68 resultados para Lactobacillus paracasei
em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP
The fermented herbal juices are capable of curing and preventing diseases and reducing the aging progress. The present study was performed to investigate the fermentation of Phyllanthus emblica fruit by Lactobacillus paracasei HII01 with respect to carbon sources, polyphenols, and antioxidant properties. The physical changes, for instance, color, odor, taste, turbidity and gas formation, throughout the fermentation process was manually monitored. The fermented product was rich in polyphenolic content. The acid content and pH of the product were under the norms of Thai community product standards. Antioxidant properties of the fermented product were proved using ABTS, and FRAP assays. Chelation based study suggested that fermented P. emblica fruit juices are healthy enough to stabilize the oxidized form of the metal ion. The optimum fermentation period was 15 days. All the results supported that studied carbon sources did not interfere with the quality of the product. This report is the prelude study on the use of probiotic starter culture for the production of P. emblica fruit based lactic acid bacteria fermented beverages (LAFB) enriched with bioactive compounds. Further research on the impact of different carbon sources and upstream processes on the quality of LAFB is currently in progress.
Os probióticos têm sido largamente utilizados em produtos lácteos. Recentemente, seu uso em produtos cárneos tem despertado interesse, principalmente em embutidos fermentados consumidos na forma crua e sem aquecimento prévio. Verificou-se a influência da utilização de Lactobacillus casei, L. paracasei e L. rhamnosus sobre as características físico-químicas e sensoriais de embutido fermentado, bem como o desenvolvimento e a viabilidade das culturas no produto cárneo. Os embutidos foram processados em quatro tratamentos, sendo o primeiro tratamento usado como controle, enquanto os demais receberam a adição de uma espécie de Lactobacillus probiótico, seguindo procedimento de fabricação descrito para salame italiano por um período de 25 dias. A presença das culturas probióticas promoveu redução mais rápida do pH dos embutidos em relação ao tratamento controle, proporcionando gosto ácido mais intenso na avaliação sensorial, principalmente para cepa de L. rhamnosus. O crescimento de Staphylococcus xylosus da cultura starter sofreu redução com a adição dos probióticos, porém o desenvolvimento de Pediococcus pentosaceus não foi afetado. Os probióticos testados mostraram crescimento durante o processamento e permaneceram viáveis no produto final. Ficou demonstrada a viabilidade da utilização das culturas probióticas em embutido cárneo fermentado, principalmente L. casei e L. paracasei, preservando suas propriedades tecnológicas e sensoriais.
INTRODUCTION: Antibiotic-associated diarrhea (AAD) is an important side effect of this specific class of drugs. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of the use of probiotics in the treatment of AAD. METHODS: A group of hospitalized patients, who contracted diarrhea during or after 7 days of suspension of antimicrobial medication, was blindly randomized to receive a standardized diet associated with the use of the probiotics (Lactobacillus casei and Bifidobacterium breve) or its corresponding placebo, three times a day. RESULTS: Seventy patients were studied. For the experimental (n=35) and control (n=35) groups, respectively, the average time of treatment was 5.06±2.18 and 5.49±3.17 days (p=0.95), and the average duration of diarrhea, among those who were healed, was 4.87±2.13 and 4.52±2.55 days (p=0.36). Four (11.4%) patients who received probiotics and ten (28.6%) who received the placebo were not cured (p=0.13), and relapse rates were similar between both groups. Seven patients from each group, in addition to diarrhea, presented cases of bloating and/or abdominal cramps and/or vomiting (p=1.00). CONCLUSIONS: In this light, it is concluded that L. casei associated with B. breve, in the administered dosage and frequency, has no effect on the antibiotic-associated diarrhea. Similar studies need to be conducted with higher doses of these or other probiotics.
