18 resultados para Lasers, excimer
em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP
OBJETIVE: With the increased use of intracoronary stents, in-stent restenosis has become a clinically significant drawback in invasive cardiology. We retrospectively assessed the short- and long-term outcomes after excimer laser coronary angioplasty of in-stent restenosis. METHODS: Twenty-five patients with 33 incidents of in-stent restenosis treated with excimer laser coronary angioplasty (ELCA) were analyzed. Sixty-six percent were males, mean age of 73±11 years, and 83% were functional class III-IV (NYHA). ELCA was performed using 23 concentric and 10 eccentric catheters with a diameter of 1.6-2.2 mm, followed by balloon angioplasty (PTCA) and ultrasound monitoring. The procedure was performed in the following vessels: left anterior descending artery, 10; left circumflex artery, 8; right coronary artery, 6; left main coronary artery, 2; and venous bypass graft, 7. RESULTS: The ELCA was successful in 71% of the cases, and PTCA was 100% successful. The diameter of the treated vessels was 3.44±0.5mm; the minimal luminal diameter (MLD) increased from 0.30mm pre-ECLA to 1.97mm post-ELCA, and to 2.94mm post-PTCA (p<0.001). The percent stenosis was reduced from 91.4±9.5% before ECLA to 42.3±14.9% after ELCA and to 14.6 ± 9.3% after PTCA (p<0.001). Seventeen (68%) patients were asymptomatic at 6 months and 15 (60%) at 1 year. New restenosis rates were 8/33 (24.2%) at 6 months and 9 /33 (27.3%) at 12 months. CONCLUSION: ELCA is safe and effective for the treatment of in-stent restenosis. In the present sample, a slight increase in new restenotic lesions between 6 and 12 months was found.
This paper provides an up-to-date critical review of methods for diamond synthesis by lasers. A provisional classification of synthesizing methods is carried out, in order to present a varied and heterogeneous experimental work that is as clear as possible. Laser diamond CVD methods involve chemical processes in a carbon-containing system induced by specific absorption of laser radiation, while diamond PVD methods involve physical processes induced by an intense, highly-directed laser beam. Different methods involving coupled, simultaneous action of lasers and classic CVD agents are suggested and discussed as prospective approaches for diamond synthesis.
Potential energy and dipole moment curves for the HCl molecule were computed. Calculations were performed at different levels of theory (DFT, MRCI). Spectroscopic properties are reported and compared with experimental data, for validating the theoretical approaches. Interaction of infrared radiation with HCl is simulated using the wave packet formalism. The quantum control model for population dynamics of the vibrational levels, based on pi-pulse theory, is applied. The results demonstrate that wavepackets with specific composition can be built with short infrared laser pulses and provide the basis for studies of H + HCl collision dynamics with infrared laser excitation.
Low-intensity lasers are used for prevention and management of oral mucositis induced by anticancer therapy, but the effectiveness of treatment depends on the genetic characteristics of affected cells. This study evaluated the survival and induction of filamentation of Escherichia coli cells deficient in the nucleotide excision repair pathway, and the action of T4endonuclease V on plasmid DNA exposed to low-intensity red and near-infrared laser light. Cultures of wild-type (strain AB1157) E. coli and strain AB1886 (deficient in uvrA protein) were exposed to red (660 nm) and infrared (808 nm) lasers at various fluences, powers and emission modes to study bacterial survival and filamentation. Also, plasmid DNA was exposed to laser light to study DNA lesions produced in vitro by T4endonuclease V. Low-intensity lasers:i) had no effect on survival of wild-type E. coli but decreased the survival of uvrA protein-deficient cells,ii) induced bacterial filamentation, iii) did not alter the electrophoretic profile of plasmids in agarose gels, andiv) did not alter the electrophoretic profile of plasmids incubated with T4 endonuclease V. These results increase our understanding of the effects of laser light on cells with various genetic characteristics, such as xeroderma pigmentosum cells deficient in nucleotide excision pathway activity in patients with mucositis treated by low-intensity lasers.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a voz de pacientes portadores de carcinomas iniciais glóticos submetidos à cordectomia com laser de CO2. MÉTODO: Foram avaliados 15 pacientes com diagnóstico de carcinoma espinocelular Tis e T1 glóticos. A avaliação foi feita por meio da análise perceptivo auditiva da voz, pela análise acústica computadorizada e videolaringoestroboscópica. Os pacientes responderam a um questionário de avaliação geral da voz e um protocolo de qualidade de vida relacionado à voz (QVV). Os resultados foram comparados aos de um grupo controle de indivíduos com laringes normais. RESULTADOS: A análise perceptivo-auditiva da voz revelou que a maioria dos pacientes submetidos à cordectomia apresentou algum grau de disfonia, à custa de rouquidão e soprosidade. Considerando os parâmetros acústicos analisados e os valores do grupo controle, observou-se a tendência de um pequeno incremento da freqüência fundamental, mas sem diferença estatisticamente significante; os valores de jitter, shimmer e da proporção harmônico-ruído apresentaram-se significantemente alterados. Os aspectos analisados na videolaringoestroboscopia mostraram-se melhores nas cordectomias menos extensas. Os escores do QVV sugerem que os pacientes tiveram um discreto impacto na qualidade de vida relacionada à voz. CONCLUSÕES: Apesar da presença de alterações na qualidade vocal dos pacientes submetidos à cordectomia com laser de CO2, os resultados funcionais tendem a ser bem aceitos pelos pacientes, com discreta repercussão na qualidade de vida.
