3 resultados para LUJAN

em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP


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No presente trabalho os autores estudam um solo representativo da Província Mendez, Cantão Sella, da região sul da Bolivia. São analisadas as informações disponíveis sobre o clima, geologia, relevo e uso agrícola dessa terra. Foram obtidos resultados morfológlcos e analíticos do solo e com base nestas informações foi elaborada a classificação do solo ao nível de família. O solo apresentou epipedon ócrico, horizonte argílico, carbonatos antigênicos caracterizando um horizonte cálcico e um horizonte petrocálcico subjacente. A classe de tamanho das partículas, a natureza mineralógica e a classe de temperatura, permitiram classificar o solo como: Ordem: Aridisol Subordem: Argid Grande grupo: Paleargid Sub grupo: Petrocalcic Ustalfic Paleargid Família: fine-loamy, mixed, thermic.


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The life cycle of Pygidiopsis crassus n. sp. was experimentally reproduced, starting from cercariae from naturally infected Littoridina parchappei collected from Lujan River and different ponds in Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. Metacercariae were found encysted in the body cavity of experimentally and naturally infected fishes Cnesterodon decemmaculatus and naturally infected Jenynsia lineata. Adults were obtained experimentally in chicks and mice. The natural host is unknown. The new species is compared with Pygidiopsis macrostomum Travassos 1928, from Rattus norvegicus and from Noctilio leporinus mastivus, differing in body and egg sizes, in the size relation of oral and ventral sucker and the shape of excretory vesicle.


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It has been reported that patients with progressive tuberculosis (TB) express abundant amounts of the antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) cathelicidin (LL-37) and human neutrophil peptide-1 (HNP-1) in circulating cells, whereas latent TB infected donors showed no differences when compared with purified protein derivative (PPD) and QuantiFERON®-TB Gold (QFT)-healthy individuals. The aim of this study was to determine whether LL-37 and HNP-1 production correlates with higher tuberculin skin test (TST) and QFT values in TB household contacts. Twenty-six TB household contact individuals between 26-58 years old TST and QFT positive with at last two years of latent TB infection were recruited. AMPs production by polymorphonuclear cells was determined by flow cytometry and correlation between TST and QFT values was analysed. Our results showed that there is a positive correlation between levels of HNP-1 and LL-37 production with reactivity to TST and/or QFT levels. This preliminary study suggests the potential use of the expression levels of these peptides as biomarkers for progression in latent infected individuals.