O leite de búfala foi fermentado por Lactobacillus casei, com diferentes concentrações de açúcar e tempos de fermentação, e estocado durante 30 dias a 5 e 10°C. Avaliaram-se a acidez, o pH e a viabilidade de L. casei nos diferentes tratamentos. O leite fermentado por 18 horas não apresentou os parâmetros requeridos para o produto, enquanto os fermentados por 22 e 24 horas apresentaram acidez e pH adequados. O tempo e a temperatura de estocagem influenciaram esses parâmetros. A viabilidade de L. casei inicial foi maior que 9 log UFC mL-1 e a final, maior que 8 log UFC mL-1, com influência da acidez.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the performance of heifers fed sugarcane silages produced with and without additives. Thirty-two Holstein heifers were randomly assigned, in a block design, to evaluate rations (46% silage; 54% concentrate; 12% crude protein) containing silages treated with (fresh basis) urea (0.5%), sodium benzoate (0.1%) or Lactobacillus buchneri (3.64x10(5) cfu g-1 ). Inoculation with L. buchneri improved daily gain (1.24 vs. 0.94 kg day-1 ), and the addition of benzoate resulted in better feed conversion (7.6 vs. 9.4 kg of dry matter per kg of live weight), in relation to the untreated silage (control). Treatments did not affect dry matter intake (mean of 2.19% of live weight). Rations containing silages treated with benzoate or L. buchneri showed lower cost per kg of weight gain. Treatment with urea did not improve animal performance, but the cost per kg of weight gain was lower than that of the control ration.
The objective of this work was to assess the time-related action of probiotic Lactobacillus plantarum in the bacterial microbiota of the digestive tract of Litopenaeus vannamei, and the relation of total haemocyte count and serum phenol oxidase activity of shrimp challenged with Vibrio harveyi. Shrimps were fed with a probiotic-supplemented diet, for eight days, then shifted to a commercial diet. Shrimps fed only with the commercial diet served as control. Evaluations were made on the 8th day of experiment and repeated two, four, six and eight days later. Total lactic bacteria in the digestive tract was higher until the 4th day of evaluation in the probiotic-supplemented group. Vibrio spp. counts were higher in the control at days zero and two. Until the 4th day of evaluation, the total haemocyte counts in shrimps after challenge with V. harveyi were higher in probiotic-supplemented group than in control group. Significant difference was not observed in phenol oxidase activity. On the 6th day after shifting from supplemented to control diet, all parameters were equal in both groups, suggesting that the time-related action of L. plantarum in shrimp is short.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de Lactobacillus buchneri aplicado exclusivamente ou em combinação com L. plantarum no perfil fermentativo, na estabilidade aeróbia e no valor nutritivo de silagens de milho e de cana-de-açúcar. O delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado foi utilizado com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos de silagem de milho foram: controle, sem adição de lactobacilos; 1x10(5) ufc g-1 de L. buchneri; e 1x10(5) ufc g-1 de L. buchneri e L. plantarum. Na silagem de cana-de-açúcar, os tratamentos foram: controle; e adição de 1x10(5) ufc g-1 de L. buchneri. As silagens foram armazenadas por 150 dias. O tratamento das silagens de milho não afetou a maioria das variáveis relacionadas ao valor nutritivo, às características fermentativas, aos perfis microbiológicos, às perdas e à estabilidade aeróbia. Nas silagens de cana-de-açúcar, o tratamento com L. buchneri apresentou maior teor de matéria seca, sem apresentar diferenças para as variáveis de valor nutritivo. Além disso, foram observados outros resultados típicos da adição de L. buchneri: menor perda total de matéria seca e menores perdas devidas à produção de gases. A aplicação exclusiva de L. buchneri ou em associação a L. plantarum não altera a qualidade e a eficiência de conservação das silagens de milho. Contudo, nas silagens de cana-de-açúcar, a aplicação exclusiva de L. buchneri reduz as perdas de conservação.