Otite média secretora (OMS) e otite média aguda recorrente (OMAR) podem necessitar tratamento cirúrgico para adequada ventilação da orelha média. A abertura clássica do tímpano (timpanocentese) requer incisão por microlanceta sob controle de microscópio cirúrgico e mantém-se patente por alguns dias. Estudos recentes sugerem que a timpanocentese feita por diferentes lasers pode permanecer permeável por maior tempo, o que possibilitaria a normalização da otite média. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Neste estudo experimental 34 ratos linhagem Wistar, albinos, machos adultos pesando cerca de 300g, foram anestesiados com cetamina 27 mg/kg e xilazina 2,7 mg/kg. A seguir, foram submetidos à timpanocentese incisional com microlanceta no ouvido direito (ML-OD), e à timpanocentese mediada por laser de argônio no ouvido esquerdo (LA-OE). RESULTADOS: Não houve diferença significativa no tempo de cicatrização das timpanocenteses feitas com laser de argônio ou microlanceta. Todas as timpanocenteses cicatrizaram em 10 dias. CONCLUSÃO: A timpanocentese com laser de argônio apresentou patência e cicatrização semelhantes à técnica clássica com microlanceta realizada em ratos Wistar sem enfermidades de orelha média.
A carga mecânica provoca microdeformações ósseas, que estimulam células osteoblásticas e, conseqüentemente, promovem adaptações nos ossos, muitas vezes relacionadas com uma menor reabsorção óssea e um aumento na formação óssea local. No entanto, o estímulo para formação óssea depende do número e freqüência das deformações aplicadas no osso. Concomitantemente aos estímulos ósseos providos pelas cargas mecânicas, é importante uma dieta rica em cálcio, a qual também beneficia o aumento da massa óssea. Entretanto, existem também outros métodos não farmacológicos, como o ultra-som pulsado de baixa intensidade, a estimulação elétrica e o laser, que já mostraram efeitos positivos na promoção da osteogênese. Assim, realizou-se um levantamento na literatura, no período de 1982 a 2001, sobre esses métodos não farmacológicos com o objetivo de avaliar tais métodos alternativos, que ajudam no aumento da massa óssea ou no estímulo à osteogênese.
OBJECTIVE: To analyze the results of laser-assisted extraction of permanent pacemaker and defibrillator leads. METHODS: We operated upon 36 patients, whose mean age was 54.2 years, and extracted 56 leads. The reasons for extracting the leads were as follows: infection in 19 patients, elective replacement in 13, and other causes in 4 patients. The mean time of catheter placement was 7.5±5.5 years. Forty-seven leads were from pacemakers, and 9 were from defibrillators. Thirty-eight leads were in use, 14 had been abandoned in the pacemaker pocket, and 4 had been abandoned inside the venous system. RESULTS: We successfully extracted 54 catheters, obtaining a 96.4% rate of success and an 82.1% rate for complete extraction. The 2 unsuccessful cases were due to the presence of calcium in the trajectory of the lead. The mean duration of laser light application was 123.0±104.5 s, using 5,215.2±4,924.0 pulses, in a total of 24.4±24.2 cycles of application. Thirty-four leads were extracted from the myocardium with countertraction after complete progression of the laser sheath, 12 leads came loose during the progression of the laser sheath, and the remaining 10 were extracted with other maneuvers. One patient experienced cardiac tamponade after extraction of the defibrillator lead, requiring open emergency surgery. CONCLUSION: The use of the excimer laser allowed extraction of the leads with a 96% rate of success; it was not effective in 2 patients who had calcification on the lead. One patient (2.8%) had a complication that required cardiac surgery on an emergency basis.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a reprodutibilidade do posicionamento de pacientes com diagnóstico de câncer de próstata submetidos a radioterapia conformada. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 960 (posições anterior e lateral) filmes radiológicos, de um total de 120 pacientes que receberam radioterapia conformada na próstata com técnica isocêntrica. As imagens foram obtidas em acelerador linear de partículas 6 MV. Aplicou-se protocolo específico para planejamento e tratamento da próstata, com o paciente em posição supina, mãos colocadas sobre o tórax, pés apoiados em suporte apropriado. Diariamente, os pacientes foram posicionados conforme demarcações na pele, coincidentes com os lasers da sala. Os filmes radiológicos foram comparados com as radiografias reconstruídas digitalmente (digitally reconstructed radiography - DRR) em sistema de planejamento computadorizado Eclipse, a partir das tomografias. As radiografias de posicionamento foram realizadas no primeiro dia e após, semanalmente, até o término do tratamento. RESULTADOS: As médias dos deslocamentos observados foram de 1,99 ± 1,25 mm no sentido crânio-caudal, 1,37 ± 0,84 mm no látero-lateral e 1,94 ± 1,10 mm no ântero-posterior. CONCLUSÃO: O uso de protocolos específicos para posicionamento dos pacientes é possível na prática clínica, possibilita reprodutibilidade adequada e rápida correção dos possíveis erros.
