio T4 ultrapassa a linha média da base da língua em 82,9%.


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Implementing multi-level governance has been a key priority in EU cohesion policy. This study assesses the perceived achievements and shortcomings in implementing European Social Fund by analyzing the deficits and weaknesses as well as the poor participation of local agents who are in direct contact with the beneficiaries in order to design and implement this fund, which is the main financial instrument of EU social policy.


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Enormous change and innovation in governmental practices are occurring throughout the world. Local governance, in particular, has become a concern in many countries. Processes such as redemocratization and decentralization and imperatives of international lending agencies have focused attention on developing good governance practices. Improvement in local government remains a high priority in most countries, but unless the relationship between citizens and government is more fully developed the actions of local government will not necessarily lead to improvement in the conditions of people's lives. This paper will explore the concept of governance and propose an analytical framework for the study of local governance in an international context. The article concludes with recommendations on strategies to improve governance systems and government performance.


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The Fundação Getulio Vargas, São Paulo, Public Management and Citizenship Program was set up in 1996 with Ford Foundation support to identify and disseminate Brazilian subnational government initiatives in service provision that have a direct effect on citizenship. Already, the program has 2,500 different experiences in its data bank, the results of four annual cycles. The article draws some initial conclusions about the possibilities of a rights-based approach to public management and about the engagement of other agencies and civil society organizations.


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O treinamento visa responder às necessidades de desenvolvimento das pessoas e das organizações (Grohmann & Kauffeld, 2013). Baseado no modelo de Holton, realizou-se um estudo que procura identificar e compreender os fatores envolvidos no processo de transferência de aprendizagem para o posto de trabalho de duas ações de treinamento distintas quanto ao design e às competências. O estudo decorreu numa organização portuguesa e envolveu 98 participantes. Realizaram-se entrevistas com ex-formandos com o objetivo de explorar os fatores que facilitaram ou dificultaram a transferência das aprendizagens e aplicou-se o Inventário do Sistema de Transferência da Aprendizagem, versão portuguesa (Holton, Bates, Seyler & Carvalho, 1997; Velada & Caetano, 2009). Os resultados sugerem que o modelo de Holton model (2005) mostra o que os treinandos identificaram como importante para a transferência da aprendizagem e que há diferenças em relação aos fatores de transferência de acordo com o tipo de treinamento.


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ABSTRACTThe purpose of this paper is to address the issue of the implementation of global and local brands in Latin America by drawing on contingency theory to develop and test hypotheses relating to how product category characteristics affect the success of global and local brands in the region. Hypotheses are tested using data obtained from top brands rankings reported in five Latin American markets (Argentina, Brazil, the Caribbean and Central America, Chile and Mexico). The study design considers estimating a logistic regression on a binomial dependent variable measuring whether 475 top brands are global or local brands, with product category characteristics as independent variables. Results reveal that product categories related to subscriptions, local tastes, high-tech, and global citizenship do have an impact on the success of global and local brands in Latin America.


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Este artigo propõe um modelo para construção de índices de mercados locais a partir das informações fornecidas nos lançamentos imobiliários residenciais, pois construir um índice de preços nacional para unidades residenciais em um país de dimensões continentais e com uma diversidade cultural e econômica como a do Brasil é muito difícil. Além disso, mesmo nas grandes regiões metropolitanas, faltam informações sobre os preços reais praticados nas transações imobiliárias e sobre as características dos imóveis negociados.


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Um dos grandes desafios para pesquisadores de gestão internacional é compreender a diversidade institucional e cultural dos ambientes de negócios nacionais. Para responder a tal desafio, os pesquisadores recorrem a agrupamentos e generalizações. Embora tal recurso metodológico apresente inegáveis méritos, pode prover quadros relativamente pobres sobre a realidade de cada país. Este artigo procura endereçar essa lacuna. Realizamos uma pesquisa exploratória sobre os traços da cultura organizacional brasileira hoje, após 17 anos de abertura econômica e transformações institucionais, as quais geraram profundos impactos na sociedade e nas organizações. Exploramos a literatura existente sobre traços da cultura organizacional brasileira e apresentamos um estudo de campo baseado em entrevistas com profissionais estrangeiros que trabalham no Brasil e com profissionais brasileiros que já trabalharam fora do país. A comparação entre os estudos anteriores e o presente estudo revela um quadro híbrido, transitório e com ressignificações, típico de um período de transição marcado pela convivência entre traços pré-globalização e traços pós-globalização.