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a influência de Lactobacillus rhamnosusna expressão dos fatores de virulência de Candida albicans in vitro.MÉTODOS: Uma suspensão de L. rhamnosusfoi inicialmente cultivada em ágar MRS. No dia seguinte, foi adicionado ágar Sabouraud dextrose sobre o crescimento dos lactobacilos e C. albicansfoi cultivada, por 24, 48 e 72 horas. As cepas de Candidaforam então isoladas para investigação da capacidade de formação de biofilme, por meio do cultivo em placas de 96 poços e leitufra das densidades ópticas e contagem de unidades formadoras de colônia por mL (UFC/mL). Também se investigou a capacidade de formação de tubo germinativo, após incubação em soro de cavalo e contagem em 200 células. Os resultados foram comparados aos observados nas cepas de Candidacultivadas na ausência de L. rhamnosus, utilizando o teste tde Student para análise estatística.RESULTADOS: Observou-se uma redução significativa no crescimento de C. albicans na presença de lactobacilos após 24, 48 ou 72 horas. Também foi observada redução significativa na formação de tubo germinativo após a interação por 48 ou 72 horas. Quanto à formação de biofilme, não foi observada diferença significante entre as cepas de Candidacultivadas na presença ou na ausência de lactobacilos.CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados sugerem que L. rhamnosusé capaz de influenciar significativamente o crescimento e a expressão de fatores de virulência de C. albicans in vitro, podendo interferir na patogenicidade desses micro-organismos.
Many attempts have been made to establish the control of foodborne pathogens through Lactobacillus isolates and their metabolism products with success being obtained in several situations. The aim of this study was to investigate the antagonistic effect of eight Lactobacillusisolates, including L. caseisubsp. pseudoplantarum,L. plantarum, L. reuteri and L. delbrueckii subsp. delbrueckii, on the pathogenic Escherichia colistrain O157:H7. The inhibitory effect of pure cultures and two pooled cultures supernatants of Lactobacillus on the growth of pathogenic bacteria was evaluated by the spot agar method and by monitoring turbidity. Antimicrobial activity was confirmed for L. reuteri and L. delbrueckii subsp. delbrueckii and for a pool of lactic acid bacteria. The neutralized supernatant of the pool exerted a higher antimicrobial activity than that of the individual strains. Furthermore, D-lactic acid and acetic acid were produced during growth of the Lactobacillus isolates studied.
Resumo As células enterocromafins são um dos componentes da mucosa intestinal que liberam serotonina para o lúmen, promovendo atividades secretórias e crescimento celular de vários tecidos, incluindo vilosidades intestinais. O presente estudo avaliou as influências do 5-hidroxitriptofano (5HTP) e do m-hidroxibenzilhidrazine (NSD1015), associados a Lactobacillus spp., sobre o peso corporal e o desenvolvimento das vilosidades intestinais na porção proximal do duodeno de frangos de corte desafiados com Salmonella Enteritidis. Verificou-se também se a presença de Lactobacillus spp. e Salmonella Enteritidis influenciaram a imunomarcação de serotonina no duodeno e, para isso, o estudo foi dividido em dois experimentos, com e sem desafio por S. Enteritidis. No Experimento 1, em aves sem desafio, os pesos corporais não diferiram significantemente (p>0,05) e, no Experimento 2, aves com desafio, os tratamentos com o precursor isolado e associado a Lactobacillus spp. determinaram maior peso corporal das aves. Nos dois experimentos, as aves tratadas com 5HTP apresentaram aumento na densidade e altura das vilosidades no duodeno, sugerindo a atuação de 5HTP como um agente trófico. A administração de Lactobacillus spp. também determinou altura maior de vilosidades duodenais. Quanto a imunomarcação de serotonina, as aves tratadas com Lactobacillus spp. no Experimento 1 e as aves tratadas com Lactobacillus spp. e desafiadas com S. Enteritidis no Experimento 2, apresentaram valores superiores aos demais tratamentos, sugerindo que a presença destas bactérias promove maior liberação de serotonina para o duodeno, porém o mecanismo exato de como este processo ocorre necessita ser mais elucidado.