Abstract Objective: To determine whether low-level laser therapy can prevent salivary hypofunction after radiotherapy and chemotherapy in head and neck cancer patients. Materials and Methods: We evaluated 23 head and neck cancer patients, of whom 13 received laser therapy and 10 received clinical care only. An InGaAlP laser was used intra-orally (at 660 nm and 40 mW) at a mean dose of 10.0 J/cm2 and extra-orally (at 780 nm and 15 mW) at a mean dose of 3.7 J/cm2, three times per week, on alternate days. Stimulated and unstimulated sialometry tests were performed before the first radiotherapy and chemotherapy sessions (N0) and at 30 days after the end of treatment (N30). Results: At N30, the mean salivary flow rates were significantly higher among the laser therapy patients than among the patients who received clinical care only, in the stimulated and unstimulated sialometry tests (p = 0.0131 and p = 0.0143, respectively). Conclusion: Low-level laser therapy, administered concomitantly with radiotherapy and chemotherapy, appears to mitigate treatment-induced salivary hypofunction in patients with head and neck cancer.
Multicomponent ( Al2O3, CaO, SiO2, MgO) calcium aluminate-based glasses containing Nd3+ were prepared in order to evaluate their possibilities as laser host materials. The refractive index, UV-visible-near IR absorption spectrum, IR and visible luminescence spectra, and fluorescence decay time were measured. Judd-Ofelt model was used to obtain experimental intensity parameters ( omega2, omega4 and omega6), emission cross-section, radiative lifetimes, emission branching ratios and quantum efficiency.
The history of the rare earths is rich in innovation and these elements have been the object of study of a number of scientists. Rare earths are used practically in almost all aspects of life and these applications are due to their outstanding properties, mainly spectroscopic and magnetic. In industry, the applications of rare earths are many, such as in catalysis, phosphors, magnetism, glass and lasers. In biological systems, rare earths are used, for example, as luminescent probes in the investigation of binding sites in proteins, labels in immunoassays and in noninvasive tests.
Rare earth ion doped solid state materials are the most important active media of near-infrared and visible lasers and other photonic devices. In these ions, the occurrence of Excited State Absorptions (ESA), from long lived electronic levels, is commonplace. Since ESA can deeply affect the efficiencies of the rare earth emissions, evaluation of these transitions cross sections is of greatest importance in predicting the potential applications of a given material. In this paper a detailed description of the pump-probe technique for ESA measurements is presented, with a review of several examples of applications in Nd3+, Tm3+ and Er3+ doped materials.
In this second part it will be discussed some photonic applications of glassy and glass ceramic thin films which can be used as planar waveguides. Some photonic applications require certain specifications of glass, which can be quantified by studying the nonlinear optical properties of the materials. Therefore, a brief introduction of these phenomena is discussed, as well as the use of femtosecond lasers to manipulate the composition or for the preparation of waveguides into glasses. Finally, the article will address a brief introduction on microstructured optical fibers and commercial application prospects for these devices.
Neste trabalho descreve-se a tecnologia envolvida na fabricação de um detector piroelétrico para aplicações na determinação da energia de feixe de lasers pulsados ou CW (onda contínua) modulados, utilizando-se do polímero Polifluoreto de Vinilideno PVDF. Os dados experimentais revelam que o detector tem resposta linear com a energia aplicada para o intervalo compreendido entre 0,4 a 6,8 mili-Joule/pulse para pulsos com largura temporal de 8,3 milissegundos.