Probiotics are formulations containing live microorganisms or microbial stimulants that have some beneficial influence on the maintenance of a balanced intestinal microbiota and on the resistance to infections. The search for probiotics to be used in prevention or treatment of enteric infections, as an alternative to antibiotic therapy, has gained significant impulse in the last few years. Several studies have demonstrated the beneficial effects of lactic acid bacteria in controlling infection by intestinal pathogens and in boosting the host's nonspecific immune response. Here, we studied the use of Lactobacillus acidophilus UFV-H2b20, a lactic acid bacterium isolated from a human newborn from Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brazil, as a probiotic. A suspension containing 108 cells of Lactobacillus acidophilus UFV-H2b20 was inoculated into groups of at least five conventional and germfree Swiss mice to determine its capacity to stimulate the host mononuclear phagocytic activity. We demonstrate that this strain can survive the stressing conditions of the intestinal tract in vivo. Moreover, the monoassociation of germfree mice with this strain for seven days improved the host's macrophage phagocytic capacity, as demonstrated by the clearance of a Gram-negative bacterium inoculated intravenously. Monoassociated mice showed an undetectable number of circulating E. coli, while 0.1% of the original inoculum was still present in germfree animals. Mice treated with viable or heat-killed Lactobacillus acidophilus UFV-H2b20 presented similarly improved clearance capacity when compared with germfree controls. In addition, monoassociated mice had twice the amount of Kupffer cells, which are responsible for the clearance of circulating bacteria, compared to germfree controls. These results suggest that the L. acidophilus strain used here stimulates a nonspecific immune response and is a strong candidate to be used as a probiotic.
Lactobacillus sanfranciscensis is a Gram-positive lactic acid bacterium used in food biotechnology. It is necessary to investigate many aspects of a model organism to elucidate mechanisms of stress response, to facilitate preparation, application and performance in food fermentation, to understand mechanisms of inactivation, and to identify novel tools for high pressure biotechnology. To investigate the mechanisms of the complex bacterial response to high pressure we have analyzed changes in the proteome and transcriptome by 2-D electrophoresis, and by microarrays and real time PCR, respectively. More than 16 proteins were found to be differentially expressed upon high pressure stress and were compared to those sensitive to other stresses. Except for one apparently high pressure-specific stress protein, no pressure-specific stress proteins were found, and the proteome response to pressure was found to differ from that induced by other stresses. Selected pressure-sensitive proteins were partially sequenced and their genes were identified by reverse genetics. In a transcriptome analysis of a redundancy cleared shot gun library, about 7% of the genes investigated were found to be affected. Most of them appeared to be up-regulated 2- to 4-fold and these results were confirmed by real time PCR. Gene induction was shown for some genes up-regulated at the proteome level (clpL/groEL/rbsK), while the response of others to high hydrostatic pressure at the transcriptome level seemed to differ from that observed at the proteome level. The up-regulation of selected genes supports the view that the cell tries to compensate for pressure-induced impairment of translation and membrane transport.
Elevated blood cholesterol is an important risk factor associated with atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease. Several studies have reported a decrease in serum cholesterol during the consumption of large doses of fermented dairy products or lactobacillus strains. The proposed mechanism for this effect is the removal or assimilation of intestinal cholesterol by the bacteria, reducing cholesterol absorption. Although this effect was demonstrated in vitro, its relevance in vivo is still controversial. Furthermore, few studies have investigated the role of lactobacilli in atherogenesis. The aim of the present study was to determine the effect of Lactobacillus delbrueckii on cholesterol metabolism in germ-free mice and the possible hypocholesterolemic and antiatherogenic action of these bacteria using atherosclerosis-prone apolipoprotein E (apo E) knock-out (KO) mice. For this purpose, Swiss/NIH germ-free mice were monoassociated with L. delbrueckii and fed a hypercholesterolemic diet for four weeks. In addition, apo E KO mice were fed a normal chow diet and treated with L. delbrueckii for 6 weeks. There was a reduction in cholesterol excretion in germ-free mice, which was not associated with changes in blood or liver cholesterol concentration. In apo E KO mice, no effect of L. delbrueckii was detected in blood, liver or fecal cholesterol. The atherosclerotic lesion in the aorta was also similar in mice receiving or not these bacteria. In conclusion, these results suggest that, although L. delbrueckii treatment was able to reduce cholesterol excretion in germ-free mice, no hypocholesterolemic or antiatherogenic effect was observed in apo E KO mice.
Lactobacillus delbrueckii UFV-H2b20 has been shown to increase clearance of bacteria injected into the blood of germ-free mice. Moreover, it induces the production of type 1 cytokines by human peripheral mononuclear cells. The objective of the present study was to investigate the production of inflammatory cytokines [interleukin-12 (IL-12 p40), tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), and interferon-γ (IFN-γ)] triggered in vitro by live, heat-killed or lysozyme-treated L. delbrueckii UFV-H2b20 and in vivo by a live preparation. Germ-free, L. delbrueckii-monoassociated and lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-resistant C3H/HeJ mice were used as experimental models. UFV-H2b20 induced the production of IL-12 p40 and TNF-α by peritoneal cells and IFN-γ by spleen cells from germ-free or monoassociated Swiss/NIH mice and LPS-hyporesponsive mice (around 40 ng/mL for IL-12 p40, 200 pg/mL for TNF-α and 10 ng/mL for IFN-γ). Heat treatment of L. delbrueckii did not affect the production of these cytokines. Lysozyme treatment decreased IL-12 p40 production by peritoneal cells from C3H/HeJ mice, but did not affect TNF-α production by these cells or IFN-γ production by spleen cells from the same mouse strain. TNF-α production by peritoneal cells from Swiss/NIH L. delbrueckii-monoassociated mice was inhibited by lysozyme treatment. When testing IL-12 p40 and IFN-γ levels in sera from germ-free or monoassociated Swiss/NIH mice systemically challenged with Escherichia coli we observed that IL-12 p40 was produced at marginally higher levels by monoassociated mice than by germ-free mice (40 vs 60 ng/mL), but IFN-γ was produced earlier and at higher levels by monoassociated mice (monoassociated 4 and 14 ng/mL 4 and 8 h after infection, germfree 0 and 7.5 ng/mL at the same times). These results show that L. delbrueckii UFV-H2b20 stimulates the production of type 1 cytokines in vitro and in vivo, therefore suggesting that L. delbrueckii might have adjuvant properties in infection in which these cytokines play a major role.
Lactobacilli isolated from the vaginal tract of women with and without bacterial vaginosis (BV) were identified and characterized for the production of antagonists. Bacterial samples were isolated from healthy women (N = 16), from patients with clinical complaints but without BV (N = 30), and from patients with BV (N = 32). Identification was performed using amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis. Production of antagonistic compounds was evaluated by the double-layer diffusion technique using Gram-positive (N = 9) and Gram-negative bacteria (N = 6) as well as yeast (N = 5) as indicator strains. Of a total of 147 isolates, 133 were identified as pertaining to the genus Lactobacillus. Lactobacillus crispatus was the species most frequently recovered, followed by L. johnsonii and L. jensenii. Statistical analysis showed that L. crispatus was more frequent in individuals without BV (P < 0.05). A higher production of antagonists was noted in L. crispatus isolates from healthy women (P < 0.05). More acidic local pH and higher H2O2 production by isolated lactobacilli from healthy women suggest these mechanisms as the possible cause of this antagonism. In conclusion, a significant correlation was detected between the presence and antagonistic properties of certain species of Lactobacillus and the clinical status of the patients.